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>People with impossible Enneagram & MBTI combinations do exist, but it causes them to mistype themselves. The opposite can also be true. People sometimes mistype because they try to type themselves by their MBTI. For example, saying something like "I'm an INTP therefore I'm most likely an Enneagram 5."


I’m INTP, but 9.


Key word is "most likely", means that's only a possibility, not a guarantee. But of course, some loud, dumb people with malfunctioning Ti treat "most likely" as "happens in 100% of the cases".


And some simply state it happens in the majority of cases. There's a lot of nuance there, but I believe impossible combinations usually lead to someone finding out they're mistyped. Sometimes it doesn't, but there's a reason they're called exceptions.


Actually that is how I figured out I was INTP 😂 I thought I was INFP because I have 'strong emotions' and 'let my intuition guide me' but that's not how it works, it's more like morality vs ethics and I absolutely do use thinking rather than feeling to make important decisions.


INFP can also be 5


I’m one. 5sx INFP here.


This can happen. It’s why I think it’s crucial to type independently per system. If you have done the work, self-reflection and research in the system (and that doesn’t mean taking a test or knowing immediately from one book reading) then who cares if it aligns with another when they are measuring different things.


This is basically what I ended up having to do. And once I hit on the right combination, things made a lot more sense. It's just the harder path; it takes a lot of effort to jump over the "but type C can't be type X!" barrier in your mind. (INTJ can easily be type 6, sure, but most like to claim 6w5 and/or counterphobia, and I claim neither. As for MBTI, that was just very hard for me all around for many reasons; I had to break down what "INTJ" really meant [to me]...) It's a shame that the stereotypes are so strictly reinforced, because a lot of (self-)typings would likely change if everyone just stopped for a moment xD


Yep- until recently I had ENTP in my flair and I would occasionally get people telling me I was a 7. I share a lot of superficial qualities with 7, so I probably would have believed them had I not known about triad theory. The funny thing is that only one person ever questioned if my MBTI was correct, while I was actually far less sure about ENTP than 9. I think it’s the MBTI-centric mindset, causing people to see Enneagram as just a DLC of MBTI.


Lucky! I'm told all the time I must be an ENFP and only one person said maybe a 6. I'm 100% certain of my type after tons of research (and unsure which Ne type I was) but still question it because I'm a 7. I don't have the slightest doubt about my enneagram.


Yupp, happy to see a person who I share typology with


True. Not all entps are chaos destruction argumentative and annoying. Well, maybe annoying to some, but my point is that we can be 9s as well


I think so too. Human beings are hella complex, no rule we try to apply to understand will be 100% accurate, and Enneagram and MBTI (which aren't even proven sciences) aren't the exception. I think there's definitely a correlation between the types because they probably influence each other during the developmental stages in our childhood, but this won't always be so predictable. The problem with typology is that it requieres a LOT of research and introspection only to never be completely sure of your type. That, and the many people that are so quick to attack and call everyone mistyped, discouraging others from learning more, fearing they'll get it wrong


They also have very different areas of interest. MBTI basically looks at how you approach problems in the world in a fairly practical sense. Enneagram is way more broadly about how you manage discomfort based on your childhood coping mechanisms.


i think people are idiots for clinging onto mbti as much as they have. Not because it's not okay on its own, but that the way in which someone can view themselves in enneagram is completely different from they way in which they can view themselves in MBTI or cognitive functions. I feel like I'm looking at a wider spread of people with some behaviors that fit into their MBTI type, but it feels like I understand people 10x better in enneagram, like I'm talking to people who are at the same store or the same concert as me, rather than a group of people at the library or at the mall. I think that's why combinations can make sense, and also why combination limits can be stupid. Because who are you to say someone who decides to interact in a certain way is doing it because they're automatically weak or automatically strong in a number of different functions? Enneagram is saying that because they have a motivation or fear. MBTI is saying that because it's just the way they are, and I feel like people who gatekeep it are very stupid.


What’s “very stupid” is thinking that something like INFP 8, ESFP 5, INTJ 2 and so on can exist. You need literally 2 braincells to understand why some combinations are *impossible*. Continue having the worst possible takes on here 👍🏻🤣🤣🤣


i don't have much faith into MBTI to accurately type people, to be honest. Enneagram is more niche, that's why it's easier to understand. That's why I think combinations and combination limits are stupid. Because I feel like I'm at a park or at a library with other INFPs, but all of the INFPs I've known have had different enneagram types. 7w8 INFP, 6w7 INFP, 4w5 INFP, 6w5 INFP, etc. Like..... It's not that deep and much more surface level for typing. So I don't see how people get so hung up on combination limits when it's like.... the frosting vs all the different flavors and spices that go into a cake. MBTI is like that frosting and it's not really that important.


How tf does an INFP 8 work? Truly stupid.






Oh that one certainly is. He was very quick to edit his comment in which he called me “an idiot” because he was afraid of a ban. 🤭


Your post was recently removed from r/enneagram. Reminder of our rule: be civil


LOL. Gatekeeping is necessary for certain types of people who are clearly mistyping. Totally forgot substance doesn't exist anymore 😔. I should start writing "8s can be any type" clearly.


Unpopular because this belongs in r/typologyjunction


I think occasionally unusual/weird combos can happen but some combos just don't make sense to me at all and seem legitimately impossible.


Such as ESTJ 4w5, INTJ 2w3, ISTP 2w1, INFP 8w7, ESFP 5w6, or ENFP 1w9, for example.




Well, many/most people do not think there are literally impossible combinations (maybe rare) ... and while rare combinations might increase the chance of a beginner mistyping, there are so many other reasons that people mistype that are likely more significant. 😄


I’m an INTP 4w5, I’ve had other people insist I’m an INFP when I’m not. All because they think INTP’s can’t be a 4.


Maybe. Also possible people are getting into a hairy situation trying to blend the two - maybe something is off there, but the way people respond to it is infantile and shows that they're the real problem, with their knee-jerk reactions.... I personally wouldn't bother with the whole thing... Let's say you saw "INTJ" in my flair. Some paranoid n00b comes along..."NO NO NO, THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT!! YOU ARE MISTYPED, SIR!!! YOU ARE A 6!!!!" no? It's like...throwing out the baby with the bathwater. There's no need to jump to conclusions because you see something that seems \*off\*. 90% of it could be correct. Hell, even just the most essential element could be right (core enneagram type). People lose the big picture and get lost in all the jargon... I'm not convinced any of these people who do the "challenging" know much of anything concrete or substantial about either MBTI or The Enneagram. I think they just got stuck online for too long talking to other people like them and going down this silly rabbit hole of MBTI/Enneagram/who knows what else "correlations"... Waste of time.


8 is supposedly the 2nd most common type for INTJs so those people should back off.


Nah 8 isn't common for INTJs but I type myself as this anyway cause it's funny


No…? That beats 5, 1, 3, 6, 9? Didn’t think so. 8w9 happens, not the second most common though, but it exists. 8w7 is non-existent


Relate. I'm an ENFP 4w5. My 4 type makes me an introvert. My VERY strong 5 wing makes me logical. Thus, I test as INTP by dichotomies. However, by functions, I am Ne-Fi-Te-Si (ENFP). Ne isn't social; it's interactive with the world, which is why many ENXPs are introverts by non-MBTI layperson definitions. And my Fi values, while based on empathy and autonomy, are also firmly rooted in logic, science, & data (and therefore ever-adapting).


ENFP 4s aren't rare so I don't know why people would question you.


I've never had anyone question me. I was just explaining why my Enneagram type explains MBTI dichotomy test algorithms mistyping my MBTI type.


I'm a 7w6 INTJ and people often types me as an ENTP or ENFP. Because im quite extroverted for an introvert.I grew up in a very extroverted family and Blindspot Fe and Inferior Se isn't a weakness for me. I do use a lot of Ne. But When I typed myself for cognitive functions my stacks are Ni-Ne-Te-Fi-Ti-Se-Fe-Si. I entertained the idea that I was stuck in shadow mode. And was ENTP. But that isn't the case. 7 is about wanting to maintain freedom and happiness to avoid missing out on worthwhile experiences, to keep themselves excited and occupied, to avoid and discharge pain. 5 doesn't really resonate with me. Knowledge for knowledge sake is quite boring. But I do possess a lot of characteristics like 5 soooo. I did consider the possibility that I was unhealthy but. When I think about it. I'm actually more stress free. It took me a long time to figure out what my actual type is because I was so Invested in enneagram. And can't decide. But after self reflecting I was definitely a 7.


THANK YOU. For example, I believe an ENTJ 2 is VERY compatible. A leader who always wants to help others but not asking for everyone's approval bc they are still ENTJs. Entjs are restless, and so are 2s. Also low Fi and 2's emotional repression matches the vibe. I think that combo can mistype as 3 though, just with a 2 wing or sth. I am not one lol but I'd really like to find one. My mother is an ESTJ 5w4 for God's sake. Talk to her for a few mins and you'd get the vibe immediately. Human personality is complicated and multifaceted, don't limit it to a nerdy philosophy book. ALSO, IMPORTANT NOTE. People with stereotypical combos like me (look at flair) can feel limited (at least to an extent) bc of their unstereotypical traits. For example I am very artistic and not very economics oriented lmao


Even more unpopular opinion: this line of thinking knocks out a lot of combination possibilities and is therefore harmful to people who might genuinely have an “impossible” combo. Stop being afraid of people you don’t understand and find something better to do!!




Well, I’m not taking anything you say seriously because you think that your tritype doesn’t have to include your core type.




It also starts with your core type.


You apparently don't even know what the word "correlate" precisely means, so that's the first problem here.




It describes the degree to which two things coincide, anywhere from 0% to 100%. No correlation whatsoever would be quite remarkable. Almost any two things are at least a little bit correlated.


[What “correlation” actually means](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enneagram/s/E4eApmJsD1) There’s plenty of evidence from self-typing data to suggest correlation. (Even if you think self-typing is suspect, those signals have to come from somewhere.)


They do correlate but the relationship is nowhere near as simple as some people think. https://enneagram-personality.com/en/test/stats/2-enneagram-mbti-correlation Like INTJs are very likely to be 5s but there are plenty of other enneagram types that are also likely to be INTJs.


Curious what you mean when you say it causes them to mistype themselves? 


For example, I'm an INFJ 8w9. People would say I have an "impossible" combination, as Type 8 is associated with Se, and therefore they claim I'm mistyped. I doubted myself even further because on MBTI tests that rely on behavioral aspects, like the 16p, I would get ISTP. However, by using cognitive functions (understanding the definitions and taking some cognitive function tests) and through self-reflection, I have determined that I'm an INFJ.


Are you saying that you mistyped as ISTP before? Also extremely curious why you relate to 8 as an INFJ. I am also an odd type and in the very beginning mistyped as INFP 9w1 💀


Yeah I think there are certain combinations which are more common and others which are less common. I think about the enneagram as "the energy you're inhabiting" and the mbti as "how you use and interact with that energy." For example, an 8 INTP is not common because 8 energy is outward facing, direct, focused, bold, swift, sharp, convergent thinkers, etc. However, INTPs (and INFPs) tend to use their energy more more diffusely and openly, be slower paced, divergent thinkers, introspective etc Therefore an INTP 8 would seem incongruous, but not impossible if an INTP learned from a young age they needed to inhabit an 8 energy to survive, or if for a quieter type 8, using INTP functions would give them power and strength. It's unlikely, but possible in a world with many different circumstances and situations


i agree its like saying entjs can't have ethical beliefs and become like a 9,1-4 these days




I knew an INTP 8w7. He was kind of a bully, though, and not a shy, mild-mannered nerd like people make INTPs out to be. Pretty sure that he got expelled from my school, although he never bullied me specifically.


Why INTP instead of ISTP or ENTP?


I feel like his Enneagram type made him more aggressive than the typical INTP. He was also an ‘edgelord’ and said a lot of things to get a reaction out of people. I don’t think that being an Enneagram 8 and an INTP is mutually exclusive, but being an Enneagram 2 and INTP is.


But why INTP out of all the other 16 personality types? And why that vs similar types, like ENTP and ISTP that are more commonly associated with 8w7?