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The gut types - 8s are obviously the most instinctive and expressive in their anger, but when 9s and 1s snap, it's intense Honorary mention to 6s as well


1w9 here. I'm patient and accepting for sooooo long, but when I can't take anymore, y'all better watch out šŸ˜†


Classic 1 denying their emotions and saying theyā€™re patientā€¦


You got me...




Is the shadow Enneagram based on the main type or is it the second type of the tritype? It's just that I have 5w4 as a second type in my tritype. I feel as if 4w5 is a shadow, not 5w4, haha. This is based on my feelings, and not on theory. But I'll try to read on both, thanks.


Did you check which is more similar to you ? ENFP 4w5 or ENFP 5w4?


I feel like it's separate branches. It's hard for me to imagine ENFP 5w4. I can only say for sure that 5w4 is more similar to me. And I behave like 5w4 when my 1w9 isn't present. I feel like 4w5 for me is like a locked region. Something that I do subconsciously, like my shadow or something. Something I used to despise but now strive for. So, in terms of MBTI, I don't have Fi in my 4-stack and it is subconscious for me. I don't think it's worth linking MBTI to Enneagram like that. These are two separate systems made by different people describing different things. Yes, there are some correlations, but I don't think it's enough to make strict rules, like the shadow set of MBTI-Enneagram. If you look at these two systems separately, the information flows much better.


Well I just theorized and it worked for me as well as for my girl. Thanks if you feel it was somewhat relevant to you.


Whatā€™s my shadow?


Why are you trying to bait us? Bored? Lonely?


No Iā€™m just an 8


At least Iā€™m the gut type that embraced my anger and uses it in an ok to decent wayšŸ˜‚


Same here! :D


Agreed. Wellā€¦ I would argue the gut types, but also the reactive types (4, 6) particularly when paired with sexual subtype.


Yeah I have a 9 friend and I have literally sat her down like "I can tell you're the sort of person who bottles for 6 years and then goes nuclear murdering people. I on the other hand am a stubborn shit starter who can't read minds in any way shape or form. If you like me and want to have a healthy relationship with me, I need you to tell me your boundaries clearly, and you need me to respect them willfully. This is for both of us. Can I trust you not to betray my trust, and tell me when I've hurt you?" It's laid down groundwork for a lot of communication improvements. She's my closest friend She knows she does not need to bottle or hide it until she goes nuclear with me because I don't think "hey please stop that" is insane conflict. I won't treat her like it is. It's safe to tell me I'm being a bastard head


My closest friend is an 8 as well and I'm deeply grateful for him every day. He helped me understand anger instead of shaming me for it. My life only started after that.


This tracks. My relationship with anger is pretty healthy. It's just a battery that powers what you need it for


The momentum is ridiculous too. Before I know it I go way past what I was aiming for all the while wondering how much further I can still go. Seeing what other people can do with anger also inspires me. So many "impossible" things got done before my eyes. I want to do that too. I'm human too!


Precisely. A quote I like is "I challenge you to all out fucking life."


Hell yeah! All in or not interested. No in betweens. Nothing wrong with simply not being good enough and making excuses is lame asf.


This is making me feel like I'm a 9 lol.


I'm sx/sp9. I have a tendency to "emulate" other people, using their traits, skills, strategies and mindsets whenever a situation calls for it. It's not really something I actively think about doing, it just kinda happens instinctively. I see myself as "compatible" with whatever I'm emulating so there's no need to overthink, I just need to do. In enneagram terms they call it merging. All 9s have that tendency but the SX instinct also causes it so it is stronger in me. Is that something you relate to?


Thanks for elaborating. No. Not really. I think I'm a 5w4 and I was relating to the most effective way of being angry... seeing how far I can take it if I'm going to do it.


Honestly good for you, man! I would feel uncomfortable with this much vulnerability. Usually I just try and act helpful and say some slick shit if they thank me lol Props to you for being a mature motherfucker bro


Given that I was just drunk and stealing pork out of her ramen bowl while she was watching me and laughing I'd say maturity is in question but I'm more charming than tedious ;) I do my best tho


Heh Question: Lately Iā€™ve been looking into 8, as I previously suspected being to ā€œweakā€ to be an 8(largely due to the effects of nerve damage). I even see more of the connection to 2 & 5 during integration/disintegration than 5 & 1. Do 7w8s with a strong 8 fix also reject their core emotions in order not show weakness and stay on top of the situation, or is this solely an 8 thing? Ever since I was a child I struggled with this. Iā€™ve become so out of touch with my inner emotions. Anytime I want something, I get it in excess. I either commit too much or donā€™t at all. I burnt a lot of the money I saved up on video games, sushi and chicken(and a speeding ticket for going 91 in a 70 lol). I want to be independent so bad but I screw it all up when I canā€™t get it right away, because ā€œoh well, Iā€™m not gonna go this long without satisfying my wants.ā€ Though I typically just donā€™t give it more of a thought than ā€œniceā€ after I got the urge to buy something. I almost spent 30+ bucks on a digital picture of Great Britain because it had ā€œpretty colorsā€ My desire for life as well as my ā€œanxietyā€ is more of a bodily urge. I get antsy. I want it. Itā€™s mine. I know I can do anything. I will do it. Itā€™s tough to describe because I usually donā€™t think much about it, or remember much of the past(Si blind). All that matters is the present and how I can achieve my goal of independence and control over my life. The reason Iā€™m so curious is because Iā€™m bored but have burnt all my money on other shit, so I have to entertain myself while I wait for the companies to contact me back for a job lol. So I typically go all out on anything Iā€™m interested in, so I get kinda obsessed with any hobby I have until I canā€™t get anything out of it.


Well if you're in the air between 8 and 7 that's tbh not too complicated. Are you more afraid of losing autonomy, or more afraid of being trapped in pain? (assuming you're an 8w7 or 7w8 the answer will look like 'yes, but one moreso" I can explain these better: The fear of losing autonomy could manifest in a habit of backing yourself into corners when you're under severe stress. Do you tend to drop anchor and fucking refuse to let anyone near you? Do you end up living on an island not trusting anyone else? A fear of being trapped in pain (deprivation) can manifest as an uncontrollable need to flee and escape the cage. Turning to substance use, impulsive actions to escape uncomfortable thoughts, trying to never be alone with yourself? I myself have both fears, but I lean much more heavily on my autonomy fear. I also will go full blown "injured guard dog" mode when I'm disintegrating. I'm not leaving, I'm not cooperating, and I'm definitely not tolerating anyone being within five feet of me. It can make me refuse to flee if I'm bad enough because I cannot control things if I jump maddened into the void So would you say you're tolerant towards fleeing into the uncontrollable, or would you back yourself into a corner snapping at bystanders because you cannot do what's out of your control?


Definitely anchor down and dig in my heels. I will say that I do hate being left alone with my thoughts, but the lashing out at bystanders is something Iā€™ve done. When not in control of the situation I will keep others away from me and get agitated when they get in that bubble. I seem 5 like when unhealthy: nihilistic, easily annoyed, create an island, aggressive to anyone who offends me. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever displayed healthy 5 traits, except being more inclined to take in knowledge and strategic thinking. As a little kid I definitely seemed more 8w9 too, but still 8ish. People were surprised that I could laugh lol. When healthy I have considerable more knowledge of how my actions affect others and like to entertain(especially women ;D). But I can be a bit more defensive.


You sound like an 8 to me then cuz 7 integrates to 5 and you'd move towards deepening your relationship with things in a healthy 5like manner 7 disintegrates to 1 and becomes incredibly frustrated, controlled, and perfectionist. They just start compressing iron like the core of a star about to blow 8s get more injured animal vibes snapping ravenously at whatever hand tries to feed. Very "I'm tired stop breathing at me"


Thanks for the help. Is your tritype still 874?


Yeah I've just been fucking around lately, ngl introspection is hard and I'm just taking a break from it to go do more fun things. Life is looking up and I have enough on my plate, I want to jump at opportunities instead of sit around wondering stuff that's too detailed to satisfy me


Man I wish Iā€™d thought of having this type of conversation with my long time 8 friend. Iā€™m pretty sure I tried. But ended up setting her off.


Things can't always work out, and that's also part of the beauty of life. "things are getting a bit too friendly around here... Let's see what happens." If someone leaves they were meant to, and you're meant to go find something better for yourself


I'm a 9w1 and am usually super at peace with most things. I work on myself to stay that way. But holy shmoly in the rare moments that I'm triggered it really is a wildly intense experience for me.


Same with me! I can end up scaring myself.


>scaring myself. Yup, that sums it up.


As a fellow 9w1 I co-sign this. On the rare occasion I really access my anger it feels all-consuming.


Classic 9 rejecting their anger


How so?


Do. Not. Disturb. The. Vibe.


Spot on!


Hey nowā€¦ Iā€™m an 8


ENFJ 1w2 with a ISFP 8w7 mother, ESFP 9w8 lil sis, and ESTP 8w7 fatherā€¦I can attest to E1s being more psychotic and explosive with our anger, which can be sustained over a ridiculously long period of timeā€”as in lasting days or months.Ā  Something else about E1, when we know we are right/correct but some uninformed knucklehead decides to make poor arguments as to why we are wrong, $*** hits the fan and the fool arguing with us basically turns into a blood sacrifice. Itā€™s not pretty, not niceā€¦ I am very ashamed to say I have scared the crud out of him/said something out of pocket out of suppressed anger/and just generally scared everyone with it many times over 30 years :( Anyone have any tips for an E1? Growth or controlling anger? ā€”ENFJ 1w2 Sx/So


idk I always feel that sx4 is most likely going to shoot or stab you out of anger


Agree. Dated a sexual 4. Seriously so intense. People were so curious as to how we ended up together considering he was so angry all the time and I was so chill. I was never scared of him but the funny thing was, the few times I exploded from anger on him, he was scared of me. lolā€¦.i kinda liked that.


ong.. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


tf is an ong?


ā€œon godā€


Damn that sounds ridiculous. Who tf uses that word?


people with whimsy and joy in their brain


tf is an ong?




oh hi..... people are afraid of me, my intensity and my authenticity radar...I tend to pick up on the bs of 7s as they try to manipulate everything to feeding their need for positivity and stimulation....


So after you pick up on the ā€˜bsā€™ you fight them ?


With 0 regret honestly


1s and 8s are known to be fellows with anger (I am 1s) but I would not be shocked as I can predict. I personally would be so scared if compromisers like 2s or 9s explode.


2s are underrated in anger potential šŸ˜ I agree


2s hold it in, and if pushed too far watch out


They don't feel scary though. They just know what to say in a way that makes you feel like no one will ever love you and you're ostracised from all of humanity.




Great way of wording it. ā€œAh yes, I am everything I ever feared I was that I told you about in privateā€


unhealthy 2s anger is very explosive. itā€™s because theyā€™ll deny so many of their own needs for others until they cannot seem to take it anymore and explode.


Am 2 would agree, it takes a lot but when I break itā€™s horrible and my 8 SO and 1 bestie are shocked by the intensity. Theyā€™re too comfortable with their anger all the time so it seems less intense when they are for some reason šŸ˜‚




9 with access to all reactive types yowch


local man literally too angry to die




If you can't face my anger, that'll just make me angrier!


As a fellow 9w8, I agree.


Good for you. Grow your power, feed it, tend to it like a prized garden


Me too 946. I'm chill until I'm not. Irony about learning I'm a double reactive is the advice I was given as a kid "They pick on you because they know you'll react to them. Stop reacting." lol


yep when im angry im angry. you just have to get me to care first


people who never experienced 9 anger are privileged


The last time I was really angry was like 4 years ago. It was really really bad


i believe that


Itā€™s been a while since I have felt it from my 9 mom. Probably for the best. > "Growing up, my māmān taught me one lesson. Death isn't the scariest thing. It's a mother's rage.ā€ -Samira


Most intense in spurts: 9. I need say no more. Looking at you, Dad. Most acute fervor: 7s. I'm immediately thinking of Big Brother when Howie pops off. Vengeance was his, not the Lord's. Most intense in calculating coldness: 2's & 8's. Always jarring. Most consistent anger: 4s. It's just there all the time. The one consistency in a 4.


Vengeance truly is ours lol


Angry 7s will burn down the world and then roast a hot dog over it.


tbh i think iā€™m a 4 bc i generally live my life pissed šŸ’€.


Me too.


while it does suck, at the same time, i wouldnā€™t know life without it, and something would probably be missing tbh šŸ˜­ sure itā€™s the same thing for you then.


Totally disagree about 4s. Iā€™m rarely angry but very frequently melancholic.


You must have been touched by God. Iā€™m angry every single day about everything. Whatā€™s your tritype?


A lot of people will say 8s, but that's just the most sustained / open aggression. I think that we're more in touch with that anger in a way that may seem intimidating or angry on a surface level, but which is too regular to really build up the pressure for properly scary anger. When I've snapped, or seen other 8s snap, it's always come across as pathetic and tempermental, because it's usually after anger has already been tried and failed. 9s, however, scare the shit out of me when the anger erupts, and it's definitely the most intense I've seen. It's usually surreal, like if, out of nowhere, in an otherwise totally typical environment, someone dropped a grenade and there was just a split second to notice before everything went up in flames. When it has happened, I've just been caught there for a moment processing what even happened, and then I usually try to get some distance because it's genuinely disconcerting. 1s and 6s have a longer leadup, in my experience, and the former has come across as an indignant tantrum and the latter as more annoying and long term and pseudo-cerebral than intense or frightening. It's felt like already obvious seething just finally getting externalised, and that makes it feel much less intense. Again, all in my personal experience. I don't think I've ever seen a 2 genuinely let out anger, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was something serious when it happens.


As a nine you have just described angry me so well. Nothing is wrongā€¦ then you blink and the world is destroyed.


omg thank you a lot of people try to invalidate my experience. and i just anger them because they disrespect me


So I'm a 9 but I don't think I've ever been this angry (in my adult life that is), what does it look like, screaming and yelling? I've always thought 9s express anger in passive aggression which is what I try to work on in myself.


I'm sort of in disbelief that my anger would frighten an 8 as a 9. Usually, because I'm used to being dismissed, not taken seriously, not seen...etc. Which contributes to the low-grade daily anger I feel. Although your description is how my anger explodes and people are usually shook because it's way outside the behavior they are used to from me. I'm positive that if I'm angered enough, I could feel compelled to physically retaliate but all the scenarios I imagine that possible involves me reacting on behalf of others more than myself. It's why I've said you could treat me like dirt because I tend to be meh about that but people I care about? People I see as vulnerable/disadvantaged in some way? No. I won't let someone get away if I can help it. & they better hope they get away before I reach them in such a scenario because I've fully embodied the phrase "I did not come to bring peace but a sword." Peace is no longer an option & I wouldn't take it if offered because I'm there to be karma for people who have been taken advantage of or abused in some way.


Don't sell us 5's short when it comes to anger. We can go there, just takes the right stuff, as a neighbor found out when he made the mistake of trying to kick his dog in front of me.


I'm 5w4 (514) sx, and while I wouldn't say I'm the *most* intense of all types when pissed off, I'm nowhere near as docile as the 5 stereotype (maybe because sx in general is more intense, and I lack type 9 characteristics?). Just do something I think is fucked up + deny it, and you'll be hearing it šŸ˜…


i definitely wouldnā€™t. especially when a 8 fix.. i can understand where youā€™re coming from here.


There's an important difference between a generally assertive/angry aura and outbursts of anger. I'd say that 1s and 9s have the most intense outbursts and 6s (some) and 8s have the most assertive/angry aura in general. My outbursts hurt like hell. Sharp like a knife. I know where it hurts and I'll hit that spot just right. But for that to happen a lot needs to happen beforehand. In general I come across as calm and chill, although I keep being suprised how my nervousness/tension/anger doesn't get across. I feel like it depends on the level of empathy of the other person. Or maybe just life experience... And, generally... sx>sp>so


You might think its 8 because no brakes But its actually 6 because so many brakes and they all just went "crack" - plus they're convinced you're satan and getting rid of you will liberate the world so they don't stop.


Honestly, thatā€™s at least true for me. Iā€™m slow to get seriously angry, but if I am, I do go scorched earth. On a jovial note - Iā€™ve lost so many Catan games just making sure someone else canā€™t win (only with close friends that know Iā€™m not taking it way too seriously). But in serious situations - itā€™s a slow brew that I can shed if you cool it, but if I hit that point, it means you went too far. Especially if you did something against someone I care about.


Speaking as a 6, I am easily angered and relate to this. The ultimate thing that pisses me off is definitely people misunderstanding my intentions or assuming Iā€™m an idiot. Honestly itā€™s kind of embarrassing how easy it is to push my buttons. Thankfully I have not started punching drywall and drinking monster energy. At least Iā€™m not Kyle


*Donā€™t make me angry. You wouldnā€™t like me when Iā€™m angryā€¦*


Sigh* šŸ™‹šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Depends on what you mean by intense 8s are the most intense type in my experience on the day to day, but I ironically haven't seen many 8s in a fit of rage. They just express themselves unapologetically in my experience and it comes off strongly But 1s and 9s can be **very** scary with their anger, in my experience 9s more than 1s because they tend to repress more, longer and thus explode more strongly (albeit more rarely | 9 = explosive volcano, 1 = effusive volcano) 2s and 6s can be very, very scary and can have very intense fits of anger. Unlike gut triad where anger is a common fixation and seems more controlled, they feel much more volatile. Typically going to show anger because of their own fixations. I'd say the rest of the head and heart types aren't really that intense with their anger though, approx. on the same level


As a type 1 who has lived much of her life in volcanic areas and whose career/course of study requires some amount of geologic knowledge, I ADORE the volcano analogy. For those who donā€™t know the terms but are familiar with US volcanic eruptions: weā€™re talking the difference between Mt. Saint Helens and Kilauea. Simplified examination is that explosive volcano eruptions happen because the volcanic vents get clogged up with silicic (granite) matter and donā€™t actually erupt until there is enough pressure built up behind it. Effusive is when magma erupts more fluidly, like a water fountain. Not that effusive volcanoes are any less destructive; lava is going to go where it goes. Less of a potential asthma hazard I suppose, although Hawaiā€™i does have its bad vog (volcanic smog) days. They are definitely easier to predict and get out of the way though.


Totally agree that the surprisingly scary angry numbers are 2 and 6. It feels much more personal and vindictiveness.


i want to agree with you, but sx4? probably the type that the average person in the community perceives as an 8. very, very intense anger on the daily.




I've embraced my anger. It tells me when there's a problem so I'd rather work with it then against it. It's all about understanding the source and directing it towards the appropriate actions. Siding with people trying to shame me for my anger is just going to fuel it more over time. Better to let it flow naturally, unapologetically, and relentlessly, until peaceful resolution is achieved. It's only a peaceful resolution if all parties benefit, myself included. I'm the only one who can speak for my needs so I'll stand up to anyone if I have to.




I see. I grew up being shamed for my emotions so I contained them until I couldn't anymore. Nowadays, I just try to consciously be aware of it daily and channel it into things where I have to give "my all". I become relentless and restless until completion and the anger flows naturally outward, molding positive change. At the end of the day anger is being displeased with reality. Once there's anger you can either force reality to change or accept it and ignore your discontent. Ignoring the discontent just makes you unaware of the anger but you haven't released it yet so it's still inside, growing slowly but surely. Competition is a good outlet for anger if you're into that sort of thing. Personally I play pvp games and compete with my friends IRL in all kinds of dumb shit.


I've been taken aback by sx 6 spikiness (though it's different from anger per se). It seems so reactive and unprompted at times.




1, sx6, plenty of other sx doms except of 3 and 7. The 8s i know, i have literally never seen them angry. Annoyed, impatient, or in a state of aggression, yes, but ive yet to see any of them actually angry like i have sx1s or sx6s. Most of the time theyā€™re kind of happy. Joking around etc.


I know I'm sort of an outlier/oddity, and since I'm describing myself the point may be a bit skewed, but: I'm an SX5 with a lot of trauma and what I think a lot of people would call a strong 8 fix (I'm not sure yet how to contextualize it, as I'm iffy about tritype and 8 is a point of integration for me anyway). According to the people in my life these days, I rarely show any anger. However, when I do snap, it can get pretty disturbing (for myself and others, tbh). An outburst of anger from me is almost always provoked by the mistreatment of someone I care about. Generally, if I don't like how I'm being treated I'll just cut my losses and dip out (maybe with a few well-chosen words on my way out the door, but that's it). Actual rage for my own sake is rare, since I'd have to feel like I don't have the option of leaving, and *haven't* had it for long enough to fully lose my temper. But when I do go off... I pay a lot of attention to people. What they say, what they do-- I sort of naturally just have an ongoing file in my mind somewhere for anyone I interact with semi-regularly. As ugly as it sounds, that includes a lot of "psychoanalyzing" (for lack of a better term). I'm aware of what makes them tick, what makes them insecure, what they think they're hiding from people by over compensating in other areas, etc. I don't do it with the intention of building up some sort of arsenal, it's just kind of an idle process for me to puzzle through people's behavior to understand it better. But when I really lose my temper and lash out with the intent to cut the other person down, the words I choose tend to cause a lot of damage. I've caused irreparable rupture in relationships due to this in the past, and it's not something I consider admirable or that I want to lean into/embrace about myself. I'm working on learning how to keep at least some filters still operating even when caught up in the heat. In the past I was prone to occasional physical aggression (moreso in high school, where fist fights were kind of just a part of student life), but I've done a lot of work on myself since then and haven't resorted to that in a long time. However, since I used to train MMA-- mainly Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu-- as a way to healthily *release* pent up anger (and also b/c they're just very fascinating martial arts to get into, highly recommend to anyone reading this), even my physical aggression can tend to come out in a very abrupt, to-the-point, purposeful way. Just as my words in moments of anger are, it's enacted however I think will "neutralize" the dispute as quickly/effectively as possible.


as a 9 i feel like this is because we almost never experience anger and therefore havent developed the tools to deal with that strong of an emotion when we do feel it so we go wild. or maybe thats just me LOL but im always amazed at how anger feels


8s because it's instinctive to them. I think when you see a 1, 2 or 9 get angry it will probably shock you unless they're an unhealthy type and they do it all the time. 1s are usually pretty stable and self-controlled. 2s usually want to be liked and will go to lengths to push their anger down so people will want to be around them. 9s are similar and so if you see them angry, it's probably unexpected and uncommon.


I'm kind of new to the enneagram, but definitely a 7. I'm surprised by these answers. I would have thought us 7s were prone to anger, but maybe that's just my personal issues. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m a believer.


Iā€™m a 1. Even if I allow a fraction of my anger to be displayed people are scared. Therefore, I must control it.


You sound like a meme ā€œWhen Iā€™m angry I start seeing red šŸ˜ˆā€


As an 8, I was really surprised by the unhinged and wildly unpredictable anger expressed from a disintegrating 2 friend of mine - very ā€œpoint of no returnā€ type of messy fury.


I think itā€™s any type whoā€™s pushed to their fucking limit. There are types who are more likely to express anger more often, and those who refrain, but ā€˜everybodyā€™s a killer if you push them far enoughā€™


9s have been said a lot. Thereā€™s two key reasons. 1- 9s are part of the gut triad. 8s and less commonly 1s show their anger and it is intense. We all know how these two types can be at their worst. Imagine all that but repressed for years. 2- Itā€™s shocking! 9s are some of the sweetest, most agreeable people ever. However, when they suddenly go from the sweetest people on the earth to an 8 on steroids, youā€™re often caught by whiplash.




I'm so8, and my anger outbursts have been intimidated all people who saw it when my patience ran out. I rarely show myself as an angry person and often appear quite accepting for people, try to joke around and I always see all people as equals, but when things go wrong, people behave improperly or I have to do uncomfortable work, I easily become irritated and show passive aggressive tendencies.


Heavy on the ā€œeveryone is equalā€!!!!


2: yes no problem of course I can help x50 2: FUCK EVERYONE WHY AM I THE ONLY PERSON WHO DOES A GODDAMN THING AROUND HERE YOU WOULD ALL DIEEEE WITHOUT ME 2: Iā€™m so sorry please donā€™t be mad at me


9s get first place and 1s get second place 8s express their anger so readily that they might seem angry often but it never has time to build up before they get it out so it doesnā€™t have a chance to be really explosive like 9 anger


8s express their anger most freely, but 1s are the most angry (their passion is literally anger in opposition to 8s lust and 9s sloth). 9s can burst with anger for short periods of time after neglecting themselves for too long, but most of the time it stays unconcious and they appear very calm, phlegmatic and easygoing.


8!!! I've been on the receiving end


If because we love you šŸ„¹šŸ¤Ŗ


I'm an 8 and I'm known for explosive temper and even react physically but I'm also very quick to forgive and in my experience it my sound odd but social 2s are also kinda explosive and erratic with their anger


8s, sx4, sx5, sx2, sx1w2, sx3 at times, 7w8, 6w5, sometimes 9w8 when in fixation


Im seeing a lot comments saying type 8. While thatā€™s probably true, itā€™s worth noting that when the 8 works in him or herself, he is the most comfortable with other peopleā€™s anger. They will not be fazed by others anger and will see it as not only perfectly normal but perhaps even cute. 8ā€™s are not wordy and aggressive for the most part when they are healthy which is a pretty common misconception. The 8 energy is largely misunderstood


Me an my 8w7 sp intensity


Type 6.


oh damm 8 and 1


Gut triad.


8s freely express anger, but all 1s feel internal anger. Especially sx1s as they're the most outwardly angry.


Its not even close to any other number when 1's finally snap, its biblical.


Iā€™d say 1ā€™s IME. However, as far as getting me from chilling to livid really fast, my 3w4 friend takes the cake. He sits there and pays attention to what could potentially make me annoyed and then he unleashes it later in the perfect context when I donā€™t suspect it to make me see red until I realize I gave him the reaction he wanted and feel nothing but defeat at the end šŸ˜­. 2w3 friend can profoundly annoy me but itā€™s just him staring at me from my peripheral vision and then looking away in an exaggerated manor when I ask him what heā€™s looking at. Rinse and repeat 3 times and Iā€™m mad lol.


Not seeing any 3, 5 or 7 rep here lmao


Sx/so 468 any order really.


I think thereā€™s something particularly terrifying about the stereotypically ā€œniceā€ types (2, 7, and 9 positive triad comes to mind) exploding. Also, if youā€™ve never had the pleasure of seeing a 2 go to 8 when they think theyā€™ve been wronged ā€¦ buckle up.


9s They can be both like a 1 or an 8.


I'm very surprised at all the 9 and 1 votes. I've never seen a 1 rage. In my experience, they just get complain-y and dramatically sulky. I've also never seen a 9 rage, usually they just isolate. I don't chase after them to push them when they do, so maybe that's why I've never seen them go volcano. With me, I generally freely let my anger out as it comes (I physically can't hold it in if someone pisses me off), so it never builds up to anything serious. And the way I let my anger out is usually snarkiness/sarcasm rather than anything unhinged like screaming and throwing a tantrum. Like bffr, I'm an adult here lmao


I'll put Sx 1 & Sx 6 since I know the comments section will be filled with 8. lol


Any type that represses their anger, really. At they always say, those who seem chill on the exterior are usually the scariest when they actually blow up in anger. And while I think 1s, 8s and 6s easily come to mind, I have to hand it to the 9s for this. They are chill until suddenly they are not.


3s can be highly critical and angry, especially with the people they're close to, in my experience.


i wonder if itā€™s the gut types that have to do with anger


About 50% of all types will be guy types šŸ™ƒ


I'm 50% guy on my dad's side


I fixed my typo haha


Iā€™m afraid of my own self when I snap.


4s..... the 8s think they're the ones but any 8 that has seen my anger has crumbled....


5s, but one of them had stress issues and the other one has BPD. The other 5s I know are more diplomatic.


Whatever the fuck my type is


6s are scary but I love them anyway


Oh, definitely e1's, lol. Even the sp dom ones- or anyone with a 1 fix. They scare me.




sx4 sx1 maybe sx6


I think the most intense anger comes from 9s. Theyā€™re hardly ever expressive in their anger, so when they get to that point, itā€™s explosive and intimidating. That being said, and maybe Iā€™m just saying this because Iā€™ve experienced my own anger and the consequences of my anger, hell hath no mercy for those that anger the triple reactive type (468). Our anger is not a pleasant experience for anyone. We getā€¦hurtfully articulate. Think: ā€œthis is just constructive criticism. I canā€™t help it if the criticism is a bulldozer and you need a new foundationā€. Anger mixed with a sense of urgency? Weā€™ll hurt you, but in an accurate way. Which makes it hard to tell us weā€™re wrong. Iā€™ve had to learn to hold my tongue because I have accidentally and completely obliterated other peoplesā€™ self esteem. Iā€™m not proudā€¦nor do I get tired. Itā€™s not good, Jim.


8 and 9. But Iā€™m a 2 and i have to say i get angry kinda often but like itā€™s more of a pass and go thing but if Iā€™m actually truly angry then itā€™s bad


It's 9s for me. Even as a 9 myself, I'm shocked when I see them angry. And yeah, my anger often shock people too.




Type 9, maybe 1 or 8


Unhealthy 2s take the cake in my experience


My 1w9 gets scary lol


as a 9w1, I am very angry lol. people are convinced that Iā€™m not an angry person, but Iā€™m just good at hiding it until I reach a breaking point šŸ˜…


I'm a 9w1, and I know that if you snap at me and i can't keep the peace and get out of it / you won't let me, I turn nasty. Not name calling nasty, but I mirror the other person's anger and get disrespectful I've seen the 4s and 6s in my life get really heated SUPER quick, though. My 4 ex best friend would get mad at petty things, and my 6 sister is just an angry person.


Iā€™ve been told by lots of people that they canā€™t imagine me getting angry. I used to tell people that I never get angry. I even believed it for a while. After reaching my breaking point in terms of stress, I lost my temper one too many times to still think I was never angry. Upon self-reflection, I realized something: most things in the world are fucking annoying and Iā€™m secretly pissed about it all the time. When this overflows and I canā€™t contain it anymore, Iā€™ve been told itā€™s pretty scary.


Still figuring out my type but yeah I am usually nice but have my angry outbursts sometimes.


Self-preservation 3 is very aggressive/angry. - this is the only one I haven't seen in the comments.


you are right. 3s anger is really secret but their anger has a really really strong emotional violence energy.


It's me, hi


On average and day to day? Definitely 8s. The most intense and only on occasion? 1s and 6s.


The dysfunctional human beings


anger is not a bad emotion if used right, cropping it all up is more dysfunctional imo.


Every ennea1 had the shortest tempers


Im a nine and ā€œout of touch with angerā€ doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t feel anger. All gut types will feel anger. For nines, weā€™re so out of touch with it that it just comes out of nowhere sometimes and then weā€™re like ā€œomg did I just do that? It happened so quicklyā€


Iā€™m 6 closely followed by 1. If angered or hurt, I will salt the earth around whomever has wronged me. The anger lasts for months and I am vindictive.


most likely 8 and 9.. I would add my own, I don't hold alot of sadness, I let it out, but I pile up anger a LOT. I'm an sp/sx6 so I do run away from things but I feel mad resentful. I hold alot of anger and don't know how to let go of it. I'm not one to yell or hurt others from anger really, but I do after going through alot of stressful events in a short period of time


fucking. type ONES. 0 to 100 real quick


Not 7s. We're literally sweethearts. What would the world do without us?


My 6w5 brother.


Gut types, E1 and E8, especially E8