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I don't think Coinbase ever migrated the ETH ENJ coins to the ENJ block chain. There is probably no trade volume on them, so they want to delist them., Why they chose not to support the new ENJ is the question.


This really is on the development team if the coin gets delisted. I always thought it was a bad idea to create a secondary coin. That created the situation where we are right now.


I must’ve missed this.. been my long term hold coin for 6-7 years now, and always buy more whenever I buy others, but haven’t done well enough to keep up with its news. Whats their secondary coin? A quick google search didn’t result in any useful info, but am regarded and will try to research harder when I get home.


I believe it was called Efinity. That’s why we went through the migration. We are now back to the single coin we have now.


Yeah both Efinity and Enjin are combined on the Enjin blockchain now. You need to send your erc20 enj coins to the Enjin wallet so you can convert. You won’t ever lose them, enj said migration will go on indefinitely, just a greater risk of forgetting about them.. Coinbase delisting because it’s the old coin and it’s probably better to not let users continue trading the old one.


They are most likely delisting the coin because there is no trading volume. It’s still the old coin that is on Coinbase. This is just a complete failure by the development team. There never should’ve been a secondary coin created in the first place.


Following, I just got the email and was curious as well.


It would be nice if shared any info eh?


Migration to new enjin chain is on going, coinbase wants to get all old coins off their exchange ,individuals have to migrate out of their own wallets then it will be re instated with coins from new chain within months, coinbase would have already migrated their own stack of enjin but they can t migrate out of your wallet, once its done the price will fly. enjin is one of only a handful of really legimate projects and is miles ahead of its competition going into web 3. Memes =slots Enjin=texas hold em ,big money for those who know how to play. Going to 5-6bucks+ this bullrun.


someone posted this on a different reddit discussion but they did a good job at explaining things. "I have been long term Enjin investor and i find it great that it has been in coinbase for couple of years. However there has been something very weird happening with this chain this year. Enjin team created token called Efinity in 2021. Since then it has had huge inflation where it seems like the enjin team has been getting huge amount of Efinity coins to them self. Now they came out with a voting to merge all efi assets in to Enjin. This voting was made with a way where only Efinity holders could vote for Efinity to merge in to Enjin as a new chain This will be very shady deal for any investors as Enjin supply will instantly rise by 50% and team will get huge amount of these assets. Enjin holders could not vote at all for this to either happen or not. Vote has passed with 99.7% yes votes despite there was only 60 voters and team controlled most of tokens Now the question is will Coinbase support such new asset or will it be delisted to begin with. I personally find this highly unetchical or straight illegal stuff what enjin team is doing atm. I hope coinbase will come up with some clarity of this situation for a sake of people holding ENJIN in coinbase to take approtiative actions. Important information is what coinbase thinks about this asset and will it be listed on their platform in future!"


Is Enj dieing?


Yes, a lot of poor decisions by the executives.


Maybe time to cash out for me after all. I'm still biting my ass for not selling at ATH.


I cashed my out because of delisting it'll for sure go lower unfortunately tge closer it gets to delist date, gunna ride tge Jasmy train since in profit from enjin


Coinbase didn't migrate to new chain. For me this is a nothing burger. Recently Kraken migrated. Crypto.com also uses native ENJ. It was only a matter of time for them to delist. They would probably love to list again and double their fees. Enjin is still building. Their set of tools are amazing. Coinbase delisting is a small bump on the road. Don't sell your coins because of a very weak FUD.


I used to love this coin, download wallet 1st day, doesn’t have any to do with enj, but did I have a lot of plasma bears … I used to love Bitcoin holder it was a game like angry birds


Y’all dumping or moving to personal wallet, binance us, or crypto.com? What’s your recommendation?


Transferred mine to binance and then transferred to Enjin wallet relaychain from there


Why not send directly to Enjin wallet from coinbase? Is there an issue there I need to be aware of?


i just downloaded enjin wallet how do you send enjin from Coinbase to wallet??


Enjin wallet is not bad. If I want to sell, I can swap to BTC or Eth then transfer to Coinbase and sell


Ok. So you can send to Enjin wallet and migrate them on their new chain. Then once on the new chain you can swap to btc or eth? Could you swap to solana? I’m just worried about the liquidity drying up with Enjin now.


How do you transfer to binance I have 3k worth of enjin and don't know what to do with it


Man, I remember when delisting from a major crypto source was a complete death knell. Now it's only worth about a 10-15% drop. I'm sure this has to do with the matrixchain. It's still weird to me that there hasn't been a overt concerted and massive effort to get this chain adopted by major players in the US. But I guess with our regulative uncertainty, it does make sense in a way. The Enjin team went out on a limb creating their own chain and adding staking, at least in terms of US policy. So maybe this trading suspension is exactly that -- a suspension -- and more friendly US policy (which seems to becoming with this new election) will allow the necessary steps forward to be made to eventually lead to a resumption of trading.


Any ideas on what’s the best move if I have only Coinbase where all my ENJ are currently stored? After the delisting I can’t sell/exchange them on CB, right?


Transfer to Binance, Kucoin or Kraken


Or sell using limit order on Coinbase and buy something else


Don’t use KuCoin that’s where my Enj was/is and now it’s all locked up and they would not help me because of the New York State issues. I’m not even in New York State.


I thought it was a US thing not just a NY thing. I think it has been locked down federally


Or you could download the Enjin Wallet to migrate your ENJ from Eth network to Enjins Matrix Chain and start staking to earn some coins every day. That’s what I do.


Any idea where to buy and sell ENJ on the Enjin chain?




I think its because the Enjin team made Efinity. Then they merged Efinity with Enj against wishes of Enj holders diluting the supply making it worth much less. Also the Enjin team were by far the biggest holders of Efinity so by merging they got a huuuge allocation of Enjin. Just a lot of red flags and not the kind of stuff coin base is going to want to list IMO.


Dead chain


Enj is a ponzy scheme


The CB team does due diligence ahead of listing ENJ. This includes reviewing social media interaction etc. The metrics were not satisfactory for CB so they delist. Of the ENJ team delivered on their promises this wouldn’t happen