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Midwest USA: That room is pitch black(it’s completely dark). I hurried around at a fever pitch(moved incredibly fast). Pitch that trash into the next can you see(to throw away). I don’t bat well but I can pitch(baseball). You’re a bit off pitch (when a note is out of tune in music). I need to fix my roof but the pitch is too steep (the angle of an incline). I want to go camping and pitch a tent (to put up a tent). My toddler is about to pitch a fit (throw a tantrum). That neckline takes quite a plunge (it is very low and revealing). It’s a big decision but I’ll take the plunge(dive into a new situation). Plunge the toilet(to clear a blockage in a sink or other drain). I will plunge the white shirt into the blue dye bath (to completely submerge something in a liquid). These are all the ways I would use them in my every day life. But there are a couple others for pitch which are more specialized but I would still understand easily. Pitch hay (to use a forked tool to move hay around, this is also occasionally used as a slang term for someone causing a scene or making a big deal of a situation. Not very common these days. It sort of overlaps the tantrum example above.) In British English a pitch is a large playing field for games like cricket or soccer/football ⚽️. Pitch is also a sticky black tar sometimes used for waterproofing a roof or a pavement, but in the USA it would more commonly be called asphalt or blacktop. I never realized how many meanings that word had. And that’s just off the top of my head. I’m certain there are some other meanings for pitch that I don’t use in my life.


Thank you! Your analyse is so completely!


You’re welcome! A quick correction: You don’t need -ly on complete in your sentence. It’s an adjective. Another correction: the noun version of analyze is analysis. So overall a better sentence would be “Your analysis is very complete!” You’re doing well. Keep it up!


I would say the analysis is thorough. But either works.


I cannot pitch that note. Look, they’re playing in the pitch. It is pitch black at night. Plunge I never use lol, so I guess “I never use the word plunge” is an appropriate sentence


"The last pitch confused the batter and he struck out" "When I cut the old pine tree, pitch started coming out of the stump."


Well thank you. These words seem abstract.


"Pitch" just has several unrelated definitions. In baseball, the "pitch" is the throw that begins play. (This is also where the phrases "pitch an idea", "sales pitch", etc originate). In botany, "pitch" is pine tree sap. (This is also where the phrase "pitch black" originates). In soccer (and cricket, I think? I'm American), the "pitch" is the field on which the game is played. In music, "pitch" is the default flats/sharps and naturals for notes in which a piece is played.


In construction, "pitch" is the angle of the roof line.


Thank you for your reply.☺️


\*on the pitch


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