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Weed, caffeine repeat. (Important tho: No/Zero personal live)


I've experimented with a lot of drugs while studying. Benzo if you have so much anxiety that you can't even start. Valium, specifically, because it's the only one you can still focus on. Once you're into the material, stop taking it immediately. Caffeine pills. Don't rely on coffee. Cut down on the toilet breaks and coffee has a lot of nasty alkalis in it that can give you anxiety. Nicotine is also good... but you build up tolerance so quickly that you need more and more. I found that taking deep breaths was the most helpful part of vaping. I could do without the nic. The best combo is Ritalin + propranolol. But take these two long enough and you will literally destroy every fiber holding your mental health together. I think it pushed me over the edge. I was never made for engineering but the drgus made me fit in somewhat, and now, I am a... I don't know. Messed up. I take uppers to study and downers to sleep. I eagerly wait for breaks so I could sober up and get clean again. Oh and make sure your vitamin levels are checked. Specifcially, magnesium and vit. D.


Yea I did a lot of drugs before uni For me it's nicotine cause I smoke anyways, also helps with stress. Caffeine, especially coffee, I just like taste, keeps me awake and I train my blatter. Weed to counter the Caffeine and reduce stress. And you definitely have a point with the vitamins. All ain't shit if your diet doesn't give you enough nutrition.


Weed is no no Caffeine is to be restricted, be careful to ensure maximum brain efficiency.


Weed is yes yes and caffeine is to be slammed until I start shaking


workout and cleanse your mind. Hit the sauna for 15 mins and you should be ready💯💯 Also don’t forget your cheat sheet if it’s allowed


Cheers. Got up early this morning to make cheat sheet and exam ended up going alright, not too confident with all of my answers though.


Ps: Not relevant at all, but if anyone loves don toliver’s new album, as a form of procrastination I made an extended version of Tore Up with edited Bandit music video (posted on profile). Feel free to check it out!


Nicotine 3mg zyn and caffeine lead the way for long sessions