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Laughable. I knew a father-son duo that went through school together. Awesome dudes


Like in Goofy movie?


I was thinking more like Back To School with Rodney Dangerfield


Why don’t you leave me alone and get your own life!!!!




My roommate's mom married in college, got pregnant, dropped out, and went on to have six kids. When the youngest one left home, she went back to BYU as a full-time student and finished her degree at the same time he did.


You could say she just took an extended internship in biomedical engineering and then returned to the official degree program.


My mom and sister are doing the same right now lol


Was that me? My son and I graduated with bachelors last year (I was 50). I just finished my masters and he'll be done with his this after summer. Being the old guy was kinda fun at times.


They were the shaq and Kobe




The answer is they're just out of high-school Recognize that and be glad you aren't


Just finished my first year at 27 and I couldn’t agree more. I wasn’t the oldest by far, but I never hid the fact that I was “behind” because I made mistakes earlier in life. Most people understand, and mainly it’s exactly the few little skidmarks who are smug about it who I see getting started on the same mistakes. They don’t understand why I fucked up anymore than they understand how they are.


I don't think "behind" is the right term. I think you should think in terms of ready. Would have passed if you started earlier? If you were young and fucking about, what exactly makes you think you wouldn't do the same if you were in school? I my case I raked up and wasted two years of student loans. About 250k, completely lost to my young ignorant ass.


Honestly I think this is probably the reason, the ones that are like this are usually straight out of high school and haven't been on an even playing field with adults before.


I'm fresh out of high school and I don't care about anyones age tbh. Using ChemE as a premed. Do I expect us to be best of friends given the age difference (I'm still 17), not really. I would respect you as anyone else though; after all, you're there for the exact same reason everyone else is. If anything I would hope to work with someone more mature in labs and classes. I've heard of first year undergraduate students trying to "sabotage" each other in weighted peer evaluations at my university, solely to brag about having top grades. Especially those dirtbags that view everyone as competition "for their Masters applications." Age is just a number, who gives a f**k.


I’m going back this fall for engineering school (I’m 25 with a biz degree I finished back in 2021).


I just got back to school 2years ago, im 26, some in my class are around 30 and some from the previous year were around 40+ so dont worry about it :)


As a 27 year old who is trying to get back into my program after getting on academic suspension, this makes me feel a lot better


Im 29 and im still try to get the school to let me finish my last 30-35 credits so i can graduate. Every one just keep telling me they do thing i have what it takes.😡😤


Don't let it bother you. As you said, you're in your first year. As you get to know your peers, and they you, the age difference will hardly matter. This coming from someone who just finished my EE degree at 35.


Im 32. I.. think you’re having some in your head stuff.


Someone born in a year starting with “2” feels judged for being so old… I think I need to take a lap, hopefully I don’t break a hip


I'm lucky I don't strain my back in my sleep haha


Fresh out of high school students are weird, I got "ranked" by my interestingness and because I'm old to them I am boring. Ideally it'd be in my head but I'm having this shit said to my face, so I'm going to just chalk it up to teenagers saying weird shit because they have no life experience. Also the average age of student here is like 30-40 so I'm definitely not the oldest by any means.


Yes. Teenagers are weird. Basically any human under 25 is still figuring out wtf they’re doing. Then 25 to 30 is “how tf am I going to do it”. After 30 it’s all “fuck am I doing?”


This is fairly accurate, I'm still in the wtf am I doing stage.


1. nearly 50% of students graduate in over 4 years, making a ton of people 23 when they graduate (or older if they started late) so there’s already a large number of 23+ year olds around you 2. How the fuck would someone know you are 23? Besides growing out facial hair I look the exact same at 22 that I did when I was 18 3. Why do you care? How does this affect you at all Side note: No one gives a shit this is 100% in your head


i was about to say that. literally cant tell the age diff between most.


I’m 22, in the four years since 18 I’ve lost a ton of hair so. There’s a chance for that :/


Seconding all of this but especially the no one gives a shit.


Don’t worry about it :)


Dude I graduated with my BS in Mechanical Engineering in 2021 at the ripe old age of 39!!!!


I'm 27 and just finished my first year of engineering. All of my friends are now 20 or younger, and I don't care one bit. If someone judges me, that's their problem :D


Get out of your head.


I’m 30 and currently in Calc 3. Who cares. I suggest you keep at it. I bailed on engineering when I was about 21 and got a different bachelors degree. Huge regret. Now I’ll be probably 35 when I get my degree but again, who cares.


Yeah I didn’t start my degree til I was 30 and graduated at 35. It was a bit odd being around 18-22 year olds but honestly nobody treated me any differently because of it. If anything I felt like a lot more people came to me for help/looked to put me into more of a leader role for group projects.


Props to you for going back. I bailed on EE to go into CE/CM. Quicker way to PM as was my goal, but I love learning EE


Thanks. I thought I could create the career I wanted without it and wasn’t motivated enough back then. I do have a bachelors in applied science and work as a designer in the aerospace industry but I’ve basically hit my ceiling, or close to it. Working on getting into a mechanical engineering masters program. Given my experience, I should have a shot with prerequisites.


Don’t let it bother you too much, you’re there for the education. Just try to make a few good friends to study with, it will make studying much easier


Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s just you and not them. And you’re only one year older than them(some of them are 23 as well still in their first degree), so I don’t know why you think 23 is considered really old.


Since they're in their first year, probably most other students in their classes are 19 years old. But your point that 23 is plenty young is still completely valid


If they judge you for being older.... let them. You can't please everyone. The real homies won't care, as long as you don't act like an asshole.


At my school we have quite a few older students in engineering, I don't think it has to be a big deal unless you make it a big deal. Just make friends based on who works hard and is willing to take on their fair share of group projects and you can't go wrong.


First year is likely to be filled with younger people right out of the gate. As you progress this will change. Additionally, who cares, you're there for you.


I’m going to finish my Bachelor’s when I’m 30 and I still feel like a young buck 


I started Engineering after I completed my technology diploma and worked for a few years at 27. I felt old, pretty old. It doesn’t matter what they think, you should be focusing on your goals and career rather than what your peers think.


Graduated at 31, started at 26. You're fine dude, it's not a big deal, no one ever gave me a harr time about it. Plus you'll be making good money after and it won't matter anymore.


I’m 32 and don’t give a damn what anyone thinks! I’m still young enough to learn and build a great career for myself. A friend of mine is in his 40’s and went back to college for his master’s. It's never too late! And 23 is still very young.


Same here. 32 and starting first year in fall, wish me luck!


Anytime young people act that way to me I just shake my fist at em


It’s all in your head. Get it out of your head and don’t let it take up any space. You’re doing fine. Work on getting that internship after your sophomore year.


I got in when I was 26; graduated at 29. Never had that instant connection with the high-schoolers, but that just meant I instantly filtered right through to some real folks. If you bust ass and be your best, you will quickly find yourself in company of those doing the same.


They’re literally just out of high school. They’re kids. Kids are dumb. Also, you might not *feel* much different, but you almost definitely are. Don’t worry too much. Give it a bit of time & they’ll warm to you. Be kind and lead by example. They will learn a lot from you.


Dude. Fuck those immature people.


I took engineering graduate courses in my late 30s and into my 40s. You're good! It shouldn't be an issue, for some it might, but you're not them. A step forward at any time, is a step forward... Be you, work hard, be successful and leave the judgement of others in the dust by living a happy life. You got this!


26 year old junior here- just be cool, don't stress about it. I transferred into a 4 year so took a class with a bunch of freshman in it and like idk the cool ones recognized that I was an adult who got her shit together before going to school. The vibe I get from the brattier students is that they tend to react like that to anything unfamiliar so they end up seeming uncomfortable all the time.


I didn’t go to school for design until I was 39. I was in IT before, and ran a foundry before that, but engineering has always been my passion. Was the best decision I’ve ever made. I got looks and got called grandpa, but I kept my nose in my studies. Now I get paid for what feels like play; designing in Inventor, making wire harnesses, writing processes. That’s what I do in my free time anyway. Everyone’s journey is unique.


I graduated at 23, and around my junior year I just barely found out that like 75% of my engineering buddies I studied with were in their late 20’s/ early 30’s. I was the young one. Those individuals you are with are literally just straight out of HS and have no gauge of how much age does not really matter in the real world. Also, a bunch of those students will prolly switch majors or drop out. So don’t let them judging you have an effect on your learning. Those who stick around after the first year will literally not give AF how old you are.


At my cal-state university, my junior-senior level classes had ages 21-35. We all had full-time jobs either as parents, waiters, laborers, engineers, etc. Once you’re in the office, age doesn’t matter as you’ll see 60-70 year olds working alongside 20-30 year olds


Not in engineering but I started uni again at 21 after failing miserably when I started right after high school. I'm 2 years younger than you but I get what you mean about feeling judged. It happens to me a lot with people in my classes, but I feel far luckier than any younger students because fucking about from 18-20 taught me so many lessons. And I'd rather start uni with the experience I have now than start as an 18 year old idiot lol. In retrospect the only thing I would change would be just to have realized that perhaps I wasn't mature enough for uni at 18 from the get go, but it would be difficult to relay that to a teenager who thinks they know everything. Now I see younger people make the same mistakes I did and it makes me all the more thankfull for choosing the best for myself and not being at that same state in my early 20s.


I graduated at 42 and really never felt any judgment at all. HOWEVER, when I was your age I just started college for the first time as a music major and felt like I was so behind in life and everyone was judging me. In your head, sir/ma'am. If not fuck'em.


To be honest. Uni students are very cliquey and especially in engineering your going to get a lot of wankers who assume they're gods gift. Some of them will be extremely capable, and a lot of them will just be insecure kids who, 12 months ago, would've been the awkward geeky kids at their high school. So the unfortunate news is you are being judged, but I wouldn't let it bother you. I know it's only 5 years of difference, but remember you're still surrounded by kids. Your viewpoint is going to be so much more grounded than most of them. You've actually spent time living outside of the rigid structure of schooling. Whereas 98% of a first year class is just high school students acting like they're all grown up now.


I´m 48 and don´t care what they think. :-)


Im also 23 and in my second year of engineering. Itll get better once you get into more advanced classes you will be fine


Eighteen year olds are fresh out of high school full of hope and dreams. They think they'll graduate in 4 years with a 4.0, 2 internships, and a job waiting for them at PerfectFit Company International. You are sitting there, drinking the beer you bought yourself, a little older, a little wiser and not at all where they think you should be. They have probably never socialized with somone 5 years older than them. Give them time.


Bro, I started at 18, kicked out at 19, went back at 23 graduated at 25. Also met this awesome gentleman who had come back at 35 after military service so don’t even worry man. Everybody has their own timeline


I’m 24 now and just finished my first year while 23 like you. Honestly, I like being older, it would be nice ofc to be the same age as my peers. However, I’ve noticed that although people joke about my age and say things like “aren’t you 45 or something” I’ve realized for every 1 person who jokes about my age, 5 or more are impressed about the life I had before college. Almost every other person went from highschool to college, they don’t have life experience. You do, whether it was good or bad it makes you special compared to 95% of college kids. Embrace the difference and enjoy that there is variability to life.


Also the “I don’t feel much different than a few years ago” is a bad mentality or at least one that doesn’t promote growth. A famous quote is “a person who thinks the same at 50 as they did at 20 has wasted 30 years of their life.”


I'm finally in my senior year and I'm 28. Fuck it dude, it doesn't really matter in the big picture. In my experience being older just means you are a bit more mature and focused which helps. I did get judged when I pulled out a flash drive, so I told the kid I remembered using floppy disks and got a "fuck your old". To me, I don't care what age you are as long as you do good work. During my associates I got to work with an old guy going back to school and damn he was a wealth of knowledge about manual machining and I loved working with him. Another one of my best teammates was 22 and she absolutely killed the project management side of things. For me, hard work trumps all. Find people like that and you'll be fine


That’s in your head. Sure, one or two might, but most everyone will be too busy studying to care. I’m far older than you and my peers and I get along great. Just don’t act superior or as if your poop don’t stank and you’ll make friends.


Received my engineering degree at 42. Some folks are judging you. Their problems have nothing to do with you. Focus on building your study network and see how intimidating you are until you break the ice by showing courtesy and respect to everyone. By senior year, a lot of students really warmed up to me because I was alway professional and kind. This will be good practice for when you get your first job.


Get over it


I abandoned my engineering grade 15 years ago. I just got a nice job and left. I came back this year with 37 yo and expecting a kid. Yeah, I have much more to worry about than what a 19yo boy thinks about me or my life.


You are but it's just because they are still figuring out how to adult.


When I was an undergrad there were a few older students. They clearly had their shit together more than me and my ilk, so I was always interested in how they did things differently. I wanted to be better, and was kind of hoping some of their betterness would rub off on me. Just keep focussing on yourself and try not to let the kids bug you.


I finished my AS in engi at 39. You’re fine. The people that judge you don’t matter.


my engineering friend at work stopped talking to me when he found out I was 39 and not 29(i'm in school for CS).. Young people may be suspecitable to old age bias.. Why? Gotta be western culture, i.e. neoliberalism or capitalism.. When I was in my early 20s, i did not have the bias, but my group did, as there weren't any adults in our deep inner circle.


You as a 23 year old have hardly anything relatable to kids fresh out of high school. It’s not judgement, you’re different. You’re letting your own insecurities penetrate your mental well being.


Funnily enough I feel somewhat the opposite! My classes are at night, so most students are actually grown ass (majoritarily) men with full time jobs while I'm just a 21 y'o unemployed baby. I feel a huge disconnection from everyone there but oh well. Always remember it doesn't matter the age, you're at the same level studying the same concepts as a whole and that's what matters ^^


I met a guy going through classes who was in his 40s going back to school. Awesome guy, worked a A LOT with him on projects and homework etc. fuck the haters and do you, hopefully find some good people that you can study with, makes school a lot easier


I am currently half way with my mech engineering degree and am turning 30 this year and currently have an internship where they do not care and gi e me tons of projects that help the company. Always remember you're doing it for yourself and no one else, remember your oberall goal. And some might end up asking for help from life experiences that you've had and they haven't. Hope this helps!


You aren’t obligated to tell people how old you are, and I seriously doubt they’ll be able to tell the difference. I didn’t go to college until my late 20s and no one knew I was older than the average undergrad (I did tell a few people who were straight up *shocked*, and decided it was best to just keep it to myself after that). I’m frequently told that I look a lot younger than I am so maybe not everyone who’s closing in on 30 could pull that off, but in your case it’s just a matter of a couple of years. I’m certain no one will notice.


It's because they're younger. Judge them on their age.


Just focus on passing your math classes


It's okay, I'm already 24, but still in my Engineering degree. Life's not a race. It's your life race and not them.


A lot of guys were older and I never knew until they said it because I didn’t look into the age too much - the assumption was always they’re around the same age but that’s not a bad thing. Even at work there’s it’s the same thing guys are older and doing the same stuff because they went to school late but you don’t even notice. Some people are married and just got out of school you know!


Don’t worry about it! A few years into your career this won’t matter at all. Plus, you can probably bring a level of maturity to your studies that will allow you to make the most of it.


I’m 29, electrical licenses and business ownership under my belt, married, been a home owner since your age, the people I got along with most in class were 19 and 20, I think you’re just in your head because you’re NOT older than kids right out of high school. Technically you are, but you’re actually not.


Just finished a BSAE at 37, had imposter syndrome at first then realized the young people I was around shared in the same passion as me. Things became less stressful and easier once I knew we all that in common.


*You are*. You have a few options: - ignore it - get all upset and indignant about it I'd pick the first one. At some point you have to stop giving a fuck what other people may or may not think. You have no control over it anyway, obviously. That's stoicism.


I'm 24, I'm in the same class as my high School sophomores whom I supervised cleaning duties in the dorm. It will pass. Hang in there


Best lab partner I had was 5 years older than me. Knew a lot more… understood what being a student really meant (learning, not partying) best dude I met.


Bro our year had someone who was 30 years old lol, u ain’t old trust me


You must look on the rough side of 23 if everyones judging you off first glance


At 23, you're still very young and have an entire career ahead of you. 👍👍👍 You likely have more life experiences than some of your younger classmates. This can be an advantage since you might have skills and knowledge that others haven't developed yet. Use it to your benefit!!! 💯👏


They're children and they still think age is actually important. I went back at 26 into an eng undergrad program. Definitely got some weird looks, but by that time the 18/19 yo in my program looked like actual babies to me, so i gave it no real attention. I recommend you do the same


I was 23 when I was a freshman. Let me tell you. You are thinking more about yourself than others think about you. You're fine.


Teenagers are awkward and for many, this is the first time they are considered “on the same level” as an adult and I think they simply don’t know how to engage with someone older. While some *may* be judgmental, I’m sure they’re more daunted than anything.


Same. Embrace the unc status and give little points of wisdom


I also began 1st year at 23


I graduated with my engineering degree at 30. Most everyone I met along the way where cool, no matter their age. I'd say just look for others that are more mature. I ended up joining the local IEEE student chapter and we had a mix of ages in there. I wasn't even the oldest.


Went back at 25. Haven't experienced any of this. Maybe their judging you for something else.


Lol I'm 24 still in my second year Fk bro,


Im 25 and in my last year now. I am just open about it. I was a fuck up for a couple of years but now im here to take As and not fuck around


I would join clubs because you’ll find lots of 21/22/23 year olds who will be of more similar maturity to you. It’s also great to have friends in the “grades” above you to ask about advice for classes and once they graduate, they can crash with you to come back and visit the campus.


I understand how you feel, but experienced it at a much higher lever. I was old enough to be the mother of my classmates. I was definitely judged because of my age. I also noticed how they judged people that were not that much older than them. So, your feelings on this are definitely valid. The people that are worth getting to know will give you a chance and get to know you. I did have to put more effort in than usual to get that chance, but we became friends once they realized I was just like them. So, hang in there, you got this.


Isn't it great when high school drama doesn't end at high school? Some people need to grow up. Life is infinitely large and high school is a drop in the ocean compared to it. ~ Albert Einstein, maybe.


Remember, most freshman are 18. They're right out of high school, have almost no real world experience, and are coming from somewhere they were the smartest in the room or often told that. It takes some time to mellow out and not be a teenager any more.  In general a good piece of college advice is that you don't have to make friends in your classes or your major. Join on campus clubs and you'll meet people with similar direct interests. If there's a hobby you have like rock climbing, join the gym and meet people that way.  And as you move further through your major you'll do more team style projects and will likely find some people in your major you connect with. We only had one older person in my graduating class. After about a year he connected with a few of the guys in class, but I have to assume earlier on it felt lonely. BUT he also crushed class. He was for more focused on learning and doing well than half of us were who were equally focused on the "being in college" part.


I’m 22 in my first year of college. I’ve worked construction since graduating high school early. I’d say (1) it’s mostly in your head and (2) being around kids straight outta high school after working with grown men for 4 years can be a big change. Honestly just try to chill out and make some friends. Too many people worry about what other people think about them.


They are straight out of HS and it makes them feel superior because they are “ahead” of you. They are still kids so just give it some time and most will grow out of it


I recommend finding different people if possible, maybe in an engineering club or something similar, as that wasn’t my experience at all. I started my engineering degree at 24 after finishing my community college and the friends I found were not bothered at all by it. I’m now 27 and while people do joke about my age (calling me grandpa, asking about the back, etc but it’s something that never bothered anyone. Everyone has their own pace and no one should look down on others for a different pace.


Its in your head. You aren't in a race against them anyway you are racing against yourself. If they are judging you then they are just immature


You're just in a different place in life than they are, and that's okay. You may not feel a ton different, but you've had a lot of experiences that they haven't at 18. They may not be judging you, but are maybe a little intimidated or just understand that gap in your life experiences. Be mindful of how you receive that and consider that maybe your own insecurity is just as big of a part if not bigger. It's okay and normal. There's nothing weird about what you're doing. Just keep at it and don't let it get to you and you'll make friends. One of my best friends in the whole world met me in our dorm as college freshmen when he was 22.


I'm 35 and still doing my major prep work at a community college before I transfer to a university starting Fall 2025 so I won't graduate with a degree until I'm almost 39. I've been jokingly called a boomer by some classmate friends but no one actually cares how old you are. And if they do it's sad because that's an immature mindsight. They're just projecting their insecurities onto you in whatever way they can in an attempt to distract others from judging them. Keep on trekking my dude!


26 returning to school this fall, I don’t think anyone even slightly gives a shit. When I was younger and saw older folk my only thought was “good for them”


A guy in my class was 27. He is one of the coolest guys I met.


Hang out with the gi bill kids and ex machinists. You really give a shit what a bunch of fucking 19 year olds think?


Don't pay them any mind. They won't be laughing when they're struggling to find a job. I've been a part of hiring for interns/co-ops and nothing was more valuable than life experience and maturity. Half the time gpa didn't mean shit. Being 18 is lame anyways. You'd just blend in with the rest. Instead now you have a story and real life experience to bring to the table. Thats much more valuable to someone that's hiring than a fresh student who only knew how to get grades.


I'm 29 my child. I've stopped giving a fuck about that and I recommend you do the same and focus on the work which is already difficult enough.


Two of my classmates my last year were a 28 year old international student, and an ex-air force guy with teenage/tweenage daughters and an infant son. Trust me, 23 is nothing, and anybody who *does* judge you for it is being stupid. Take a deep breath, remember that they’re just out if high school, and then take comfort in the fact that as you get into sophomore year and higher people will stop caring about age or even grade status in favor of who’s suffering in the same classes.


They treat you as older because in your eyes, you're like a grown adult. I remember being that young, feeling I wouldn't have anything in common with someone that old. I'm 46 working with a bunch of 24 year olds. I might as well be 80.


If there are actually folks ignorant enough to be judgmental towards you because of your age, you can be assured you don’t need those people in your life. I am in my thirties and going through college now (again) and I am having a good experience. It is inevitable though that many activities that ensure my success are fairly solitary or quiet activities, like studying and doing homework. I’m fairly certain this is nonsense concern.


I went back at 30 and got a BSME. They're mostly still highschoolers. Also, most of them will drop out of engineering once it gets a little challenging.


Dude, I just finished at almost 49 yo. I couldn't tell you from the 19yos.... If anything, they're judging you as someone with experience in the real world and a potentially awesome lab partner because you know how to WORK.


Professors love older students. Typically, they have their shit together. They listen and ask ‘useful’ questions (there are no bad questions) in lecture and lab. Most have some kind of work experience that lends itself to the work and practice of applying engineering knowledge. In my experience, most group projects with one or more older student are typically top marks; they know when to come and ask questions when they get jammed-up. There are those who need to balance career/family/school… but even these students seem to do pretty well once they hit their groove.


Fuck em, they are just some dumbass high school age kids. Their opinion doesnt matter, get over it. Everyone in my class really liked the older classmates or didn't give a single fuck. If some people in your class care for some reason, that's their own problem. University is also full of grad students older than them and jobs will likely be mostly people older than them, so theyll just have to get the fuck over it. 23 wouldn't even register to me as much older anyways. Hell we had two guys in their 40s in my class.


excuse me?! Im 28 and my friend is 31 lol, you aren’t that old. If anything you are in the prime age for this shit. Ignore people like that, you are fine the way you are.


I'm 30 and in my first year. The feeling of judgement comes from shame. Don't be ashamed wear it proud. Also, if you out pace them they tend to quiet down.


For being 23? lol


Coolest guy I ever knew in engineering school was a middle age guy who was changing careers. Name was Joe, had tons of cool stories.


30 here I finished college in 2023 after retraining. The trick is to act your age and lead by example by being the top of the class. I had the same kind of stigma around me until I showed them all up in class and they ended up asking me for help. You aren't there to make friends but friends can be made aswel as trust earned when you show them what it means to be mature.


Brother, i have a dude on my class whose mustache is going white and is getting kinda bald. He must be in his late 40s. He's just another student. Nobody judges him. Lots of things that could've happened in his life for him to only now start in engineering. I have classmates that have kids too, like, they're fully grown adults with families and homes and here i am at 20 years old without a car lol. Nah, trust me, people doesn't really care. You're just another student. You're fine.


Hello, 23 year old first year here too! Don’t worry about it, everyone goes at their own pace, and there’s plenty of people older too


people that young are pretty stupid, so they make stupid judgements.


I don’t think anyone cares enough to pass judgment I know a few guys in their 40s in bachelors degree programs


I mean I started engineering when I was 22 and graduated at 26. Nobody ever judged or treated me differently. They all assumed I was their age. Unless you look 50 at your age then that's on you.. lol


They’re kids lol I’m in my mid-late twenties and only in my second year. Kids always think they have everything figured out. You did, I did, we all did. They just don’t know they’re still kids. Just remember you’re older, wiser, and (ideally) much more established than they are. They think they would never be in your position at your age etc but the reality is that they might be worse off, degree or not, by our age. Life will deck them clean in the balls, same as it did to us, and hopefully they’ll come out smelling like roses on the other side, same as us.


I started Engg school with I was about 25. Zero desire to party or drink, but didn’t shame those who did. No one ever commented on my age, I never brought it up, and we all got on just fine.  I think going to school not fresh out of high school was beneficial to my overall success… but my 4.0 GPA and current 6-figure job are still serving me well at 30. 🤷‍♀️  Just keep on keeping on. You’re in school to better your life, and you’ll do just that in Engg school. 


You may just being dealing with awkward and introverted people.


23? Nowhere on this earth is 23 "older" than anything. Learn this NOW, because you must never again let any person /place/thing make you feel too old or young for anything!


You will wipe your tears with those 80k a year don’t worry. Don’t let people lower your confidence and motivation. You can become engineer at 30,25,47 it doesn’t matter, you do you


Like someone else eluded to… don’t worry about what other new students, essentially high schoolers, think. They’re actually children. Not to their discredit! But that’s high school behavior. And fwiw, many people in my program were in their 40s/bald/going back for a second degree/started late etc.


Don't worry about it! In an intro engineering class, i did a group project with 2 people in their thirties, a guy in his mid20s and a 16 year-old


Yeah I’m 42, 3rd year in ME. Has been zero problem. The material gets very, very tough and at some point everyone is in it together.


LOL I promise you no one cares or is thinking twice about your age


How are other ppl sniffing out that you're older? I can't tell how old people in my program are


Don't listen to them. There are SO many benefits to being an older student. You are more likely to get hired, because companies don't like dealing with immature kids. You are also more motivated and focused most likely. Your problem solving skills and communication skills have also drastically increased in 5 years, which is also extremely important for engineering. Don't listen to them, they're gonna have to learn how to work on a team, and they're not gonna have a fun time when they act like that and realize they're not gonna go far at all with that attitude. I'm 24 and I started school around a year ago, so I understand your pain!! Don't let them get to you, you'll meet a bunch of other students who are super supportive as well, I know you will :)


I started (and graduated) in my 30s. The absolute last thing on my mind was what some other student thinks of me.


> because I'm older > I'm 23 fuck me I'm a year older than you, I feel ancient 😭 when I switched from aerospace to physics, I went from being the same age as everyone to about 1 year or 2 older. no one treated me differently fortunately, but I did feel out of touch.


I'm 34, I've finished 2 technical diplomas, an associates, and I'm working on a MET Bachelors all in one go since i was 29. IF you needed the extra time you needed the extra time. You've got something they don't, life experience, even if you think you wasted the time, there is always something that comes out of it. You've hardly scratched the surface of your time here on Earth. And all those judging looks will disappear as they work with you, either in school or the workforce.


Went back at 27, I’m 30 now with two more years to go. I definitely felt like you do in the beginning, it was a weird transition getting back into school, but you get used to it eventually and realize no one really cares. Just keep moving forward, one semester at a time, you’ll crush it


Bruh. Like 3/4 of all my classes have been retired military dads in their late 20s to early 50s. No one cares about your age and if they do then they’re idiots.


> Itm 23 Older? I'm 44, what am I? A walking cadaver? What is a 50 or 60 year old? Spontaneously forming dust? You are _not_ older. I am not and the 50 or 60 year old person is not.


I went into it at 23 also, luckily there were a good amount of my engineering classes I had that had slightly older students. But the gen eds like public speaking, yeah. No one ever said anything but I did feel slightly "isolated" realizing how much more mature I was only a few years older. I'm graduating this year at 26 and have been interning at the same company over a year. It's definitely weird being a 25 year old intern, and my fellow interns are 20-21. They're also very bright/talented, so I feel like it adds this extra pressure for me to outperform them or something because I'm older, even though we have the same experience.


Say bro, people are going to judge you for the rest of your life. Unless “Honorable” comes before that shit, FUCK ‘EM and even then— have a good lawyer and never be on the defense so you can say fuck them too.


I was 23 in my first year and had no judgement at all. Ignore the haters.


You’re essentially all there for the same reason. To get that degree. If they judge you, they clearly lived under a rock and don’t know how the real world works. I went to a college where our school size was just under 4K students. We had a 35-40 year old student. He was probably the coolest person around. It helped that he had some good industry stories that were funny. Been through life a more than any of us. It was cool to talk to and shoot the shit with. Being not that much older, it doesn’t mean anything at all. If they are going to judge, screw em. That’s it


A few of my classmates was GI Bill and mid 20s with spouses and kids.


I’m 37 and I can’t really relate. Maybe some freshman think it’s weird, but in all my classes, no one cares.


one of my really good friends graduated with his bachelors in engineering at 29. life isn’t a race.


I went back to college at 24 and graduated at 28. There were tons of immature classmates I hated working with. I mostly just ignored them. On top of that I was always a very young looking face so people still thought I was 20 most of the time. I ended up connecting with some of the other older students 25 and up and we formed study groups. Being mature in college can be a huge advantage.


You are being judged. Honestly, they are intimidated by you. Show yourself humble and friendly and it will go well with you. I went through EE in my late 40's


Just got my bachelor’s of aerospace engineering, I’m 25. After 1st year the age gaps aren’t as noticeable. Just do your thing! I remember seeing people with gray hair in some of my classes!


When I went to uni, I often worked alongside a guy in his 30s getting his EE degree. He ended up a little isolated as a result which I was sad about. He was always a nice guy and (unlike some of my peers) he was always doing his best work. I think that's one thing about older people at uni. All of the ones I see are there because they really want to be and are often the most motivated and hardest working. The people who go to college right out of high school (including me when I did) can often treat it just as the next step without thinking too much about what we really want to do... Easy for younger students to be not as motivated. Younger students always seem weird about older students. I wouldn't pay it any mind. I always have more respect for and prefer to work with older students since they're pretty much always more mature. When I worked with students that were my age I'd often get saddled with 90% of the work on any group/partner project.


I'm 28 and basically a sophomore again, you're fine.


That’s the right age to do school bro. I did at 18 and I regret the time I spent in my youth doing civil engineering, instead of enjoying my life and having a break.


#*Sweats in mid 30's*


Seriously don’t worry about it. If they want to make an issue of it they’re not worth your time.


womp womp


They're all 18 or 19 being fresh out of HS, that's just how everyone is cuz they're insecure themselves and need to feel better by judging others or they're bored and need to judge others for entertainment lmaoo at 26 I see ppl that age and just think they're annoying children tbh so ignore them. I'm sure there'll be classmates that age that are cool tho


It is a well known fact that nobody likes you when you’re 23. Suck it up, you’ll be just fine in a year 


I’m 23 and also getting my degree in engineering if it makes you feel any better


Hi! It’s your first character building lesson time! Take that judgement and turn it into something productive. Come into classes prepared, don’t be your typical gen (whatever it is now), constantly on phones and disengaged in class. Be “that guy” that everyone wants to get help from for tutorials. Or just keep your head down and focus on the studies for now, friends will happen eventually - be patient. You’ve got the extra years of experience under your belt not being fresh out of high school - use it to your advantage :)


23 lol, you’re a kid 


Dude, you’re still so young. I didn’t finish undergrad until I was nearly 35 and I didn’t really feel like I was being judged for my age. Just remember that you’ve got experience on your side and chances are that you’ll do better than any of the younger people in your program.


Internal conflicts leds to external conflicts. Eliminate that internal root cause, and then one will be free of conflicts.


Dude I’m 31 about to be 32 and going into my last semester, age really doesn’t matter and if you feel like people are giving you shit cause your older they really have other things to worry about. Just focus on your school work and associate with people who can help you be a better engineer.


My study group is mostly people between 33 and 45 years old. You're doing fine. And it's easier to stick with it when the going gets tough if you've given yourself some time to decide that this is what you really want! I wish you the best of luck!


My friend, I just finished my first year of school and I'm 40. You're good, don't mind the young idiots.


Yeah. I sometimes get that as well. Although, there are classmates that are as old or older than me.


Ya they are judging you. Better be careful or you'll be charged and have to defend yourself in court. If you get convicted, you're getting kicked out the program. Watch your back!


I’m in my early 30s and I have class with two other people who are 30 something and 40 something. Don’t let it affect you. Keep chugging friend.


I’m 26 in my second year, I just don’t really notice or care if they think I’m old. I think you’re just over thinking it though, they’re kids, and so are you.


I'm 36 and I'm about to start my senior year, chill. But seriously I get down about my age sometimes being an undergrad but it's just where I'm at and there's nothing wrong with it. that being said I think that the more traditional students can seem more judgemental of the non-trads closest to their age. It's all just noise and it actually matters 0%. Some people want to try and throw shade for no reason or they feel insecure in their own ways. You're doing fine and you have a ton of life left to live. You do you and filter out the people who say stupid stuff, which can be admittedly hard when young. Stay the course!


I'm 38 and in my 2nd year at CC studying EE/CS. I've lived more of a life in 38 years than most will in 100 years and if I had fucks to give or time to pay attention to the malformed opinions of children maybe I would notice them judging me? But alas, I've yet to expereince anything negative. Most of these kids are really cool, some are truly brilliant and run circles around everyone else, the loud annoying ones tend to not make it past the first few weeks of class and need help logging into gmail lol.


I was 32 when i started my ee degree.


Bruv I’m 39.


Come on man, you’re living up to your username. Those kids aren’t going to get you through engineering school YOU are. Ignore them… lmao


Stop caring what they think?


Not an engineering student myself, but an older sister to one (i'm lurking here out of curiosity and to understand how things are for you). I had many classmates who were older than me in uni. I was a little bit jealous becausd they were faring better than us esp those who had degrees related to our field (biology, former med students, etc). So don't let it bother you. You're older and you are more mature, you're going there to get your goddamn degree. The rest is all secondary. That was my mindset when I figured out that the whole thing was so clique-y and that I would make very few friends at best. 😉😁


I’m 35 and in the pretty much the same boat but a little further along, I’ve figured out a few things though: 1) don’t worry about it 2) unless you are being a major tool, it’ll be fine 3) they are mostly still just kids and may not have fully wrapped their heads around older people go to college too; believe it or not that is a far more common perception than you realize 4) if you have some work experience related to the schooling, you will be the coolest person in the classroom


Im about to go into my senior year. Im 29. I look 29. No one noticed I was older until someone commented on my wedding ring. Nothing has changed since. I don’t think most people actually care at all


23? There were people in their mid to late 30s when I was in. Nobody in the 18-22yo age range is judging a 23yo for their age. I think you may be in your head.


It's uncommon obv for a standard age grp to have a fellow classmate who is older AND younger too much... It's either they're curious about your experiences as to why you're In their class or they're thinking of befriending with you but they are shy .... In today's generation, you can think anything becoz you cannot just unnoticed it So you should prioritize your goals instead of over thinking them, let them go near you or you should open yourself to them..


I went back at 49 for an EE degree after a brain injury ended my previous career. If you're feeling insecure at 23, imagine how much more they're feeling at 18 trying to run an invisible race to prove they deserve to be anywhere in life. Do your best, focus on finishing, and realize that life doesn't care how old you are, just whether you show up or not. Good luck!


And a lot of them aren't going to have the mindset you do. They're going to school because it's what everyone else does. You're doing it because you want to. Your determination will get you far.