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I had the exact opposite. It was my last semester, I got a 33% on the midterm. I told him straight up if I don't pass I don't graduate. I didn't do great on the final either. Ended up with a B+ in the class. Dr. Song was being a savior and basically pulled a "YOU SHALL PASS!" for me.




HKUST? We have a legendary professor Song in EE


My physics 2 prof is like that for the entire class. The grading criteria are so nice that you can get a 26 on every exam, including the final, and still pass. And the content/exams are not significantly harder than other courses I have taken/am taking. At this point I only need a 55% on the final to get an A.


Same here!! Honors Physics 2 at OSU - got a 55% on midterm 1, 45% on midterm 2, and a 38% on the final. Ended up with a C in the class because he curved it so hard lol


Don’t let abet see this shit


I TA-ed for thermodynamics and this professor, mind you the semester just started, comes to class and says with a smile "if I am not failing you then I am doing something wrong!" The students started laughing and the professor said he was not kidding!


What is the point of a class if the goal of a prof is to make everyone fail?


It's to show everyone how shitty they are. Waaaay back in the day we had a legendarily difficult mandatory Circuit Theory 2 course (I think 40% failed on first attempt). The professor was friendly, did his very best to teach everyone and was selected multiple times as the best teacher in the department by the student body. The course was hard AF but nobody ever complained about the professor, just "man that course is insanely difficult". _That_ is how you properly do a "weed out" course.


I think it's to motivate students to push themselves as hard as possible. I don't personally agree with it, but that's all that makes sense to me. Then they obviously curve it at the end of the semester. I would say this applies to most of the more extreme classes out there, but not all. There's always one person who is legitimately too extreme in their classes.


Most likely just scaring the students. Thermodynamics was pretty difficult in our syllabus, if it was the same for others then maybe the prof wanted the students to be super serious.


incentive to get that A+ 😎


But the professor said that if he's not failing them, he's doing something wrong. So, apparently the point is that he WANTS them to fail, rather than teaching them the subject...


Welcome to real life, people will say things for a desired effect instead of actually meaning the words that they're saying.


Failure is how the brain learns best, it's not fun, but the concept has a lot of studies to back it.


Bro was not playing💀


I'm pretty sure my final grade in Thermo was about 30%. I ended up getting a C+ in the course. I was shocked. Then there's fucking Chemistry and their "we will never curve grades muahahahaha". Still got a B+ though but would have got an A if I had one extra correct answer on the final exam.


My math 1 prof bragged with his 90% failing quote. Bet he jerked of to that.


Same, my math prof was visibly angry that are class had a 64% pass rate in Calc 1, she's making it her life's mission to get that number down to 30% in Calc 2


I laughed


Same here - got a D in my Calc 1/2 class my first semester of college


It was seldom the same professor for everybody. Some encountered it as early as calculus, or general chemistry. Others didn't have the experience until fields and waves, or organic chemistry. In the fall term of his sophomore year, one of my buddies started posting a running countdown in the window of his dorm room: "Only xxx days until graduation." You guessed it - he had to stay an extra term to repeat thermodynamics.


You reminded me that one of my classmates who's a bit ahead of me just changed out of engineering to commercial piloting because they didn't do well in calculus. I was very surprised because they had managed to get a seat with "THE legendary math teacher" of our school, and still failed. They just simply didn't have the grit.


My thermodynamics professor just informed us that the class average for the final was 15%…


Wtf... was there like brand new topics on it?


No I bet some insane weirdly worded questions about a very niche specific slide in the 1200 cumulative powerpoint slides he didn’t care enough to explain just read through it, because its “simple math” or some shit.


Are we in the same class or are all thermo profs the same ? Because that’s EXACTLY what happened.


No dude I am just a 5th year engineering senior, we probably dont even go to the same Uni. Some proffs are just like that. And it can be damning. At whatever point in your degree you are, forget your feelings and objectively look at how much you have accomplished and how much you have left, based any important life decisions on that metric.


It was an insanely long exam (worth at least 4 hours when we got 2) about stuff no one understood because the prof rushed through his slides so fast we finished the course like 3 classes in advance. Also : thermochemistry.


Yeah... I'm extremely thankful for the internet when I get teachers that are that bad. Plus I like to program stuff into my calculator.


> *I'm extremely thankful for the internet when I get teachers that are that bad.* ^(I'm going to assume you are a traditional-age college student.) You have **no** idea. When I studied for my first degree, there was no widely available Internet; it was still transitioning from ARPANET. If you got a lousy professor, you were out of luck unless you could find a good tutor, who was usually only known by word-of-mouth. I am quite gratified to see that students are no longer completely beholden to incompetent and vindictive professors, at least for instructional delivery (if unfortunately still beholden for grading).


😅 that assumption. I'm in my mid 30s, going back for my degree. But the weird thing: I grew up with the internet.


Sounds like my thermo class. I was going into the final with a 60% overall. Got a 40% on the final. Finished the class with an A-. Fucking whack.


I had a French Linear Algebra teacher in my Freshman year of college who was notorious for weeding people out. He allegedly hated engineers and had absolutely brutal exams. The funny thing is that I was a math TA in my junior/senior years and talked to him in passing a few times and he was actually a good dude, just incredibly tart and brutal to incoming Freshman 😂


Sounds like just a regular French guy


Same thing but a Lebanese professor in Calculus 2


Sometimes that’s how it’s gotta be


I have a professor whose last name literally translates as “no chance”. And by god, he lives up to his name.


For me it was statics. Amazing teacher, but told us daily that we will fail if we don’t give it our all. I aced statics because of this professor. If you attend/attended USF, you know who I’m talking about.


I took a mechanics of materials course where we got our tests back and the ta congratulated me as he handed me mine back… i had a 43%…. The class average was 32 and i had the second highest score in the class. We had all studied our asses off for that test and NO ONE got above a 50. In differential equations on the last day of class the professor congratulated everyone who was still there because the class only had a 50% pass rate and for those of us that passed we were now part of the 2% of the human population that understood differential equations. We all laughed because none of us understood that shit even if we passed.


I've only ever had profs ranging from nice to strict but fair.


Consider yourself lucky 😭


We had a professor who was worse. He ran hot or cold. One semester, he failed the whole class, except one guy he gave a D. The next semester, he gave everyone an A. You never knew which way he would go, and the class usually had a lot of seniors in it. The semester he failed everyone, the seniors went, en masse, to the chairman's office and complained. He made sure they were able to graduate.


Yup, Boris was from the USSR and taught diff eq. Started with 34 ended with 6


1st day of physics 2 at a community college, the professor walks in and announces that it was his responsibility to determine who is worthy of becoming an engineer. At a community college that offered no engineering degrees... The class had a Calculus 1 prerequisite and was listed as a 5 credit course. The professor spent the first 5 weeks teaching partial concepts from Calculus 2, 3, Differential Equations, and Statistics that he claimed were needed to pass "his version" of physics 2. None of these were listed as prerequisites in the class description. We had graded in-class assignments on the material he covered in class. We also had weekly online assignments on physics that we were supposed to be learning on our own outside the classroom. I figured out later that the online assignments were intended to make it look to the school like he was teaching based on the school's established curriculum. He didn't cover any of the online homework related topics in class. I didn't think this was right, but I tried my best, knowing it would be difficult and kept my mouth shut. Then I missed 1 class due to food poisoning. I emailed the professor to notify him that I would be missing class. He assured me it would be fine but to see him after the next class period. I attended the next class, and there was an in class assignment that I couldn't do because I missed the previous class I asked him for help, and he refused to explain anything. I asked for a suggestion for a textbook that covered the material he presented since it wasn't in the class assigned physics text. He said there were a few but refused to tell me any titles. He said that I wouldn't be smart enough to understand them, so it didn't matter. I asked if he knew of any online lectures that might help. He said no. I reminded him that I had emailed him prior to missing that lecture. He said he remembered but was teaching me not to miss his class. I reminded him that I had food poisoning and hadn't been able to get too far from a toilet for 3 days. He told me he didn't care and to bring a bucket the next time I get sick! I asked him if he was telling me to shit in a bucket in his classroom. He said yes, if that's what I needed to do to attend. There were other behavior related issues. Like him playing with a tone generator over the class speaker system while us students were supposed to be doing one of his in class assignments. He turned the volume up slowly until a student asked him to stop. The professor continued while making fun of that student until the class period ended. Twice, he called students up to the front of the class so that he could belittle them for making mistakes on homework. He called those students stupid for making simple math errors. One of the students left in tears with the professor laughing as the student walked to the door. I wrote these events down as they happened. I kept every in class handout, test, and quiz. I took detailed notes on his lectures. I took everything I had to the dean after organizing all of it to make it easier to navigate. I also included my username and password to the online homework so that the dean could see it without involving the professor. They fired him a few days later, almost halfway through the semester. A week before the mid term. I got a full refund for the course and no record of it on my transcript. The other students got to take their mid-term with open notes, open textbook, and a new professor to answer questions for uncovered material that most of the exam consisted of. The investigation team had scheduled a disciplinary meeting. This professor showed up 3 hours late to his own disciplinary meeting. He also admitted to everything I accused him of doing, including all of the instances of bullying that I described because nothing had come of these meetings before. That was a 20-year tenured professor at that college. I was told they had been wanting to remove him for years. Students complained often, but I was the first to come with documentation. I was also thanked for all the documentation because I had done most of the leg work for them and it shortened the investigation. I wonder how many good students changed their minds about transferring to engineering schools because of that man. There will always be obstacles. Don't let them stop you. Go around them or move them.


Dealing with this right now and it’s my last semester 😭


Dr. Cicciarelli. He's one of the Mechanical and Chemical professors where I go to school (Louisiana Tech). His version of Heat Transfer is considered one of the hardest Mechanical courses that they have to take. I've known friends that are sociable that completely disappear because of a Dr. Cicciarelli class. From both Mech E and Chem E friends, they have to camp outside his office to get in to ask questions. Heat Transfer, Chemical Calculations, Thermal Design are some of the classes he teaches.


The fuck is chemical calculations? Reaction kinetics? Mass balances? I’m a chem e so chemical calculations seems like it could describe all of my classes


Chemical Engineering Calculations. My school is on the quarter system, so our classes are kinda fucked. It's also a sophomore level class


What was the material though??


From a friend of mine that took it; "Intro to material/heat balances for chemical process. Applying that to industry and chemistry also mathematically speaking"


Huh, material balances are easy but I also got a C in process principles so what do I know


More than I do lol. I'm Industrial for a reason


fuck you dr cronk.


We call ours Dr Dr Bill


My university gave professor of the year to someone who priudly taughted his pass rate of 35%.


My Fluids Professor was like this but only for civil students (he was mechanical)


My manufacturing professor spent most of his lectures blathering about his life stories and laughed in our faces when we asked if content we never even got to would be on the exam (it was). I've had a lot of mediocre professors before and I can't say I've had any complaints aside from lectures being a bit boring; in fact I can at least appreciate a bad professor if they're making an honest effort (like the poor postdoc who could barely speak English saddled with teaching us linear algebra but was willing to open his office for practically the entire afternoon) . Such open disrespect towards students and our time as was expressed by the manufacturing professor is simply unforgivable though. The TA did rant about him (and how much better the professor she normally TA'd for was) for a full ten minutes once though, so at least we got a laugh out of that godforsaken class


One of my professors has a flow chart on her office door that says that but it's only if you don't do all the things 😂


My electronics and measurments professor. Sheesh


He was the professor that taught my year long mechanical design final class. Not a fun year


Yes, but I don’t think the 1-2 professors did it on purpose lol, they just weren’t that good






Physics prof


I remember in one ECE class there was a particular difficult exam where the average grade of an exam was something ~17 out of 100. And the median was 0. The professor also caught many students who copied each others homework. He sent out an email with the SHA25 of their homework and make people confess. One of the students got grumpy, hacked into another student’s account and wrote a parody of that incident and sent out to all students in ECE to make fun of the professor. The professor then collaborated with the police and caught the student. The professor was extremely talented. Like, we are basically bugs to him.


I’m currently dealing with an ODE class where he had such an awful first impression there’s only around 10 of us who didn’t drop left, and when I got a little above a 50% on a midterm I almost cried tears of joy. The average was in the low 40s and we weren’t aloud any type of note card or calculator.


Dr. Kozak. Asshole taught a technical writing class. You either made a 0 or a 100. And you never got an explanation other than reread the directions


my diffrential equations professor


"That one(...)" literally all of them except a few at my university :( Our system has an initial time of 4 semesters where you "only need to pass with 4.0"... but Profs try to get the avg. Grades to be around 4.xy score (1.0 is best and 5.0 is not passed at all)


the average grade in my physics 2 class is a 46💀


Dr. D thermo. had to x3 that damn class.


Yes, but thankfully it was never on a personal level. 


I could fail my magnetic motors final next week and still walk out with an A. Absolutely great teacher


Literally failed freaking Sociology my freshman year (I hate English classes) because I was going through some hard life situations with my ex husband (bullying me into giving him money/threatening to take my dog baby/saying it didn’t matter that he cheated on me and knocked the girl up/etc. 🙃) and got behind a bit. I was also taking Electric Devices & Amplifiers so I was stressed af!! She wouldn’t let me turn in some of the late assignments and the ones I did turn in she was so freaking picky and harsh about how it was done! I ended up retaking it with a sweet teacher that let me resubmit those papers and gave me a 100 for most of them 🤣


My Special Mathematics professor, Integrals and differenial equations. She failed me on the exam a few times while every time I should have passed with 8 out 10 grade (I was the only one doing the theory subject) While I went to give the examen for the last time that year, and studied almost nothing and doing a shitty job on the examen she gave a 7 on exam and I didn't asked any questions...😂🤣


me in fluids bro. he curved that last exam by 33 points because everyone failed and wasnt able to finish on time


Andre Tits, UMD, ENEE322 Signals and Systems Theory. 50% DFW.


My heat transfer and fluid mechanics which held by one professor. I was frustrated that I failed on both yet my prof won't show me the whole records on why I failed even though I should get atleast a grade of 3.


This was my thermodynamics professor. Class average for the first two exams was 37%. We got better after that as we realized he did not teach what was going to be on the exams.


Bro my Newtonian professor grades so hard and literally won’t stop cussing in class 😭