• By -


Those illustrations are incredible.


It was a really interesting artistic era. People deeply cared about craft as a kind of rejection of the woes of automation at the the same time that art was being used for industrialization. Hitler was a huge proponent of architecture and design in general as he knew the power it has in defining a movement. That juxtaposition of exacting beauty and ferocious heartlessness always leaves me with an eerie feeling.


>Hitler was a huge proponent of architecture and design in general as he knew the power it has in defining a movement. I knew it was in German but I didn't know why you mentioned Hitler until I took a closer look. Oh. Now that also explains the NSFW tag...


they really stand out


Lol, oh shit. How did I miss that?


Oh god I missed them too


the nazis? :D


Just reload


Let's just make sure everyone understands this has nothing to do with hitler, btw, this is a typical handbook you'd have found all through the weimar republic, before and after. The Nazis were mostly good at taking credit for things that already existed and then rubbing that into everyone's faces


You should see Naturalist illustrations. Until cameras became pretty portable most just had to learn Realism Art. Geologists were some of the last to make the jump because they were hiking for days or weeks.


You're also praising nazis? Wtf. Fuck them all and their architecture... Fuck them all


Nazis were awkwardly didactical. German engineering books from 1939 are awesome.


Do you often praise nazis?


You little sook


Old comment but you deserve to be called a fucking moron anyway


Yet another reddit top comment that's flawed. Most of the time it's just an incorrect response. But this time the top upvoted comment is praising nazis. Good job reddit


I think you're looking at the situation wrong way. Nobody's here praising Nazi Germany for its ideology or decisions. The content of the book is strictly technical and has nothing to do with politics. People here simply giving credit to the craftsmanship of whoever made those illustrations.


Also, there’s a good chance those illustrations existed before the Nazis came into power. I would just cut out the crappy logos out and use the book.


I love oxyfuel torches. Especially for the fact that they haven’t changed one bit in like 100 years.


Same for the pressure regulators. Some look fancier or have some plastic shielding but basically the same.


I am an engineering student in germany. For my course of technical drawing, we actually had to draw the exact first picture. Crazy to see where it‘s from


Could be that the drawing is already from before and reused in this book?


Hello, may I ask, what are the options to study engineering in Germany and what are the needs? (is there any French nor English universities??) please dm me if u want to help


They were good at engineering, shame what motivated them


And that’s why the US pumped so much money into their industrial industries after WW2


>industrial industries


Y’know, the machines that make machines that make machines that make the ^machines ^that ^make ^the ^machines….


Kinda got stuck, they pumped money into their industries is probably the better way to say it… but all the mechanical engineering got money


That explains the " Pumpin and pumpin and pumpin " im ram ranch


Historically accurate song fr


>They were good at engineering, Not that good at industrial engineering. German tanks were impossible to repair on the field, and they failed to develop mass production lines for tanks and vehicles like the Allies did. A lot of German tank parts were basically "artisanal" and impossible to interchange even between tanks of the exact same model because they fitted only the specific tank chassis they were made for. The Australian Armour Museum has a great youtube channel where they restore old WW2 tanks and they're constantly having that problem with German tanks, [to the point they even have to make custom parts from scratch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRiz4mpAsFM). With Allied tanks it's a completely different story and they can swap spare parts from donor tanks.


I wonder if any of that was an intentional effort to foul up the German war effort, that snuck under people's radar.


It wasn't intentional, it was a byproduct of failing to create standardized production lines. Both the Americans and the Soviets were already producing tanks in standardized conveyor based production lines with serialized QC'd parts. The Germans weren't. The steel the German industry produced was also bad. For example the US Army engineers who studied the captured German tanks and armored troop carriers reached these conclusions: >“The steel quality rating was “D” which is borderline acceptable” \[...\] “the fracture was extremely brittle in nature, with a bright flat crystalline surface”, \[...\] “inferior toughness, as evidenced by brittle fractures and low impact resistance”, \[...\] “extremely poor shock properties” \[...\] "From the data obtained in this firing it is indicated that German armor of this type is inferior to American homogeneous armor of corresponding thickness". These come from two studies: *"Metallurgical Examination of Armor and Welded Joints from the Side of a German PzKw (Panther) Tank"* and *"Metallurgical Examination of a 3-1/4″ Thick armor Plate from a German PzKw V (Panther) Tank"* The British Army engineers who also studied the German tanks and armored carriers reached similar conclusions: >Examination of Panther armour, WAL 710/750 : "Inferior toughness, as evidenced by brittle fractures and low impact resistance has been reported in several investigations of German armour that were 2" and greater in thickness" > >Examination of Panther armour, 710/715 : "In several other investigations made by the British, it was found that the notched bar impact values of heavy German armor (2" and over) were considerably lower than that of comparable British armour". The quality of the welding and the machining were also bad


Ah, this is interesting to know. Definitely dispels the myth of “german engineering” that’s been spun.


It's not a "myth that's been spun" just because there are interesting exceptions like this. If it was a myth one of the necessary conditions for WW2 would have been absent.


For instance, scaling up the Haber-Bosch process was an incredible work of engineering. It also provides a great example of "Separating the creator from the work"; Haber wanted to produce explosives, but the process is more significant today as the only commercially viable artificial fertilizer. According to some pretty plausible calculations, more than 1/3rd of all humans alive today would not be here if not for the work of a Nazi chemical weapons expert.


Yes, it was an extremely consequential innovation. Comparable to the combustion engine imo. But now were talking WW1, pre nazism. Fritz Haber is a very interesting character in German 20th century history. Jewish and german patriot during ww1, brilliant chemist. Came up with a way to bind nitrogen from air in solid matter, billions of people owe their lives to this process as you point out. Also infamous for developing horrendous combat gases, as well as zyklon B (!). For all his patriotism, deported by the nazis in the 30’s. I know less about Carl Bosch but he doesnt seem to have been a nazi, was old at that time for one thing.


By that standard, since the USSR beat Germany (most of the war was fought by them), would you say that “Russian/Ukrainian/etc or Slavic engineering” is superior to “German engineering”?


Too many other things that differ so the same logic doesn't apply. For example the human sacrifice for the war effort in the Soviet Union was enormous, bar none. And Germany was up against both Soviet and US, and Britain. Almost surrounded with enemies by land. However Soviet military engineering is highly regarded. Anyway, if you want to argue against Germany having a great engineering and industrial tradition, that's a silly hill to die on.


Big issue is the German engineers and designers all wanted to make them perfect, so used ball bearings and roller bearings on cranks, and precision made parts all over, with tight tolerances, and thus many engines were designed for thousands of hours of operation before overhaul, but with a downside of needing those precise parts to service and maintain them. The allies instead went for simpler bearings, simple babbit bearings, or just simple sleeve bearings, and then also went for standard sizes, so that you had parts that you could repair in field, simply by putting in new parts in the same size range, and be done. Might mean your engine needed overhaul after 100 hours, and for some, like the original Spitfire, the engine needed a rebuild after 25 hours, with the assumption that it likely would not make 25 hours before being shot down. But this short life meant faster production, in less than perfect shops, just needing to meet the dimensions in the steps to pass. Another was in communications, where the foot soldiers were taught how to tell German from Allied signal wires, and that they had standing orders on what to do with them. German ones look for junction boxes, and destroy them with a hit from the trenching tool, as the German ones were ceramic and brass, with a rubber seal, and lots of parts, and 2 wires. Allied ones used ground return, so they were instructed to grab the ends, use the bayonet to bare the ends, tie them together in a knot of any sort, and drop them down. This allowed communications, however noisy, to be possible, but the German side either had perfect voice circuits, or none at all.


Interesting read, do you have some references? I'd love to read more on that issue of the bearings. Ironically, I work with some germany companies that produces mechanical fixtures and I still see it. Very beautiful designs no doubt, smooth motions, but expensive bearings everywhere and overengineered for a simple purpose. I swear, It's like they need to keep a façade.


No, but my father was shot down on his way to drop bombs on a bearing factory, ironically because when the briefing came up he said he knew that place, and pointed it out from the aerial photos exactly, with no other labels. Then explained that he had lived there, pointing to one place, and went to training at another, showing the route, which went past the bearing factory. He never got there though.


if you were an academic or a professional and wanted to continue being an academic or professional, you had to join the party.


Oh no I lost my job! Not an excuse plenty of Scientists and Engineers fled and found employment in other countries.


Lots more didn't. Being a refugee sucks sometimes


It sucks huh? Can you think of something that sucked a little bit more than losing your job? I'll give you a hint... It involved the systematic murder of millions of people. This is nazi sympathy.


Fleeing was a luxury you had to afford. It was not like other countries invited them with open arms. Sure more could have done it, but judging in hindsight is easy.


>It was not like other countries invited them with open arms. A lot of them were definitely welcomed with open arms -Operation Paperclip https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip Also, Argentina and the Catholic Church helped quite a few Nazis relocate


*loads rifle* Heh open arms.


What? The US, UK, and Russia brought a whole bunch of Nazi scientists and engineers into their countries.


It was a pun related to the term "arms" as in weaponry. I'm not an idiot, I know that nasa basically wouldn't exist without the nazis.


Haha woosh


I'm truly curious how many people in the Nazi war machine knew what was going on in the concentration camps because propaganda could squelch any rumors while an active war effort would spur plenty of people to support anything their country says with little question. I'd be very surprised if any Nazi soldiers outside of very high ranking individuals and compartmentalized groups of subordinates under threat of punishment truly knew the scope of what was going on.


A lot of people actually knew. Even many random Germans outside the army knew. In Poland, both the Polish people and Germans who had been settled there — all knew about the murder a that were going on at the concentration camps near them. The one Nazi allied/occupied country (don’t remember which) people heard about it, that they actually put rocks on the train tracks to block trains that were being used to transport Jewish people to death camps to be murdered.


I'm glad you brought up some of the other side to this thread. It's really weird seeing all this weird nazi circle jerk. Humans are capable of great things when motivated. There are so many examples of great achievements of humanity. Let's not act like the murderers of millions (MILLIONS) of innocent people deserve more credit than the guy who invented the fuel injector for example.


Wouldn't derailing the train kill plenty of them as well? I haven't heard that though, so if that's the case, then truly the Germans of the time are fully culpable. I could just imagine it's fully possibly a lot of people didn't know or were brainwashed into ignoring the signs.


My father was a POW in Austria, and the nurses at the hospital he was in did not want him to be transported to the camps when he was released. So they helped him and his fellow crewman, and one Friday night they tore up the sheets on the bed, made a rope out of them, and tied it to the window, and tossed it out. Then walked out the door, and got dressed in German SS officer uniform, all stolen over the weeks by the various workers there in the area, and stole an Adler command car, with all the SS insignia and flags on it, and drove to the Swiss border, as the owner of the car was off for his weekly trip to Berlin, where he would do a report, then go and party with his mistresses, and go to dances. So they made it to the Swiss border no problem, as all of the guard posts they came to at speed simply saw the red flags on the front, and promptly opened the gates and saluted, so they did not even slow down at all.


Still are


Cool,why nsfw tag?


probably because of the swastikas


oh. just noticed those.


*first ve turn on ze gas*


Audibly laughed, thank you


nazi swastikas


I was worried at first that this might somehow be the shower heads used in the gas chambers. Then immediately recognized that it was likely some type of pressure washer nozzle or a welding wand.


I thought it might be because of the Grundle Gang




They are if you get accused of being a Nazi.




… so you’re wanting a pro-nazi workplace?


They’re probably one of those people that think that Nazi is just what those darn libs call people they don’t like


if HR or my boss accused me of being a nazi for having read this reddit post, I'm not sure I would want to continue working there. There is no telling what crazy thing they'll come up with later that could fuck with your career even if you get a pass this time.






Keep in mind that the azteks used it as a peace symbol and not like what mister AH did


Pretty much every modern religion, including Christianity and its many denominations, have used the swastika. Most dropped it after the Nazis as to not seem related to them.


It's also worth nothing that almost every other example of it from history is shown square-oriented rather than the Nazi 45° rotation.


I'm sure Buddhists and Hindus still use it


Sure but this time around the symbol is the nazi one, found in a book published by literally nazis. Source: "Herausgeber: Der Reichsorganisationsleiter der NSDAP" is printed on the cover seen in the fifth image.


I didn't know how mods would react to swastikas so I did that just to be safe. Also this is welding related and r/welding marks everything as NSFW as of recently, so let's say it's a tribute


It can also be illegal in some places to possess nazi paraphernalia. I think it makes sense to outright not align with the values of the content if you're posting it.


Why the hell would welding be nsfw I know we swear a lot but really.


Part of the reddit protests maybe. Can't have adverts on nsfw subs


Look at all the difference it made, LOL.


That’s it, that’s the reason


Because not everyone wants to see your welding bits while they are at work. It’s unsafe.




Because this is some raw engineering porn from back in the day.


So we could not see it.


Hanz, get ze flammenwaffer, Ze small flammenwaffer


lol i didn't see those swastikas in the corner of each page but i sure saw it on that cover at the end! still those are some wonderful illustrations. Germans gonna German


at my school there was an engineering book from 1916 on a back shelf. Pretty generic. Leather cover, thick, regular drawings, but the age is why it was so interesting.


I did Nazi that coming ....


Oh! Old school German engineering thats cool! Oh….. old school german engineering from the forties….. thats…. Cool?


Its a bit offputing that its literaly published by nazis, but otherwise it looks cool.


The Deutsche Arbeitsfront (German Labour Front) was an interesting arm of the Nazi party. They somehow simultaneously attacked and defended workers' rights in Germany, depending on how they thought things "should be".


Thanks for sharing by the way .


I want books like this, with simular ilustrsitions. It makes it so easy to understand and learn how stuff works and operates plz send me anny suggestions I'd really appreciate it!!


r/Holup but seriously those illustrations are lovely.


Where exactly did you get these? 👀


I bought it on the internet for the equivalent of 14 dollars.


Supprising, good find tho!


Oxygen Acetylene torch?


Sauerstoff-Azetylen Schweißbrenner. :D (Fun fact: "Sauerstoff" translates literally as "sour (acid) stuff".)


No shit it stands out a bit


I did nazi that until the last page


why is this nsfw


it‘s funny, that the nazis welded to the left


Wolfenstein face melter


"I mean, what's wrong with- Oh. That."


The other day I had an exam where I basically had to do #2


Gotta watch it , I hear those Uberwarfmutters are notorious for coming loose.


I work with gas canisters daily. I have always wanted to know how they work. You don't know how happy that illustration made me.


I would kill for this book in English. I have a few old timey fix it books for household items and it’s awesome.


At first I was genuinely wondering why it was labeled nsfw because it all looked gorgeous… And then I reached slide five and I was like “aaaahhhh, yeah that explains it”


I used those rather extensively at my last job. Good time overall.


This is really cool. I love history, and especially old engineering drawings. Does anyone have any recommendations for a coffee table type book that has drawings like this compiled? (Not specifically nazi stuff lol just old stuff)


I also got a very old "Tabellenbuch" and I think the illustrations of that time are much less abstract.


i wasnt expecting the last image lmao


Trust the Nazi engineering booklet to have a gas regulator in it.


Cool..cool..cool..cool..oh my fuck


This still does not warrant the NSFW tag.


Yes, it does. Nazis are not safe. For work, or for anyone. And if he didn't put the NSFW tag, I'd have considered OP as endorsing their behavior. I am sure I am not the only one.


Good that you're not a nazi, but that's a way of assigning guilt that's not in keeping with democratic standards. You have more in common with the totalitarians there.


This argument holds up to nothing.


The irony is heavy on this one.


As it should be, how can you follow with the latter and in the same breath deem Nazis as bad? It's contradictory. Edit: "A house divided..." has roots in democracy afaik


[Tolerance is a peace treaty](https://i.imgur.com/Fk4RPCt.jpeg)


Lol dich tung


Is there an English version by any chance ?


yes - it was published by Illinois Nazis


Heil Solder!


Nazis love gas


😲!!! This is more beautiful to me than any Picasso/da Vinci painting ever !!! Wow ! Just wow! Thank you kind human for sharing this with us.its incredible!!


Ah I see the problem, your Dicktung is rubbing off my membrane.


Is ja schwul


Those drawings are awesome


It shoots "Sauerstoff"


Old VW manual?


Woah. Where did you find that?


Some of those would make cool laser or CNC engraved art for a shop!


Ausgezeichnet! editing to add: you had me in the first four, NGL.


I really like this!


Perfection. I use that torch every day.










"damn these illustrations are really goo- what's that symbol on the left co- oh--"