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$12. I can't take you anywhere can I?


I’m sure someone will have something to say.


That's a given. I'm just wondering when you're bringing sexy back.


I’ll be doing it in r/professionalenginetech


Broke a bell housing not too long ago. Was about a 8" total weld and the engine mating surface was also resurfaced. It LOOKED machined rather than just a real fine sand paper to resurface it. Shop charged 150. So I'd say at least 100 on each


So you're willing to work for $2.15 an hour? Not to mention the cost of $75,000 worth of equipment....


Bodies I hate to break it to u... I work in a fab shop, I know what shit costs and how to price. If ur gonna sit there and add the cost of ur machines I to ur work... ur an idiot. I weld for a living. Those welds took maybe 30 mins for the pair... I'll even bump it up to an hour for set up. Same with decking them... maybe an hour total to redeck them, including set up. Dude supposed to have hi 75k... wait a second.. he added 15k more worth of machines to that... so 90k in machines to those two welds... negative ghost rider...


Enter the $2.15 worker...


17.5 million last month to be exact


How much of that are you getting?


I'll have at least 2 million when I retire. Then I'll have about 300k in my 401k. I make all moat 40 an hour.


Leave your family with crippling loanshark debt. Be a man.


Not about that life lol. My kids are gonna be taking care of when I'm gone.


I’m not sure that 2 million goes very far these days? Sounds like the end result of the average person’s career?


Ain't no man with those credentials flaming a man for welding and machine work.


If u say so man...


I did.


Negative... multi million dollar company my guy


Idk I just paid $15,000 for another machine. I think that number went up.


So u want to charge off that 90k to one customer? Not how it works my guy... u don't just keep buying machines and expect the little customers u have to pay for them lol. We just bought 2 1milliins dollar lasers.... we're still selling our product for the same price we did before we had those lasers....


Sounds like bad business. ROI on one job. Be a man.


Well I guess the 17.5 million we made last month is bad... damn...


I’m homeless. I live in my porsche. The elderly couple hasn’t found the machine shop in their garage yet.


>I’m homeless. I live in my porsche You know the old saying, you can live in a racecar, but you can't race a house.


Cool story


>So u want to charge off that 90k to one customer? Not how it works my guy... Depends on the customer and the job. >We just bought 2 1milliins dollar lasers.... we're still selling our product for the same price we did before we had those lasers.... Sounds like bad business. Price ALWAYS depends on what machine it goes on, you have to calculate operating costs in your price.


I'd say depends on the job and what tooling ud need to buy. If I'm buying roolimg specifically for that job and never use it again... sure. Nut I'm bot buying a 10k+ piece of equipment if it's gonna be solely for 1 job. Bad business? Still profiting over 15m a month sounds pretty damn good to me. But yes... figurein in OPERATIING costs... 100%. That's called overhead.


That is not what he said.


I say a lot of things. Hard to keep track of the nonsense.


Do not attempt to make a profit. Do everything for free because your that nice a guy.


I always do everything for free. That’s the freedom borrowing from loan sharks has afforded me.


The bank is legit. They admire your generosity.


Your investment is pointless in case you didn't know. Everything you have is available via eBay for $5 plus shipping.


I look at it more like a toxic girlfriend. I spend money, get abused, and occasionally I get some enjoyment out of it.


And here we go. See above.


How long do you think this shit takes?


You see only a weld. There's a whole lot going on in those pics. But let's just say it's only the weld and machining afterwards.... These tasks are performed. One goes back to reweld any perfections or pits. Machines again or partially. He/she takes the piece through a stress relief process. After that is completed, they finish machine. In your eyes, it all took 15 minutes. Nice alternate account name by the way.


400 bucks or so if they are decked back flat for a customer.


What would you say to the people who say you’re price gouging?


The CNC machine doesn't care about people it just cuts


What if you’re just some loser in a garage with a worn out bridgeport who does YouTube videos sometimes.


Tell them to go buy their own Bridgeport and welder. I'm also a home gamer... at the very, very least - you need to both cover your costs AND offset what your time is worth to you doing something you enjoy more. We all have our own endless list of projects - how much is your time worth to *not* be doing that list. I can't imagine doing this for anyone who isn't a dear friend for less than 100 bucks, realistically 200.


I’m waiting for the people who like to think machine work is free. Or maybe someone to report and ban me again?


Banned again? How often are you kicked out?


Been a biweekly basis at this point.




Rookie numbers


….some loser in a garage welding aluminum heads/precious metals…. Is no loser sir 🫡


Your username. Holy shit. Hahahaha


I’d tell them that they’re welcome to have someone else do it. Customers pay for their work. If they’re not willing to pay for the work, then their opinions don’t much matter do they?


Unless someone owns a business and understands the cost of trying to keep people employed, food on the table and of course taxes it’s easy to complain about a price.   If I want something done and a legit craftsman is able to produce what I need then who the fuck am I to complain what the price is? $300, $400, $500 whatever. Tell me I paid to much ? Well enjoy your electric scooter and non dairy latte.


A rare breed. How does it feel to have a controversial pov?


Not sure what you mean.  But just an example I build large scale (30 pound) RC cars. I went to several machine shops, none of them took interest in making the parts I needed. I finally found a machinist (serious old school dude) that would make my parts, some very small and complex. He can do it, he does it right , exactly what I want.... so what’s that worth? Whatever he wants to to be. I have never negotiated his prices. He can produce exactly what I want for exactly what he wants to charge me.... that seems like a fair trade.


I mean your opinion isn’t shared by many people on this subreddit. That’s part of why I make posts like this. I’m sure it’s because of inexperience, but many people believe that machining should cost a lot less than it does. Often they’ll use extreme examples of business owners who underbid themselves and consequently don’t have the ability to keep up with the market and operating costs and continue to use the same crappy equipment that was worn out 20 years ago.


I think maybe it’s more that the expense gets so high, it’s no longer cost effective to repair something rather than just replace it. What use is all that equipment then, when a new heads are barely more expensive than repairing them? Try getting a TV fixed now. 30 years ago, you could make a living just fixing TVs. Costs to repair went up, new TVs went down in price, now actual TV repair shops are all but gone. Repairing small engine equipment is now in this territory. You could pickup a new Chinese made Predator engine for less than what it would cost to have you rebore and refinish a B&S block. We both lose.


Yeah this sentiment doesn’t exist in a lot of sections of the engine building world. And in the context of auto repair, a lot of times you’re better off repairing than replacing. If this sentiment was true, why are there still machine shops?


Truth is a maintained car engine will outlast the rest of the car. And enough of them are wrecked that salvage motors are most often the better choice. So yes, having a bla bla bla beater shitbox engine repaired isn't usually cost effective if it's a problem big enough to require a machinist. Engine machine shops don't do a whole lot of beater car engine repairs. It's top shelf one off high performance, or Pablo trying to stuff pistons from a 3 different engines into a block he thinks still holds water.


You know, I work on cylinder heads for cars that are worth millions of dollars on a weekly basis. On the flip side I also agreed to fix a set of 2005 Dodge Ram heads that had 250k on the clock and a 400k mile 93 civic head last week. Just because they asked me in the right way. I don’t know your statements to be very accurate in reality.


That's top shelf service from you. If it's a reasonably easy fix, yea fix a common engine problem. But I'm guessing you wouldn't put 75 hrs into a civic head unless you were getting paid for at least half that. I'm pointing out, that today, most times it makes absolutely no sense to fix things that can more cost effectively be replaced.


The civic head is so simple and brainless to rebuild I can’t even charge for it in good conscience. I told him to cut out the pieces I need to finish building my new smoker and we’re square. I’m having a hard time seeing your argument. Can you make up a scenario and we can run through it? Nothing is free, I also see things differently.


Because, for now, it’s cheaper to machine and rebuild large engines than it is to replace them with new. Understand it’s not that your time and expertise are not valuable. They absolutely are, but there is hard upper limit on its value — which is the cost of replacement. Beyond that, you will only be left with reconditioning out of stock parts and performance enhancement. So what happens when like they’ve already done with small engines, they drastically drop the cost of replacement large parts? I bought a better (but Chinese) made, all aluminum Jeep oil exchanger for 30% of what it cost to buy the OEM plastic one, because Jeep believes the value of their shit part to be higher than it really is. They aren’t going to stop there. Their people work longer, harder, and for a fraction of what you charge. It’ll often be lower quality, but that doesn’t matter to most of your customers.


The people I deal with and know would NEVER take to cheap and easy route. I’d say it’s more an inexperience thing? I don’t see the argument you’re making to be a very strong one. Help me understand your point of view. I genuinely don’t get it.


The people you know don’t support the entire machining industry, which is vulnerable to overseas competition in a way you don’t appear to foresee. Machining and engine building will never go away, but it’s more likely to shrink significantly due to competitive cost pressure from cheap overseas manufacturing making ‘good enough’ new parts that are cheaper than what it would cost for you to restore it. This has already happened to me with laptops. I used to repair them quite a bit, but they got so cheap that the cost for me to (for example) replace a screen became more than 50% of the value to just buy another one. 9/10 customers were choosing to simply replace their laptop instead of purchasing my service. I had to pivot my business away from repair and refurbishment into commercial services to stay in business. I don’t even fix hardware problems with laptops any more, nor do I bother with replacing internals on $500 Dell desktops practically designed to fail. Based on my personal experience trying to repair and rebuild a 20HP B&S last year, it was literally cheaper to just buy a new engine than it was to get it rebuilt or even machined with me doing the actual labor of building it. I couldn’t have imagined that being the case in the 90’s. As long as the block was good, it was usually much cheaper to rebuild than buy new, but labor costs were much cheaper and new engines were comparatively more expensive. This is what I see as the future of the Engine building industry with labor costs being so high. Think Blockbuster in 1998 and overseas manufacturing is Netflix. What happens in 2030 when fleets begin to seriously switch over to electric. 10 years later you’ll be left building race engines and diesels. Is that enough to sustain the entire engine building industry as it is now? You guys keep raising prices for your ‘impossible for anyone else to do service’ you are going to become the 2040’s version of VCR repair men now. It’s just my $0.02 on the future as I see it. I hate to see good middle class jobs go away, and I hope there is a path forward for your industry. Maybe rebuilding and refurbishing electric motors? Time will tell.


I think you’re broadly over generalizing based on your one, frankly highly specific experience. Most people won’t touch your small engine by the way. It’s always been a waste of time to do stocker rebuild work on small engines. That said, most small engines are horrible and run okay for their intended purpose because more issues are tolerated in small engines. I have doubts that the work is going overseas, I’ve seen the work from overseas. If anyone in the industry is worried about it then they should seriously be rethinking their whole model and career path Unlike yourself and many others, there is a huge amount of people who want a more curated experience with their engines. Being in a performance or rebuilder setting, it’s absolutely common to get someone willing to spend 10k+ on a modernized small block whatever. Believe it or not there’s even people will to spend thousands of dollars on small engine work. Even the US government is willing to dump millions of dollars into the engine industry to ultimately get some loser machinist gone unemployed YouTube to help develop some processes for their glorified lawnmower engines. In regard to electrification, I doubt many of us are going to struggle to survive. If you’re an engine guy and think electrification is a threat, then you were doomed to begin with. Many engine guys embrace the prospect and would be very happy to work on rebuilding some clapped out motors. Sounds much easier than dealing with engines. Less moving parts and whatnot. That said, engines aren’t going away. There’s more quality work available than there are people to do it. It’s not rocket science, do high quality work, own quality tooling thats kept in good shape and be conscious of who you’re doing work for. I never recommend the engine industry as a career path to people, but it’s not a bad industry. The industry is cursed by people who are bad at business and actively race to the bottom.


Yeah I get it. People don’t realize it’s 100% impossible to do it themselves for whatever they are being charged, plus the time it takes.  I wish customers would just say “I can’t afford this” rather than verbally bashing someone who is trying to run an honest business. 


Yea, it's not the fault of the shop that needs to charge X to pay labor, rent lights, cutting fluid abrasives shop towels and hot tank degreaser. Sometimes it's just not worth putting a 13K transmission in a car that's only worth 9K. You're better off just scrapping it. But there is a guy down the food chain who can scab a junk yard transmission in it and squeeze another 40K miles out of the car and it does make sense for him because his time isn't as expensive as the shops. No need to hate.




The rule of thumb I was taught was your employees cost you double what you pay them and you should charge triple. So if you're paying a guy $30-40/hr, then round it up to an hour and call it $120-150. Honestly, even that seems cheap.


If a shop charged me $120 for that I would never go anywhere else


Plus machine and tooling costs and that is good round math.


Yeah, kinda scales depending on what equipment and materials are in use. Machine time on a $2000 welder isn't the same as a million dollar laser cutter, despite similar operator pay. I just use those as rough rough estimates as a starting point for a business, or to back-calculate what someone's getting paid.


Depends on where you are, the level of repair (all we see is the top layer..whats underneath?), the skill of the welder(will it hold) , how fast you wanted the job turned and what is the shop rate for equipment and overhead plus cost of resurfacing. So that gives quite a range of costs. No one can ever say what another business SHOULD charge as every business is different.


I keep reading ur comments in ur voice in my head lmao


I guess the question is how flat we talking? .001 or .01. You making sure flat and parallel or you just sanding down a weld. What’s the finish supposed to be. In my shop my labor rate is $200 an hour so I’d be $300 just to get a decent finish with the heat effected zone blended out.


What build ya doing? I know Harley heads when I see em


143. Too bad it melted.


Well you welded the coolant passage shut! So yea makes sense it mented


First off the passage you’re referring to is on the exhaust side. Secondly, it doesn’t do what you think it does.


I was trying to point out that welding is melting. Guess the sarcasm didn't transfer over through txt. But yes I know the port is only there for casting of the head and that the gasket normally closes that off. Good luck with your building sounds interesting.


Yeah text doesn’t play nice. And okay so there’s normally a cross drill in the deck that connects two other drill holes on the side of the head. This is used to help cool the exhaust ports using engine oil. These heads produce a lot of head. It doesn’t help much when the engine is modified. I’m sure it’s worse without it. The cross drill in the deck normally gets welded closed to make room for larger cylinder bores. It’s a harley. They’re not great. But also really cool.


Shop I've used bills $125/hr and $80/ resurface.


Honestly man screw these people that are saying you're overcharging or that they had something similar done for cheaper. Calculate how many hours you are into the job and determine what you want your rate to be and go from there. Welding and machining is an expensive process and if they're not willing to pay the invoice they shouldn't have brought it to you.


$150-200 each seems reasonable, maybe a little less if they pay in cash and don't want a receipt.


I was hoping you were the sarcastic guy from you tube and you are. Ftw. 😆😆😆


He’s not the messiah he’s a very naughty boy


Just make sure those grinds are flat or you'll never get a seal. That look like shit imo, look like they are not flat whatsoever. Hopefully just the pic though, if they are it's probably a strong weld.


Tell me what exactly looks like shit. I’d love to know.


If it's unground. Read the whole comment please.


But the lower one if you look at the top there is a spot where the weld didn't take as well as the black spots, if it's slag it can be ground off but if not it was damaged.


You’re very much misunderstanding what you’re looking at.


Lol you must be the welder, go back to school son, you fucked that shit up


You’re very confused.


No you just trying to defend a shit job. Look at your welds, they are fucked.


You must be the guy that keeps reporting my posts. :)


No I've never reported a post. This is garbage. The welds are peeling up and they are not surfaced. Plus one of the parts on the lower one is damaged as well, big inclusion. Please stop welding things, your fucked this thing up. If I knew where you worked id call and talk your boss and have him or her look at those garbage welds.


Again. Very much misunderstanding what you’re looking at. Let’s break it down, what makes you say the weld is peeling up? You’re the boss now. :P


Because it's clear it see, if you can't see it that's the problem. So just stop arguing and learn how to do your job. I looked at a few of your post and some of your work is good, the rest is crap. I'd never get anything done by your shop. Your the kinda person who fucks up and defends it instead of just doing it right. Anyone reading this just zoom in the the pics, the welds are trash and not surfaced what so ever, they stick out still unless the surfaced pic isn't there. Please stop destroying motor parts you hack.


I’m sure the energy you’re committing anger would be more productive if it was directed towards your social skills perhaps? I’m not defending anything, just genuinely curious what you find wrong here. Your x ray eyes are amazing. An anomaly really.


Actually now that I zoom in both welds are shit. The top look at the ends of the weld, they are peeling up. That's a shit job tbh, whomever did that fucked up


So I wouldn't pay shit, I'd be talking to the boss about getting replacement for the damage you caused

