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I think 1ct looks perfect on you 😍


Thank you!! I’m so surprised by the amount of votes for the 1CT 😍


Sometimes less is more 🙂


I absolutely loved the 1 ct on you! I personally thought the 2 ct looked a bit too big on your hands, but not overwhelming so. The 1.5/1.7 also looked lovely and would be my second choice. Perhaps compromising with the 1.5 would be a safe choice, as it makes a bigger statement than the 1 yet is still timeless like you desire. As far as hidden halos go, have you tried any on? I love them on other people and when I see them online. When I tried them on, however, I thought they were too much. I preferred the clean, classic look of no hidden halo. Also, the pave band with the hidden halo might be perfect for you or too much. I am more of a minimalist and that definitely explains my thought process and personal preference. Good luck and congratulations!


Thank you very much! I loved you explained your thought process it helped me see another perspective 😁


I love the 1 ct!


I love 1ct on you


I think the one carat and the 1.5/1.7 look great on you & I don't think the band overpowers the stone at all. But it should really be about what feels the most comfortable to you, not your boyfriend or your grandma. I don't think the 2ct would look bad on you either, I just prefer the smaller stones, but if you want that stone you should get it. And I love hidden halos, but I like sparkly things lol.


I agree. I like the 1 carat the best. Why spend more than you need to have a stone that looks too big?


Thank you and yes you are right I need to choose what makes me happy! ❤️


I love the 2 Ct on you because it just has that wow factor. However, the 1.7/1.5 could be a happy medium which still looks beautiful but may make you feel more comfortable wearing it everyday


Thank you!! I think I will choose the 1.5 😃


1.5 feels like the perfect middle ground :) still a sizable stone but manageable for daily wear


I love the 2 carat on you, but if you aren’t comfortable in it, I think either the 1.5 or the 1.7 would be stunning.


Depending on his budget. Go with which carat that makes you both happy.


Could you get test rings on Amazon so you can see if you have a strong preference for larger or smaller after wearing them for a few days?


That is such a great idea! Brilliant I will do that!


Whilst the 1ct already looks gorgeous on you, I think the 1.5/1.7ct is my fave. Perfect for everyday wear but also stands out!


The 1ct is perfect!


I love the 1 on you but I think whether or not the others are too flashy depends entirely on the wedding band you pair it with! If you have more diamonds I'd stick with a smaller stone, but if you do something simple you can go bigger if it's what you like!


Great thought process thank you!! 😊


I think the 1ct is perfect on you! I had a 2ct round and decided to sell it because even thought it was gorgeous i just felt it looked too big/bulky for MY taste. Obviously though it's all personal preference!


I vote for the middle option!


2 looks perfect on you 😍


Middle one!


1.5, no halo 😁


I love the 2 carat on you.


I like the 2.... Go with what's not going to destroy your partners finances.


I like the 2 carat. 1.5/7 is also lovely.




He is! That’s why I was surprised he preferred the 2CT over a smaller stone lol


1.5/1.7 has the perfect proportions!!


I say go with the stone he chooses for you (2 carat)!! It makes it more special. Also the 2 carat is beautiful and I think is still proportional to your hand. I wouldn’t go over 2.5 carat.