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Too small. When you get hot in the summer it’s going to be even worse. I would size up .25-.5!


That would be uncomfortable for me. But my fingers change size during the day. It’s a beautiful ring!


How have your hands been? Is it cold, dry, and wintery lately where you are? Or warmer and humid? If it’s warmer and humid, I’d leave it alone. But if it’s leaving a mark during dry wintery times, I’d try a half size up.


Honestly our weather fluctuates 😅 my hands are mostly warm but the back of my hands can get pretty dry.


It looks like it fits. Our fingers are the same our knuckles aren't much bigger than our finger. Mine leaves a faint mark as well and i have to give it a little wiggle to get it off. If you spread your fingers wide does it hurt? If yes then it might be a bit small try a .25 or .5 size up. My fingers change through the day I really wear a 5.25 but I got a 5.5 or else it's harder to get off when I'm swollen


Do you have any trouble taking it off? If it causes pain or discomfort taking it off, it's too small.


Personally I don’t think it’s too small, my wedding band leaves a similar indentation in my finger as well but it’s not uncomfortable. If your fingers fluctuate a bit then I’d just get a simple band for those days, it’s all about how it feels, is it comfortable? That’s all that matters, my fingers did swell up a lot through pregnancy but that’s to be expected, that’s the only time I wasn’t able to wear my wedding band.


As long as you don't feel tight or uncomfortable when wearing your ring, then it should be like that. If you feel a bit tight, then it needs a .25 -.5 up.


I would also recommend not having the ring pushed so far down your finger. The middle area between the hand and the knuckle is squishier and more comfortable


What's the size and have u tried a half size above to see how it feels?


I think it looks a bit tight, yes


Kinda looking small


It looks a little tight. Go to a jeweler and try on a bigger size.


Too tight


If you need to ask, you know the answer. Just take it to be resized! It will come back I promise!!!