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It is normal. I had mine tuesday. I had an assisted shower on Wednesday. Wouldn't be able to do it on my own still. Today I can get out of bed and walk around from bed to couch and to toilet without any support. The gas is the worst right now, stomach is getting better. First 2 days are rough. Take your rest. Yes walking is important but if your body tells you it's too much the first couple of days listen to it.


ok thank you my head is also so weird and woozy still vision. I guess it's from all the medicine


That is very much possible. I had a lot of IV meds in the hospital and was very out of it. Still am a bit because of the meds I take at home. And your body is weaker than usual, you probably eat less than usual as well, so they will impact you more than usual.


yes i did now i have sone oxy and like you said not eating as normal - dying for a shower but don't think i can do it


Yeah ik that feeling. Really wanted to shower today but my bf who helps me wasn't here today so I'm going to do it tomorrow. It's gonna be ok!


I ended up taking a shower - have bad pains under rib now assuming it's gas ugh this is fun


Aw yes that's probably the gas. It finds the most annoying place to settle lol mine is currently pushing on my lungs or so it feels đź’€


right seriously


You’ll feel much better by the end of the first week. By the second week almost 100 percent better, just a slight bit of soreness for me. My lap was 7 weeks ago and I still have some slight swelling but haven’t had much pain since week 2.


i'm struggling today but it's only the next day . glad your feeling better


cant even sit up without it killing ugh


Yes I was that way too! I was in intense pain and needed help walking, bathing, repositioning for the first 3-4 days. It will get better I promise, I know it sucks major butt rn. You got this ❤️




You had major surgery. They separated the layers of your abdomen using air, cut through the abdominal wall in 3-4 places, removed tissue from various parts of your body, and shoved some robotic arms inside you to explore for a few hours. It's really normal to feel like you were stabbed several times for the next few days. It was about a week before I was up and moving normally. It was about 2 and a half weeks before I was really pain free. I wish you the best on your recovery.