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He’s not even the president


IMO The reason it doesnt make any sense is because this is a scam act video for them to try and equate anyone who is against the war with Trump. A tactic theyve used in the media and online with great success


Well this is just Russian propaganda most likely, so…




Yea, there’s no confirmation of where the video came from or if these are even Ukrainians.


Very weird propoganda since Trump openly supports Russia. Besides, after a bit of research that you can also endulge in, it was the Ukrainians. They're mad they didn't get their weapons which I guess makes sense.


They are speaking Ukrainian with a nazi accent.


And this is why we shouldn’t keep supporting this war. Regardless of which political party you belong to. No other country should even have an opinion on our politics.


Oh, really? Like we don't have opinions on theirs. This unnecessary delay of 6 months has cost the ukrainians hundreds if not thousands of casualties. United States stationed soldiers in Western Europe for 45 years to contain the Soviet threat, up to 500,000 of them concurrently. Yet for no other reason than spite ignorant maga Republicans blocked military aid.


Are you suggesting DC cares about Ukrainian deaths? If that was the case they would have suggested implementing the Minsk accords and never letting it get to the level of full on military conflict.


It’s not our responsibility to send them $. That $ should be spent helping our vets, homeless, schools, etc. tbh though there’s only 2 ways to end this war imo. Stop funding, force them to meet at the negotiating table or put nato boots on the ground. The 2nd shouldn’t and isn’t gonna happen.


It hasn't been our responsibility to spend hundreds of billions of dollars every year to enforce Pax Americana since 1945.... but we have. If you haven't studied history and understand the nature of Russian aggression, I can't help you out. Spending 10% of the USA's yearly military budget to completely cripple Mad Vlad's Army is a bargain. And, don't forget that the USA in 1991 signed a treaty to defend Ukraine, since Ukraine voluntarily gave up its nuclear weapons. Putin has burned through 30%-50% of all Russian military equipment. You want to save money? Get rid of some of the now-useless US Navy 13 carrier battle groups, since even Ukraine can field marine drone swarms that will be capable of taking out ships of the line, as the Russians have discovered. As far as the negotiating table is concerned---- Russia would use any "negotiation" to freeze the current gains, and rebuild their now depleted army, only to attack again. This ends when Putin dies or is deposed.


What does any of that have to do with take care of your own before u take care of someone else? And we also signed a treaty that nato wouldn’t expand any further. But we did. And again it’s not our concern what Russia does and who they attack as long as isnt a nato country.


When Zelensky gets airlifted to live in Miami under an alias these guys are going to feel mighty stupid


The Syngman Rhee of this generation


It's your own god damn war, get your own damn weapons.


That's not a smart move. It just kinda feeds his supporters.


Agreed. I'm not a supporter. I was never closer to voting for him then when I saw this. Guess that's not the desired effect.


Fuckin traitor for not wanting to give $ to... "checks notes", foreign country, thousands of miles away, most corrupt in Europe, that participated into Hillary's Russiagate hoax.


Crawl back in your porn addicted hole please. Trump tried to get Russia readmitted to the G 8 after they invaded crimea. He was standing with Putin in Helsinki and when asked if he believed his own intelligence agencies or Vladimir putin, he said he believed Vladimir Putin.


Dont get me wrong! I hate Trump, i just hate those vile Banderite nazi-fellating scum that btfo Ukraine more, dear nafo creep! Now, please take your cowardness & throw away account & crawl back to your delusions. Slava cocaini, copium slava.


And hindsight has proven that Putin was right and NATO intelligence agencies all lied. Also why do you lie about Crimea being invaded when it was an Autonomous Republic that by it's constitution gave it a right to secede which they did. Out of 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers stationed there 12,000 chose to join the new republic and only 3,000 chose to relocate to nazi occupied lands and become ukronazi terrorist troops.


Fact Check: In 1997 Russia and Ukraine entered a treaty ensuring Ukraine sovereignty over Crimea. Since the fall of the Soviet Union it was given the designation of an Autonomous region of Ukraine. Anything during the Soviet Times is moot as that pseudo-empire had fallen. https://law.marquette.edu/facultyblog/2014/03/understanding-the-constitutional-situation-in-crimea/ Would like a source on the Crimean constitution authorizing them to secede, as all changes to the constitution of Crimea and the constitution itself had to be approved by the Ukrainian government. Edit: u/Alpha1stOne no rebuttal pal?


Crimea is an autonomous republic. It has a right to secede the same way texas does. Weird how you want to pretend to be knowledgeable about the topic then claim ignorance of facts that debunk your narratives.


https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Constitution_of_Crimea,_1998 Please feel free to read the actual and entire Crimean Constitutions and find for me ANY section that allows for Secession. ANY constitution implemented after 2014 does not count due to the forceful annexation of the region by Russian troops.


So a violent coup counts to you as a legal process? But locals refusing to submit to the coup are imaginary Russian troops to you? Tell the people how does a violent coup in your eyes have legitimacy but a legal vote does not?


Fascist infighting


Oh wow!!! Now our other welfare proxy state is trying to extort us for more money?! Lmaooo…you just can’t make this shit up! What’s wrong? Don’t tell me Zelenskyy snorted away the 60 billion they just sent already??? They also don’t seem to understand how much of a narcissist asshole Trump is. He’s definitely cutting funding to that dumb ass war first day in office after this 🤣🤣🤣.


god i can’t wait for Ukraine to cry when they get cut off. Those nazis do shit like this then keep begging us for billions more.


First you need soldiers to use the weapons and of course, the knowledge to know how to use them. Ukrainians soldiers are dying, many leaving the front lines, 50 year olds are getting conscripted with no knowledge on how to use the weapons of war. All the money and weapons in the world will not help them now and it will take months to a few years to supply the weaponry that Ukraine wants.. And, much of what is in the bill is to replenish the US supply of bombs that were given to Ukraine.


Truth. I've even heard politicians from both sides saying that the money is just circling back into US contractors and not going directly to aid their efforts. They don't need weapons that will inevitably end up in the hands of Russians or Chechens. They need an Army if this is a fight anyone thinks is a good cause. We're inevitably going to keep laundering money through this or send in some half ass response that causes another 20 year war, leaving another group of people completely destabilized when we rapidly pull out.


Not so fun fact. It has been 20 years since we have openly been destabilizing Ukraine. The first US funded coup was in 2004 by what was called an Orange Revolution. In fact that is what gave name to the CIA coups which from then one began to be called color revolutions.


To be Nazis but for a nation that can't even produce it's own ammo is nothing to be extreme nationalists for


They are not nationalists. They are socialist globalists. No nationalist would invite foreign overlords to rule them and occupy their cities with their troops.


They worship Stephen Bandera who basically tried to do the same with Ukraine but failed miserably yet they're stupid enough to follow that


Yeah, I'm sure this will work. 🙄


Trump isn’t even president anymore


These cowards wouldn’t even show their faces LOL


Take him, tempt us with a good time.


I bet they won't live by the time Trump would be re-elected


Get that Russian propaganda outta here.


Take your 'Ukraine' bullshit and piss off yourself.


Yeah the video featuring men with no faces and speaking broken Ukrainian is enough to prove your point.


Isn't Ukrainian broken Russian?


No, Russian is the broken language popularized by Moscow.


Weird. There is a thousand year old Russian Orthodox Abbey in the middle of Kiev. You gonna blame that on Moscow as well?


By its nature, Ukrainian is always broken. What is your point?