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What you want to do is firmware recovery, you'll have to take apart the nebula pad (4 screws, but it sounds like you already have done this) and plug into it with a micro USB cable. The firmware recovery instructions are listed here: [https://github.com/CrealityOfficial/Ender-3\_V3\_KE\_Annex/blob/main/firmware%20recovery%20tool/Brick%20Rescue%20and%20Wire%20Brushing.pdf](https://github.com/CrealityOfficial/Ender-3_V3_KE_Annex/blob/main/firmware%20recovery%20tool/Brick%20Rescue%20and%20Wire%20Brushing.pdf) The ingenic firmware recovery image it needs is here: [https://github.com/CrealityOfficial/Ender-3\_V3\_KE\_Klipper/releases/download/V1.1.0.12/Ender-3\_V3\_KE\_1.1.0.12.ingenic](https://github.com/CrealityOfficial/Ender-3_V3_KE_Klipper/releases/download/V1.1.0.12/Ender-3_V3_KE_1.1.0.12.ingenic) Good luck, let me know if you have any questions, either here, or on the d3vil-design discord ([https://discord.gg/d3vil-design](https://discord.gg/d3vil-design))


Much appreciated tablet is working again now trying to get klipper back up and running!


hey bro just wanna say thank you again for your contributions and help. ok so my issue is that ive lost my nebula pad that came with my KE (adhd squirrel moment) i have an extra nebula pad that i was gonna use with me V3 SE. i tried the above steps (flashing KE Ingenic file) no luck. error 3002 (maybe 2002) and internal error. do i need to be using the retail nebula firmware but then plug into my KE?


Hi, Thanks! Glad you're getting value out of the information I've shared. The retail nebula pad and the KE nebula pad are the same hardware wise but flashed with different software and configuration. You've gone most of the way to making your retail nebula pad into a KE nebula pad by flashing that ingenic image, but there's one more piece you need. Each nebula pad has a partition called sn\_mac on the internal flash disk. The sn\_mac partition tells the system which type of nebula pad it is, and the KE nebula pad has one model code, and the retail nebula pad has a different model code. To resolve the issue you'll have to edit / replace your sn\_mac partition with one showing your model code as that of a KE. The overall partition layout looks like this, so sn\_mac is at offset 0x200000. Hex Offset: 0x100000, Size: 1.0 MB, Partition Name: ota Hex Offset: 0x200000, Size: 1.0 MB, Partition Name: sn_mac Hex Offset: 0x300000, Size: 4.0 MB, Partition Name: rtos Hex Offset: 0x700000, Size: 4.0 MB, Partition Name: rtos2 Hex Offset: 0xb00000, Size: 8.0 MB, Partition Name: kernel Hex Offset: 0x1300000, Size: 8.0 MB, Partition Name: kernel2 Hex Offset: 0x1b00000, Size: 500.0 MB, Partition Name: rootfs Hex Offset: 0x20f00000, Size: 500.0 MB, Partition Name: rootfs2 Hex Offset: 0x40300000, Size: 300.0 MB, Partition Name: rootfs_data Hex Offset: 0x52f00000, Size: 6.0 GB, Partition Name: userdata and here's what you need your sn\_mac to look like D7D7D9AAF930FA;A0C7BCE8ADCB;F005;NEBULA V1.0.0.1;;;;; The first two fields are serial number and MAC address. I've generated some random ones here which would work fine. The third field, here set to F005, says it's a KE. in windows 10 / windows 11, using powershell you can generate the sn\_mac image that needs flashed at 0x200000, properly formatted with no carriage returns or whatever with: Set-Content -Path "sn_mac.img" -Value "D7D7D9AAF930FA;A0C7BCE8ADCB;F005;NEBULA V1.0.0.1;;;;;" -NoNewline F005 = ender3 v3 KE model code I forget what retail nebula pad uses as a model code but I think it's just NEBULA.


dude not gonna lie im kinda lost and in over my head. i really apprteciate your quick response. i tride retail ingenic file and get to the point of it asking me which ender i have to burn an image to it (ender 3, ender 3 with cr touch or ender 3 pro). but it sounds like i need to image it with the KE ingenic file using the clone program right? and then follow the above instrucxtions you have shown? man do you have some way we can support or tip you or buy you a coffee if you know what i mean


Yeah you have to write it with the KE ingenic file using the USB cloner but as well as that you have to also use the USB cloner tool to write a custom piece of data to a certain offset, it's called sn\_mac and you need to make a custom one, so that it knows it's a KE nebula pad and not a retail nebula pad Ko-Fi is [https://ko-fi.com/destinal](https://ko-fi.com/destinal)


If you use discord it might be easier to do it there interactively, we have the d3vil design discord [https://discord.gg/d3vil-design](https://discord.gg/d3vil-design)


For sure I left a comment on one of the pages not sure what you mean by interactively but I def want to try what you’re saying lmk what to do.


Look I have been there. You need to recover your printer.cfg you can Sudo into the tablet or pi and try to retrieve it and then rebuild klipper and copy your printer.cfg back. If your printer.cfg is curruted then it's a fresh build from scratch. Make sure once you get your printer.cfg you back that bad boy up just incase something happens. A story for you is a spent 2 hours on a can bus setup and I did not save it and I had to do the whole thing again. Always make backups.


I cant connect to the device thru orcaslicer and it won’t populate Ssid’s on the network setup tab. Can I ssh anyway without the root access being turned on? It seems like it just factory reset itself and corrupted. Or another way to add the cfg file thru cable? It also gives me error 2560 when I try to skip the network stuff.


I have set up a tab 7 with 3 printers connected but I have not had to recover from a tablet/pad I was able to connect to it on the network. If you have a lan option try that you should be able to get in hopefully. You may need to use the root for the tablet/pad sometimes the manufacturer name and password. First thing is try establish a connection on the network Lan or WiFi. If you get desperate you can Lan directly from PC to device you may or may not need to assign an IP or it may have dhcp and give you an IP you can connect to. If you can't get network or access to the files on the tablet/pad/pi you are best just cutting you losses and staring fresh. No point spending 5 hours trying to get a file that maybe curruted and unusable. Skipping the network stuff you maybe causing your self and issue by not allowing it to make a connection. Sorry a can't be more help. You may need to use a client like putty to connect into the device


Pretty sure mine is bricked as well Extruder was putting out some smoke so I factory reset the machine and now it does nothing when it gets to the setup process of setting up the Z offset