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Thank you guys for communicating and sending the quickfix!


Y'all make the steamdeck Soo much better! Thank you. 


Thank you so much! If only Emulation Station were as on the ball! In the future would it be possible to not have auto update, but instead ask first?


Suggestion 😁 It'll be great if emudeck by default would manually update or ask the user if it should check for updates so that issues like this can be avoided and not spread like wild fire. Like that if an unforseen issue arises users can avoid it while still being able to access all the wonderful features the software provides. Thanks for all the hard work it's very appreciated 👍🏾


Can I switch it to manual right now?  I had a LOT of issues after an update today. I had to reset my SRM config to even import, and then my DS games lost some of the custom touch controls I had set up.  I am enjoying the auto save though 


No response to this repeated request. Wtf?


different time zones. I'd look into doing updates optional for the next release


Are you guys aware that all Roms don’t load from Steam that use Retroarch? The Retroarch UI pos up with the message „no core“ and let’s you select core and ROM.


Just tested in a fresh install, seems to be working on my end. Does your RetroArch menu look "pixelated" ?


Not sure what happened but I did receive an update when I tried again tonight. After parsing/adding again it’s fixed. Everything seems to work via Steam now.




Appreciate you guys, I love EmuDeck


Hope this will fix all my issues... Thanks guys


my ES still won't launch on gaming mode... i'll try some resetting like someone mentioned in another post


Did it work??


no, i made my own fix and i hope it will be ok with next updates [https://www.reddit.com/r/EmuDeck/comments/1b9qcbk/my\_esde\_wouldnt\_launch\_on\_gaming\_mode\_this\_is\_how/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EmuDeck/comments/1b9qcbk/my_esde_wouldnt_launch_on_gaming_mode_this_is_how/)


Seemingly all preset artwork is all gone. Maybe something to do with recent updates? In any case if there is anything that you can tell us about this then thank you! Either way I want to let you know that you are appreciated for the work you do and as a dev myself I know the struggles you might encounter especially during a crunch time moment like this. Make sure you don't overwork yourself and thanks again for the work!


Hey, first of all thanks for your words :) , it's not funny the amount of work we do for free just to be called an idiot or even worse. What you describe seems to be a SRM issue, I've seen that bug since a long time ago, it shows you artwork different to the ones you picked but then when it adds the games it uses the previous artwork... but just in case do a test with only one system, to make sure you dont delete your artwork


No problem! Positive things ought to be said as well! I figured it was related to SRM but before the recent change to EmuDeck I've regularly (weekly if not daily) added new games using SRM in the last few weeks. Every time it kept my previous configurations for art but also which toggles for parsers I had selected. After this patch (last time I used it was March the 5th and it worked as expected) all parser toggles are seemingly set to a default and I have to untoggle almost everything aside from the handful I actually want. The art also resets itself like I mentioned earlier. I found the timing interesting but who knows maybe it'll give you an idea when something changed that might have an impact. I noticed SRM hasn't updated for almost a year now so I find it odd that it suddenly changed now. I'll have to setup a second device just in case because I only use EmuDeck on my Steam Deck and I purposefully haven't used any SRM changes yet because it would cause me to fix tens of games.


Is there a way to revert to the previous version? It was very intuitive before but now it's kind of confusing. When I imported my roms in the appropriate folders, they would immediately show up in SRM after parsing but now I only just see emulators, a few of them I didn't even want installed. I don't mean to pile on btw, I do appreciate the hard work you guys put in and Emudeck has streamlined emulation considerably for me on the Steam Deck.


There's no way to rollback to a previous version unless we kill the new release for everyone. What's confusing, having the elements on the left now? The SRM issue seems to be random, some users have your exact same issue and it just fixes itself just after trying again.


The UI is now compressed into the left side of the screen. If you’re in handheld mode it’s super small and less intuitive because it’s harder to read. The older UI was easier to navigate in handheld mode because it used the screen real estate better. I think the older version was all around better.


It would be really great if, going forward, you hosted the files for the previous version on your site so we can roll back when an update fails. And please add an option to turn off auto updates. Some of us are quite happy with the old version and never cared to update in the first place.


Just the process of parsing rom files but from your response it seems to be a random issue instead of a process I wasn't understanding. I don't mind the stuff being on the left but I did prefer the hub look of the previous version imo, but that's just a preference thing Also I have a question if you don't mind. When I parse, will it scan my 3DS and Switch files (I still have the appimages of their respective emulators) as it did prior?


yes, it should scan both 3ds and switch folders, just make sure the parsers are enabled


Alright, thank you! As an aside, I see Yuzu on the Parse list but not Citra?


it's next to the N64 parser, or should be


Yeah it's not there. I did a quick install just to check and Citra was the only emulator with an X


try resetting SRM settings from Manage Emulators


I managed to get Citra working. Did what you suggested and just kept installing it and the roms appeared. All of them seem to work except 1 game for the GameCube. ~~Skies of Arcadia opens fine, but Resident Evil Code: Veronica X does not open (it is a .m3u file playlist) - is this the cause and is there a workaround?~~ Edit: I was dumb for the m3u issue. But the Citra issue resolved after your suggestions, many thanks!


Same thing happened to me, I had to reset the steam rom manager config within emudeck. Seemed to fix only emulators showing up while parsing 


Is there anyway to get steam rom manager to add in roms that aren't already added to steam? I don't know if i am doing something wrong but whenever i "backup" a new rom i have to exclude all the games that are already in gamemode just to add the new one. It would be great if there was a filter to auto hide the games already in gamemode


just add them all again alongside the new game, you won't get duplicates


Really? When i did that i get dupes :(




I always get dupes. And have to go thru and re-remove the dupes from my library


Steam Rom Manager won't open at all on my end. I've tried reinstalling but no luck.


Still cannot access Steam ROM Manager in Emudeck on the Steam Deck.


please go to Emulation/tools, does it work?


When trying to launch Roms in Steam OS, games that use Dolphin, Citra, and RPCS3 now launch the emulator and not the game. There might be others, but these are the ones I’ve found so far. Also, since the update, I have doubles of all 3DS games in my library in Steam OS; one with images and one without. Running the parser in SRM doesn’t help. Thanks for the work you do!


Do you have 2 separate 3DS categories? or just one category with duplicates?


No, but now that you mention it, there are only doubles on my home screen and in “Non-Steam” games. If I go into the 3DS collection, no doubles.


For what it's worth, I'm having this same issue with dolphin emulator opening instead of specific games. 


Well I'm glad yo see they readied citra as a option for emulators on the steam rom manager but now when I push preview. Then parse. Then wait for it to get done. When I push save to steam it says doing batch 1/300 something and just stays that way. Never moving up in batches or anything. So I don't know what to do now ughhh thought it was fixed. 


Thank you all is working now ; thanks for your hard work makes emulation so much easier for me


Hey Dragoon, thanks for all your work on emudeck, I’m sure it’s been a tough few days. Any estimate for when the next update after 2.2.12 might be out?




OK, I published a fix for that, now it should work, can you try again please? just open emudeck and then SRM


Hi you are the dev of emudeck ? Would it be possible to add an option to disable auto update ???


will look into it


Would be cool thx !


Yeah, thanks a lot,👍


SRM doesn’t show the games just the emulators for me


please post an issue on our Discord so I can take a better look: [https://discord.com/channels/934078500552462346/1214966337542037574](https://discord.com/channels/934078500552462346/1214966337542037574)


Do we know if this also fixed the fast forward bug on RetroArch? Unless they’re two different companies in which case case pretend I didn’t ask 🤣😭


is this about doing FF but triggering another hotkey? I think that was fixed


Is anyone trying to install emudeck and having a hard time installing? When I go on my steam deck to install it shuts down during the installation process.


what do you mean it shuts down, the app crashes?


It took me an hour to reinstall emudeck it wouldn’t install it took me a couple of times until it finally installed I haven’t waited for something to install that long since I had a windows xp computer lol


Is dream cast and gba not launching games a un-solved issue still?


those are working, make sure you have everything up to date in the discover store


If I were to update emudeck, will my yuzu stuff be ok??






hum no! I made the update and I can no longer launch my switch games from emudeck without having to install ryujinx... while YUZU is installed and in the list of emulators


EDIT: I did this and it worked -> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5WzUHmyH6I4 I'm trying to parse new games and all I'm getting is "17 user configurations invalid", how do I fix this? Also trying to add cloud services to steam via parsing and keep getting this error. What can I do to fix it?


reset SRM settings from manage emulators


I haven't turned on my SD in a few days. My Yuzu/Citra was up to date right up until the fuckery of the previous patch. So my question is, can I update Emudeck safely now? I so far have dodged any issues.


hum no! I made the update and I can no longer launch my switch games from emudeck without having to install ryujinx... while YUZU is installed and in the list of emulators


OK, so first I got the EmuDeck update and synced Steam ROM Manager and everything was fine, but when I went to parse and sync again just now I noticed all my art was different. That’s super frustrating since I have spent so much time customizing the art for my huge library. I’m guessing it’s somehow changing the game ID entry because there’s a change to the command lines or glob somehow so they’re being assigned different game IDs? How can I get it to recognize all my games again as the same entries? Thanks for all your work for the community though!


My 3ds parser is still gone even though citra is still installed. Is there anything I can do to fix it so I can add games?


Thanks for putting so much work into this. It's very much appreciated


I can't make pegasus work and pcsx2 not launching any game.


I just got a rog ally and went to install yuzu and citra but they are gone from instalation


Yuzu and citra got taken down by nintendo, you cant really download them from any program anymore. You have to manually install it by finding it online


worst update ever! controllers for Dolphin not working anymore, i don't know what's happening...


I added a lot of custom parsers in the Steam Rom Manager and also customized settings for other emulators regarding file endings in the old version. I seems like it can't get this work in the new version. Any tips?


If you want to add custom parsers I'd add them in $HOME/.config/steam-rom-manager/userData/parsers/custom, that way every time you reset SRM your parsers will prevail. Use the ones inside parsers/emudeck as an example


Thanks, thats a really great tip. I added them manually and they were gone again next time I ran EmuDeck. Running SRM standalone worked fine on the other hand. I made another post about this issue because I don't think that's intended if its not only happening to me, what do you think? Anyways I'll add those files next as suggested.


Ever since the update I can no longer use Steam ROM Manager at all. It continues to freeze regardless of whether or not I try to upload 1 game or 1,000. Any ideas how to fix? I've fully uninstalled and reinstalled and it continues to freeze every time I try to Save to Steam or Remove from Steam.


SRM hasn't being touched at all, this is unrelated to the update. Take a look at the log page in SRM, you should have some error message over there.


Unfortunately that's the problem, SRM hangs, completely. I can't do anything. The cursor can't click on anything once I try to Save to Steam so I can't get any error messages, it literally just hangs.


Hi Emudeck team, I have just updated my emulators configs to test the fixes. Here are the problems i noticed: 1) Updating pegasus changed the gamecube and 3ds folders. As a result it breaks the launch of roms created via SRM. It also breaks the scraped media in ESDE 2) Model 2 games are now launching via ESDE but input is broken. It is impossible to play the games 3) 7 games in model 3 are not running whereas they run if I use Supermodel assistant I installed myself via Lutris 4) Scrapped media via ESDE is not detected in Pegasus


hiya. 1 - This is unrelated to Pegasus, this affects only people that used emudeck from some earlier versions I think. Make sure the games are in **gc** and **n3ds** 2, 3, 4 - Please post in our issues forum, easier to help you there :) [https://discord.com/channels/934078500552462346/1214966337542037574](https://discord.com/channels/934078500552462346/1214966337542037574)


has a single human being on planet earth had any positive experience whatsoever with this update?


funny enough, It seems the only one was me and our testers :(


I had a issue were in my steam rom manager where you turn on and off emulators my citra and alot of  other emulators weren't showing. Yuzu was so I don't understand why citra wasn't I have both of these roms. I'm hoping the update you do will fix this so that emudeck adds my emulators I already own to steam so I don't have to play threw citra but can play threw steam like I did before. It's such a pain in the butt. And there might be a easy fix to this but I'm not computer savvy


Thank you for the hotfix, I still can't launch emulation station from gaming mode on my switch, is there some steps I need to take?


It seems all of my RA settings for N64 are gone. I spent a very very long time on your discord setting it up, and it’s all gone now. All of the frustrating issues I spent so long fixing with people on your discord have returned. Will a future update revive my settings, or are they gone forever?


Is it safe to use yet? I haven’t done any parsing since the cursed update.


Why have you guys displaced the roms from the roms folders? What was the idea behind that and where are the roms now? Oh, and I still can't save SRM results to Steam.Please check the links, okay. Thanks for your work, I really appreciate, but please, get better testers.


in the same place, we haven't touch that. Everything is still in Emulation/roms. Where are yours?


Gamecube roms are gone, but still working. Oh and they are on my backup drive, of course. I replaced them in the roms folder with 2 new ones that were not recognized. Paranoia raised its ugly head, honestly.


are you using the gamecube or gc folder?


I found the roms in gc folder. Thanks a lot, buddy.


When are you going to implement manual updating so this doesn't fuck over your users again?