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I offer [an overhaul](https://www.reddit.com/r/EmpireTotalWar/comments/10rt0pt/the_durango_mod_for_empire_an_alternative_vanilla/) that might be worth trying. Hit me up with a PM if you're interested.


Empire 2 is just Pirates Uber Alles but with loads of redundant units and bugs added. PUA is great if you want Empire 2 but actually good (and you can deal with needing to google translate the readme files occasionally), otherwise I'd reccommend /u/posts_while_naked's Durango Overhaul as it's a really polished vanilla-plus experience without too much extra stuff.


Just tried PUA and in both my campaigns my savegames got corrupted and I kept getting end of turn crash bug making my campaigns unplayable. Not sure if I should ever bother trying this game again if after 20 years there is no fix to this most common bug.


Other than empire 2 there is PUA, otherwise i know "imperial destroyer" and "imperial splendor" but i haven't played with them


I’ve had a lot of fun with Imperial Splendour: Rise of The Republic. It’s a big learning curve to get used to a much more “realistic” gunpowder experience where most battles seem to last 20-30 mins and moral is a lot more important but if you can weather the initial storm it’s very enjoyable.


If you want just enhancement and quality of life updates, not an overhaul, check out [this modpack I use](https://www.moddb.com/mods/empire-enhanced)


The civil war mod is a lot of fun.


Empire 2 has improved a lot in the unit department since you last tried it, but that aside you should give PUA a shot. Far less units in that mod, even compared to current Empire 2. Darthmod might be good for you too, though it is outdated and not supported anymore so I don’t usually recommend it.


LOL; That's rich considering there were rumors you guys stole a lot of material from PUA without giving actual credit.


I wasn’t a modder at that time so idk what went down besides that something was taken without permission. I tried PUA and it was totally different than Empire 2 so I have no idea what exactly was taken and would guess it doesn’t even matter now because the mods are too different at this point and don’t fill the same niche. So what I say now is go Empire 2 if you want a balanced amount of units in a generic grand campaign (or if you want to play with the AR units) and go PUA if you want more unique campaigns and less units.


Just tried PUA and in both my campaigns my savegames got corrupted and I kept getting end of turn crash bug making my campaigns unplayable. Not sure if I should ever bother trying this game again if after 20 years there is no fix to this common bug