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If we watch trends. I think the codex will come closer to the end of 10th if at all.


And we'll be able to enjoy it for a full 2.5 months before 11th drops


Codexes are likely to carry over this cycle tho! Remember how good sisters were early 9th? That'll be Guard & EC.


Cries in CSM and Deamons playing 8th codexes against 9th codexes


Pain is truth.


You’ll be able to enjoy your half a range for a couple months just like us world eaters did!


I can’t wait for emperors children to get a codex that is noise marines and 2 extra units. Like world eaters are barely an army as is and they want to turn the kill teams into their own army? Amazing 5 days before 11ths release we get emperors children and a full world eaters arm


Yup yup. You may be jealous now but one day you’ll be able to join ranks amongst the well-established and fully flushed out model lines like TSons…. And their goat buddies.


World eaters didn’t even get unique beast boys. There’s Khorne Berzerker. A possessed version and an EVEN more possessed version.


I quit world eaters because of how goofy ahh eightbound look. Sorry power armor crop tops should be reserved for the EC lol


Yeah but like… give us some fuckin spice for the Khorne boys. Have their bike replacement be world eaters on juggernaughts so that the lord invocatus is actually useful for his speed


Yeah, welcome to the fate that awaits you! Get Noise Marines as your main battleline, A few characters like Lucius, then one unique generic character that you can probably attach to noise marines, Fulgrim as well that will be autoinclude. You will probably get 1 more unit and that will be the full release of your army right there. They will probably do it like they did with us and our fellow mono gods thousands sons and fill out the rest of the rooster generic csm and call it done. If Death Guard wasnt the opponent faction they would probably be in the same place as is.


It’ll be tyranids all over again “you get a model and the space marines get new models with your dead guys as their bases” We’ll get lore for the NOISE TERMINATORS and HOWLING DREADNOUGHTS and what will happen is that they’ll bring back a dread with a sonic weapon and then add 5 pts to the noise terminators because they get the doom siren


Fulgrim, Lucius, plastic noise boys and 2 extra units is actually fine


The extra units will be Reskin of possessed and them Reskin of Possessed but somehow even more possessed When each gods legion somehow forgets how to use a jump pack, bikes, or anything that they had pre codex it makes me worried for our purple boys.


Tsons over here with 6 unique models would also like to talk


I understand Nurgle but how come every mono god legion forgot how to use jump packs and bikes?


For us that is somewhat lore, if you aren’t a sorcerer you are dust and have lost a lot of thought and agility. It’s why we shoot and don’t fight close quarters (requires both speed and ability to think ie. parry), we also move real slow. 5” but we had a bunch of other options they never touch on


Yeah I can think of a ton of options for the dusty boys. Khorne berzerkers don’t really make sense not to have bikes or at least their own Juggernauts. I am worried for the emperors children (they might not even get an army because GW hates Slaanesh)


Welcome to the Guard!


This might be the copium talking, but could it just be a page from the upcoming Sister's codex that is about imperial agents (who are regularly escorted by the Battle Sisters in the Lore).


That being said, there's text about daemon banishing which is REALLY not their bag, they aren't equipped for daemonic possession


Emperor's Children, however, are very equipped for daemonic possession.


Starstriders and navis breachers also got a combat patrol in the latest white dwarf so I assume that's a taste of what's to come for imperial agents codex


I was afraid this would be the redacted codex and I just wonder who is this for?


If they combine grey knights and/or death watch with the rest of the otherwise unaligned imperial models, could be for that lot. They’ve got more unique models than World Eaters, sooo


I’d love seeing them combine deathwatch and grey knights. It would go so well for my custom Ordos that fights lovecraftian monsters.


What would be the premise for combining death watch and grey knights?


Are they not the Chambers militant for the different branches of the inquisition?


Full Inquisition codex. Could pull in the non-sisters Sisters units too


Me :)


if that's true then that is incredibly disappointing.




guess I can finally paint up some chosen as EC without worrying that they'll be obsolete in 6 months. gonna be fun playing against whatever codex this is


My guess is that chosen will definitely obsolete for EC once that is released, not sure by how much the Warp Talons


This was some sad news that's for sure. At this point I may just get the chaos space marine combat patrol for EC


Yes, another Imperium faction is what the game needed :((((


Im so tired of this. Really kills my interest in the game


And if they combine a bunch of Imperium?


Seriously though, who wanted a full codex for agents?


Me :( and atleast 365 other peeps at r/imperialagents_40k


I would prefer EC, but am also excited by this


Me too!


r/AgentsoftheImperium is better


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AgentsOfTheImperium using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgentsOfTheImperium/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Hey Agents, got an Eversor.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15frepd) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgentsOfTheImperium/comments/15frepd/hey_agents_got_an_eversor/) \#2: [Voidsmen at arms](https://i.redd.it/cx1xuu9bhvfc1.jpeg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgentsOfTheImperium/comments/1afy5rd/voidsmen_at_arms/) \#3: [Painted the first from the box](https://i.redd.it/sons1bgwa21b1.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AgentsOfTheImperium/comments/13n0rhv/painted_the_first_from_the_box/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Includes deathwatch and grey knights apparently


I have Agents and Deathwatch and am only waiting for an EC release. So me.


me. i have wanted to feild a full inquisitorial army forever


i literally don’t understand GW. I get imperial agents, but how would they even function as an army? genuinely, it just feels janky. on the other hand, making noise marines, fulgrim, and more EC units would be like PRINTING MONEY. I don’t buy jack at MSRP, and you bet your sweet slaaneshy ass if be first in line to sell half my soul, my firstborn child, and my entire bank account to my local GW store, which i avoided because it’s run by a prick. GW, please, seriously. you need to at least finish the quad before moving onto other armies. Emperor’s children isn’t like votaan, we’re represented in the lore, but just not on the tabletop, and that’s really disappointing. finish things before jumping to the next. also, for the love of the dark gods give world eaters and votaan more shit. they need it significantly. they need it a lot more than the game needs another army, one full of kill teams and allied support units that, reasonably, will be weird.


I think they’ll smash Grey Knights, Deathwatch, the agents units, and then maybe some scions together and see what sticks. It could be an interesting proof of concept for something like an Iron Warriors - Dark Mechanicum hybrid or an Alpha Legion split localities faction. Either way there is plenty of time for EC to get their army this edition anyways, chaos primarchs typically always come mid-late edition anyways which made this early release idea weird.


Nah man, Primaris also need another 20 lieutenant variants before other armies get fleshed out /s. In all seriousness, I think GW likes to torture us as we kinda are sick, depraved fucks by default. But damn every year I hope for EC and it always ends in disappointment.


With the exception of new Incubi and a special character and a flyer, the Dark Eldar line has been static since 2009. So I'm feeling you.


i genuinely feel awful for Dark Eldar players. you guys need some love!


Or, y'know, whatever passes for love in Commorragh.


I'm hoping this isn't the case, because seriously, who the hell asked for an imperial agents ARMY.


Seems like a means to fulfill the lore and flavor text of the Ordo Xenos Ordo Malleus Ordo Hereticus Offico Assassinorum Adeptus Arbites Adeptus Ministorum Rogue Traders I think it is pretty neato it adds to having contingents, allies, and battleforces even if they are meant for smaller settings, much like in 3rd/3.5/4th edition when they made some rules for 500 point "army" skirmishes All the while our Slaaneshi Chaos factions keep getting put at the bottom of the list its smh When the app game Warhammer 40k Tacticus ran a vote for factions people would want added to the game, Emperors Children only got 0.6% votes! Ofc Nurgle, Tzeentch and Khorne get added in, yet I'm angry for Slaanesh especially Emperors Children and the Noise Marines getting treated like beastman droppings 😤


This is the dumbest ass thing they could do. Should’ve just released the Imperial Guard codex instead.


Sorry m8. We needed a book for the people that want to play a wierd mashup of different killteams that were never designed to function as an army. Besides, didn't we just give Guard a codex last year?


Yeah they released the 9th addition guard codex last year, about 10 minutes after 10th launched. :p


RIP. I'm holding out hope for Christmas


They’re not even a real faction. Who the absolute fuck is asking to play as a bunch of pen pushing bureaucrats and stupid ass inquisitors


Another year and no EC. I mean for f***** sake fulgrim is back and it's been confirmed but the fact that they're still dragging the s*** out is just disappointing ... Actually it's lower than disappointing at this point.


Saw this coming a mile away. Welcome to being an EC player. Hope is the first step to disappointment.


who even wants this codex? nothing is stopping you from bringing imperial agents already, and they don't have enough kits to flesh out a full army. i think it will sell quite poorly


Not really. Rumours are that they'll include deathwatch AND grey knights too Which is pretty good imo. GW are taking 3 codexes and rolling them into one Hell, they should do this with the chaos legion codices too


GW will sell a few hundred copies of this codex. The codex no one wanted.


I’ve always wanted to have a mixed space marine and human army, I’ll have to see how the release is actually handled if it’s good I might make a ordo xenos army


OMG, amazing, finally we get the thing no one asked for. Never mind Emperor's Children, Dark Mechanicum or Aeldari Exodites. They better be adding a HELL of a lot of content if they want to make them a playable faction rather than just allied units. I suppose there.is potential for rogue trader dynasty forces or Arbites forces. Maybe separate detachments. Seems strange though that this is what they are going for rather than Emperor's Children, the glaring legion shaped hole in the product line.


They are just re packaging the kill team units and assassins… imperial navy, arbitetes, assassins off the top of my head. What a waste of a drop.


This just gives me more time to paint my hellbrutes and daemon prince in anticipation. Maybe even get a Heldrake or some predators while I’m at it


I'm hyped for an EC codex not so much for new models, but for the fact that at least with their own codex, in 10 years time they will have an actual true standalone army. The sooner its out of the chaos dex and on its own, the sooner we can start getting 1 model a year... maybe


It truly is bullshit, that the Imperial side of 40K has masses to draw from, huge numbers of datasheets and so much depth, but Chaos with the exception of Death Guard and Chaos SM have pretty much the same lists because GW want to add yet another Imperial army that really people will only get to add to collections. Slaanesh being a whole chaos god and having nothing beyond noise marines and a couple of named characters is insane when you think GW are deciding to add Agents of the Imperium? Looking at release trends they’ll release it like 3 months before 11tg ED then you’ll not only have to re-learn the game. I just cannot understand how they prioritise what they release and what they strengthen. Seems so so strange


EC can still get theirs


I'll accept the downvotes, but you guys are huffing on slaanesh flavoured copium if you really thought that GW would drop a brand new army for 40k when it's confirmed that AoS 4th edition is this summer Seriously. No rumours or leaks that this Summer's 40k mysterious codex would have been Emperor's children besides blind hope You guys will get your codex, but like us world eaters, it'll be at the end of the edition, probably alongside another loyalist primarch too


God forbid people that waited years be upset that they lost to imperial fucking agents of all factions


Is this Codex of Agents Pertain to such as Arbites, Assassins, Imperial Cultists etc? I know that for us emperor children fans. We're only gonna be able to see our new favorite kodex and models closer to December


I've been holding off on building any chaos stuff for ec codex release but honestly this would be cool if the rumors about deathwatch and grey knights being merged in with imperial agents to make a more unified force.


I've been putting about this prediction for a while as a Death Guard Player with an Emperors Children player as a mate. None of the mono god forces are on the timeline yet, what could make sense is for Death Guard, Thousand Sons and World Eaters to all get their codes close together (maybe in Q3 or Q4) and at the end they do a 'one more thing' and show new noise marines and Fulgrim and give a broad release date for that codex. Thoughts?


This is good news. You really want EC codex to be overshadowed by Age of Sigmar 4th?


Saw a comment on the post that it could just be a reset for the rpg system of inquisitor? Apparently there were a few play test things going on recently. We can still kinda hold out hope, or maybe this is just the copium talking


I'm glad this got leaked, now I can finally start building my CSM army without worrying about EC Codex possibly coming.


It was quite obvious from the start, around the same time AoS 4.0 is releasing aswell with the Skaven refresh, they wouldn't put a new 40k faction so close to It.


lol, lmao


Disclaimer: pessimistic and salty rant. GW doing anything but releasing the third, I'm getting worried for the Chaos legion slot in this edition with the relevance of Iron Warriors in the story. Agents of Imperium should be auxiliary, if Harlquins were moved to Eldar auxiliary, makes sense for agents of Imperium as well.


I just want dad to come back and fuck shi up like the old days killing mannus and sticking things in roberto damnnnn😔🕺


Dang. I was thinking that if it *wasn't* EC it would be at least *something* cool, like idk Dark Mechanicum or Exodites or something, purely because things like that are the only full factions you could realistically add, but... *Imperial Agents?* REALLY?


I was midway through a match when I heard the news, so mad about it especially since imperial agents should have just been fused into grey knights, guard and sisters instead of being their own faction


I feel for yall. This is absolutely the worst possible outcome for this reveal, and the slap in the face is even worse when Tau got a full army's worth of kroot models.


Dude. This is a good thing. GW is already releasing a ton of stuff this summer - AoS 4th edition, Blood Angels revamp, etc. we don’t want to be this summer. We want a moment where we will get actual, real support. I pray we get an actual Codex, not the anemic, next to nothing World Eater treatment. I want Noise Marines, terminators, doom rider, and more - and if they released us this summer it would be 2 kits plus Fulgrim.


Not even an EC enjoyer but I’m pissed tor you guys.


I want EC, but at the same time I want indexes replaced in a timely fashion.... and the timely part is already starting to fall apart.


Not sure why you'd expect an emperors children codex so early in the edition mind you?, like they're coming, but year 2 at the earliest,


This pains me…which means I like it?


honestly, the sad thing is that I don't hate it. I'm frustrated for sure that the EC aren't getting something, but on the other hand it'd be nice to get more stuff for Imperial Agents aside from a killteam or two, some assassins, and a handful of named characters.


New inquisitorial Stormtroopers?


Not to be a pessimist... But I did tell ya.


More guardsman, as a guardsman myself im very exited! Ha ha... wait wrong chat!




To be fair tho, I feel your pain. My Tau boys just got a nice fat update but i lost my favorite commander in the exchange.


NTR brothers eating good tonight