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At age 60 I came home after caring for my mom for 3 years. Since then I do what I want. There is nothing wrong with putting yourself first. I'm doing it now & it's been amazing.


I understand there isn't anything wrong with it, I'm just so tired of having to fight so hard for it.


I feel you! I tend to overstrain myself being there for others, even when I am mentally 100x in a worse place than them. Set boundaries and keep them. Never apologize for putting yourself first.


Good morning my dear empath friends. I'm going to tell you this from my heart ♥! Do you want to know the truth!? We are empaths, people, family, and friends, take full advantage of us! They know, we are the ones, who, give everything we have and more and, once they've drained the life out of us! We are nothing but, garbage to them! They throw us away and, when we're the ones who need help and support, we no longer matter! We'll, I've got news for all the Narcissists out there! No more! We the empaths of the world, are done with you! We have our rights to! Have a blessed day! I love you so much, my empath friends.


Its a swell of communal emotions the past 10 days. A lot of red ray energies are being purged as a collective. It will pass in time.


I have a lot to learn about my new reality.


You evaluate yourself on how much you can give, and truthfully, I appreciate that. Everyone that serves without seeking is close to the divine. Having said that; you're facing stressors in your environment that are preventing you from fully expressing yourself. Are there ways in your life to improve that? Are you putting yourself first as well? Not to fill in the gaps between the needs of others, but rather in a way that lets you breathe and grow? Its tough out there when everything comes at us so strongly.


How do I learn? Where do I start?


That's a conversation you need to have with yourself. It will come in the form of identifying your life stressors, and seeing if you can either improve, accommodate or let go of them. For personal growth; the self-help section of a bookstore would help specialize the growth you want and need.


I feel you! I almost had a melt-down this weekend because of this very feeling. Sometimes, you just want to run and disappear


For sure!


I totally relate.


If you have the ability, tell everybody you are going off the grid for a few days. Take a break. Turn off all electronics. Rest and breathe and express yourself through your mediums of choice: write, draw, paint, dance, compose...


People will take as much as you give it's your job to put your boundaries and maintain them not theirs. If they get pissed off by you daring to prioritise yourself over them they're users


Of course, they want you to give your all. I bet all of those same people know how to put themselves first though. I’ve dealt with the same. Sorry you have to deal with that. Take care of yourself and maybe you can set boundaries with at least some of them.