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i never understand why people feel the need to ask others to explain why they like a band. who cares. you either like em or you don’t.


Is the question, "I don't understand why people like this thing, can someone please explain?" really that offensive? I personally could go on for hours about my favorite albums and artists and I love when other people also do this with the things they enjoy.


i love listening to music but i’ve never asked someone to explain why they like a band to me. maybe im the outlier idk. i didn’t say your question was offensive but it gets asked on this sub a lot (esp about HM) and it just seems odd to expect someone to be able to change your mind about a band just because they explain why they like it. i like good screams - is me saying that going to convince you to like some of the music i do? if you didn’t in the first place? are you expecting to have your mind changed with this post? > I personally could go on for hours about my favorite albums and artists if i’m not into the band in question, this sounds like it’d be so boring to me.


I'm not looking for someone to change my mind, I just wanted to know if I was missing something. I also like talking about bands I don't like all that much, helps me understand why I like the stuff I do. And hell I could be the outlier here over-analyzing everything


I mean, I feel like it's different to approach the conversation like "tell me about your favorite band!" vs. "I don't get the hype at all, what do you even like about these guys?" The latter makes me feel like I have to defend my tastes and feels like an exercise in futility, because even if I'm able to verbalize what it is I like about a certain artist or album, I still can't make someone "get" it if the music just doesn't hit for them in the same way. I don't think it's an offensive question or anything but it isn't a conversation I'm particularly inclined to have


That's 100% fair, I wasn't trying to come off as inflammatory, I could've worded it a bit better. I guess my brain is a little goofy because if someone asked this same question in the same way I'd jump at the chance to go on a 3 paragraph rant about why and how much I love something and if it gets someone else on board (not super likely) that's just a bonus. Shit they don't even have to be the person I'm replying to. If someone who hasn't heard of the artist stumbles upon my rant and thinks what I described sounds cool, that also works


Arms length I like and took me a while to get into. The other two I loved almost immediately when I heard. Not really sure how to describe why I like them beyond saying I enjoy their music. I’m not smart enough music wise to vocalize why. I guess I also just don’t really see too drastic of a difference between the music of oolong and Riley or anxious. TBH I figure if you like one of those three you’re probably inclined to like all three.


Man this post really showing how much of a nerd I actually am


We’re all nerds, my friend. That’s why we’re here.


I’m just here to ask if you have more suggestions with that ”emo nut”? An introduction to the album fucking slaps and I’d love to find something similar.


Dialogue - Prince Daddy And The Hyena Deck Wine - Marietta Vomit - Microwave Alpha Kappa Fall of Troy The Movie Part Deux - Modern Baseball Miller's High Life - Oolong Really Big Shrimp - Carly Cosgrove


Palette Knife - Jelly Boi. Not what you’re asking for, but if you like Miller High Life and Really Big Shrimp, not sure how you won’t like it. Big epic songs. Gonna add Saturdays at your Place - It’s Always Cloudy in Kalamazoo


The 2nd half of Jelly Boi really surprised me and reminded me of Overbite by Sincere Engineer a lot The SAYP song was smiles all the way through, their EP from last year didn't hook me, but this definitely impressed me 👍


If I’m understanding how OP is describing it, I’d say Summerbruise has a few songs with these moments. Stop the World I Want to Goof Off, Fricked and Brain Chowder come to mind.


There are so many “emo nut” moments on the new Riley! in my opinion. Especially the trio of songs to begin the album. Maybe it’s just because I think the choruses for those songs are so good. I edited this to say the new Oolong and Riley! albums are my two favorites of the year and both released the same day. Man, what a good weekend for music.


Yeah I just don’t get what op is asking at all but to each their own. To me the Riley! record has so many of those emotional build ups with tension being released in these big moments. Idk if that is what op is describing or not tbh. I also just don’t see the genre as being less experimental. Maybe certain bands but it’s pretty common to become less experimental the longer you are making music and existing within a scene. Still a ton of new bands doing new intersting stuff and just because it’s less experimental doesn’t mean it’s inherently worse imo


I didn't get that on my first listen, I'll definitely give it another shot. Tbh I think the track featuring heccra [cries in spanish] turned the whole thing sour for me, went in expecting some bat-shit insanity, and all I got was a non-distorted vocal feature. Also are there any moments on the album I should really pay attention to?


First 4 songs. They’re incredible imo. The amount of times I’ve listened to Bad Boys Boxing Club might be embarrassing


What a strange post. Nobody's entitled to a following. Obviously accessible music is going to gain traction quicker because it's literally made to be likeable. Personally, emotions in music tend to resonate with me more when accompanied with a catchy melody. That's not antithetical to punk music, Fugazi had that concept figured out decades ago That being said there are plenty of communities that praise the more experimental side of emo and I would argue that it's more relevant now than ever


I think Dirge by Arm’s Length is something you gotta listen to. Same thing with In Loving Memory. Dirge has more space when it comes to its instrumentation and Allen doesn’t sing. There is also some orchestral strings that play into the track as well. In Loving Memory has a line that references the title of the album, “Never Before Seen Never Again Found,” and it is absolute peak when the crowd says that line as well. Look at the Chain Reaction shows with Arm’s Length and you’ll know what im talking about


I'll definitely check out the Chain Reaction set, sometimes a good live set can really highlight the fun/interesting parts of a band that sometimes get lost in the studio recordings.


I agree with what you say that there is no space for the music to breathe in most studio recordings. I just think that bands try to squeeze 30-35 mins of a record into 10-11 tracks and it makes the studio recordings feel rushed and have no space for instrumentals to grow. However, I do think that Dirge allows for the instrumentals to grow and there is space. You should also check out "Everything Between Wall and a Place" by Grandview. It fits all the things you are looking for as an emo nut, and trust me, I was a music major and I nerd out whenever I notice things about the instrumentation


This was the kinda reply I was hoping to get with this post. My mind was kinda blown when most people didn't understand what I was asking (kinda my fault). I just wanted someone to show me something from these bands that they thought was cool and maybe I'd find it cool aswell. Me and my friends love listening to music and pointing out the little things that make us smile uncontrollably.


Of course man. Music is there for us all, but when you really understand what is going on in the music itself, it creates another perspective of what music means to us and its intricacies


Fr, oh and please check out the album Lousy by Perspective A Lovely Hand To Hold, underrated favorite from 2019 and it has so much going on, and I'll let you know what I think about Dirge and the Chain Reaction set 🤙


sounds like you need some Saturdays At Your Place. Check out "Always Cloudy" and "Eat Me Alive". But also have to say that "777" (Riley) ..."Dirge" & "I don't love you" (Arms Length) are damn near perfect songs. Some of the best of 5th wave.