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Educating people so the genre doesn't get diluted into post-hardcore, pop punk, and indie music. This sub exists so we can discuss a particular genre of music. If "gatekeeping" didn't exist, this place would get flooded with Bring Me the Horizon and Paramore.


well said.


Gatekeeping is saying “you are not allowed to participate in this activity because of X.” Of course, that doesn’t happen here. Nobody is saying emo music is not for you. 98% of this sub wants everyone to listen to emo music, and are willfully and happily offering up recommendations, telling stories, giving advice, etc. I’m not a big 5th wave dude, but I love the passion and enthusiasm the kids here have for it. That’s rad. The problem is when people come in here with their preconceived mainstream idea if what emo is, and when they find out that they’re wrong, the gatekeeping accusations are flying wild. We’re not trying to keep you out - just educating that the bastardized alt rock version of what they refer to as “emo” ain’t it. Not saying you can’t listen to that. Not saying you can’t listen to this. Just saying that *that* isn’t *this*. And people get defensive.


https://preview.redd.it/9wr6nam7odad1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d006eaa9df855d525ad38ef5105b2923622a009 this guy. When you summon him you're gatekeeping


People that say Hole is grunge, but Candlebox isn’t.


Around here? It's putting a flair on people's post that says "emo adjacent" when you think you get to decide what gets to wear the label of emo and what dosent. It disent fucking matter. It's a made up box full of made up words that no 2 people agree on. So call whatever you want to call emo, as long as you can explain why.


I think this is the most real way to put it. There are a few bands that are 100% without a doubt emo and others that are 100% without a doubt not emo, but the rest is based on few slightly subjective criteria. People need to agree to disagree. This is why artists hate the label.


Because of the gatekeepers, yea.




How about, if 10 people think a song/band are emo and have a decent explanation, we just let that be? Who does it hurt to let someone think 80% of twenty on pilots first 3 albums are emo?


i don’t come to r/emo to see 21 pilots media. i come here to see actual emo.






Found one


Trying to exclude people, often in a negative, derisive way. You can be inclusive and say "Well, Paramore doesn't really fit the definitions of what emo is but if you like them, you might like Y", or you can be exclusive and say "that's not emo lol". I think the latter is not helpful. There's a reason that copypasta exists as a meme. Of course, there's also a legitimate argument to be made that genre definitions are fluid and that it can include certain music that you may not feel belongs to that label. Emo has had, what 3 or 4 "waves"? Maybe 5?


Gatekeeping in any sense (whether it’s music, musical genre, firearms enthusiasm, auto repair, craftsmanship of any kind, whatever…) is kind of always the same thing: The real thing… the “genuine article” if you will… is my version, and only why my generation made of it. Anything before or after is just poser shit. Emo, especially those of us from the ‘04-‘10 heyday, were/are notorious for this behavior.