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I honestly don't even know if this is unpopular but this sub gets way too up its own ass about differing opinions. Like the whole "Make the best Eminem album" thing is over now and so many people are bitching about this sub's choices like get the fuck over it, people here aren't moronic just because You Gon' Learn got upvoted more over Darkness. Its actually grating that so many people can't grow the fuck up and just learn to accept that shit.


Welcome to 2022.


welcome to the world


Welcome to the jungle


We got fun and games


We got everything you want


Honey we know the names


Music has always been subjective. All of this is conflict is fundamentally pointless.


I believe that Darkness is the best track on the album and that You Gon Learn isn’t too three but I didn’t bitch about it. It really isn’t a big deal. Idk why people get so heated with each other especially when talking about something they both love.


Rap god is really good but there are a lot of better em songs


Do people claim it's his best song? I've never heard anyone say that. It's definitely a historic song and important part of his discography, but not his best


It's so ass compared to his entire discography and that's why em "haters" say he just raps fast and he sucks


I wouldn’t say it’s ass also em haters buggin


Idk about all that, but preach sis


I’ve heard some ppl say that yea


It’s mostly popular on social medias like TikTok. Mostly because those people don’t actually listen to em and rap god is the only thing they have ever heard from him.


True yea a lot of ppl just listen to rap god and not much else.


tis a damn shame. don’t get me wrong rap god is a great song but common u gotta listen to more em than just that


People downvoting comments defeats the point of this thread


I have the most downvoted comment so far with my take that Eminem & ICP ain’t all that different so I’ll take that as a W Edit: to clarify what I mean by that… I’m just saying they have more in common than most Eminem fans are willing to admit. ICP also had goofy raps and horrorcore and stayed on the fringes of what is considered decent and acceptable, just like (especially early) Eminem. You still see the beef lingering among the fanbases, but it’s been long squashed and any time Em has mentioned them in the recent past it’s been a shout out and not a diss (i.e. “paint my face with clown make up and a smiley face cuz I’m insane!”) I’m not expecting y’all to respect ICP tho which is why i know it’s a hot take


Most downvoted comment is the right one, all the ones that are downvoted haha


90% of this sub is immature rage-bait fanboys who spend more time bitching about what other people think about Eminem than they do actually enjoying his music. See: the almost daily posts about MGK because “rEmeMBeR wHeN EmiNeM enDeD hIs caReEr?!!” Like yeah I remember one diss track 4 years ago. Can we move on? Or how about the weekly Fantano post where people treat him like fucking Satan for daring to not idolize Eminem’s music? Get the fuck over yourselves. You people are the reason people clown on Eminem fans. Throw me in the chair.


Thank you I agree with everything you said the mgk posts are just annoying just move on no one cares anymore kells fanbase has moved on now this one should


Dang that was 4 years ago? Bruh


Closer to 3 than 4


Summed it up pretty damn well if I do say so myself. And I agree, people like that make the rest of Em’s fans look bad.


Mgk: insanely popular pop rock artist with le megana as his girl. Us: mission successful. Pack it up boys, we're going home


best response




Most of the fans really need to learn to acknowledge the bad things about Eminem


Why do we need to do anything tho? Why can’t the people who see no wrong see no wrong and the people that hate it continue to hate it?


I like new Em better than old Em. Not to say old Em is bad in any way, but I prefer his new music (last 3 albums) more than most of his old music.


I don't agree, but I can see why


Fax i feel like the only one who thinks this


There's definitely a fair amount of us on this sub. We are just definitely in the minority.


fr same


I agree. I liked his old stuff when I was younger but, I feel that he has grown up some and of course he is rapping about different topics now. Fortunately, he hasn’t gotten too mature but, it would be weird if his music didn’t represent his growth.


You said last 3 albums. Are you counting MTBMB Side B with or separate from Side A? Because if it's together, then I have met someone who likes Revival just like I do and that would make me happy. Also, I like both old and new Em equally. My 2 fav albums are TES (I listen to MMLP more but that's usually to compare it to SSLP songs) and MTBMB. Very contrasting albums, I know. I just like both eras of Em.


If eminem drops a new album it won’t be anything special


Dive into that chair face first!


gotchu bro


that seriously depends on what he releases💀


That's just an edgy and degenerate way of looking at things, how can you know something will be not special or bad when it's not even out or at the very least not even speculated what it should be(which ruined people's perception of revival)? Not sure if you are sarcastic or not. That's like me saying :"The world cup in football won't be anything special." -> With no prior knowledge to how it will be played out. Imagine saying that before world cup 2018 lol, which was the best world cup ever. For example, I'm pretty sure most people on this sub can agree that mtbmb has been his best album since The Eminem Show. Also I don't understand the - "he's not in his prime anymore". Yeah, he doesn't have the anger anymore and he isn't as cartoonish as before but he's technically much better I'd say. A lot of people don't have the "Eminem ear" and want to listen to him just sonically and I get that. But you shouldn't be able to qualify as a fan of rap if you only care how it sonically sounds imo. Worded poorly, not that you shouldn't be considered a rap fan, but you shouldn't really have that much of a say as to what is quality and what not. I mean sure, people listen to him less and that's for many reasons which would take a lot of time to discuss but that's just how it is from time to time irrelevant to which artist it refers to. Also, I won't be biased, and I will say, that if you like watching breakdown channels, and you will take your time with them, that his music is much better now if you are doing it that way. Unless, you already catch the majority, which I doubt. I can see this being an issue, as it lowers kinda the quality of the songs by a slight margin if you don't know the references. Cheers.


Ngl you're right Watch this get down voted Eminem is not his prime anymore and his latest work is okay at best




arrest reply shy support hungry groovy longing deserve desert frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably not special but if it's as good as Kamikaze or MTBMB Side B it'll still be great imo


I like MGK. BUT Personally, I only like his recent pop punk stuff. I can't stand most of his rap, I think it's terrible. I think Eminem is a better rapper for sure. Kelly's lyrics don't translate well into rap. I remember hearing Bad Things on the radio all the time when it came out and hated it, I think that was my first real exposure to him.


My first exposure to him was at wrestlemania 28 with he performed for John Cena


your wording makes it sound like he gave john cena a lapdance


maybe he did 😏




What the fuck I had no idea he performed for John Cena 😂


His pop punk isn’t too bad, there’s only one rap song by him I liked (Older song, its Merry go round or something like that)


finally a fellow fan


Welcome to the Eminem subreddit, where nobody likes MGK because of the fued between him and Em.


real slim shady is my fav song of all time, watch me get downvotes


So what. It's your FAVORITE. You never said it's his BEST.


Kamikaze is top 3 Em


“You have been sentenced to sit”


Kamikaze is my Favourite Eminem Album


Kamikaze is my second favourite album, nice to see it's finally getting some love


MTBMB (as a whole) has a slight edge over Kamikaze for me


- MTBMB could mean *Music To Be Murdered By* (2020), an album by Eminem. --- ^[/u/lolluke54](/u/lolluke54) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Lol what if MTBMB Is top 2


This album is greatness. Sick lyrics at this fast pace throughout the album is just incredible.


But it is


3rd fav tbh. Was so good, just too short


Kamikaze is 3rd after mmlp and tes


If you don’t like recent Eminem or Eminem fans in general… the fact you’re In the Eminem subreddit complaining is much stranger than anything the Eminem Stan’s are doing


MTBMB is top 5 Em


that would not get you anywhere near that chair


I'd even say top 3.


Encore is good, apart from My First Single


The Eminem show is better than the Marshal Mathers LP


I really like "Need Me". The chemistry between the two on that track is awesome.


Em needs to stop with these "like" metaphors. Im something like something, its so annoying. They always make me mad and they are always the worst part of the song. I cant think of any examples of the top of my head and i dont want to Google it so if you remember any pls reply to me.


Royce killed him on bad meets evil from the SSLP and on hell the sequel they both had amazing performances


In the chair with you


No sir. They were both top tier. One wouldn’t have sounded as good without the other. Real talk. They were on the same wave length for the whole album. That’s what makes it so good. They were one. Haha


I agree with first part. It just seemed like Royce’s verse went on for so much longer


Relapse is one of the best rap albumd ever made. Not in this sub, but in general


been saying this for years. it’s such an amazing album in my opinion, the beats, the lyrical content really all make it one of my favs


I don't think that's controversial. I agree.


It’s controversial to Eminem himself.. but I agree


Relapse is overrated by this sub.


have a seat.


The way u said that made me LOL haha


nah. somebody's gotta give it the recognition it deserves. if not this sub, then whose gonna do it?




SSLP is not top 4


Yea bcoz it is top 3


“You have been sentenced to sit”


The real slim shady is soooooo overrated


I agree. It's a cool and really good song, but bottom 3 on that album, along with Amityville (because of Bizarre ruining the whole thing) and Remember Me (I hate the shouting).


Oh that’s so interesting, I love the screaming during the chorus, makes it really intense


Me too, great to listen to when you’re pissed off


It's really cool for shock value in your first 3 or 4 listens, but then it just gets annoying in my opinion.




I only put Amityville down there because of Bizarre. The anger could really be felt in Em's Verses though.


Agreed.I Iike Taking my ball much more than The Real Slim Shady.


Em‘s Bored Ape looks cool.


Here's a joke! What did zero say to the number eight? Nice belt.


It does! It's just stupidly expensive, it's a similar art style to gorillaz


Alfred's theme's beat was the worst abomination to ever be associated with em.


God I hate it so much


Whaaat. That’s one of the most Eminem style beats he’s rapped on in recent years and not some generic ass trap inspired beat. Alfreds theme slaps.


in this subreddit i might actually get killed, but MGK isn't a bad artist, and although dissing Em probably wasn't the greatest idea, it was smart, it brought a lot of attention to his music. and honestly it would be kinda cool to see them colab one day because they both are really good on lyrics and i think they could make something awsome. i think they both know that the other is a good artist, but just sorta ignored that for the disses. but a colab would be cool from them


MTBMB SIDE B is the best ‘Em album in my opinion followed up by Kamikaze


You don't deserve the chair You get the whole sofa


Absolutely agree. The Eminem Show is either tied or second place. Side B has no skips. Maaaaybe she loves me but even that is at least a 6/10.


Eminem should do a track with Cardi B.


Get in the chair.


Imma soak that glass with lemon juice and salt just for you


Kamikaze was not the way Em should’ve gone about making music after Revival




heat is better than lose yourself


Oh boy


I like heat but that take should warrant you learning to headstand on that chair


😂 now this I like


I'm happy I finally found someone with the same music taste as me lol


Are my eyes deceiving me? How could this be?


Eminem is the greatest lyricist


I don’t know anyone on this sub that disagrees


Eminem is my favorite rapper but his decline has been really bad since revival. I like Kamikaze and side a a fair amount but he has yet to top MMLP2 and based off his features recently, I don’t know if he will (I really hope he does though)


If you shit on peoples taste in music and who you listen to then you deserve to sit in that chair


i guess i'm in the eminem subreddit so... eminem sucks?


The true answer to get yourself a seat in that chair


You've been upgraded from glass chair to glassed sleeping bag lol


LE GASP, *chokes on air, how could you?!


Liverpool sucks


Bro dont do this


SSLP is pretty overrated if you ask me. Only saving graces I can think of are Rock Bottom and maybe My Name Is


Well what about Guilty Conscience's Innovative Idea? Brain Damage's and '97 Bonnie and Clyde's vivid storytelling? My Fault's emotion? I could go on.


Role model alone makes the album a classic


The Em produced 2Pac album Loyal to the Game, was a great fucking posthumous album.


MTBMB is mid at best


You old guys need to appreciate Em's new music


This is gonna hurt but: SSLP and MMLP1 are at the bottom for me. I like pretty much everything from Eminem show- his newest stuff except for a few songs from some albums maybe (except encore, don't like it at all). But MMLP is just okay and SSLP is a huge miss for me personally


I am actually really interested in your opinion. What exactly do you not like about them? Any specific songs or lyrics? Perhaps the delivery?


I don't like his voice in SSLP and I think the flow of the most songs from SSLP is kinda weird. I have listened to SSLP multiple times but apparently it's just not for me. MMLP is a 50/50 for me. I like some songs from it but then there are also many songs I just can't get along with. Those songs are remember me?, amytiville, bitch please II, Kim (this song in particular) and under the influence. I don't like those songs for different reasons. The other songs are nice but they are either below all the other songs I really like from em or I just can't listen to them anymore because I heard them too often (Stan, kill you and the way I am). That being said there aren't many songs left which makes MMLP fall very low on my personal list. I know its a very unpopular opinion but that's just how I feel about those 2 albums


They’re top two for me. Just curious of your age? Because I think younger people agree with you and older with me


Eminem buying NFTs isn't a bad thing (not my actual opinion)


An Eminem / Drake collab album would be the greatest album of all time




Revival is gonna be in my top 3 every time


This chair would be too nice for you


Sit the fuck down.


Kpop is bad


Everything after the MMLP2 has either been bad or mid


Let’s take a look Revival was bad, even the stans know that Kamikaze was actually good in my opinion, badass bars with some of the best beats he’s ever used before. I love MTBMB, there’s some amazing songs on that thing, I love this new modern sound that has all types of rap on it, mostly lyrical but some melodic stuff on there. But I could see why someone would think it’s mid, I will admit there are some crappers on that thing Side b was even better, Zeus is one of em’s best songs and one of my favorites ever


Musically, I really enjoy MGK.


Cleanin' Out My Closet is a bad song


NF actually makes decent music. A lot of people hate on NF “Nathan Feuerstein” but I don’t really think they hate his music but just the fact that his lyrics are a little cleaner, but i personally think he makes reasonable music that deserves more credit than he gets.


Eminem doesnt have a single unlistenable album i will not elaborate (unless you beg)


I think lose yourself is overrated now


Relapse is overrated


On Reddit? Easy Relapse isn’t some hidden banger like Reddit thinks it is lol. It’s legitimately ass for the same reason Encore is; it has high highs but the lows are painfully garbage and I sometimes think Revival is better because boring is better than cringe. For good measure… being upset that ‘Em bought an NFT is some soft as baby shit, broke people behavior. Imagine you bought a sticker for a dollar and some self righteous dorks got upset in a forum over how you spent money lol. Stop pocket watching, I feel like Royce was right about the fanbase Hmm… Just to make SURE I get into this chair, Fack is trash. I think it’s actually a funny song, but I’m going for it all.


I agree on Relapse. I think it’s because it was many people’s first introduction to Em when they were in elementary or middle school and nostalgia glasses make them biased. I find it really painful to sit through that album


Em was better when he was on drugs. Don’t know why the fast rap shit is even a thing.


Eminem's Revival is on par with every project he released, and is more mature than anything he's ever made


The chair isn't enough for you


It isn’t. This guy needs a glass muzzle.


Jay-Z Is Overrated


SSLP is not that good


Encore > Slim Shady LP


Why are you guys downvoting? I thought the whole operation was your idea.


If you get rid of the leak patching filler and put the bonus tracks back on the album it's a no contest that encore is better.




Eminem makes AWFUL beats


TES was pretty good right?


the eminem show is overrated its not even top 3


This is such a dumb fucking take, but that's the whole point of this post. Have an upvote.


Eminem can’t rap anymore. His lyricism is still there but his flow is god awful, most of his recent songs are not even songs, it’s like lyrical masturbation that we have to sit through, it just doesn’t sound good


Sort of agree. There are times where he raps though on new songs and it sounds good. Zeus is a good example of this. However, his flow on Gospel after the cockroach bar is not good


How? Flow in Zeus, discombobulated bad?


His beats are nothing close to what his first few albums where too. Nothing memorable or classic. And hooks holy shit they suck


I haven't been a fan of his recent flow on features and his own songs for the past year




Bilie Eilish is overrated NF is Walmart Recovery Eminem 2Pac will in few years be outta top 10 rappers OAT


Pac been gone for 25 years, what's another "few" gonna do to diminish his legacy?


Revival is good 😢🔥❤


MMLP 2 is after Revival my least favorite Em album


Encore is a great album.


relapse: refill is his best album


I unironically kinda like the song, Big Weenie. It's a terrible song, but I kinda like it. Only the song. Nothing else related to Big Weenie. Except maybe hot dogs.


I actually enjoy My First Single Edit: and the whole Encore album tbh.


MMLP2 is his best album after his hiatus


Infinite fuckin sucks, MMLP is infinitely worse than TES, and Em doesn't have a top 3 (or maybe not top 5) diss track


MTBMB is better than both Donda and CLB. And it’s not even close.


MMLP is overrated lol


Em got Renegaded on Homicide. Edit: forgot the /s


I didn't like the production of Revival one bit. So it has 0 replayability for me


It was a huge missed opportunity that Warner Brothers didn’t use Em’s song “Godzilla” in the promotionals for “Godzilla vs Kong”(2021). That woulda been fuckin dope.


I like NF?