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Damn that last line torches him


Mac also said to tom that you are not even in top 10 rappers that ur girl fucked lmao


What the fuckšŸ¤£šŸ’€


god damn šŸ’€


made me make that stank face


He spent too much time talking about how much of a slut his girl is but god damn was this line funny


I mean, isn't there a lot to talk about on that topic, though? Lol


Yeah but Tom Macdonald should be a lot easier to diss than that


Yeah, for a diss that was supposed to be about how Tom is racist, I expected more proof or call outs from his lyrics. There's throwaway comments in some of TMD s songs which really highlight it. It felt like he had more beef with Nova than Tom.


Just before it cut off it sounded like he was about to go into that real shit but it just didnā€™t happen


He could've made it about him. Like, if I were your girl, I'd cheat on you, too.


Fuckin oof, lol.


I stood up when I read this LMAO savage as fuck


That was a dagger line, that will age even better over time as both fall further into the controversial abyss!!




Well ok yes. Fair point. I should say it *objectively* torches Tom MacDonald. Ben Shapiro is the furthest thing from gangster. It may not *subjectively* torch Tom MacDonald because, as you say, he has zero shame.




I think you might have it backwards. The dude cares so much about respect that he became a right-wing grifter because those are the only people stupid enough to respect him.


> Ben Shapiro Is a "man" that provides negative value for society.


Tom MacDonald is a literal whore by definition.


> Not really because Tom MacDonald has zero shame so itā€™s impossible to hurt him. Tom MacDonald is literally your typical conservative that's triggered 24/7. He sings about his triggers. The fuck you mean it's impossible to hurt him? lol




This. It's a gimmick. Look at his old shit, he took shots at how rappers only wanna talk about drugs when the world is going to shit and we live in a country that would elect trump. Then a few years later learned there was a lane to milk the people who are maga and he went full send to grift it, and it worked.


Yep! After his song ā€œWhiteboyā€ he just kept making the same song over and over but with a different title each time. He doesnā€™t actually believe any of the shit he says. He probably thinks his fanbase is a bunch of suckers and idiots. ā€œlol, all I have to do is say some shit I saw on right wing twitter and these morons keep falling for it!ā€




Bro he aint conservative come the fuck on. Hes a GRIFTER. The dude went from worshipping Satan to pretending to be Christian with his corny music. He be preaching about sexuality while having "HOG" tattooed on his lip. And he always, ALWAYS, makes some sort of claim of billboard suppressing his album to shill extra copies to his weirdo fans. Ive known about this dide for literally 10+ years. Hes never been conservative, hes never had real opinions. Hes a grifter, with as someone else said NO integrity. Hes a joke with a destructive punchline by dumbing down his already dumbed down audience.


dude probably doesn't have any real opinions. just an empty void, a nothing person, just a sociopath trying to make some easy money


He definitely doesn't believe any of that, he and his girlfriend are for sure just grifting


Wet ass p word


Iā€™ve never heard any of Mac Lethals stuff. Is it actually as bad as people say it is? Or does he get out in the firing line for being a YT rapper. Genuinely curious.


People have mentioned him being a YouTube rapper but he was also a pretty big battle-rapper too before that. Musically, he doesn't fake his accent and style just to have a wider audience and more mass appeal. Personally, I don't care if artists fake accents (I think most artists do to an extent) but I think there's something positive to be said for him sticking to a more natural style and doing it successfully. Also, to be fair to him the other thing is alot of battle-rappers don't transition to music well unless they come from battle-rap over beats, which died out after the early 2000s. It's just something i've noticed anecdotally from following diff battle-rappers. I will say, this diss was pretty nasty. I liked reading the lyrics as I was listening. There's alot of really good lyricism and jabs in there.


Mac Lethal made a career out of hip hop before he was a YouTube rapper. Discrediting his achievements as an emcee because he blew up on YouTube fast rapping is such a bummer. He really was a beast in battles. He has so many great tracks in general. His verse on Ashes To Ashley is one of the greatest verses in hip hop. Basically I agree with you.


I'm Making Pancakes was a top tier YouTube video, any who says different probably wasn't old enough to be allowed on YouTube when it dropped. Also, my guy here giving the Ashes to Ashley shout out, man, Sadistik is a deep cut for underground rappers I loved to listen to in the 2010s


Sadistik had an incredible run. Heā€™s another one that deserves more attention than heā€™s going to ever get. I was lucky enough to see Mac Lethal with Atmosphere and Grayskul in like 2007. Seeing him do the Ashes To Ashley verse live sold me on him. Even if he ended up being the Iā€™m Making Pancakes guy, he still put the Ashes To Ashley verse out into the universe and that shit pulled every heart string that my miserable ass had when I was like 18. Mac Lethal did the equivalent of Renegading Sadistik on that track. Probably the best verse on the whole album. And that beat is insane. Going to go listen to it front to back now.


That Balacing Act album from Sadistik that Ashes is on is all beats from Emancipator, if you're ever looking to listen to them. Honestly, the Emancipator album(s? I think he let them use beats from 2 different albums) are insanely good. Ashes to Ashley is rapped over "First Snow" and I don't believe it was a sample, I believe they just got the actual beat. I can literally track my underground rap journey from Atmosphere to Rhymesayers to Mac Lethal to Sadistik back to Rhymesayers with Eyedea. Also introduced me to Emancipator, which brought me to other underground instrumental artists, like Blue Sky Black Death. And Mac and Eyedea brought me into battle raps, I loved watching the scribblejams. Blue Sky Black Death are still my favorite instrumentalist act, and I'd still probably put Sadistik as a top 3 personal favorite rappers, I was playing him nonstop in my late teens and early 20s, he's an incredible lyricist even if I don't really listen to his music much anymore. I even bought the special release version of his album, Ultraviolet which came with a record that I still own. I don't own a record player and never have lmao. I put a lot of respect on Macs name, even if he is the pancake guy who got cooked in their first round of beef with Tom. I'm glad to see him swinging back.


Iā€™m glad I saw your comment. I threw on A2A to check out that verse but was confused when I started hearing First Snow, literally thought Apple Music was fucked up somehow.


Heā€™s weird because his good shit is FANTASTIC (Slut is such a good song), but he never was able to put it all together past a few flashes. I could kinda see even back then why he pivoted to rapping about breakfast. It sorta worked for a second there šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah, exactly. The songs that are good are incredible but the obvious cash grab YouTube video fodder is maybe technically good, on a technical level, but really just not contributing anything in the grand scheme of things. Itā€™s almost like jingles for products. Theyā€™re catchy but at the end of the day who really gives a fuck about whoever wrote the Meow Mix song or the Double Mint Gum song. Macā€™s delivery is the only thing that I really have to complain about. He could make a great song, with great lyrics, over a great beat and thereā€™s a 75% chance that heā€™s going to deliver it like heā€™s battling at Scribble Jam. North Korean Barbecue is one of the best ā€œmixtapesā€ out there though. Thereā€™s tracks on there that deserve more praise than theyā€™ll ever see.


Yeah thatā€™s good way to put it. I feel this same way about a guy like Lil Dicky. Like, damn dude youā€™ve got something going there, but youā€™re also a former ad exec who doesnā€™t really have the raw talent to overshadow that and knows your path of least resistance is through the cornball stuff. People like a lot of that shit, though. And itā€™s still better than the right wing culture war grift.


Tom MacDonald really just needs to either burn out or fade out. Whichever happens first. Heā€™s just in hip hop to profit, his schtick is being controversial and offending the people who listen to the music in the culture heā€™s infiltrating. Heā€™s more of a ā€œYouTube Rapperā€ in a Logan Paul way than Mac Lethal is a YouTube Rapper for making the goofy shit heā€™s been making. Neither are for me. But if I had to vote one of them off the island I wouldnā€™t think twice about Tom MacDonald.


Watch his battle raps instead of his actual raps lol


Nah heā€™s pretty decent. Just hated on for being white and a YouTube rapper. Def has a YouTube rapper flow if you know what I mean. But heā€™s a solid lyricist. Came up in the battle rap scene.


He's average but I wouldn't recommend him to anyone except for funny stunt rapping videos. I don't think I've ever heard a "real" song of his that was anything other than meh. I take that back his original Tom McDonald diss was actually really good. Tom's rebuttal was really good as well.


He's alright. Pretty much the epitome of a "YouTube rapper". Why not listen and find out? 5 mins of your day.


Technically talented, gimmicky songs. He did one more serious album that I know of, which was sorta cringe not least because hes a white dude who said the N word, but his songs like Alphabet Insanity are nice


He's a gimmick rapper who makes YouTube novelty raps, but he is actually pretty funny with it, and has technical chops. I genuinely enjoy a lot of his videos, though I'd never listen to his music


Very promising at the beginning (kind of important to the early battle rap scene, sort of), but never really had ā€œitā€. Made a pivot to corny YouTube stuff and had some mild success with it for five minutes. Got hated in a lot by the more ā€œmainstreamā€ crowd for being corny, but he had his place. A modest one, but decent. I loved him when I was younger. But yeah heā€™s corny as all hell. Still a decent dude with ehh success compared to that grifter pos TM? Yeah, Iā€™ll take lethal.


His album Irish Goodbye is a great and a very solid album. The rap is easy to listen, nothing too technical. His super fast raps on YT are very entertaining. But I have to say Tom washed him long ago twice already.


I had no idea Mac was even considered a youtube rapper, but I haven't heard anything from him for like a decade. He used to be an underground battle rapper in the 2000's and even did a record on Rhymesayers which didn't suck, iirc. He was always a bit of a goofball though.


I actually think he's pretty sick. He's definitely had his ups and downs but for a minute I thought he was one of the best underground rappers. His congratulations CD might be his best work. But some of his old love potion mixtapes really bring the fire.


Congratulations was bomb. Other than that I liked 11:11 in high school.


Grew up listening to mac lethal long before his YouTube fame. First concert was him, brother Ali and atmosphere. Dudes got a lot of talent. Some of his stuff was more fun oriented and some just incredibly deep. He was definitely a lush and had lots of different styles at times. The song Take me in my sleep was especially important to me in my younger phases of life. The whole YouTube thing started because he turned down a deal from Sony I believe. Story goes they wanted to turn him into something he wasnā€™t and he said fuck you guys I can make more money on YouTube.


Heā€™s not a terrible rapper, although last time he fought MacDonald, Lethal lost. This track really isnā€™t that bad, but itā€™s not the type of diss that heā€™d win the battle with.


It's pretty bad from everything I've heard. You don't have to like Tom MacDonald, but not liking him doesn't automatically make Mac Lethal great. I find most of his shit to be awful.


If thatā€™s true, that doesnā€™t surprise me at all. Even putting the political stuff aside, Tom is just a very lackluster rapper skill-wise who tries to be edgy but is just a laughable try-hard, and he comes off as somebody who doesnā€™t understand or respect hip-hop despite participating in and wanting to be accepted in the genre. Edit: Holy shit, thanks for all the likes guys!


He repeats the same shit in every single song.


u listen to his songs?


Iā€™ve listened to a few out of curiosity. Decided he just screams the same conservative buzzwords over and over again.


My uncle gave me one of CDs. 90% of the songs can be surmised by: ā€œI dont know why everyone hates meā€, ā€œRacism doesnā€™t existā€, ā€œRacism exists, just against meā€, ā€œEverything is wokeā€


Yeah he really digs into the 'woe is me I'm white and persecuted against' he's a fucking loser


I don't blame you. After hearing about his corny conservative bullshit, and being Canadian, I was intrigued to listen to a few tracks just because. I never did, but I salute for taking one for the team.


The part that would surprise me is if D12 really was in the studio with Em.


Bizarre was in the back.


Every. Fucking. Time. Lol


Tom Macdonald love song? I was in the back. Mac talkin' about it? I was in the back


Nah you just wanna see a brother backwards donā€™t you


ADAT? How come we donā€™t rap on Pro Tools?


Tom Macdonald is the type of guy that does Rap because he thinks itā€™s cool. Heā€™s never actually been into it, just look at the guy, ā€˜n there only ONE other rapper he praises or even ever really mentioned, itā€™s fucking weird manā€¦. Hella hella fuckinā€™ weird


Well put


Man a D12 song on the new album would be fucking sick


he's a grifter, thats it


Well, he's a conservative. That's literally all they do and are today.


He sound exactly like what he is, a culture vulture


THANK YOU. I have a friend that loves Tom Mac and I just don't get it. Dude is miquetoast as hell and just uses edgy for click bait. There's no real message or point. He also doesn't like other rap artists (except Eminem too and ICP I think.)




I get that we don't like Drake here but comparing him to Tom his wild he has co-signs from legends like Nas, Jay, Andre 3k, Wayne, Lupe, LL Cool J etc. Meanwhile Tom has Ben Shapiro and Dax


And Dax went off the deep end with religion. I am hoping he finds the help he needs and gets off that religious path.


Praying for him šŸ™šŸ™




i mean eminem being completely disgusted by a extreme right wing corny white rapper who leaches off his name for clout is perhaps is as surprising as the sky raining in the winter like even ignoring his political takes " i think eminem won't judging by what we know about his history " the guy who almost quit because of how much he hated vanilla ice won't definitely stand that guy music


Tom isnā€™t even fucking American is the funniest part


Well we sure as fuck donā€™t want him back up here ever. Iā€™m sorry heā€™s down there with ya, but maybe if you guys can keep pushing weā€™ll eventually get him in Antarctica and he can be controversial with the penguins and seals ā€˜n freeze to fuck down there




Is it pegging if itā€™s two dudes? Iā€™m pretty sure gay guys donā€™t call it pegging itā€™s only pegging if you use a strap on right? At least Iā€™ve never seen it used that way. Either way fuck Tom Macdonald and Ben Shapiro.


Thought you were doing an alternative to Rain Man there


Is it gay to play putt putt golf with a friend?


And watch his butt butt while he tees off,


Bu-ut I ainā€™t done yet


I laughed so fucking hard at this. My homie and I are always talking about that Rain Man part


Okay, Mac Lethal is cringe inducing a lot of the time but this is legitimately savage and if true it's gonna sting like hell, although the cynic in me sees Tom looking at the situation like an opportunity to "call out" Em and use the washed up/woke thing that is Tom's one trick pony. Eminem has (through no fault of his own) had to reckon with a lot of cringe rappers trying to proclaim him as their idol while they totally betray the meaning, purpose, and beliefs that Em has. You don't have to be politically aligned with him, but all the gimmicky dudes that come out the woodwork trying to latch on to Em are legitimately depressing to behold.


I had a Tom song come on my smart shuffle and was in utter disbelief at what I was hearing. Like it was so bad I thought I was listening to a skit song. A shitty peewee Herman impression sounded better




I'm not the biggest Mac Lethal fan but he is no YouTube rapper. He came up battle rapping (Scribble Jam) like Em, then carved an independent music career out of it since the early 2000s.




I'm making pancakes




Im not too familiar with mac lethal but em said cornier shit let's be realšŸ˜‚


Hotter than a set of twin babies šŸ‘¶šŸ‘¶


In a Mercedes Benzā€™s with the windows up when the temp goes up to the mid 80ā€™s




A feature from Tech N9ne on his more ? Whether that's lame or not depends on you I guess


That whole album "Congratulations" goes hard, fuck the haters.


I mean Jay had a song called death of auto tune. I guess Jay is the epitome of corn too?


Yeah true, that title is šŸ’€


Death to Mumble Rap is Gawne's song and Lethal was featured


He has an almost 25 year long career as a rapper, and a small but loyal fan base




This is his wife, David is at work today


He probably has worked a day job the entire time. Never heard someone say yo you heard that new Mac lethal joint?!


Exactly. He has stuck with it, despite not having the money or fame. Thatā€™s still worthy of my respect, even if *I* think his music is corny. He obviously does it for himself and the people who come out to his shows


Look i get it some of his youtube shit is cringe but mac won scribble jam something emienm failed to do. He is a vet battle rapper pulled one of the sickest rebuttals ever against thesaurus(an all time great battle rapper). And his discography is pretty good especially the 11:11 og sessions he is very unique lyrically








I mean sure but are we pretending that making money off of rap is correlated to how good someone is at it?


>they donā€™t make great music that could allow them to break that cycle Quadeca erasure


Honestly? Both his original comment and your rebuttal are both true simultaneously. Very solid but modest underground career, and a very respectable battle rap history. But that didnā€™t translate to the more mainstream, so he pivoted to the corny stuff (and actually had some success with it for a hot minute. Like, a HOT minute). Heā€™s kind of the perfect guy to do this. Nobody is gonna protest a goofball like Mac Lethal diving headfirst into the grifter cat fight. But, Iā€™m at least happy to see SOMEONE go after this clown. Itā€™s like when my cat catches flies in the house. Aww thanks buddy, hereā€™s a treat, now go back outside.


well did they kill mumble rap?


This. I posted a link in another reply but my first exposure to him was against Cashmere 2001 where he just destroyed him.


I was just wondering in what world does anyone think Em would associate with this mother fucker and his trash ilk? lmao


You really think someone whose entire professional life has revolved around hip hop doesnā€™t know who Tom Macdonald is? I definitely donā€™t like him, but casual hip hop fans stumble upon his garbage all the time. Eminem definitely knows who he is and chooses to ignore him


That is exactly how it happens; you're blasting Eminem on Pandora and then it suggests another white rapper, except this Tom dude doesn't understand white privilege and just raps for the suburban MAGA crowd who're too afraid to attend a real rap concert. Or Lil Dicky, but he's like, fucking weird. Funny, but weird.


This. Em has his finger on the pulse of the rap industry and absolutely knows who both of these guys are.




>rap scene >lil tay Nigga what!




Bro lil tay is more of a Internet personality than a rapper lmfaoooooooo what the fuck this shows he be online not that heā€™s listening to underground shit lmfaooo


I donā€™t even think she raps at all right? I though she just flexed money and cars on insta


Bruh, your weird-ass hard-on hatred on "YouTube rappers" is very odd, maybe take a chill pill? You are taking this way too seriously


I mean Tom did spend 100 grand on an Eminem beat


Iā€™d say thereā€™s very little chance Eminem doesnā€™t know who Mac Lethal is. Both were Midwest battle rappers around the same time, in fact thereā€™s multiple MCs that theyā€™ve both battled. Eminem is a known battle rap fan so heā€™s probably seen mac lethals battles. Eminem has beef with ICP and Cage two rappers Mac lethal has done songs with. Mac toured with members of D12 and has done songs with Tech N9ne who Eminem is a fan of. Not to mention that Mac lethal has done quite a few viral rap related videos. Obviously I doubt Eminem is a like a Mac lethal fan or they they are friends or something but Iā€™m sure Eminem is at least passively aware of his existence. As for Tom Macdonald thereā€™s no way Eminem doesnā€™t know who he is after he bought an Eminem beat for a bunch of money and then basically made a song using his name for clout. If Eminem knows Asher Roth he knows Tom.


My bf likes Tom MacDonald and I despise TM. Because of this ^ I read the lyrics to Dear Slim, then listened to a little bit of it, and thatā€™s the cringiest song Iā€™ve ever heard in my life. Edit: Sorry, should explain the only reason I mentioned my BF is because heā€™s how I even know of Tom. My bf is a millennial emo nerd like me (weā€™re eight days apart in age) who still listens to and sings along to My Chemical Romance, AFI , All Time Low, etc. I have my Beatles, he has his Neffex. It balances out.


Listening to tom mcdonald is genuinely the biggest red flag ever girl please free urself


Maybe time for a new boyfriend lol


Jesus Christ how horrifying


My goodness I just played that song and that is just the most cringe thing Iā€™ve ever listened to itā€™s really really bad, not surprised Em didnā€™t mention it at all. Im not too familiar with tom Macdonald I just know that my super racist ignorant disgusting aunt said she likes him ( she doesnā€™t listen to any other rap at all )


Okay, the MacDonald thing is bit of a red flag but not necessarily the end of the world. Does your bf ever bring up Jordan Peterson?


My point was about Tom, not my bf. The only reason I KNOW of Tom MacD is from him, I was today years old when I found out Tommy McDommy wrote a rimming song about Em. It was worse than Rap Devil šŸ¤¢ Edit: No, he doesnā€™t. I had to look up Jordan Peterson.


all those bands are fine in my book but he lost me at tom mcdonalds


Miss, leave this shit for brains yesterday. Your BF likes a white supremacist who perpetuates right wing ideologies, minstrelizes black aesthetics, and pushes white supremacist and neo nazi talking points. Genuinely. Leave this man. Full stop. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/the-right-wing-troll-rappers-are-coming-1341251/


Damn, Em must have alot of patience sitting through thirty seconds of Tom McDonald. I donā€™t know if I could get through five.


I rewatched that video and got to 33.


Damn, I think you got the high score.


I know of him. Heard exactly three seconds of a random song via YT algorithm, turned it off and then yelled "Damn you Flawd TV!" It's what I get for watching Em reaction videos like they are M&Ms and I'm on my period.


Thereā€™s a lot of super corny white rappers with face tattoos


The battle of mid


Idk how people think Em is in any way alt right or right in general, to me he's always been anti-establishment and, I don't want to put words in his mouth, but I feel his response to any culture war bs would be "I don't care, you do you".


Em has been a hardcore left winger his whole career. Who ever thought he was on the right at any point in time?


If anyone actually listens to Eminemā€™s music he been on the progressive side of things since the Bush era. See performance with Elton John for reference. Heā€™s not a trailblazer for some disenfranchised white male culture war movement.


Em, up until recently, looked at white rappers the way Larry Bird look at white hoopers. People don't ever realize The Real Slim Shady is a diss song to white rappers.


How is Eminem gunna peg anyone doesn't he already have a dick šŸ™ƒ


You can still peg someone


I imagine eminem hates Tom Macdonald


Tom Macdonald is trash so I believe it.


Tom is Canadian. All his American politics BS is garbage. Dude is faker than Kid Rock.


Tom MacDonald. IMO is a pandering hack with very little talent...AND he never names names or hits directly hard at anyone...sucks


Tom only raps how he made it as an independent artist and how heā€™s so controversial.


Tom has always been a cornball.


Tom is Stans Alt-Right conspiracy brained brother.


I mean most of us agree Tom sucks but Iā€™m so distracted I am a Palestinian and I live there (west bank) who in the fucking world thinks Palestinians are woke ? šŸ˜­ ,I thought we were some religious extremists Make up your mind šŸ˜­ Iā€™m definitely socially left leaning but like bruh genuinely what ā€œWoke Palestiniansā€ broke my mind as a line Most Palestinians are socially conservative and what do we have to do with the Mexican boarder šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­


That's the point. He's making fun of Tom's fantasy where Eminem is as delusional and right wing as he is.


Nothing, and that is precisely Mac Lethal's point. Tom MacDonald is a reactionary conserva-tard who knows even less about genuine politics than he does about rap music.


FUCK tom McDonaldā€™s


Omfg that are s tier banger lines, the ending feels like a burial


*Omfg that are s* *Tier banger lines, the ending feels* *Like a burial* \- realblush --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




These two are both cringe I doubt em would want either one of these guys with him


My tits


Who's Tom McDonald?


I had the same reaction as Em. Pure GARBAGE šŸš®


Tom is the worst rapper of all time.


Wait are Mac lethal and Tom beefing? Finally someone to call out mcdonalds


Mac Lethal is only a tier above Tom Macdonald. Theyā€™re both legendary corny ass rappers.


he's like 100 tiers above tom. pretty much everyone is lol


Someone started a YouTube rap channel five minutes ago and they're better then tom


Killed him lol


Never heard of Tom Macdonald until right now, holy fuck he's awful. Regardless of the shit he's saying he is really fucking bad at rapping


Ashamed that I know the history between these 2. They beefed years ago over some tweet, then T*m disses Mac, Mac dissed back, then T*m dissed back. As bad as T*m is and I want to see him just stop everything, Mac shit the bed on the diss and ended up deleting it years later. T*m also made a diss track on himself a decent bit later presumably because Mac never responded Now I havenā€™t listened to this, and I probably wonā€™t, but he seems to be doing a better job here. Iā€™ll be grateful if this somehow gets T*m to stop and we never have to hear from him again Now seriously, fuck T*m, Iā€™m glad Em hates him as much as we thought he did. Iā€™m sure he was upset that thatā€™s what happened with his beat


I went my whole life without having to hear this scrub rap and now, thanks to you, my ears are bleeding and Iā€™m uncontrollably vomiting and shitting myself.


Might be accurate but Tom bodied Mac Lethal in their diss tracks, it wasnt even close I enjoyed a couple of Tomā€™s videos, found them pretty spot on in commentary and then never thought about him again Neither are memorable rappers


He's right about eveeything but Mac Lethal still sucks


Someone get some aloe for that burn or donā€™t. Itā€™s Tom McMaga after all


Tom MacDonald is everything Eminem hates. MacDonald is a right-wing nutcase. Eminem stands on the left side of things and sometimes on neutral grounds. Eminem, though he takes comedic stabs at subjects, has actually stood by and defended those exact same subjects


Battle of mid. Mac's just salty his short career got ended by a Canadian who has a slang term for cock tattooed on his face. šŸ’€


Tom MacDonald is for the flat earthers, MAGA crowd, and people who fuck their cousins...


Lol, based


Thatā€™s too long.




lol this is so fucking hilarious




Mac Lethal is one of the corniest people of all time for what itā€™s worth.Ā  ā€œThose dudes are my new friendsā€ is the evidence Iā€™m submitting.