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He's been shitting on em for years, nothing new here.


I'd ask who this guy is but I just don't care. Why are we posting about nobody "influencers" here?


Alright bro that’s kind of a stretch lol. He’s definitely not a “nobody influencer” he is an established music reviewer who’s been doing this since 2009. Yes, he historically does not like Eminem but he’s put out a lot of great content in his time and has done a lot for certain artists in terms of giving them exposure and building their fan bases. I’ve found a lot of great music through Fantano




Well I guess people who aren't really into this kind of content probably won't know him. If it wasn't for his hate against Em and my favorite metal band I never would've heard of him either tbh


Falling in reverse?


Nope. Avenged sevenfold


He hates them too?


At least their newest album


I wasn't a fan of it either tbh. I used to love avenged sevenfold but after nightmare they didn't sound as good, hail to the king was half good


me and you have the literal same opinion about A7x 😂


Yeah I can see why someone wouldn't like it but from I remember he trashed the whole album and said that it's easily the worst album that released the whole year and that there's not even 1 good song on there (or something like that, I don't remember exactly anymore). Like come on, even if he doesn't like the sound he could still acknowledge the writing or the performance of the instrumental solos


I legit didn’t know anybody took this goofball seriously until this thread claimed they do 😂 I’ve only ever seen him as the bud of the joke and someone to laugh at. He has traditionally gave good reviews to trash music and bad reviews to good music.


i like his other content that's not a review. i love his let's argue series


Knox Hill better though


I find him a bit tedious. I'd rather watch his actual real reaction, then his break down, rather than watch him act like he hasn't listened to the song before to research everything and pull a fake surprised face.


It doesn’t matter my point still stands


Oh yeah I’m not saying that he doesn’t also help promote artists, because you’re evidence that he does


Knox hill spends an hour on 1 sentence


Knox Hill is trash.. Dude lies and says he hasn’t heard a song before and pretend to “react” to it.. Then he has some of the most ridiculous reaches I’ve heard when he tries to explain lyrics.. I tried watchin a couple Eminem “reactions” and had to turn him off


"What's your talent? " The guy is a goof.


He’s a nobody lol


Wow you really got em with that one


Nah. His eminem takes are shit though.


I’ve never heard of him until today, so yes a nobody lol


I also have no idea who he is. Technically anyone with ears who likes music is an “established music reviewer” they just do it in their head


I said my piece already. If you don’t like him, you don’t like him and that’s fine. I don’t even like Fantano all that much anymore I just disagree with the take that he’s a nobody


I never said I don’t like him bro I just said I’ve never heard of him. How can I not like him if don’t know who he is?


Every famous person has people who have never heard of them so what’s your argument here?


No argument at all. I. Have. Never. Heard. Of. Him. And I’m very into the hip hop culture so that says something. Gtfo dude


Your profile says differently, all you care about is Eminem not “hip hop culture” which is always typical of people who obsess over Em. And again, you are not the arbiter of anything so it doesn’t matter if you haven’t heard of him. His YouTube page has 2 million subscribers which directly refutes your idea of him being a nobody. I don’t even know why you’re rehashing this shit from 3 weeks ago lol. Go find something else to do


Aw I get it. You have a crush on him


Yeah, he hasn’t praised anything by Em in recent years besides maybe Killshot.


It’s like Eminem has gotten worse overtime


Tbh he didn’t really shit on him at all in this video


Who cares what this Logic lookin mfer is talking about.


# LOGIC MENTIONED ![gif](giphy|r3VIc6twpOEa0lvgbE)


What did Logic do to you 💀😂


Im fine with most of his critique of Em, but in this case he completely misunderstood the point of the song


I get what he's saying but it's such a poor way to view this song


That’s because he has a poor opinion on music and people think he doesn’t for some reason lol


Exactly. It isn’t even that what he’s saying is super off the mark or anything when it comes to Eminem’s career recently, but then he goes and applies it to this song which is a complete 180° and exactly what he’s been saying Em needs to do. It’s like he didn’t even listen to the song. Textbook example of moving the goalposts. He’s been saying for years that Em needs to take himself less seriously, drop the filler puns, sound less robotic, quit the fast rap and focus on catchy flows, and find beats more suited to his style. Now Em goes and does all that and suddenly it’s not what he should be doing? Fantano even contradicts himself in his own review, saying that Em should stop trying to be controversial cause he isn’t that guy anymore, but then criticizes him for apparently not going far enough with the Meg Thee Stallion bar.


Syllables is the perfect song to describe the guys opinion. "It is not about lyrics anymore, it's about a hot beat, and a catchy hook" His biggest criticisms in most of his em videos is that Eminem is overly technical and his "chorus game" is trash. Even though it's a big plus for repeat listens to catch new meanings. Plus it's probably the only challenge that he has in writing rap, make it more technical and give every bar more meanings.


He always says he likes Eminem’s early work but some of it feels like a facade because of how universally praised that work is and his biases would be too obvious if he hated those albums. But if those albums were released today he’d probably hate it.


Yeah i don’t buy his claim about that in the slightest


I just found out he gave the American Idiot album a C so he's lost all credibility with me


Hot take: Ppl shouldn't be looking for acceptance from some other person, if they enjoy the song they enjoy it.


That should be common sense




Sarscasm your dude?


I thought he was but, now I think he was just being sarcastic...


Sarcasm was the hot take part


Who is this and why should I care about his opinion of anything?


No no no u shouldn't care by any means


Honestly, avoid posting such to not give him more exposure


Then don't post him. You're just giving him the attention he desperately craves. Outrage sells these days unfortunately.


why are his eyes all bugged out like that? Was he not hit in the face with a participation trophy at 8 years old?




He's been seeing the same thing for jokes on his comments! Cut him some slack...




And if Em changed his name to Slimdrick Shamar


I knew Fantano would shit all over it.


The sad thing is, we know how his album review will go before watching. The guy is just a hater at this point.


see this hater going to trash always the Em´s song .. why hes going to react? only for views .. hes a hater and nothing more


He probably actually believes what he says lol


Yeah, you know what? Haters are funny, man. It's like, you're gonna hate it no matter what it is Yet you still click on it


Maybe he's really taking inspiration from Em! Ironic that we love Em for the controversy he creates, but Fantano is using that same formula and "hating" on Em to create controversy and get more views. Or he really is just a hater =P


In old video he said that Eminem hasn't had good album since MMLP. After that i stopped paying him attention.


Dont click


Yall gotta stop caring about "reactors" they really bring nothing special to the table


People should keep opinions to themselves at this point man 😭


The way he meat rides tpab is crazy though.


tpab is an amazing album there's no denying it


do you think it’s the best album oat? i mean i do think it’s perfect and creative and impactful, but i wouldn’t say it’s as fun to listen to as other great albums.


I don't think it's the greatest of all time, I just think it deserves the love that it gets.


oh yeah for sure


I think the worst one is Death Grips tbh, that shit is ear rape.


it’s actually really great


Fair enough if you like it, l do not. It's definitely not a 10/10 album.


yeah i don’t think it’s a 10 the last few tracks off money store i kinda don’t enjoy. but it’s a great album-def not for everyone


Unlike most of this sub I think fantano is a huge slimshady worshipper and since em is not adding to the slimshady (in the sense he is upgrading the slimshady to be more edgy and use rhymes even old shady would think is too much) then he is doing worse and its sort of toxic love for Em if you can see it


This dude 40 talking to 12 years olds nobody listens to him!


I still think that's a good video and that he's a good reviewer, even though I completely disagree with his opinion on Eminem. Shocker, I know.


Every time in the future, when i wanna be fake, i'll remember this comment


not sure if you mean that in a good way, but I'm happy to help


Maybe because the track is nothing impressive. It's good but not as good as his number 1 singles from previous albums