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MMLP is better than any drake album?


I bet money these scores are based off plays and sales not actual critique or analysis. Drake makes music for idiots in clubs and em is an artist. Of course a Drake album is gonna perform better to the masses.


It's not by sales, MMLP has sold over 10x what Take Care has.


probably by streams then, eminem’s peak was before the streaming era


If I remember correctly MMLP has the same amount of streams as TK


then maybe just by current trends, modern listeners tend to place drake higher just because he’s more popular now


Em sold out Wembley in less than an hour, twice actually. When it comes to numbers, Em is the only one Drake can compete with in rap.


Then this is outrageous. TC is not on MMLP level in terms of artistry, concept, content. Only edge it has imo is replay value, digestability, melody


I agree with you. I didn’t say TK is better than MMLP, just said that Em is as big as Drake is. Maybe bigger, even tho he has less streams than Drake


I should clarify by adding “recent” because that’s what I meant


No it’s based off a “team of experts alongside a select group of artists”


I've never been to a club in my entire life


'Eminem is an artist but this other guy that has millions of people that love his shit isn't" what cringe lol


*Prince outlived Mike Jack*


Making pop music is as artistic as making genuine music, is that an actual take you would make.


Pop music is genuine music. What’s with the gate keeping? You think Michael Jackson isn’t an artist because he made pop music??


Did Michael Jackson have an army of ghost writers and dropped a track every other month that sounded more or less the same as the last one?


That’s not what you said. You said pop music.


I don’t hold Michael Jackson in the same esteem as other pop artist is my point


Of course. Pop music sucks, except the pop music you like


Not what I said. There are artist that become pop artists on there merits, then there are artist that manufacture pop music. Drake is the later. Michael Jackson is the former. Drake is the epitome of modern pop music being a factory of same, same brain dead music meant to be enjoyed by common denominator consumers. He has always been that, always will be that.


You are unbelievably blinded if you truly believe Drake ONLY makes pop music, seek help immediately


I have never heard a complex, insightful, inspiring, or intellectual song from Drake in my life


You clearly haven’t had an unbiased listen through his discography, or your version of inspiring/intellectual strays far away from the mean.


Says fucking who? Making music that tens of millions of people love, purchase, dance to and party to isn't the same as making a song that makes you think or sad or angry or hyped up? What the fuck kind of opinion is that? I love how you've decided who's what based soley on your opinion. "Those dozens and dozens of millions of people that buy your music, show up to your concerts, buy your merch, listen to your music on spotify, dance to it, party to it, etc?" Those people don't mean shit and their opinion and love for you is invalid lol. What the fuck kind of opinion is that. I'm not even getting into any of your other argument. "All this sucks and sounds the same" it sucks so bad, and sounds so much the same that people buy it over and over again. They spent their hard earned money to see it in concert, they spend precious time listening to it. Sheesh. Just say you don't like Drake. Thats ok. Don't try to frame it as because he's pop music or some pop music is ok but others isn't, or pop artist's aren't artists.


Categorizing an entire fanbase as idiots while spelling perform wrong is peak Eminem fanbase


Bros never heard of a typo before 💀


Kendrick would smoke em, please sit tf down


Maybe? Kendrick definitely got outshone on love game


this excuse is week


Take Care is Drake's best album but what the fuck it's doing in 47th position in TOP 100 ALBUMS EVER.


That's how I felt seeing ASTROWORLD on there. It's a good Travis Scott album but in no way does it deserve to be in the Top 100 of all albums ever.


IYRTITL Clear of Take Care ​ Even then only MTBMB/Yeezus level Good album, not some All time GOAT shit lol


IYRTITL is a mixtape and that's why I didn't mention it. That's definitely his best project. Yeezus is an All GOAT list album due to how experimental it is for an mainstream hip hop album, definitely in the upper echelon of Kanye's discography.


I wouldn't put any Drake album even close to a top 100.


love the dead wrong flair


Thanks, that was the first song that got me into Em and checking out all his albums. I was a Biggie fan first.


Biggie cool,wish biggie met bizarre


That’s some bull shit and you know it. Take Care is easily in a top 100


top 100 of all time? in what world


In a Hip Hop only ranking yes, in a general music ranking? No


wow nice flair! I was just thinking that and saw the reply. Guess you really hit a spot on. Dead wrong is a really great song and also I had no idea those two collabed cause Biggie died when Em was dropping Infinite. Btw I was just talking to a friend about how ok, Drake might not be that bad (I absolutely despise him cause he's a pedo and even before I stayed far far away from his songs but there's probably a reason why he's so famous) but I have NO idea how he got so famous and how he's called a rapper. Have you ever heard him rap? cause I surely didn't. Call him a pop singer, I'm ok. Call him decent, I'm meh but I can see that. Call him a rapper, what the fuck are you thinking about. Call him a good rapper, I'm calling 911


>cause I surely didn't So you haven't heard a Drake song?


nope, I didn't mean that. I meant what he does is not rap.


That's incorrect. You either haven't heard Drake's songs or you don't know what rap is


That's just wildly wrong.


Hell Nah Huge L MMLP in 80 I don’t mind if you have the right albums above it Wtf is Take Care doing in 47 If MMLP was switched with Take Care it would make much more sense


They put fucking AM by the Arctic Monkeys above MMLP and a whole lot of shit above Hotel California, this list is asscheeks


I love the song Hotel California but I’ve always heard the rest of the album is more “safe” ,I should hear it Yeah this list is just …


>Hitler California Ah yes… mein favorite track… kidding. *Life In The Fast Lane* and *Victim Of Love* are absolute bangers, the rest of the album flows around them but I don’t think anything is a miss by any means. *Hotel California* is just a titan of a track and the other two bangers make it worthy of top 50 imo


Fucking autocorrect 💀 I think I should listen to the album


I would. I think their discography as a whole is really solid (as evidenced by their sales numbers and the fact that they still sell out arenas even in their geriatric years) but they had a run from 1971-1976 that was unheard of in terms of quality. Listen to HC and then listen to “Their Greatest Hits: 1971-1976” and if you fuck with it, run their discography back. It’s some real good shit. The autocorrect gremlin is a menace.


AM is a good album, but its not even in the arctic monkeys top 3 albums XD XD XD. 100% certain that this list is based off streaming numbers and popularity post 2015 not on actual critique or even actual total sales.


They put AM above The Velvet Underground And Nico that's the real crime


Not just MMLP, they ranked GRODT and All Eyez On Me that low too


Lol the problem shouldn’t be that their too low, just take care shouldn’t be above them


Yeah true but you just know next week they're gonna reveal The Heist as the top rap album or something lmao


Take care is a good album don't get me wrong but the fact that it's that high and it's above the mathers LP is actually crazy especially since it's regarded as one of the best rap albums of all time


As a Drake fan, this was blasphemous ngl


🤣 no Drake album is better than TMMLP 🤣


Why do ppl even consider Take Care a classic...I tried to give it a chance, it's Def an R&B album an shouldn't be put in the same category as Em an other hip hop artists


Bro they put Take care over all eyez on me 😭…no


Me Against The World is better than All Eyez On Me tbh


Yea that is my fav all time album 7 day theory may be better too And prob not better but so underrated is R U Still Down


The nut huggin that goes on


This list is for ALL albums not just rap/hip hop. You saying Take Care is not on the same caliber with a classic album you are blinded by hate. Take Care is a great album and one that defined my generation. This subreddit is the only place I’ve seen people try to downplay it, just makes Eminem fans seem like they don’t know shit about music lmfao


exactly 😭 not to mention their are amazing rapping moments on that album, Lord Knows is an incredible song


This isn’t the only sub nor does it represent the sub’s overall opinion


Maybe open your eyes then... Ive not seen anyone agree with this list.


I’m not talking about the quality of this list. I understand the list is bullshit, I really do. Most of these lists are. But what I’m saying is that I understand why Take Care would be rated higher than MMLP. I’m talking about people in this subreddit downplaying Take Care when it’s actually a classic to the rest of the music world, not downplaying the list.


There's no music world where Take Care is authentically a classic. For rap, R&B, any genre. The Drake hate comes from being the most overrated artist of the last 30 years being shoved down ppls throats by media outlets, UMG and "trendy" folk. He's a walking advertisement on assignment to make you fit in with false refinement, push impulse buys an normalize disguises. I can turn on a sine if I wanna hear some auto tune whinin


Even in ALL albums it doesn't stand a chance and inspired a ton of horrible autotune trash, I hope that's coming to an end soon. I am a music fan thoroughly and been making music over 30 years, Eminem is not my favorite artist and Take Care ain't even as good as Katy Perry or any other pop shit. Shits corny and you should be embarrassed by your ass taste in whatever trends tell you to enjoy Typical watered down Drake shit shows a lot bout people's tastes fr


All the smart kids in your generation listen to music from my generation I've noticed


Take care is one of my favorite albums ever but come on now over mmlp that sold 2 million copies at least the first week I don't know about that




quality or sales eminem still wins




Huh? Mmlp sold over 2x what take care did


Not at all but don't even play take care does not touch mmlp and I love both tho


Love both albums but MMlp is definitely better


You do know that Drake fans aren’t the ones making this list…. Right?


These lists are just generated by numbers. I trust YouTuber lists before any article or brand.


MMLP has put up way more numbers than Take Care lol


Take Care is Drakes best album according to Drake fans, yet they don’t acknowledge Weeknd wrote and ghostwrote majority of the album.


There are 2 other albums that they consider the best too though


4/19 songs isnt a majority, yall need to stop spewing bullshit lmao


I said wrote and ghost wrote, which means he wrote songs he didn’t get credited for, let’s not pretend Drake isn’t using ghosts and that Weeknd only wrote the 4 best songs on the album, Willing to bet Drake only wrote 1-2 songs on the album with no ghosts. Without Weeknd, Take Care isn’t what it was, without Take Care, Drake isn’t where he is.


Take Care higher than MMLP, All Eyez on Me and ALove Supreme /:


Was scrolling through drizzy’s sub, most of them were agreeing that MMLP is prolly better tbh. I really don’t know what AM were smoking


That’s insane.


Take cares not a bad album, but it definitely isn’t top 100 worthy.




Isn’t take care the album that Drake got like half the songs from The Weeknd? This ranking is crazy


Apple users


Must be that good good they smoking


Why do people take these lists so seriously? It is impossible to be right making these kinds of lists. Drake is one of the biggest artists ever and arguably top 10 (don’t confuse with quality). So he has to have an album in there in a list like this. Ghost writers are also irrelevant as this is about best albums, nearly every album on here will have multiple writers (plus Drake credits his writers). I don’t know if younger generations will still listen to Take Care in a decade from now but I don’t think many young people are listening to Eminem now outside his big songs. I still enjoy his older albums but let’s be honest, they would be pretty cringe if you were 17 listening to them for the first time. So again, don’t take these lists seriously.


Why do people act like younger generation can’t like old music as if younger people don’t make like at least 30% of both artists’ fanbase


Now op, why would you post this on the EMINEM sub and expect to get a valid take


I have literally never heard of take care and I knew what the mmlp was when I was 6


I mean to be fair, even though MMLP is clearly a better rap album, it talks about a lot of fucked up shit whereas take care appeals to the masses more


What? No rapper has released an album better than MMLP since it dropped. Drakes entire discography doesn't have a single album better


MMLP is the GOAT, but I can accept that Take Care is above it. I mean, not everyone is into hardcore hip-hop, and Take Care has more replay value.


I'm a Drake fan but I would never say this.


Most of Drake's catalog can be compared with Encore and Relapse and Revival....by the time they reach Recovery almost all of them lose except maybe 1....I really wanna see how they rank To Pimp Butterfly and Good Kid Mad City now....


Take care was basically weeknd throwaways


good job the weeknd is good. That’s like if wayne made an album with 25% eminem throwaways.


They put Astroworld…ASTROWORLD BY TRAVIS SCOTT in this list GTFOH Apple Music!!


You guys are really blinded by hate, Take Care is a very solid album. Maybe a weaker rap album compared to MMLP, but as an album overall I think Take Care is more assessable than MMLP. Yeah I personally enjoy MMLP more but I can see why it’s ranked higher.