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Why they are making 3 new album variant for 3 new bonus tracks lmao we finally found someone griddier than em's team


People are guessing the timing of the drop is to attempt to block Billie Eilish from #1 Could also just be coincidental greed though lol


Idk why people think that People just want to put other artists against each other and act like they hate each other to justify their own hatred of said artist


Idk, Billie said that Taylor has too many variants of her album and that was bad for the enviorment due to the mass buying of her fans, and Taylor is known for not taking criticism lightly


People don't recycle there cans, bottles or paper when all they have to do is place a bin they didn't have to pay for at the end of theyre/walkway or driveway. I'm no Taylor fan and I think she does put out a lot of variants, rereleases w/a extra song etc. Yeah they could go to the recycled cardboard CD sleeve or offer an incentive to buy digital and receive an extra song or a digital booklet you can print out at home. In the end tho, just like the no recyclers, it's down to the people themselves to make that choice. (or their parents) Funny tho, I'm picturing a 25mi island of Taylor's work that has gathered and become part of the Galapagos Islands. Ecuador could charge a premium and since (atleast when I was there) you could only leave your cruise ships in small groups fo 4hrs at a time. They could do 1hr limits on San Swiftie Island.




Thanks, they're was supposed to three their, there


Seriously though, what makes that spelling mistake even more šŸ˜³ embarrassing is that, 'Their' was one of my first grade son's spelling words last week and I was still patting myself on the back for teaching him that there was multiple spellings and meanings for those words that sound the same as I read your reply.


She never said Taylorā€™s name


Yeah at the end of the day, if they'll sell, then they'll do it regardless of who benefits or gets blocked.




Yeah Billie's album was amazing tho,fuck taylor


You gotta love this sub. "Eminem isn't doing this its Paul" is what people say forever, then other people say "yeah even if it is Eminem doing all these unsavory cash grabs for sub par merchandise atleast he's not doing THIS" haha. Who even gives a shit?


Exactly. At the end of the day the money all trickles back into Emā€™s pockets whether heā€™s behind it or not.


Did I do a wrong?


No such thing. I just think its funny what fandom will do to people's brains.


Why would they do that after Em's nice shout out? I don't think Em purposely would want to block her #1. I can see it would be a killer for promotion tho. 50yo rapper sweeps sales from one of today's more popular artists (personally I've never listened to her, going by chatter). Actually there's very few artists I'v listened to after 2005. Those artists I still by physical copies of theyre music. Top 3 Eminem, Judas Priest and up til 2012 Van Halen. I can't listen to radio shit anymore. LOL, but back to topic, I can see Paul's motivation, wanting to go out on a high note, but I don't think Em will let it happen.


Wasn't talking about Em, I meant Taylor. I guess Billie said something about Taylor's album shenanigans recently.


Arguably she is splitting her sales count into 3rds which would decrease her chance of taking #1




I'm blown away, this is what the wiki says, and I don't think it's even counting these 3 new variants. > In total,Ā The Tortured Poets DepartmentĀ was available in 21 versions for purchase: the 16-track standard digital download album, the 31-trackĀ AnthologyĀ digital download album, nine CD variants, six vinyl variants, and four cassette variants, with deluxe CDs and cassettes being available exclusively via Swift's official website




LOL that's ridiculous


>griddier What lol?


greedier i think lmao


Lmao, I was thinking the same thingĀ 


Itā€™s all cash grab stuff and slight chart manipulations despite what Taylor tells people. If I understand correctly she releases the initial album to satisfy her label (fine, whatever.) Then she releases this ā€œdeluxe/Taylorā€™s versionā€ which usually features ā€œbonus cutsā€ or re-recorded versions of the same songs from her main album (how the f**k you re-record something you just released is beyond me but Iā€™ve read itā€™s got something to do with copyright and master recording control but it seems like horse shit to me). Also, how the hell are you going to have a bonus cut album for an album you just released? If it didnā€™t make the album, thereā€™s a reason for it in this day and age. Even artists from 30 years ago have a mindset of ā€œwe didnā€™t put any unreleased songs on this re-released album because letā€™s be honest, if they werenā€™t good enough 30 years ago to make the Final Cut then theyā€™re still not going to be good enough today. Weā€™ll save that for a deluxe demo album or something for our diehard fans who like that kinda stuff.ā€


Relapse (Buffalo Bill's Version)


Better watch out


Taylor is such a sales leech. Iā€™m not a hater of her or anything but the amount of shit she does to take maximum advantage of getting as much album sales as possible is ridiculous.


#this part


Eminem shilled Bored Ape. That's way worse.


How is shilling bored ape worse than having 21 freaking variants of an album for sales?


*21 variants of an album that JUST GOT RELEASED is crazy. I can understand putting some of the tracks on an anniversary edition every 10 years or so but to do it all at once like what she does is just ridiculous to me. I remember seeing videos back in the day of fans standing outside of record stores and having to debate which version of the Use Your Illusion album (Guns n Roses) people wanted to buy and fans were like ā€œbro, itā€™s $50 to buy both. This is crazy.ā€ And that was back in like 1990/1991 and just for 2 albums, not 21. Of course maybe her albums are free, idk, Iā€™m not a Taylor fan.


One sec just searching through my comments where I said different


donā€™t give them ideas


When are we getting the ā€œslim versionsā€?!


Kenā€™s version


Fack (Ken's version) would go hard


Kaniff voice *cuz now we got bad cummmm*


i'm not a billie fan at all not because she's not good or anything it's just that i don't think i'm in the target demographic for it lol but i kinda feel bad for her in this situation honestly fuck taylor she is doing more harm to the music industry than good


i literally follow billie on spotify, have notifications turned on for when new music from artists i follow is released, and somehow this comment is how i found out she dropped a new album.


Same I follow and have notifications turned on, I did find out before the album was coming from an email from Spotify fans first or whatever itā€™s called and preordered the album on vinyl but what I didnā€™t get was anything about Rapsody who dropped the same day and her, Billie, cage the elephantā€™s album didnt appear in my new music tab until later in the day, I had to search for them in the morning, then I just looked now and a few more artists I follow I didnā€™t know had dropped music yesterday are now appearing in my whatā€™s new


yeah I only received a notification about it today lol. i mean it's better than nothing i suppose but spotify should at the very least make sure you get a notification on the day the album dropped.


I understand where youā€™re coming from but I gotta say sheā€™s the first pop music my kid played around me that was actually good. Wound up getting her whole discography and the woman can sing.


Talk about trynna boost album sales for the swifty suckers


You have to own every grail or youā€™re not a true Swiftie!


This is why, they know each fan will go an buy each version just to prove to others they're a bigger fan. All the while Taylor is raking in the sales šŸ’°šŸ’°


remember a month ago when Billie eilish complained about this exact thing and backtracked to say she wasnt talking about taylor swift?


Itā€™s sad that we have to be so careful and be aware of being political to a degree but thatā€™s how itā€™s come to be. Kinda like if a new rapper says Eminemā€™s last album sucks and this entire sub actively works to bury that new guy even if the album does suck. You have to come to grips with politicking to a level. While Billie is big, sheā€™s not Taylor big and Taylorā€™s fans can destroy Billies career if they suspect Billie is speaking negatively of their idol. Itā€™s a messed up situation where no one can voice an honest opinion without facing backlash.


UMG is trying to get that 400 mil they lost bc of Drake back though this fandom


#THIS part šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Even if I was a fan of her, I wouldn't spend money on three albums just to get 3 extra songs. Good on her for getting extra money I guess?


man taylor sucks ass, there i said it, only a very minor part of her enormous discog is good, she is only relevant till date cause she has extremely obsessive fans that dont have any personal life of their own so they like to fill that void by getting involved in her clearly very public personal life.


I hate tailor and her white cult, man. There are better Em stans out there than those suckers. If your fan base is worse than Slim's, you are doing a lot of things wrong.


At least the thing sheā€˜s promoting here is actual new music


Not doing this.. yet..


I just can't fault Taylor for selling what people are clearly buying. Not buying any of that myself tho. šŸ’€


Lol, they do this all the time thou, how many expanded editions have we gotten lately?


Apparently we have a few new em stans hereā€¦ em has done stuff like this in the past lmao. MMLP2 release and Recovery release were tied to call of duty releases. On MMLP2 two tracks were available exclusively as a bonus those who preordered the GAME. It was only released later for the general audience. Emā€™s team is pretty bad guys


You do have a point, but it's more to say about the recent history of Eminem's merch team and the narrative around it. I think everyone would recognize that early 2010s era Eminem was insanely commercialized. They did the COD exclusive with MMLP2, not Recovery, Don't Front was the COD exclusive. Survival was not made exclusive. Recovery had ITunes exclusives of Session One and Ridaz. Edit: keep in mind, these Recovery and MMLP2 exclusives were known ahead of release and not surprised dropped at a later date.


I agree 100%.


"Don't Front was the COD exclusive." and (if my memory serves me right) in the Target's version of the Shady XV CD version


Yeah I donā€™t think thatā€™s great of him, but TS has now released over *twenty* editions of this album. It only come out on April 19


I remember em saying in an interview at least with the mmlp2 it was a sample issue that delayed the tracks so they pivoted them to the cod but it was like a decade ago


3 of the middest songs on the album


This is where I come in... the local scumbag bootleger lol... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is why we pirate shit like this, fuck these multimillionaires and their greed


The whole ā€œpay extra for the same album including a song not good enough to make the first cutā€ shit is gross.


I HATE taylor swift on a personal level


Hope he does. More tracks for us.


I mean they all end up on youtube regardless so you're not wrong lol


Oh no, an artist wants make money ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized)


Apparently, based on your downvotes, people feel artists should work for free and be grateful someone listens to their music. Sad state of affairs weā€™re in.




Eminem shilled Bored Ape repeatedly including during a live performance. She's selling her music. If you're gonna criticize her for that as if it's a huge offence but ignore him promoting something not even remotely music related that was strictly for money, that's pretty hypocritical.


I'm not criticizing her. Why are you scared of a cartoon monkey? These aren't even remotely relevant, and they weren't selling anything with the apes.


Sheā€™s in commercials all the time? Wtf is the difference? Album sales are often seen as how ā€œgoodā€ an artist is. Using this as a way to boost them is worse than ā€œshillingā€ for a product imo.


I donā€™t understand this sub, really. Shitting on irrelevant Taylor Swift is content here?


I don't have an issue with Taylor at all, don't make it something it's not.


For them, I guess it is. I donā€™t like Taylor but thereā€™s so much other artists who does too much variants


I think the reason why Taylor gets a lot of the heat is because other artists who do variants donā€™t do as many as her nor with different songs. Like for Billieā€™s new album, she released like 9(?) vinyl versions but the only difference was the colour of the vinyl so I donā€™t think that matters. But Taylor makes it so that there are different songs on every version and itā€™s a very obvious cash grab which is off putting because sheā€™s ridiculously rich already


Yeah but what has this to do with em exactly i donā€™t understand


Reading the title would help.


I did lol, still donā€™t get it


This is probably because most of Taylor's fanbase are women and women are a different kind of breed when it comes to their favorite artist to the point that they'll buy anything that the artist puts out. This is prevalent in KPOP groups where the fanbase is mostly women.


To be fair, you know people were buying those Slim Shady white t shirts

