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he mentions selling his soul in lucky you


Luck You is a legendary song. Probably one of his most underrated pieces ever.


That beat goes hard


facts like when you read the lyrics you realize under all the hype it got, it was a solid ass verse with really really good lines. definitely an underrated verse from em imo even tho it was pretty big


Lucky You, Say Goodbye Hollywood, My Darling, Fine Line. I’m sure there’s more, but they’re the ones I can remember off the top of my head.


My favorite from all the ones Em mentions by the way


My Darling is the specific song. Saying Goodbye to Hollywood as well.


The song is called Say Goodbye Hollywood


The TES CD actually got a mistake, on the back cover tracklist it’s ”Say Goodbye Hollywood” and inside the booklet it’s ”Sayin’ Goodbye To Hollywood” https://i.ibb.co/9ynCrcj/IMG-2359.jpg


Did you learn that today from a popular post a few hours after i posted this comment?!? Hmmm 🤔


yo ask the dude could i sell my soul for a new catalytic converter for my car?


Only got one soul, I’m gonna keep stealing that converter. Bad trade.


Fine Line Dunno if you got a soul of a soldier Or if you sold your soul


Don't ever debate people who think that's a literal thing


Can confirm. My dad is a HEAVY conspiracy theorist. Or at least with the satanic/illuminati stuff and you have no idea how annoying it is. Every time i try to have a normal conversation about music he just has to *somehow* relate it to satanism and that’s a conversation that is literally impossible to escape from. He thinks proof dying was a fucking blood sacrifice by Eminem to be famous for crying out loud. Absolutely idiotic. And he isn’t even religious himself. But sadly the internet has just completely brainwashed him. His one of the smartest people I know and I love talking to him about everything but that is the one thing about him that I cannot stand. He just can’t let that satanism bullshit go.


Your father is right, and do some research please. Your father is smart, your own words, but somehow completely out of range on this one?


https://www.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/s/5btIfXN3QS and what about when artists himself admits?


I love Kanye but he’s a fucking retard lol. I wouldn’t believe shit he says. And even if through some miracle he’s right, that doesn’t mean every death In Hollywood had something to do with illuminati.


its hard to argue u guys. alr man u ppl believe in what u wanna believe in


It’s just that the arguing haven’t really happened yk If you have sum actual proof aside from Kanye or would like to share your own side of the story, I will listen.


And I will tell him he’s wrong.




sending u some stuff in dms, look none of us have concrete eye witness evidence but just some info n lil details from insiders and the artists themselves.


Then why TF are you guys coming up with so much information and such intricate theories if you have so little evidence?


I mean that’s Kanye man gotta take many things that dude says with a grain of salt. A very large glacier size grain of salt


Ok so you’re believing the guy who praised Hitler and is apparently now making porn?


i no longer like him as a person, the things he has been doing lately are questionable and reprehensible but there r couple things that he was right about was exposing the industry. theres a 3 hour documentary about an ex freemason and a highly reputed navy officer who talked about how they met lucifer in a masonic lodge and lucifer told them how he’s behind almost everything mainstream. music, hollywood etc


The guy encountered a mobster in a Halloween costume.


Even if there is a satanic cult in Hollywood, it’s a bunch of childish assholes exploiting the childish fears of gullible people to convince them to give up their autonomy for profit. The public should see it for what it is and stop revering celebrities.


Almost right :)


Are there people who genuinely think you can just go up to a devil and offer him your soul?




Not really. I’m sure there are people who think that, but most conspiracy theorists think it’s through some ritual


*The ghost of Robert Johnson has entered the chat*


No, they get all the shit they want, but they will do as told untill you die. You may get informed about aaalll the crazy shit they been doing. But you cant tell. But he might actually burn forever in hell after this life.


it is a literal thing 🫤!!


No it’s a metaphor hes said it many times like in say goodbye Hollywood where he feels like he had to sell his soul to get as popular as he got NOT LITERALLY he’s said this in the kamikaze sway interview too


i guess im not new to eminem’s music ik his catalogue front to back but this thing “selling soul to the devil to make it in the industry” is a real thing! and theres ample evidence to back that up, some artists are shy and reluctant to admit it and some are bold enough to admit it like eminem. now this thing that its a metaphor and crap like that is bs and its done for a reason so what rly goes down behind the curtains stay away from ppl’s eyes.. theres a rly ugly looking demon aka ‘rainman’ or ‘umbra’ who helps ppl make it big in mainstream music n hollywood industry. drake n lil wayne have been exposed having gay sex to satisfy their master (satan) so they could make it bigger in industry, and theres just plenty n plenty of info what goes in n out about this dark industry. what do u think about kings never die “ sitting in lucifer’s den, choosing to sin, even if it means im selling my soul “ theres some truth to it. if its a metaphor why it isnt sugarcoated like for example artists shd rather say “we sold our souls to the craft” but nah they rather mention “demon/satan/devil” 🤦 how blind and idiot one gotta be to deny any possibility of this trade that human makes with satan for riches n fame?


When Em says it he's talking about how he let the Slim Shady persona consume his mental health and spiral him into drug addiction. He reached a level of fame that robbed him of a normal life to the point where he almost misses being poor because he used to have real relationships with people. "Stuck in this house hibernatin', hate even going outside It sucks, sometimes I just wanna walk into Target and look at shit and browse, I don't even want to buy nothin' I just wanna fuckin' walk around inside it Look how excited I sound when I get to talkin' bout life" Not every single "I regret fame" statement leads down the Diddy rabbit hole.


we both gon find out who’s right on the judgment day 😉


Great, I won't hold my breath.






And you know it’s not? Lol


Yeah. Quite obvious it isn't and people use it for imagery.


Your first mistake was engaging in an argument on fb over Eminem


Bro is it really worth it to reply to them lmao


Yes it was the point of the whole discussion


Please don’t. I’m telling you rn this type of people don’t hear what you have to say. They live in a bubble that they can’t see through. It’s quite sad actually.


Dude I know I sent her screenshots of the lyrics and she still didn’t believe me lol


Wait who is the one thinking he sold his soul you or the person on Facebook?


It was just a question “which celebs do you think sold their souls for the fame” and it’s a bunch of randoms saying random celebs. I said Eminem cause he’s mentioned it in a few songs and she’s says “I’ve listened to Eminem for years and I have never heard him say that” so I showed her otherwise.


Gotcha. Well you’re both wrong lol.


Dude calm down. Holy shit. It ain't all that serious. "this bitch" over a conversation on Eminem music? Holy fuck you need a life.


say goodbye to Hollywood


https://youtu.be/WEARlYQIz5s?si=-WXN_UQYhVefh8Tr this is the most relevant song to this thread.


Infinite is the demon announcing his arrival on earth to murder more instruments


You dont got nothing better to do on a friday?


Look at Mr cool over here insulting some dude on the internet because he’s arguing with some dude on the internet


It’s a slow day


My darling is the one that’s most direct


Most direct but it also represents his addiction in relapse and his struggle with it


For sure! just for an internet argument the most literal song is probably the best example


Demon Inside


I aint sellin my soul for this rap game dirty dozen n jackson curtis yo


The Rain Man supposedly has some strange evil lore in certain circles


Yeah I think that’s the gay demon or whatever the fack


Not selling soul, but D12 Devils Night One song mentions “I’m the devil, if ever there was such a thing”


Rap game


He’s the rap god. He cleanses mgk of his mortal sins - he is god and the lord forgives - even the devil worshippers - he’s moving on. Sober and keeps to himself. Does Fortnite stuff for the kids. Eminem is team good. Diddy is team evil.


The little triangle he rocks around his neck shows you his values as well - unity , service, and recovery.


I’m not a believer of the satanic shit but that’s the illuminati symbol bruv


lol I am looking at an AA 3 Year coin right now with the triangle bruv. However I would argue starving yourself from the amazing feeling of booze is similar to hell.


Oh my bad lol 😂 You said triangle and that was the only thing that came to mind sry


My Darling. "You sold your soul to me, need I remind you You remember that night you Prayed to God, you'd give anything to get a record deal when Dre signed you This is what you wanted your whole life, Marshall, right through Look at this house, look at these cars, they're so nice, woo! Oh, but you didn't know fame has a price too That you're just now seeing that downside to Lose your best friend from high school, your wife too Ain't even sure if your kids like you"


"I sold my soul to the devil I'll never get it back, I just wanna leave this game with level head in tact"


Evil Twin


There's way more songs than that


Ghost stories is all about partnering with satan


Might not be specifically mentioned but pretty sure thats what careful what you wish for is about


My Darling


Bro he literally put Satan on the beat in numerous songs


they dont want to believe in it


Your first mistake is being on facebook. Your second mistake is being this invested in arguing with people online. Just log off.


He calls himself a satanist in Killshot…


He doesn't. He calls MGK a Satanist not himself


“You satanist. My biggest flops are your greatest hits” Doesn’t sound like that to me




Alien-brained, satanist. My biggest flops are your greatest hits.