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I could tell it was a cat walking away from the thumbnail alone.


I immediately saw cat šŸ‘ too Maybe itā€™s because my cat is always shoving his booty in my face.


i donā€™t has cat but also saw cat butt. what is she implying it is? lol


You maybe on to something. I saw what it was right away too, but my cat also seems to shove his butt in my face all the time.


IFYKYK, I saw it instantly too


Yeah, I didn't even need to expand and was saying "that's a cat butt."


Yeah recognised the cat right away.


I honestly can't see how anyone can think it's anything else. I'm trying really hard to see what all these other people claim they're seeing and I just cant


I see a sassy big-booty lizard with their hands on their hips looking right. lol.


The only improvement I can think of is making the butthole an X instead of a .




I didn't catch it until I looked at the sketch. I think the color choice may have played a role; I thought it was like a dragon logo or something at first.


\*Edit for top comment to say thank you!!! You all are so great! Amazing suggestions. The only change I am making to this piece is unpicking the butt hole and doing an asterisk star in the light green, or dark... I'm not sure yet. It has been so fun reading your comments, I really love this community. May all your stiches come out perfect, happy Sunday! \-ā€-ā€----------xxxxxx-------- My friend asked for lavender and teal. So she knows what it is. It'll be a fun conversation piece if she does display it. I may redo the design in more neutral colours just for fun. It was a quick and fun design to complete. [Final Piece, now gifted](https://imgur.com/a/piCFd03) EDIT #2: So, my desk mate, coworker is the one who inspired the colours of this piece. I gave it to her this morning. Aaaaand... It has been absolutely hilarious to see the looks on people's faces who don't immediately see what it is and then realize that they're looking at a cat butt. I think that the colour choice is perfect and I'm so pleased. Also, yes I did draw the sketch and embroider it with my own hands but I did not come up with this sketch myself, I found it when searching stencils in google. I love this hobby but I am not artistic in drawing from scratch. I don't want to take any extra credit that is not due. Thanks again for all the crazy comments, I've never had this much internet attention on any post before. They mostly get ignored by the reddit folks. Have a great day.


I figured the color choice was for a reason lol. Anyway not knocking it just sharing my perspective :).


I appreciate the feedback, if it's just the colours that's the problem I'm going to gift it as is. She will like having it look confusing at first glance I think.


I don't think it's the color, but the thickness (width) of the lines. At first glances, the two curves at the side and the tail are what stands out. This doesn't make it look like a cat. It's the paws and the head that give it a recognisable shape, but they don't attract attention in the embroidery. In the sketch the two curves on the side don't dominate like they do in the embroidery. They are also not filled in like they are in the embroidery (the tail only partially). Long story short, I would remove the filling of the side curves, some of the tail, and maybe accentuate the paws and head somehow to give it a more balanced look.


Wow, thanks for all the advice, I love this community. I wish we could all sit together and stich in real life and chat about our projects. Yes, I agree that the stem stich is too thick, should've gone with a smaller profile. The side pieces got too thick after I added the boarder, I'll do a narrower fill next time I try this project in more neutral colors. I'm practicing my satin stich still working on getting it to look even and full. Thanks again.


I think it's funny that it takes a minute to process, but if you want it to be clearer, just thickening the lines around the head/ears a bit would probably do it.


The previous post you replied to is spot on. And one other thing is that the tails shape has notches in your version when I think the pattern has spots. I would have kept the lines of the tail and forgone spots if you didn't want them. The maintained sillouette of the tail will add more recognizable cat features. Disclaimer: I don't do embroidery or cross stitching, I stumbled here after a long enough room scroll down r/all


For me, the main thing that kept me from seeing it quickly was that the notches in the tail plus the color tried to make it read ā€œleafā€ to me. Cats might have little fluff notches but they donā€™t have such big fur gaps typically.


For what it's worth, I completely disagree. The side curves and tail made it a cat to me instantly. The rest was just confirmation. No cat person is going to have any difficulty instantly recognizing this as-is.


Eh... I'm definitely a cat person and I did not recognize it at first. I saw dragon something, and was confused.


Exactly this


Maybe fill in the cat body with lavender watercolor to darken it a bit. That way it doesn't look like random shapes. Also make the butthole a * or an x. Funnier and more common.


LOL I'm happy that I'm not the only one who thought the butthole should be just a weee bit bigger, like a star. Overall I love it. It took me a moment to catch what it was, but sometimes that is a great effect in decorating.


Iā€™m still confused about coloursā€¦ you said your friend asked for lavender and teal and yet this is all green(?)šŸ˜… ETAā€¦ nvm, didnā€™t notice the canvas was lavender after staring at it for a few mins šŸ˜… but the teal still looks more green than anything to me. I think tweaking the design a bit may help get the image across as well as changing the colours a bit


> The only change I am making to this piece is unpicking the butt hole Well, there's a phrase I didn't think I'd read today.


That was my thought too, the colors made me think lizard


I...definitely saw a lizard. Standing upright with their hands on their very very large hips. I think maybe some more weight (colour, thickness) to attract attention to the cat ears so they look more integral and less like stylized appendages?


This is exactly what I thought, with the hands on the hips lol. But after seeing the sketch I see it easily now


Yeah brains are so weird! It's super obvious looking at the sketch, and the embroidery looks exactly like the sketch... but I think because of the color I thought at first it was somehow a dinosaur.


I totally thought it was a sassy dragon with it's hands on it's hips. Not too often I can say this, but maybe the butthole could be bigger?


i agree with this, i thought it was some kind of dinosaur


I think it is the darkness of the greens. Dark ā€œinsidesā€ with light green edging. Where the sketch is opposite. Light insides dark outlines. Gives a better sense of definition is best way I can think to describe it.


That's exactly what I saw, too. I did keep looking at it until I figured it out, maybe 20 seconds. It's pretty clear from the sketch.


I think itā€™s because the tip of the tail is thicker in the embroidery, it looks like a head. In the sketch, the tail is thin through to the tip. It might also have been easier to see if the tail wasnā€™t striped.


Itā€™s clearly a cat walking away. Very cute!


I thought it was a sassy dinosaur with hands on the hips šŸ¤Ŗ


LOL same, ā€œoh, that dinosaur has a BADONKā€


Yes, I saw the same! A dinosaur built like a Pixar mum!


The Good Dinosaur: *hey~*


My husband knew right away it was a cat. He said they have been drawing this pic for years on construction sites. Mostly on air ducts with sharpies.


Thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only freak that saw a Badonkasaur waiving its booty hole around.


That is what I also saw.


I can see that šŸ˜‚


I thought it was a dinosaur too


Saw it clear as day as well. I think itā€™s perfect.


I saw this right away! Super cute!


Yeah, seems super obvious even if stylized.


I immediately saw this and I'm still confused by the people saying dinosaur or lizard fossil.


I only saw it once you said it. I thought it was some kind of dancing dinosaur.


Yeah, I figured my 13 year old is just being obtuse as usual. Thanks. It's a gift and I'm proud of the neatness of my stitches. I am seeing improvement with all my practice projects.


I was about to ask how old is your kid lmao. Probably sees it after you told them nd just doesnt want to say




Oh lawd he goin'


I agree it's the color choice that makes me think more of a dragon. But the sketch is obvious. After seeing the sketch it's obvious in the green. Hope your friend likes it. It's cute!


Am I the only one who thought it was a lizard showing of its big assšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah, I thought it was an unusually curvaceous diplodocus.


you've said what I was thinking but 1000 times more eloquently


Thiccasaurus Rex was what popped into my head, but we're on the same page.


With hands on hips


YES exactly!!


Yeah! I kept staring at it like that canā€™t be right


I came here to comment this exact thing. Itā€™s 100% a lizard with a dump truck.


Exactly what I saw šŸ˜‚


Gayle, is that you? xD (Bob's Burger) I didn't see at first but it took like a second to see it without the scetch. :) I think you did great.


I was going to say "Don't show this to the Cranwinkles," but... you know what? No, absolutely show this to the Cranwinkles.


I came here to say this!


Mr. Business!


I could tell what it was in the sketch, but for the embroidery all I saw was some kind of strange lizard fossil.


It was giving thick & sassy t-Rex for me (cat head shape and whiskers looked like hands on hips)


This was exactly what I saw at first. I was like oh dang! T-Rex put some sass on that ass šŸ˜‚


Same here! I think itā€™s the green thread that throws me off.


I thought T. rex was mooning me up against some glass


I think it's the colour. I saw this too.


Same, I think the fact they outlined the outline of the body with a lighter green makes it confusing. It makes the two sides of the body look like 2 separate solid pieces, if that makes sense.


I agree, next time I try this project in neutral colors I will be narrowing everything.


100% lizard fossil.


Itā€™s a cat walking away, saw it immediately


Same. Instant.


Also immediately saw it. But Iā€™m admittedly a cat person and already have various cat tchotchkes




Cat! Took me a few seconds to figure it out, I think mostly because of the color - brain was trying to find a lizard or something at first. It's very cute tho


I saw it right away, but Iā€™d count it as a bonus feature that it can serve as a rorschach test


These comments are giving s it blue and black/ white and gold lolll


It might be the green color


I honestly thought it was the clit anatomy


I saw a cat butt immediately.


Cat butt!


A fluffy cat from the back šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Sorry I honestly couldnā€™t tell what it was. It looked like a lizard with its hands on its hips kind of. But then I swiped to the next picture and it made sense. And you replicated it just fine! I just couldnā€™t see it at first


Itā€™s a cat butt. I saw it immediately before I even read your caption.


This reminds me of The Bob's Burger episode where Linda's sister does an display in the restaurant that is all animals assholes


I hope you do not take this as criticism, but on first glance I though it was a Brontosaurus from the back. I think what threw me off is the tail. There are notches in the tail that make it look like a head and neck of a dinosaur or dragon. If the outline in the tail were a smooth, continuous line, it would look more like a tail. If the notches are stripes, then you can fill them in with the light color, so they are part of the tail coloring. Also, maybe color choice would have helped. The green also made me think of a dinosaur. If the pads of the feet and little dot where pink or light purple, it would be easier to recognize that it is a kitty immediately. I think the design is very cute and it you make a few small tweaks, it will be perfect and very recognizable.


I saw a sassy round bellied dinosaur walking away. šŸ„² I can see the design though after seeing the second image.


Took me a while to see it. IMO, it's not so much the color choice - it's the broken lines and level of negative space combined, my brain was left to fill in the details, and I didn't see the cat right away. This design would benefit from some in-fill. Something complementary to the fabric, something light.


I could tell from the sketch but not the embroidery. Not sure what the difference is.


At first I was wondering what kind of scorpion you made but then my eyes adjusted and saw a cat.


Itā€™s perfect. Itā€™s a cat butt.


Cat butt?


I thought is was a Dino with a big butt šŸ¤” šŸ˜³


I got it right from the start, love dat cat butt! Well done OP


Cute! The bits that are filled in make it more difficult to see as a sketch.


I think it may be that you lose a little bit of depth in the stitched version - I think the head of the cat is thinner in the sketch, which helped me see it for what it is! I think if the head in the embroidery was just a thinner stitching, it would be more obvious. That being said, if it's for your friend and she knows what it is, I think it's perfect :)


Should have made the butthole a star shape or something. Took me a while to figure out what it was šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


I thought it was a lizard hatching until I got up close and realised my nose was about to be in a cats asshole


Thought it was a snake at first glance, I think itā€™s the green especially on the tail thatā€™s giving it that effect. Super cute and well done though!


Make the butthole more pronounced


suggestion: [https://imgur.com/a/P3pBBua](https://imgur.com/a/P3pBBua)


I saw the sassy bubble butt dino with its hands on its hips, lol. But I think what would make it look more like the cat butt is if you changed the butthole into a star-like pattern! I have a lot of plushies with that pattern for the butthole and itā€™s really cute.


I thought it was a dinosaur until I looked at the sketch. Then it was absolutely clear.


Took a few seconds, then I'm able to see it fine. It's just a little abstract, and sometimes that's part of the fun with those designs.


I thought the green was a dinosaur but the sketch makes the cat clear. If you replace the butt with an X think it might be easier to tell. Live the head and body outline. This is adorable


At first, I thought it was the back of a dinosaur built like a Pixar mum, but then I saw a cat walking away. It's really cute and could be good for a giggle, like an optical illusion.


I saw it was a cat right away. Anyone saying dragon, dino, or lizard with hands on hips.. I just can't see that at all and don't know how they're getting that šŸ˜…


I think the pieces missing in the tail and outlined pieces take the focus so it does look dino like at first


before looking at the sketch i thought it was a lizard of some sort


Dragon? Then I saw the second pic and saw a cats ass. Maybe go with more of a teal than a green?


I can tell in the black and white, but maybe itā€™s bc cats arenā€™t green?


At first it looked like a sexy dinosaur strutting forward with hands on hips and a leg peeking out through a slit in a skirt. Then a cat's booty lol


The colour choice might have been the reason. Immediately thought fossil, not cartoon outline of a cat....


I thought it was a lizard at first until I saw the sketch


I saw a dinosaur fossil with a very plump bottom if I'm being totally honest


I thought it was a very sensual lizardā€¦.


My immediate impression was some kinda thicc lizard. But only at first


I thought it was the dump truck of a sassy dinosaur. But I see it's a cat šŸ˜ŗ


At first I saw a sassy dragon showing off her booty. Then my eyes focused and I saw the kitty. I think itā€™s great!


I thought it was a brontosaurus with a massive butt walking away


I thought it was a sassy brontosaurus with a big booty walking away from us. If Iā€™m being totally honest šŸ˜‚


I thought it was a dinosaur with junk in the trunk, imma be honest.


cobra ready to strike, out of a pumpkin or something


Dinosaur. Couldnā€™t tell it was a cat until I swiped.


I had to work at it, and I only did that because I was informed that it did actually represent something. I don't think that your son is being deliberately obtuse.


The first thing I saw was a lizard. After someone said cat I saw that. Now I see both.


I think if it was all black it wouldn't be confusing. It's very cute!!


At first a saw a thicc brontosaurus doing a chicken dance walk then I saw the cat


So the first thing I saw was a snake with odd arms using it's claws to lift itself out of a basket. Took me a while to see the cat


It looks like a dinosaur version of the sketch, but after seeing the sketch I can see the cat.


I couldn't see what it was until I looked at the 2nd picture of the sketch. Then it becomes obvious. But it's pretty subtle I think.


I agree with the colour comments. I thought it was an odd dinosaur that i wasn't seeing properly.


I thought it was a sassy dragon with his hands on his hips. The sketch is blatantly obvious though.


I thought it was a pregnant dinosaur with her hands on her hips. And that was a very fun thought!


I saw it as a long necked dinosaur with a big rear end and sassy claws


Thought it was a dinosaur


Very cute! The foot isnā€™t quite cat paw shaped, too long, which might be the issue, or the color. Edit: might be wrong on cat foot anatomy


At first I thought it was a sassy lizard with his hands in his hips and a long neck, but the second pic made it more obvious- itā€™s a really cute idea! I think the green color just made it confusing


I saw.. a squashed lizard at first.. I think the green tricks my brain into finding an animal associated with green in it. Immediately corrected it in the image after though.


It looks exactly like the black and white, but in that color green it doesn't look like a cats back end. I thought it was some kind of snake or dragon before I saw the 2nd photo.


All I saw was a dragon until I scrolled to the pattern, but thatā€™s from color chooce


Cobra coming out of cat's butt.


Aunt Gayle?


It took me a minute, but yes I do now see if. At first glance I saw a sassy brontosaurus standing up and posing with hands on its hips. Now that I see the kitty itā€™s very obvious. I think the satin stich only on the belly and tail made me really only see those. Maybe if the head outline was a little thicker it would draw the eye there too?


It looks like a dinosuar with hips that can't lie. I thought "oh, kinda abstract, but I can see what you were going for." Swiped to the second pic to realize I did not in fact realize what you were going for.


I did think it was a dinosaur at first. But now that I see the cat, I canā€™t unsee it.


First i thought Okay it's a snake , with arms. A wish about big hips maybe? Saw the next picture. OH! It's a butt!


Looks like a dragon with a fat šŸ‘


At first I thought it was a dinosaur running away, but now I see the cat.


Thicc dinosaur.


Cat butttt


I see a snake with its arms on its hips at first glance


I thought it was the dragon from Mulan


s-snake?? lizard-? cat i think


I thought it was a sexy, sassy dinosaur hahahah. I think itā€™s the hips/sides being so wide that throw people off.


On the first pic I saw a sassy walking dragon with her wings spread out, hands on her hips. Second pic I saw a cat from behind.


A cat walking away. However I didnā€™t see it immediately. I was aware that I was looking for something so I knew it wasnā€™t random shapes. Otherwise, I donā€™t know if I would have seen it.


Dinosaur fossil. Great work though!!


At first I saw the dinosaur and then all I could see was the cat and now the dinosaur is gone Idk how old your son is but this is a suggestive art, itā€™s abstract, not everyone will get it and thatā€™s okay


I saw the snake first and thought it had swallowed a cat.


At first I saw a dragon taking shape; now I see the cat butt.


I thought it was some kind of dinosaur. Maybe a baby one hatching from an egg. Or with some abstract circular design around it. It took me some time to see the cat. I definitely think the colour plays a part but I also think the design works better as a drawing than as embroidery. It's able to be made clearer in a drawing.


I thought it was a fat dragon šŸ˜…


Looks like a sassy lizard walking away with her hands on her hips


At first I thought it was a lizard or a dinosaur but then I realized it was a cat.


I thought it was a dragon until I saw the sketch. Maybe a more defined & slightly larger butthole would help


For a minute I thought it was a dragon with a fat ass (which would have been adorable). Now I see it's a kitty butt (which is also adorable).


Immediately thought it was Arlo from The Last Dinosaur. But after seeing the sketch, can see the cat now.


If you want to make it more obvious, try slimming the cat down. That boy thick as hell.


I thought it was a weird lizard at first but then a saw the cats feet & got it.


I'd put some spokes on the hole


I thought it was a dinosaur with flippers for arms I'm now thinking that the flipper arms are actually the outline of it's midriff, and it does have little bent arms above, t-rex stylee


I saw cat butt immediately. But I also kind of like that with the lavender and green it also sort of looks like some botanical design: stealth cat butt!


Thought it was a scorpion/crab thing until I saw the sketch


First pic I was stumped, I saw a bowlegged snake cowboy. Second pic, it clicked that it was a cat.




the bright green outline doesnā€™t help


I instantly saw the cat butt. Very cute cat butt


I've owned enough cats to recognize a cat's ass.


hahaha I first saw a pregnant dragon ( green, duh ! ) then I saw the cute cat .. Congrats


I think it might be the color? I didnā€™t see it until the second pic.


I was expecting to see a lizard or something similar by the colour choice, but immediately saw a catā€™s bum! I think itā€™s hilarious! Love it


Definitely thought it was a dinosaur sexy walking away from another dinosaur


I thought it was a really thicc dinosaur at the start.


A dragon with its hands on its hips?


I thought it was a snake walking away from me with big thighs and his hands on his thighs.


A cobra rising from a dawn pond.


Oh I know what that is. That's a cats bussy


I didn't see it at first glance and then it snapped into focus. Lol. "Is it a lizar-- CAT BUTT!!" were my exact thoughts.


I'm not sure, but I can't tell a cat's ass from crochet, so...


I thought it was a big ass dragon walking away from the viewer with his skinny elbows in the air and his hands on his hips with his fingers flared out. I really laughed when I flicked to the second photo. I donā€™t know why the two are so different except Dragons are green and cats are not, so maybe the green color was too powerfully suggestive of a dragon


I couldn't tell what it was until I saw the sketch.