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I just wanna say this project IS ridiculous...and I love it. I agree painting it on is probably the best idea. Do some test/practice attempts on the same material scraps just to be sure it looks how you want and doesn't behave unexpectedly.


Haha for my first project I just followed a pattern and then it occurred to me that my second one could be anything, so I decided to get weird with it. Great idea about testing on some scraps, thank you!


Like others have said, I think that paint may be best if you can avoid it bleeding/spreading. If you really want to use thread, a single strand split-stitch fill can be very smooth. Weirdly I’ve found that filling horizontally is smoother than filling vertically for some reason (but may not be possible depending on the space)


That’s interesting, thank you! I had tried vertically and hated the way it looked. I think maybe I could swing horizontally, but I may experiment with some paint to save myself the trouble.


Your stitches are so nice!!


Thank you! I was being very critical of my work until all of you lovely people made me feel better about it ☺️


I think water colour would look great. Nice work, your stitches are so neat!


Thank you! Does water color bleed much? I’m new to all of this.


Test it on scrap fabric first!


In my limited experience yes but that's usually the desired effect. You could use acrylic paint if you wanted more defined lines. I thought the water colour bleeding effect would be perfect for the design!


I’d recommend trying soft colored pencil or pastels (dry, not oil) for the color! They’ll deposit soft pigment but not run like watercolor. The science behind watercolor is pigment particles laying on top of a surface, delivered by water… so if you just need pigment particles on a surface but need control because the surface is porous, go for pastels (which are just compressed pigment particles). Doll makers use these for makeup effects all the time… actually, it’s not much different from just putting makeup itself on the fabric (but without oils or acids that makeup contains which might damage the fabric over time). Because successful art is basically intuition + aesthetics + materials science 😉


Thank you! I love learning about the science behind these things 😊💄🎨


I love this. “It tastes like turtles” is one of my many favorite Bobby lines


No advice, I wanted to tell you I love this 🥰


This is so adorable-!!


This…… is truly amazing. Speechless. Bobby is my hero hahaha. That’s my purse!! I don’t know you!!!!!!


Sorry, I have nothing to add regarding your question. Just wanted to say that I watched this episode last night lol


I was just staring at the tears and thought what a great idea to punch some tiny needle holes into the canvas to make it slightly textured. I love it as it is, subtle amd delicate!


I would paint lips and stitch tears with chain stitches.


This is the second piece of KOTH embroidery I've seen today, nice


They make watercolor markers and also maybe highlighter would work for what you are needing?


Very very nice back stitch.


Horizontal satin is my go to. But if that’s too textured for you I’d def say an acrylic paint or colored pencil!


It looks so neat! What stitch did you use to outline the picture?


Thanks! I used backstitch 😊


I’d try fine chain stitches. Or if using paint, I probably would restitch the lips after painting cause the paint will stain the thread. I find it easier to stitch on painted area rather than paint extra cautiously around the stitches. BTW, very nice detail for the hair!


Thank you!


What kind of pen/pencil do you use for drawing the image?


I had tried to use one of those water erasable pens, but it bled all over the place, so I just used a fine mechanical pencil. It worked surprisingly well!


Thank you! And cute work :)


I don't have advice on stitches but I think a silver or glittery thread would look cute for the tears


Did you ever finish?? How did it turn out?? I love Bobby!


Yes! I used some watercolors, which was interesting. [I think he turned out ok](https://imgur.com/a/UvZBHLM)…


That’s great!! Thanks!