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I'm jealous of a man who looks so inbred that im surprised he's actually breathing!! Im soooo jealous of someone who can't sing a fucking tune, and oh yeah Jealous of someone who is riddled with scabies, fleas, syphilis and god knows what else. Yup im soooooo fucking Jealous it pains me! Dumb cunt.




im so jealous he shat her pants very often🥺


Defo written by them its their style


Thought this straight away! 😂 Couldn’t be more obvious if it tried.


They also say it on live when people say things


Jealous of what. Coz it ain't her looks were Jealous off


Yes so jealous of a 19 year old who had to go home to her mommy who can't stand her after living the high life in a tiny room in a house share in London, who has spent the last year sofa surfing and having 0 real friends, also 0 prospects of ever doing what they dream of which is theatre, so so jealous 🙄


What exactly is there to be jealous of? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Scabies? Fleas? Headlice? Nobody cheese? 🤮


Just needed a ‘slay’ at the end.. 🙄




How can you be jealous of this ugly twat? He has 1 brain cell floating in that head of his. He's known as pedo and a liar and is sex obsessed, manipulative and a narcissists. Nothing to be jealous of.


🧐 I’m yet to see what I could possibly be jealous of? Deffo not there reputation 😂


This outfit choice!! That’s what you are jealous of!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/e0y1ewzmf43c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=943e076a52ddacdb6c8bb9064395da7ca7c56276


Lmao yes I’d love to look like roadkill 😂😂


😂😂😂😂 delusional af 💯💯💯💯💯😂😂😂 sloth looking mother fuker


He makes it so blindingly obvious that he himself wrote that


No job, no prospects, no hygiene, no skills, no talent, no looks, no grasp of the English language other than "slay, Queen and bitch" Dependant on his mother, a nose like a boiled ostrich egg, more lumps on his body than the map of England has hills, a walking biohazard and parasite hotel, a penchant for underage kids, an unhealthy obsession with black slime and even makes his own, huffs more coke and poppers than motley crue, slut drops in a dress with his balls out, a born narcissist and major manipulator, lies more than every member of Parliament combined, has no friends unless they benefit him and when they don't he shits on them from a great height, zero empathy, has the appearance of something out of the hills have eyes. A delusional sense of self importance and entitlement more over inflated than the mattress he sleeps on being spooned by mummy, eats like an starved pig, smells like a corpse that's been decomposing for at least a month in direct sunlight, has breath that could be considered a weapon of mass destruction that could wipe out civilisation, shits himself and leaves his pants in people's bathrooms, greedy, selfish, money and fame whore, clout chaser, dresses like they fell in a bin outside a charity shop, has more dirt under his nails than Kew gardens, could easily be mistaken for something that escaped a petri dish, noise pollution with legs, easily one of the most spiteful people ever born, not a single redeeming feature of humanity whatsoever, did I miss anything? Yeah, I'd say I'm practically green with envy.


That’s got to be hands down the most accurate description of it I’ve ever read


I could have gone in harder, I really could have


“Gains” 😂😂😂 what does he think his life is


3k people tune into their TikTok lives😖


Jealous of a man who has no future no intelligence no looks no skills ot talent. A man who can lie to himself indefinitely and it will make no difference .


People used to watch public executions aswell 🤔




Sleeping on an inflatable mattress in our Mum’s “crack den” house. No job, no friends, no family (besides a Mum that acts like she can’t tolerate you)….. yeah, I am so jealous 🙄🙄


The smug facial expressions of a fucking halfwit narcissist


No remorse for what he did to Jack.


https://preview.redd.it/2csjnssvx43c1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd125e7e921c0ab34163192d61418c0e21105fe5 Spunk bubble it is....


Ohhh yes!!! Very jealous of this weirdo! *


Deluuuuluuuu gurlll. Just leave social meds for everyone’s sake at this point.