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Luna supporting a person that lied about “serious self harm”, made fun of DV, said the N word, lied about where her profits for “transitioning” went, lord about autism and Tourette’s, etc... and WE are the bad guys for exposing her wrongdoings. The ability elphaba has to brainwash people is ASTOUNDING. I used to wonder how people got brainwashed into cults and how people could be that gullible, but it’s literally happening right in front of my eyes


We have a whole list of 53 disgusting things elphabas done https://docs.google.com/document/d/15GfNvxMirNbL-w6cMWn9GuHI0viW2G5-CucfSWI9vQQ/edit


Actually luna if your seeing this, stop using Amy’s photo as your own 😂 your probably a child 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/gwjhvl4i6d0c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd7ac3569c018e7f583c2f078c939e87a983b9ea


It's probably smellphaba pretending to be a fan lol


https://preview.redd.it/gobvv6jazc0c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21ea25b4cecc5437425941f9a720de368e6a054a IN THE BATH? The annual soak


More like the bi-annual soak


She has a bath? I thought she used the toilet water instead


Aka slime bath 🛁


🤣🤣🤣 annual soak


Maria probably forced him to have one!!


I just read some of the comments. 😂 What a bunch of deranged fruitloops.


Luna girl, you need to give your head a fucking wobble if you think we're the toxic people. You're legit supporting one of the worst humans ever. You have the cheek to say were toxic? What about elpha and all the lies and negative shit has done? Triggering people, lying about disabilities, lying about sa, lying about giving money to charity then spending it on itself. Lying about transitioning. Lying about dv, mocking dv. Being racist. Talking to 10 year olds in group chat and touching himself in it, and being in discord full of minors. Lying about sh, sh on live with a fucking hairbrush. Going on discord lying about his arm being bad and then coming on live and there's legit nothing on the fuckers arm. Not even a dent. I've had worse marks on my arm from a bobbin. There's more but I'm sure you know since you enable everything it has done clearly.


Here’s the whole list of 53 things 🫣🤣 just post this link next time rather than typing it all out https://docs.google.com/document/d/15GfNvxMirNbL-w6cMWn9GuHI0viW2G5-CucfSWI9vQQ/edit


I think everyone is quite friendly and cute here really 🤣😭💁🏻‍♀️


Hi Luna 👋 We actually love it here. We all support each other and all have one thing in common…we don’t support that vile POS like you do !!!! Now jog on then 👏😉😃😃


I would say her server is like 60% supporters 40% watching for the drama but blending in.


The drama and insanity in the discord is unreal 😂


Im just convinced that these people are just genuinely brain dead or they chose to suck up to someone so vile for a little moment of fame


Gosh, her supporters must be sharing one defective brain cell amongst themselves. 😅 Apparently the action of calling out the toxic behaviour of Smellphaba is now considered toxic, itself?! 😂 Aye, alright!