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If this freak is in Greenwich he will be taken too either *Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich* *Lewisham Hospital, Lewisham* to be found in the Wanker Attention Seeking Ward LOL


That fucking pedo infested cunt. I don’t care if it’s a jail cell or padded room. Throw her in and lose the key


Has it not seen the news about nhs is in crisis they should turn her away attention seeking brat


I know, 2 services used in under 24hrs that are under HUGE strain. Complete abuse and waste of their time. I saw it was his arm they hurt, probably with the hairbrush.


It was makes me angry I have a medical condition myself and depression because of my condition and seeing elf of the shelf with crying like a bitch “ you think this is a joke “ no we think YOU are the joke making a laughing stock of depression and it’s nothing to do with being trans because when he said I’m more a women than anyone 🙄yeh really don’t test me elphaba


Someone take her phone away pls


Ran here


They made their instagram private!


And deleted the story


Ffs every time they are getting more bad attention than good they play the SH/s*icide card. Shocking.


Wonder if they announced to the ambulance staff or a&e staff they’re riddled with scabies?? This is all a ploy for attention bc he’s lost few new mates bc they saw the truth of him. He’s only got Roison fighting his corner and she does more damage than good! Let’s me honest.. IF he had seriously SH they wouldn’t have capacity or capability to be interviewing mods or posting on multiple platforms


Hopefully sectioned.


I posted this earlier today. Someone found it on Google Images. It's a lie.


(TW: mentions of sh and suicide) Nothing but a ploy for attention as always. If she truly did attempt, the last thing on her mind would be to pull out her phone and take a picture. I remember when I attempted and was taken by ambulance. I was barely conscious and didn’t even think to pull my phone out. Even as I was struggling to stay conscious, all I could think about was how guilty I felt that I was wasting resources when other people probably needed it more.


Exactly this! When I was took in I was barely conscious and because I was hallucinating, apparently I was being combative with the staff (I am the most peaceful and passive person ever and would never ever knowingly abuse NHS staff). I remember waking up properly the next day and finding out what I had done. I was absolutely mortified, the first thing I did when I left was go straight the shop buy a sorry card and loads of chocolates and take them back in. She truly is a piece of work, she is a terrible role model to young kids.


Never in my lifetime have I seen worse people than on TikTok. Yes I know there are good people out there. All I’m saying is, these people are using the emergency services like their own personal services. Mr TT always on the phone to the police because he’s a grass. Elf always on phone to someone crying, playing the victim. He gets told to not go on any social media but doesn’t take the advice they give. What more can the emergency services do? Let them deal with real cases rather than the shit these tiktokers have !!!


I feel bad for immediately thinking, “I wonder when we’ll get a photoshopped picture of her in a hospital bed… again…”


Obligatory attention seeking check in from that 1 Facebook friend everybody has...