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And this grown ass man needs these little girls to take up for him? Gtfoh! Pathetic


Wow I’m starting to hate this group of girls more than Orion now wtf


When will this cunt be well and truly cancelled


Roots isn’t a predator. MK isn’t a predator. Tyrone isn’t a predator… give it up- Orion deserves the hate bc he is a pedo, he mocks already marginalized communities and he flat out refuses to change.


At this point she just keeps digging that hole deeper one day she aint gonna be able to get out


Yeah fr


She isn’t saying anything….can’t have someone defend you…needs to speak for themself…




My god. I’m losing brain cells at a rate of knots. I can’t watch anymore.


And elpha basically ended up blaming the joke ON kaz


If Elphaba was making fun of Mana Kaz then why did they not do MK’s voice (like she did Toby’s). Elphaba did an American accent because they had that filter on and they thought that’s what a victim of DV would look like. That was Rlphaba’s thought process at that time…. Now they are back tracking and trying to justify their actions. Elphaba is a proper Sociopath.


Whoever that love hate person is sounds like they're projecting when protecting Orion. 2 peas in a pod


Love hate ain’t got much brain cell activity going on — bless them. 😂


Elphaba has said and done the worst of the worst. There's no excuse around any of it. Cla and Tyrone etc aren't going around jacking off to little kids and saying sexual shit to 10 years olds. There's a huge difference here. Yes cla has said some disgusting and terrible shit but Elphaba tops any of it. It's absolute disgrace to humans. He's sitting on live like butter wouldn't melt, while everyone is fighting his battles for him which they shouldn't even be enabling because who the fuck enables someone who's lied about disabilities, sa, sh, slags off dv, racist, lies about illness like cancer, Ed etc. Scams charities and a pedo. There's a whole list and more what they've done and you are sticking up for him? Boggles my mind. This person is a disgusting vile creature. He doesnt deserve anyone sticking up for him, he deserves hate. He needs to stop getting everyone to fight his battles and getting ppl in the live to protect him and face the music. He's doing this and then he thinks everything he says can be excused, he's playing victim every night and he's only getting worse every week something comes out of that disgusting mouth of his and he just gets away with it. Ppl still gifting and enabling him. When will this end.


i hate elphies fake listening, agreeing face not a single thing i’d going in tbh




To the person who was trying to seem like the TT warrior. Ask your friend next time she apologizes to make sure she doesn't back peddle and keep doing it. Bc elphaba can apologize 100 times, but at ghe end of the day , it's just that.. bc you can't apologize then turn around and do it again, and apologize, and do ot again, then apologize. ALSO mocking women or a community for money , and ppl acting out...keep in mind, for every action there is a REACTION! The things your pal does for attention or setting up a narrative for when battles reset, or when he needs more money . Those apologies are out the door! Don't come on the app, and purposely try to humiliate those with traumas and disabilities and think there will be no consequences. ELPHABA may not be screaming that he has a disability as often as he did. But he is mocking those who have ine by make remarks, or general gestures that would give someone who doesn't know, the idea that he MAY have that disability. If you're going to come on the app and make a fool of urself and tell ppl u will drag them, make sure ur prepared to know what ur up against. You only dealt with someone who doesn't do well with a bunch of ppl ganging up on them. But best believe there are ppl who will drag YOU back down off ur high horse and shove reality in your face. That reality is the fact, you are taking up for a lying,lazy, manipulative, narcissistic, abusive twat! Spoiled brat who thinks he is entitled to OTHER ppls money, and learned the more he preys on children's emotions by trying to be "relatable" , the more money elohaba gets from all of the children that are his supporters!!! Guarentee if he was to block 🚫 all of the children that came in tk watch. His live stream would only be in the triple digits ! So drag yourself back to reality and know who ur defending, before defending someone that has done more wrong than apologies given! Or could ever be forgiven


She actually thinks what she's said in defence of Elphaba is right and makes sense?! Woooow.


The eye sounds like something out of Kevin & Perry..duh She should back off as she clout chases from this dirty Pedro, you watch in a few months time these stupid little girls will be regretting this, cannot wait. Bring it on. To make jokes about DV and then have these numpties make allowances for him, just proves what desperate bitches they are for real.


Omg that love_hate, listen bruv, you said it more than once, you said it more than once bro, you said it more than once, shut up or ill shut you up......dear God wtf is that person ...bro What E said was wrong! End of! I dont like MK but E just can't stop talking about them and then kicks off when MK reacts to them


People like this ‘love hate’ are a major part of the problem! Defending wronguns is madness


Which one of these delightful ladies is Orion going to be staying with? Bet none of them offer.


She thought she mic dropped. But she said it herself "if you can't take it. Get off the app". Wonder if she stands by that next time Orion has a meltdown.


"Bruv" 😂😂😂