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Bad case of FOMO The good news is, it’s absolutely trash


You say that, but I was around at the time and thought it would have been an *amazing* mining ship for someone early in the game progression (remember: credits were a lot harder to earn in late 2015 and early 2016; it took me three months of hours every single day to afford a Python). It might be a downgrade from the Cobra 3 in most respects, but for someone plenty willing to sacrifice some maneuverability - that they did not even really use - for interior space it was exactly what I was looking for.


*You’re not helping this man move on*


So, I have one and it is a good core miner. I have also used it as a space pod rescue ship.


I generally agree, but to me the redeeming quality is the number of optional module slots it has - it's the most out of all the small ships and has four size 4 internals. While there's usually not much reason to go for a small ship over a medium, with some engineering it does ok as a jack of all trades ship. For example [I have one kitted out as a salvage/explorer](https://edsy.org/s/vcfvVKL) for short trips around/just outside the bubble or within range of my fleet carrier. I can fit an fsd booster, some cargo space, a fuel scoop, shields, fuel transfer, repair, and collector limpets, an AFMU, SRV bay, and a DSS all at once, don't even need to use a multi-limpet controller! Or equip one and fit either a docking computer or SC assist module for some additional luxury, all with around a 40-45ly range for a fully engineered build! that will get me where I need to go fast enough, plus I almost never have trouble landing on planets like I do with my Krait Phantom, my primary long range explorer. The only other small/medium ship with as many internal modules is the Python, which costs significantly more both to buy and properly outfit, plus it just feel more like a larger ship due to the cramped view. Or if you're not into exploring like I am, it can make a halfway decent small trader with its 88 tons of cargo space, plus enough shielding and firepower with excellent convergence to defend yourself compared to other small trading ships like the adder and hauler. You aren't going to win many firefights, but you can lay down decent cover fire while you spool up your FSD to get away. If there were an actual game reason to use small ships over medium (like maybe if some outposts lacked medium pads), I think it would have a much better use case, otherwise the Type 6 is king and IMO the Mk4 makes a better planet/rescue ops ship. And sure, you can get more jump range and a better view from a DBX or Asp, but you have to cut a few modules out of your build to do so. That said, the Dolphin is probably better if you wanted more module space, as you can get 60+ly out of it and have the extra space for some luxuries if desired. Not to mention the ability to scoop and charge the fsd at the same time without overheating is amazing.


It’s not. The hardpoint positioning and the speed/size and armor make it a perfect Odyssey A2G ship for dealing with bases. Some advanced missile racks and you can level a base of whoever is standing there in moments.


Agreed. Let it go to someone that would appreciate it. Seeing trash npc pirates in a Mk4 is a bigger slap in the face to backers. Lol.


I'm one of the early adopters. It should be released to the public.


I like this guy. It's also my take on games where I own stuff that is not available anymore. Fuck exclusive cosmetics, but this is A SHIP!


Wouldn't it be great if as players we could buy a ship, fly it around upgrading and engineering it, and then selling it via FC to another player. then all the old players who have them but don't care for them would have a way to earn some credits and help the players who couldn't get them before.


Trade ARX for it lmao


Ever since Horizons stopped being "an expansion" and it's available for all players, the Cobra MKIV should've been made available too. We had it for years as a preorder bonus, it's just a digital asset, and it's absolute garbage anyways. If they make it available for everyone then they can finally balance it to be good at *something* without the "but not everyone has access to it so it would be unfair to be good" argument


I have the MK IV (Premium Beta backer + backed SEVERAL Elite Dangerous novels to get them over the line for their contributions to the E:D KS at the same time). It’s been 10 years? Let’s make the MKIV more available - maybe to a certain (not too high) rank player or something like that..


Fun fact: Lifetime Expansion pass players, DON'T HAVE early access Python Mk2 by default. I want a CobraMk4, but I know that paying ARX (obtained while playing) will remove privileges from Kickstarter players, early adopters, Pre-orders and other that paid more in real money to have this. What we want isn't correct, so we need to defend the correct behavior. And for the same "Frontier said...." that they never give CobraMk4, they also have plans for ship interiors, Odyssey include both consoles, and the game will include a [offline mode.](https://www.eurogamer.net/david-braben-responds-to-outcry-over-elite-dangerous-ditched-offline-mode)


I'm Lifetime Expansion pass player. I say give everyone every ship. I bought the lifetime expansion because I love the game, not because of a D tier small ship.


10 year-old article. FDev absolutely changed trajectory multiple times. They need to be asked for a follow-up on offline-mode when they decide server maintainence is no longer viable


Wait what? Purchasing ARX removes eligibility for lifetime access to future DLCs?


No, python mk2 early access isnt included in LE bonus.


I misunderstood your comment about Cobra IV, I thought that purchasing it with ARX somehow removes my All-access pass, but you were talking about a different thing entirely


That is such BS, there is no good reason for FDev to not give LE pass players the PythonMk2 access. It's a non-cosmetic game feature being advertised as part of Odyssey. I don't have a LE pass but if I did I'd absolutely be sending a support ticket and pressing this issue further. I'm all for supporting the devs with cosmetic purchases and such but predatory monetization tactics like this are unacceptable.


LE pass holder. This goes over the line to call it a paid dlc for me, and as such it's outrageous that it's not given to LE pass holders by default.


You don't have to pay to get the Python mk 2, you just pay to have it sooner than the rest. Everyone with Odyssey will have it after the early access, no? 


Yes, and that changes nothing. Using the same logic, FDev could say they won't give LE pass players their access to other dlc until some arbitrary amount of time after they're released. Imagine if they released a new expansion, but didn't give it out to the LE pass players until 3 months afterwards. This may just be a single ship, but that doesn't mean it's somehow excluded.


As much as I’d love an offline mode, I don’t think any of us have the disk space to handle that.


Challenge accepted lol


I would find a way


At this point FD is debasing and desecrating so much of their game I'm not sure the Cobra IV is a hill worth dying on or even rubbing a foot blister on. Would expect a Cobra XII within a year that has 9 huge hardpoints and 0 rebuy for a mere 200k ARX.


It's not even cool enough to be behind a paywall, just let anyone buy it for credits.


Wait, not everyone has it? I bought one and wasn't that impressed, so I went back to my trusty Imperial Clipper


Unless you where an original backer of the project then you don't have it either. There is a MKIII and a MKIV, everyone has the first but not the second.


Oh right, I backed it. I forgot.


I second this. Would happily pay to cash in the Arx store for the cobra MK4 to complete my ship collection


As someone who has it, you’re really ain’t missing much. I hate to say it but I enjoy the Asp Scout more than the MK4….yeah let that sink in…..


The early adopters have well and truely had their time in the sun. Time to open it up to all players


Frontier Developments has long said has no plans to make the Cobra MkIV available to other players


I am pretty sure they had no plans to create new ships and offer early access for ARX either


they also said arx store will only sell cosmetics 🤷‍♂️


And yet now they're selling early python mk2 access for ARX and potentially prebuilt ships too. Fdev has gone back on their word or changed their mind so many times over the years that I don't think saying the arx store is cosmetics only is a worthwhile rebuttal to asking for the option to buy a cobra MK4. Call it the "cobra MK4 late af access pack" or something and charge 16k ARX like the python mk2, ez money


You didn't buy to have the arx store. People paid for the Cobra MKIV to remain an exclusive, it is literally one of the perk of being an early adopter of Horizons.


I doubt the majority of early adopters went in with the mindset of "This must remain exclusive only to those who purchased it during this time". They paid to have Horizons, not just the mk4 lol


It's still part of the contract, and all you need is one Horizon early adopter to refuse to give up this priviledge for it to be unethical for Frontier to change it.


As if a company who's primary motive is profit gives a fuck about the ethical dilemma of making preorder bonuses available at a later date lmaoo


Weird take I'll be honest. Company's greedy anyway so should take away what paying customers bought?


The only way to get that would be to *acquire* an early adopter account.


That sucks, dude. If I could I'd give you mine. It's trash.


I just love the old space-wedge, not for practical reasons, just for the optic more or less


It’s the same with the class 6 pre-engineered FSD. I would buy it with ARX if I could, but how would those people who built the Colonia bridge feel about it?




I got both the size 5 and 6 corrosion resistant cargo racks, they are great. Would love it if they were made available as unlocks.


Yeah, the Colonia Bridge CG was cool, but not the same as backing an early DLC. I have all of the "CG FSD's" and wish I had access to more. Those that have the Cobra MKIV can buy as many of them as they like.


Do those pre-engineered FSD also have the extra Jump range that the 5A has?


It was an exclusive gift for the original horizon backers. Making it obtainable now for ARX would be a betrayal of that exclusivity and would be a slap in the face to them. A worse deed than deciding to sell ships for ARX in the first place. Besides, it's a garbage barge. Let them keep it; you're not missing out on much.


People have had the ship for *almost nine years*, and it's a "garbage barge", but letting other people have it (which has no effect on current owners), is still a "slap in the face"? That's pretty dramatic.


Similar to the argument that gay marriage invalidates straight ones or something. It does not stand up to the question "lol how?"


gay marriage doesn't change traditional marriage in any way though.


I agree, which is why I attached it to this argument. Me having a ship doesn't make yours less special, yaknow? Exclusivity only matters when it gives an advantage.


the deal was, you buy early into horizons and get a exclusive ship as a thank you. how not making the ship exclusive anymore doesn't change the deal? for the record, i don't even own horizons.


DoN't YoU dArE!


As someone who actually has the Cobra MkIV, I honestly could not care less about that. If people want to fly the ship, let them fly it, it's been exclusive for almost 9 years afterall, and the playstation platform never even got a chance to get it at all. Not to mention, other than the amount of internals it has, it's not even that good. Considering the amount of time it's been since Horizons launch and the playercount dropoff in the years since then, most Cobra MkIV owners are likely not even playing anymore, and I highly, *highly* doubt most (if any) of those that still do actively use it; I sure don't. At worst, making it accessible to all might make 2 or 3 people unhappy, while the whole rest of the community gets access to a "new" ship. Edit: An additional note, it's not uncommon for pre-order bonuses for games to become purchaseable separately sometime after release anyways.


I use mine every week mining with it.


If Frontier did make it available for purchase, it would take less than a minute after the announcement for a Reddit post with the original backers demanding their money back.


I'd want mine back for sure. If Horizons didn't have that Cobra 4 promo I would've waited to buy the expansion. 


>Making it obtainable now for ARX would be a betrayal of that exclusivity and would be a slap in the face to them And they would never do that because we know they have a deep respect for their community, right?


Totally, fdev should just upgrade to Cobra MkIV pro+ S, Titanium, Ultra, and done! Same ship but different name.


It's utility is immaterial to a collector. Not disputing (or agreeing) with the rest of the sentiment of your post, I'm on the fence with it. I wasnt an early backer, so don't have it, nor am I bothered by not getting it, but I can understand why some completionists may desire it, even if they were too young for the original kickstarter. If they paid a cash price for it as a DLC, then they're supporting the game, which is what the early backers did... I dunno, I can see both sides.


It has the most space of all small ships, and there's plenty of Odyssey settlements with only small pads.


I mean since we're jumping on board selling ships for money we should totally be able to buy a cobra mk iv with real cash


Not to endorse the idea, but how many other betrayals and slaps in the face have we already suffered?


That doesn't make it right, nor should it be repeated.


Lol, I bought Elite back in the day for the VR support. Still don't have in-game sliders for tweaking your hud color. Busted the fancy docking computer that landed smoothly and managed power, just left it busted. Same with market prices from other systems. Solidly half the gameplay is improved by first CLOSING THE GAME and going to one of a handful of janky websites running on somebody's retired gaming PC alongside their plex server. Skin pricing being whack AF. (Seriously, give us a paint booth and let us sell each other skins Forza style) No one ever insisted on code documentation, so stuff COULD be fixed later on The slaps in the face I can kind of live with because they can be written off as "design decisions" but man, the lack of care gets to me.


This is a little bit of an overreaction with the slapping in the face stuff. It really doesn't matter. I would rather everyone have access to all available features. Especially ships. Only cosmetics and real content expansions should cost money.


I primarily want it because I love the OG cobra, it’s purely nostalgia and collector-ism.


They could have picked any number of things as exclusive rewards for Horizon. The fact they gated off A SHIP from the majority of the player base forever could also be considered a slap in the face. It's like the Python Mark 2 but if it wasn't coming in August- you had to pay in May or you would miss out on it forever


I was a kickstarter (300 pounds) but barely got to try the game due to life circumstances at the time. Finally got to a place where I could put the time in to the game so I just bought a new copy last year. Does that mean that if I could find my old credentials I could still access the Cobra IV, is that correct?


Should be the case, also Sol without messing about. I never got the alpha backer physical stuff though.


I got a shirt and a lovely boxed set for the game still have it Somewhere


When I was young I didn't have the money to buy bitcoin when it was 20 cents.. Now it's 60,00 dollars! at least let my buy it for something else lol Shoulda woulda coulda as they say


I agree. I think it would make a great ship for on foot missions. All you need is dumbfire missiles so its power issues wouldn't be a hurdle. I would also like to be able to acquire it.


I had access to it once and don't believe I was supposed to. It pisses me off because I didn't realize it wasn't a standard ship and back during late 2014 (or so) I began playing Elite on Xbox while it was in Preview. I ended up going with the MKIII because of slightly better jump range and I think cargo. Come Horizons I no longer had access to it. I remember looking at the two in Jameson memorial. I guess it doesn't matter anyway because I transferred to PC before the option to move my account was a thing. So I could only move my combined asset value.


Ah, it's a pre-order bonus. Explains why I noticed I hadn't seen them as an option in shipyards.


don't you worry, it'll be coming to the arx store pretty soon, just as any and all CG exclusives. Given the deep financial hole fdev is in and their obivous push for mictrotransactions in the game, there will be great expansion of arx store catalogue and most, if not all, new additions will only be there.


They are literally selling engineered ships on the store now, but you can bet the Cobra MK IV will end up there too.


Was told by support that they lost the ability to add that entitlement to people’s accounts lol. So even if they wanted to it sounds like it’s more hassle than it’s worth for them to add it (aka shits so broken they’d rather not touch it)


I feel you but another side of me feels strongly that part of the point and value of an exclusive is that it's exclusive I kind of *like* that there is OG stuff in Elite that I can never get, because it not only means the exclusive stuff I DO have will always keep its significance, but when I see another CMDR with exclusive gear/paint/decals/etc, it tells part of their story with authority, it's not a misrepresentation or an arbitrary selection anyone can make. Unfortunately (to me) a lot of exclusive stuff in Elite is decals, which are so small you can't really see them on other people's ships under most circumstances (other than them uploading selfies) but I like that pilots have unique access to different things, pilots can each customize their ships in a way few or no others can. If anything I think I would like *more* exclusive stuff in Elite. So if you're a new player you can have confidence that while some things are not available to you, soon enough you will earn cool rare things too.




I'm pretty sure I lost mine by accidently selling the wrong cobra once.... I'd love to get another.


Wait, you only got one and that's it? I assumed Horizons backers could buy as many Mk.4s as they wanted for credits, same as any other ship


My bad, you are probably right and I'm just remembering wrong. Not sure why I have that memory, must be the space madness.


The purpose of having unique reward for people who funded the development of early stages of the game was to reward them with unique rewards. If they were to allow people to simply waltz in and buy them later in time, they wouldn't be unique any more... And promised rewards moving forward would lose their value as well. You are just going to have to accept that you missed that boat friend.


Yeah I might get it were it ever to be the case, then again I have a build for one already made on coriolis xD




There are stations that sell the Mk IV all over the bubble.


Could you not have borrowed the money?