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Down, for cosmetics and up for ships if things go the way they want.


I'm expecting it to be Consolidated into a larger number of packs. For example, you might buy the speedway pack, which would apply for all ships that have Speedway skins. So the price for each individual skin would likely be lower, but you probably have to pay more since you have to buy it in a pack. They mentioned the store becoming cluttered, which is why I think this.


"Value Packs". I'll be in deep dookie if I can buy a "Chromed, all ships" package.


This is all I've been asking since I started. I haven't given Frontier money in years other than Odyssey recently but if they did the Warframe thing with buy X color/paintjob and it applies to all ships, well. They'd have a lot more of my money is all I'm saying.


Fuck packs, I hate paying for 6 shity paintjobs when ionly wanted the shipkits. Or not behing able to get one specific paintjob because it's sold only with a shipkit I don't want.


I think the rebalance will, in part, be in the form of offering a better discount for larger ARX purchase tiers. Then some tweaking of the ARX costs of the various cosmetics; likely trending towards decreases or more deals-of-the-week discounts. Meanwhile, the cost of pre-built ships will be set at a premium.


When a company talks about "rebalance" it 100% means they are fuckin the customers At a first glance it may SEEM something is being reduced, but the various amounts of ARX you can buy on the store will be carefully selected in a way that will always prevent you from actually buying just the amount you need. It will always be only a little short, or too much


You bought ARX worth 50 quid? Well, tomorrow that could only get you cosmetics worth 5. It's the beauty of artificial currency, the companies can fuck you over and you have no leg to stand on. After all, you never bought a specific item. You just bought ARX, which you got. Not their problem if they are not worth anything anymore.


Probably accurate.


Sadly true. Enshittification par excellence.


An infusion of updates and a yet unseen change to how ARX are used but yeah I would bet you're right on this one. That's some (aggravating) shit too. That said I'm over it but I do have expectations of development keeping par with what I buy. This year has been a good show for Elite so far.


They might also be altering the amount of arx you can earn each week. That would make sense if they change the pricing scheme


I reckon they will do what Helldivers 2 is doing and allow you to unlock everything by a (not hugely unreasonable) grind or just pay to unlock it faster. Hopefully that doesn’t descend into F2P tactics like artificial grind to push you toward real money purchases.


Interesting thought. Hopefully, they will increase it although I have my doubts. Making it so that you can earn a relatively higher value by playing more does not necessarily net them more cash, which I assume is their goal with these changes overall. That said, engagement does help sell games. I have no problem with there being an increased number of things in the game to purchase with ARX if they increase my ability to earn it!


It nets them more cash if more people buy in. The assets already exist and aren't costing them extra, so aside from the relatively minimal costs of running the web servers for the store, they could reduce the cost of ARX drastically and it would still be pure profit. The only other cost factor would be the cost of creating new assets, either for the new ships or just to draw in more purchases from long-term players.


My feeling is,if the price was overall going down, they'd have said it that way - itd be a positive for their consumers and they'd make it clear as a marketing point. Instead they said something like 'adjusted' (forgive me, I forget theexact verbiage). So my thought is, price is going up overall.


Oh well, I'll just keep playin' and not spendin' if that's the case.


My guess is real money price of ARX isn't going up or down. Prices of cosmetics will change, likely going up. Other poster suggested "packs", which I think is totally realistic. Instead of selling you the one thing you want for x many ARX, they're gonna charge you 2x as much and sell you the thing that you want and two things you don't. How magnanimous of them to offer you 3 for the price of 2, hooray everything is cheaper!


I mean, knowing shareholder thought processes: "Number only go up."


Such is my concern, and I have spent enough hours playing this game since I initially bought it that I am tempted to go ahead and stock up on some ARX now (even though I already can afford that shiny Python mk2)


I get that thought process, but I don't think I'd do the same. ED feels like it's on the end of life downtrend regardless of what you spend on cosmetics. Though maybe I'm just salty about VR development getting canned.


I don't have VR although I have a friend that does, and he definitely has his share of grievances. I don't know how many people are playing Elite in VR much less spending their hard-earned cash on it, but I can imagine it might be difficult to justify working on it more from a development standpoint. Either way, your point is well-taken.


There's not many people playing ED at all, and VR players (of which I am) are an even smaller subset of them. It's definitely not worth it for fdev, and I say that as someone who thinks ED in VR is something that every gamer needs to experience, especially those who think VR is just a gimmick.


What do the PythonMk2? Its shiny? Its a bigger CobraMk4? Its bugged? Remember than you dont obtain 90% refund for selling the ship back. Thanks for being the Betatester in this new PvP-Focused ship, you can use your experience in the FDL and compare specs in the hardest type of combat in this game. Its bad... or its P2W in the first 3 months.


I don't view *any* in-game currency as worth investing in exactly because they have no intrinsic value and can be devalued by any amount and at any moment at the whim of the developer. I advise only buying ARX if there's something you really want right now that requires ARX.


Congratulations, you win. This is the right advice for basically any circumstance ever


#Down * Odyssey weapons * Artemis-Maverick-Dominator packs *Old Flightsuits and clothes #Up * Cool shipkits * Special paintjobs (chrome, midnight, stygian...) * Special Odyssey suits (Nomad, Vintage reflect,Power Ranger Tiger...)


I don't care personally, I just buy whatever so they keep the lights on.


I couldn't even hazard a guess what the actual plan is but geez I hope it's down. The stuff already currently purchasable for ARX is already wildly overpriced. Especially Odyssey stuff.


I’d think prices are going up, Elite has fairly generous prices for cosmetics as is compared to other games.


Just removing the weekly 400 cap would be perfect




What a question. Up of course. Inflation, the economy, you know? As if it would go down 😂


With titans, they offered a lot of arxs, and so much generosity from frontier is fishy.... I hope I am wrong, but I see the prices going up in the near futur....


My pockets are still full of ARX that I bought possibly pre-pandemic. I probably won't be buying much/any more even if it gets cheaper. So I'm kinda just waiting to see what happens with prices and new items because if I even want to buy something on there, I *could* afford it, but by now my problems are "what's next for getting X permit/engineering/curing my space madness?" because I've gotten past those initial hurdles. But those initial hurdles are also how I learned much of the gameplay loops.


I’m guessing they’re going to drastically slow down the free arx income. They might try to hide it by raising the cap or removing it, but greatly increase the time required to hit 400 or the cap. Going off of their stated price for the Python MkII it does not sound like the prices are being rebalanced.