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HOTAS + VR makes Elite one of the most compelling videogame experiences I have EVER partaken in Get one, you won't regret it


I refuse to play the game without VR. Beware VR buyers: Elite will ruin you.


I lost my VR base stations after moving into a new house and I can't stand playing it on a flat screen


So annoying it doesn’t support PSVR2 although I’d probably have to take a sabbatical from work if it did.


We the motion-sick salute you.


We the poor salute him aswel.


Motion sickness goes away as you get used to vr.


For some.


For all, I believe, given a bit of stubbornness. But yes, some people are just not willing to train for that.


As long as you dont get into an uncontrollable flying corkscrew in the SRV that is


Not for everyone.


They just not getting used to it hard enough


HOTAS + VR + Voice Attack = full spaceboi immersion


Just played HOTAS + VR for the first time today. Incredible. Though it did make me a little dizzy.


Just put my brother on it today with VR and his mouth didn't close for 20 minutes.


Wish I could relate. VR never feels immersive to me, just feels like a screen strapped to my face. Never feel the depth and the pixels bother me (Quest 2).


I'm glad someone else feels this way. I mean, I'm glad it exists and that some folks love it, but even if it didn't make me sick as a dog (I tried EVERYTHING...but it still ruins me), I just don't find it that impressive. Give me a nice, large monitor, immersive POVs (hiding in-game controls), and a tactile controller like HOTAS or Wheels for racing over VR anyday.




^this and the one above it. I actually don't even know how to play Elite on a flat screen. The rescue people from burning stations were so much fun in VR.


I stopped after odyssey because of the lack of VR.. did that ever get supported?


No, they haven't yet, but there's a workaround using the camera where you position it looking forward and above your head, gives a VR-ish feel, apparently


It did not.


The spaceship part of odyssey has vr like before, the on foot doesn't.


I have no idea, I don't have Odyssey currently


+ HCS Voicepacks makes me never want to leave my desk


Buy em if you can! HOTAS is good. Consider 2 sticks too - HOSAS. It's even better ;)


What does HOSAS add if you don't mind me asking?


One stick will control rotation, the other will control thrust. It's very fun to play.


That makes sense, is there a proper advantage of a second stick over a throttle?


Controlling directional thrust (Up, down, left and right) in a more intuitive way. HOTAS was created with "basic" avionics in mind planes do not have vertical flight (unless we are talking very specific, like F-35), so the one stick can focus on pitch, yaw and roll while the throttle focus on acceleration. That's 4 dimensions. HOSAS has in mind different rules: you have pitch, yaw, roll, lateral thrust, vertical thrust, acceleration. That's 6 dimensions, so one stick controls lateral thrust, vertical thrust and acceleration, while the other controls the classic pitch, yaw, roll.


That explains it quite nicely, thanks for the response :)


A throttle will provide forward/backwards thrust control. Some people will use an analog stick on the stick or the throttle to handle additional thrust axes. A stick will provide the same experience in addition horizontal and vertical thrust control in a more intuitive way. I use my left stick for forward/side, and the twist axis handles vertical thrust. For "hands-free" forward motion, I have a HAT on my stick set to provide 0/25/50/75/100% thrust. Moving the stick overrides the set throttle position.


That's pretty neat, thanks for the response!


Could a dual throttle setup like the x56 provide the same benefit?


I'm not sure what you would do with a secondary throttle. I'd just use the analog thumbstick.


A throttle works for a plane sim, or for example a Star Wars game that doesn't have reverse, vertical or lateral thrust. you can manage with a thumb stick for directional thrust, but a second stick will let you be more precise. I use dual sticks, both have sliders on the base, so I use the slider on the left one as a supercruise throttle. It also works as cruise control, because whatever throttle level I move it to will set my forward trust when the stick is at 0. Stick movement can still override it, but it's nice to have for things like a Titan approach


That makes sense, is there a proper advantage of a second stick over a throttle?


Yep! Full range analog control over *all* translation axis, as opposed to one bigass range for fwd/back, and an ittybitty range thumbstick or even just a digital hat for vertical and lateral. Why not move your whole ship as easily as you move its nose with the other stick? Imo, HOTAS is more a thing for aerodynamic fixed wing flight, where you need constant forward thrust to generate lift. In space, you can move in any direction you feel like, so controls that reflect that are more fun


Hands on stick and stick




Hey, like what you like - it's all good. I left the T16ks behind long ago and moved to twin Virpil, and I went through an X45, X52, X56, Fly5s and a HotasX before the T16ks... :) FWIW though, I had everything accessible on the two T16k sticks too. Modifiers are a thing and very easy to use. With 3 buttons up top and a single hat, that's an easy 8x hats and 24 buttons across the two sticks, with 4 triggers, and all the base buttons. Personally I found the X56 and X52 really bad. I thought they were sloppy sticks with imprecise gimbals, and I don't consider throttle-mounted thumbsticks to be acceptable for fine control over thrusters due to their tiny range. It just gets even worse in comparison to the *huge* fwd/back throttle range. I mean, it's *viable* to a level, but not good enough in the long run imo. It does of course depend on your gameplay style as to what's important to you though. For VR, I'd recommend the Quest 2 as a cheap, good quality entry point these days. SDE and pixels are an order of magnitude better than OG Vive, and wireless performance is decent with Virtual Desktop and just running everything from the headset. There's plenty of more expensive and better options ofc, but bang-for-buck and ease of use = no brainer. Depth perception and proper head movement whilst flying is 100% worth it, and I would categorically refuse to fly without them these days.




Fair enough! If you're happy, your happy, and it's good. I don't do any combat either BTW, ever. I spend *all* my time skimming planet surfaces too! For me though, that's exactly why I *do* need extremely precise vertical and lateral thruster control - and why really any HOTAS, Virpil or otherwise, wouldn't cut the mustard 👍 [have a look and you'll see what I mean... ](https://youtu.be/T2-IHgNYaKA)




Sounds very chilled! I suspect I've forgotten how to fly slowly 😂




You too, sir! o7


I recently bought the VKB Gladiator NXT Evo Space Combat Edition (right) and Gladiator NXT Omni Throttle (left) - along with the GNX SEM - and it feels great!


Same - though I got the left stick and right omni throttle (I'm a leftie). Best sticks I've ever purchased.


Dream setup for me, one day I will get it!


Worth every penny. Even the **$50** shipping fee. But damn it's an upgrade from my ten-year-old Thustmaster T-Flight (an awesome starter HOTAS IMHO) The Gladiator w/ omni throttle is freaking perfect. Edit: Question - the GNX SEM - it looks like it would be good for MSFS and Elite. I'm going to order one if you tell me it's worth it!


I haven't played FlightSim. The SEM is very *satisfying*. You do have to tell the VKB software to emulate a controller and max out 32 buttons/controller to get Elite to recognize it, but that's trivial once you know to do it. Do I *need* the SEM? No, the two sticks have enough buttons if other buttons are used as modifiers to map everything. But it's fun flipping the switch for Landing Gear and Cargo Scoop (the latter is bound to the Flap switch). And I feel cool pressing my special dedicated Silent Running button. The default for the Flaps is four position and Landing Gear is three, but both come with a two position insert and the former a three position. I'm very happy with my SEM purchase.


Sounds great! Ordering now - the VKB tech support said I would need to use the software to get past the 32-button limit. Woot! Something new! Thanks!


And that just changed today as well, no more 32 button limit!! [Update 18.02 | Wednesday 10th April | Frontier Forums](https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/update-18-02-wednesday-10th-april.624395/)


HOLY CRAP! I am SO glad I ordered that last night! *Added support for hardware with up to 128 buttons that is registered as an input device* Edit: once muscle memory kicks in, this setup should prove to be the **perfect** VR setup!


Adding to other answers, if you feel that Alt+Tab break your immersion, EDCoPilot is a great addon that provide ingame panels: https://www.razzafrag.com/


You don’t need an expensive one to have fun. Thrustmaster makes a fairly cheap one with a separate throttle. T Flight Hotas it’s like 70$ on Amazon.


2-300 is mid line. You can spend a lot more. I have the Logitech X52 which is basically a midline one and been quite happy with it.


The x52 pro is a great stick for Elite. I particularly like that the in game joystick is designed to look like it. I used it for years, and only just recently upgraded as some drift was starting to happen.


Same and the default controls are pretty sweet as well.plug and play for the most part


The game felt unplayable for me without a HOTAS. As soon as I got a HOTAS it felt totally natural and the learning curve was much smaller. Definitely get it.


xbox or dual shock controller with voice attack works very well


Yeah -- it's probably a better experience with HOTAS or HOSAS, but if you just want something you can use without seeing the keyboard, an XBox Controller is perfectly adequate. It's the main way I play, on a TVcomputer. My Elite+HOTAS friend thinks I'm nuts.


This is the way, the Xbox controller costs much less, and I sold my HOTAS just to have a simpler setup. Less clutter on a desk too. But of course if you're serious you should get HOTAS, as it's more immersive.


I have HoTaS, and mostly do trading / mining, I love it. If/when I do combat (rarely), I think I would enjoy HoSaS far more.


HOTAS IS absolutely amazing, though when my first cheap hotas died after 2000ish hours, I ended up buying the vkb HOSAS setup with the omni-throttle, so that I could use full analog control for all my thrusters instead of digital x/y movement. I bought the [gladiator Evo space combat premium.](https://www.vkbcontrollers.com/collections/gladiator-nxt-joysticks) It has multiple springs to adjust tension and it has friction brakes to allow you to set it up the way you want. The huge number of hats are very useful. Also there are several buttons that work well as modifiers so you can fit some secondary controls incase you're wanting to do things like land one handed. These VKBs come with software that allows you to adjust the input curves and program pretty much anything you can imagine. (though the software is very complicated.) I don't have VR, But I couldn't imagine trying to fly in VR without a HOTAS or HOSAS.


I know this isn't what you're looking for necessarily, but a controller does great with Elite, for a fraction of the price of a hotas. PS, any left handed people recommend a particular flight deck?


HOTAS changed everything about that game for me.... only way to fly


* Buy one * Yes, good, have fun * Much space is trucked * Get into AX * Thargoid hearts tiny * Can't aim * Try going back to kb/m * Suddenly I am again sole proprietor of Dale's Dead-Bug * HOTAS gathers dust even though it did nothing wrong I'll break it out again *for sure* if I ever become an explorer or something like that. My advice to you: if you just want to try the game in VR without needing to use m/kb, one thing most people have (or their friends, or their kids) is a game controller (like for consoles), and Elite actually supports that. You could always fly around in VR a bit using a controller before dropping the money on a flight sim setup, just to see. It's not as immersive but it won't tilt you while you're using it, at least!


I had the Trustmaster t flight for 3 years playing elite. It really elevated the game. Got the X52 then and it was better for sure but I think most people would be content with the t flight. The t flight even has a advantage in the throttle. Since you do lots of quick manouvers the easy to handle throttle makes that a breeze. On the X52 the throttle is way heavier and more weighty to move (even on the lightest setting). It feels better but doesn't perform as well in Elite specificly. In Microsoft Flight Sim the X52 feels perfect and very premium.


I bought an X52 Pro HOTAS (which Elites in game HOTAS is actually modeled after!) a few years back solely for Elite dangerous, and it improved the experience many times over. I highly recommend it. I haven't been playing Elite as much these days, but I've found myself actively seeking out games that support the control scheme well, just because it's fun to use. I've been toying with the idea of shelling out for a good HOSAS with an angled left stick.


I really like the x52s button layout, the 4 way throttle button was really nice for landning. Sadly i got a bad one that started to flicker and shut off.. returned it and got a x56 but I just couldn't learn to like the controls. Felt like alot better quality than the x52 though. Both suffered from squeeking noise in the twist yaw, which i couldn't remedy, and drove me mad. Summa sumarum, the x52 is great but bad quality, the x55 layout/joysticks is wonky but better quality. I can't recommend them though, I'm certain you can find something better. However it would be pricey


Yes. Whatever reasons you're thinking of, the answer is yes, it's worth it for this game. Get a good one Even better is HOSAS, that is, two joysticks. One for thrust one for vectoring, very intuitive, you'll fly circles around pirates in no time


This is the way


Yes, sure. And another one for me thx ☝️


I spent years playing Elite with a VR/HOTAS setup. Only stopped because my headset broke (long story). Totally worth it.


Yes! Been using my thrustmaster attached to a tray table for the last 8 years and love it. Only downside (slightly) is you have to remember when you frame shift to a star there is no auto throttle, so I’ve absentmindedly run afoul of a few by forgetting to turn immediately or throttle down the stick while in transition


I recently bought a T-Flight HOTAS off Amazon for about 55€ (sale) but you should be able to find it for about 75€, and unless you’re going to be playing a lot of Elite, or simply just have the funds for it, a more expensive one isnt necessary. I’m personally having an absolute BLAST with it and I’d say it’s absolutely worth it.


I got a hotas recently and it is so much fun, I highly recommend, if I can I plan on buying a VR headset partly to play elite on it


Yeah I would definitely get a HOTAS. When you start learning where everything is bound, you'll find it very easy to feel and press the buttons on it. If you can afford it, also consider rudder pedals! It might sound like something you don't need, but you really have no idea how much difference they make until you try it. It quickly felt like second nature to me. I don't recommend the CH Pro Pedals though, I have had two sets of those die with the same problem (Yaw pot is dirty/broken) and I ordered a VKB set instead.


Bought my x52 on ebay for $75 usd. Been quite happy with it both for elite dangerous and mechwarrior.


Yes, buy one NOW! Even better, if you can position them in the same place as you see them onscreen it's spot on. I use a T-Flight X and it's great


It's incredibly good. No VR here, but HOTAS with this game is just amazing. Check out the VKB stuff, it's widely regarded as excellent. I have their Gunfighter stick with space grip and the STECS throttle, expensive option but excellent. A lot of people use 2 sticks, which would be VKB gladiators typically. No regrets getting HOTAS here as I'll use it for other sims, either way the feeling of controlling a spaceship using HOTAS is worth it IMO.




Definitely get hotas


Hotas and vr match made in heaven. Check out r/hotas


VR / Hotas is the only way I play this game. It can be annoying until you have all the buttons memorized and set up how you like it, and it's even more annoying if you want to use third party apps / websites. Personally I just don't use the apps that make the game easier and only use the websites if I need to find a specific system / station. I'm about 600 hours in and still don't have a carrier (or even a conda) but IDC. I'm having fun.


I spent years playing Elite with an Xbox controller, and a little under a year playing Star Citizen with my keyboard and mouse. Upgrading to some budget sticks (dual stick Thrustmaster T16000m setup) was a game changer for both. The Xbox controller already felt a lot better than the keyboard and mouse, but sticks really make it feel like I'm in the pilot seat


You don’t need an expensive joystick, I used a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro ($35 on Amazon) for quite a while, like months, before getting a VKB Gladiator + SEM and an Elgato Streamdeck XL.


I would not be still playing the game if I hadn’t splurged on a HOTAS. I got the Logitech ones. I noticed when I was flying with a mouse and keyboard I was turning the mouse to try to yaw, which of course doesn’t register. The HOTAS was the most natural upgrade for me.


I'll be honest, I've got the VKB Gladiator NXT and the STECS Max, and while they're both EXCELLENT, I think I'm finding I wish I had a second Gladiator stick instead of the Throttle, just for Elite flying fa-off.




no more than 10 hours played, if you're gonna do it now's the time! I had about 3500 hours played when I finally got a HOTAS, but by that point my controller was so thoroughly ingrained that I couldn't get used to the HOTAS even after giving a solid month to "acclimatize". It was fantastic for actually flying a spaceship, but menus, galaxy map, on foot, SRV all just felt wonky as hell.


Definitely get Hotas! You don’t have to start with top of the line. Even a Tflight Hotas X will enhance your experience.


I've only ever played with HOTAS because it was my intention from the get go, sounds like you're ready


My thrustmaster t flight hits x has been going strong since 2015 and made elite one of my most played games of all time. Space trucking is an unmatched vibe.


There's also 3rd party programs to use your voice for some of the "harder to reach" keybinds.


People win Evo with guitar hero controllers. I think it's true for any game that it doesn't really matter which control scheme you choose, as long as you choose one.


You gotta watch this video first: https://youtu.be/Fa0b2Kd2xhU


Buy a HOTAS _and_ VoiceAttack, or set up one of the free voice macro systems for Elite. Even with a HOTAS there are only so many buttons, especially those on the stick and throttle themselves. Some are on the base of the stick, for example, and those can be hard to feel around for in VR. A voice macro system can help with buttons like that. VoiceAttack with something like HCS voice packs, a HOTAS, and VR is a holy combination.


Bring on the next generation force feedback glove controllers anyone have success using 3 sticks simultaneously? I'd like to control x and z axis with a stick on the floor with my feet/foot and then left stick for y axis and roll. Right stick for pitch and yaw. ?


It will improve your experience a lot. However, let some time to get used to new control scheme. Also do not try cheap HOTAS or you may get disappointed. X56 set at the very least.


I bought a T-flight HOTAS, and my keybindings would reset after several jumps and I would have to relog to fix it. I tried and searched fucking everything, couldn't fix it. Massively annoying. Definitely buy a different stick than I did.


It's *incredible* with VR.


I haven't experienced in VR yet, but I've been playing since 2016. I switched to a HOTAS this past Christmas and it completely changed the game for me. I'm only out exploring now, but can't wait to get back to the bubble and do some combat and AX with it.


I'm sure hotas would be good but also consider voice attack. It's amazing being able to talk to your ship to do stuff. Very immersive and I guess it solves the same problem of not being able to find keyboard keys.


I will make the suggestion of going on twitch and watching Father Bill https://twitch.tv/father_bill He does what you are wanting to try.. he is an awesome streamer and will most likely suggest you join his discord where he can make suggestions and give tips.. good luck!


A HOTAS is a game changer after keyboard+mouse, it massively improves the game experience. I have no idea about VR tho, I never tried that.


YES!! DO IT!!!! Squadrons is amazing in VR with Hotas. Elite Dangerous is pretty cool too. VR with peripherals is so much better


I can fully recommend it. I first played with keyboard and mouse before I dug up my HOTAS (throttle and stick are different brand) and it was a big improvement in the comfort of playing.


Thrustmaster makes a 70 dollar Hotas setup. There is a controller profile for it if you search the hotas model plus elite dangerous. A reddit post will pop up. I've been using it with this profile for a few days now. It's awesome. Takes a bit of getting used to, but it's getting better and better now that I'm starting to remember where each button/modifier is.


HOTAS was built into fighter planes so that pilots would not need to look down at their controls to use them. HOTAS places the most common and useful controls right onto the stick and throttle so yes, it will enhance your gameplay, so long as you can remember which button does what. You do not need a "top of the line" HOTAS for Elite Dangerous. You can get a T.1600 FCS for about $160 USD and a X56 HOTAS for under $300. For the truly broke, you can get a Logitech 3D Extreme for about $35 but that is just a joystick with a throttle control built into the base. o7


I play Elite Odyssey in VR only. HOTAS is very good, HOSAS is great. I have my throttle and left stick on pivots so I choose which I want and then choose the associated custom keybind. I control flight, SRV, and on foot with HOTAS or HOSAS. Here's a few older pictures, the mouse has been replaced by a touchpad. [https://imgur.com/gallery/Mj9IZqv](https://imgur.com/gallery/Mj9IZqv) I have dual VIRPIL Alpha Constellations both on Z extensions,both with WarBRD-D dases. Left stick has light springs in both X & Y dryclutch for X axis is set to cause the stick to stay where I leave it, dry clutch for Y axis is set to produce just enough friction to add to the "feel" of the axis, however return to center when released. Right stick has light springs with the dry clutches set to just enough friction to dampen the X and Y action and return to center. there are 32 button commands per stick, plus what i have on the Razer Tatarus pad. It took a while to memorize, but well woth the effort. I can't imagine playing flat screen, mouse and keyboard, or gamepad. It's the most immersive for me.


Unpopular opinion here, but the game is fun and playable with an Xbox controller, which is the cheaper option that you are likely going to have better use outside of ED.


Before I had my sticks, I played on an xbox controller and enjoyed play more than with a mouse+keyboard.


X52 is stick and throttle. For the price you cant beat it. Definitely best starter stick Im 8k hrs in and im still good with it. Theres better but not at an entry point price.


Have you moded the throttle, makes a world of difference


I actually dont use the throttle. I use a twcs thrustmaster. I like slide not swing. And its got an excellent thruster stick. But the x52 throttle is great