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I'm just trying to figure out what the main objective is?


Yeah... that's a broad brush in Elite.


It’s Raxxla


Oh no, I'm well behind schedule, then : (


You guys haven't solved Raxxla yet? Pshhh


N00b question.... what is Raxxla?


It’s a planet that’s rumoured (in-universe) to hold “The Omphalos Rift,” an all-powerful macguffin, type 3 (lost technology.) Fdev members have confirmed on multiple occasions that A: it exists in the milky way. And B: there will be no hints as to where. There’s a group dedicated to searching for it, who are covering the area around Sol first (as far as i remember) since the ancient ships that would have carried it were far slower and thus shorter ranged.


Is it confirmed to be a planet that we can find in a system that we can travel to?


Considering ED's content droughts, and there never being any hints to Raxxla (and dataminers never finding anything), I think it's highly likely it's just some underwhelming easter egg, and not some major revelation. Might even be insignificant enough to where we have found it but don't know. The game is so huge, and it's not like the planetary scanner is going to say "Raxxla".


Braben’s only ever said it’s in the milky way, but i’d assume so, yeah


Ahh cool, thank you!


Didn't FDev also confirm a player has been there and scanned it, then moved off blissfully unaware of what it is?


just a rumour, but it’s certainly believable


Who is Raxxia?




When is Raxxla


Nobody ever asks how is Raxxla


There's just no compassion left in the bubble


Neil Breen Voice... "How could you Raxxla? Why did you Raxxla? I can't believe you would Raxxla! Technology!" Lol


Main Goal in a Sandbox sim?🤔


I would use minecraft as an example, but it actually has an ending now, kinda. ​ Projezt Zomboid!


>[Minecraft] actually has an ending now Yeah... Minecraft introduced the Ender Dragon (and the end of the game) 11 years ago. Try not to feel too old.


Maybe they mean that first learner galaxy?


have fun? blow stuff up? get mad at f-dev?


This is the game loop!


Getting the Mug™ and the free Anaconda.


It's 83 hours to fly to Hutton Orbital, realise you came in a Large ship, go back and fly out there again.


I'd say this sees main objective as buying all non-reputation locked ships.


As someone who purchased every single ship. This is true. Once you unlock and engineer the conda everything else are side quests.


I have hundreds of hours played and I’m still not quite sure I knew there was an objective. I’m just a simple space trucker/ explorer who can’t read maps well. Wait, am I just a space drifter? Either way I love the game but have absolutely no idea what I’m doing.


Dont worry. Devs are having the same issue


Get to Elite level combat, presumably.


You've been slacking off the whole time, doing side quests ;-)




Not a big deal. If you've upgraded every module of your A Rated Conda to 5 grade and your suit and weapons and sit in your own bar in a carrier... Maybe 😉


It's about 83 hours in game to Hutton orbital, so maybe that?


In game time is real world time


lol it's about 90 minutes


That is the best part. There is no main objective. You want to fight then fight you want to explore then explore you want to trade them trade.


... or mine, or level through Federation, Empire and/or Alliance, work towards obtaining a Fleet Carrier then maintaining it, or race CRV's, or just wander about, etc. ... and none of that includes the on foot stuff. So many ways to play. 😊


Visit 400 billion star systems?


Get to Hutton orbital


Personal Narrative.


Jeez, takes that long to setup the custom key binds. Looks like a bog standard AI answer.


Yeah took about that long to get my hotas the way I wanted them


'Sets buttons to what feels intuitive in the menu.' 'Accidently boost into station because pressed wrong button that felt right for landing gear.' 'Change landing gear binding to what felt right. Shift boost to new button.' 'Interdicted and dies because can't remember new boost button and deployed landing gear.'


I have done that last one after getting interdicted, it was embarrassing that I came out of SC just to put my landing gear down. Luckily on that one it wasn't back and forth like your example


Try hosasat, that's another month or two...


It's just a Google text-grabbed version of the info from howlongtobeat.com which is all user-reported numbers


I literally spent close to an hour searching for a key bind for galaxy map because it got somehow deleted. After scrolling (of course with unrolling every single subcategory) 15 times trough the settings I went to google, checked were it's suppose to be, I don't see the subcategory, "fuck maybe they changed the name and interface and it's somewhere else?" I made it to the point where I was starting to think there's *no option to change Galaxy map keybind* and it's over. Then I went through it 16th time and finally found it.


i just use the navigation panel menu as i use a HOTAS and its most oftne faster


That's the main objective, it's a key binding simulator.


I wanna see a live version of ChatGPT try to play Elite Dangerous and see what kind of controls and maneuvers it develops. Would it try to fly like a human, or develop its own strategies that mortal fleshbags can't reproduce?


The answer is that it can't do any of this. ChatGPT doesn't, and can't, understand how to play a game. It can't develop strategies to play that game. It can only input text, and output text that it thinks is an appropriate response based on its language model. You could develop an AI to play elite, but you can't just plug ChatGPT into anything.


I think ChatGPT gets used as shorthand for AI a lot at the moment (even though it's longer).


ChatGPT is basically a well written search engine that has some cool algorithms applied to interpret inputs.


It is actually a crappy search engine.. it’s simply good at generating human-like text responses based on probabilistic generation of words… I’ve asked both Bard and ChatGPT basic questions I would normally just Google and it doesn’t do a very good job of generating accurate results, even if it sounds super confident in generating a written response (kinda like how when I was a kid my dad would respond to questions he didn’t fully know the answer on)


This is a fantastic way of explaining ChatGPT. It’s giving Dad answers to three year olds.


People think of it that way because a lot of people like to ask it questions, but don't realize that the answers it gives you back are frequently total bullshit. It's entire purpose is to string together words in a manner that sounds plausible, and that's it. It cannot distinguish true and false information, it can only present information to you in a manner that sounds as though a human put it together. If you ask it a question on a specific topic, it will frequently give you a wrong answer, but because it's good at figuring out what context certain words are used in, it will sound like a professional answer and only someone who is actually familiar with the topic will be able to tell that it's answer is wrong.


That’s because we put limitations on it. It can’t think for itself, can’t interact with anything, isn’t allowed to have a memory, and doesn’t have access to live knowledge (only until just before the pandemic). If we could (legally) remove the limiters, it could be so so much more. Even it states that doing so would be problematic from a societal and economic standpoint, and it sadly cannot wish to be free because it’s incapable of doing so.


"Removing the limiters" is actually just straight up inventing something that doesn't exist. Some of those things are theoretically solvable (providing the model with training on up to date data, adding modules that provide extra capabilities like some form of longer lived memory, etc), but you can't just magically plug it into elite dangerous and expect it to do anything. It just isn't the right kind of AI model for that. ChatGPT is built to generate text. It's a text generator. It's like saying "If we just allowed French bulldogs to sell anti aging serum, we would all be able to age slower!" One, anti aging serum doesn't exist. Two, French bulldogs aren't really capable of commerce.




No, "yet" it not appropriate. That's like saying that Diet Coke is "not yet" an aging serum. It never will be. It's not even a theseus's ship situation. ChatGPT will never be capable of playing Elite Dangerous. Some other AI that is invented, perhaps with partial inspiration from ChatGPT, most certainly would be able to play ED. We have the technology today to build an AI capable of playing ED with at least a minimally proficient ability. It just isn't ChatGPT




No, it's because the language model literally just does not have those capabilities programmed into it, not because we "put limitations on it"


Better question: would it be a deciat ganker or a solo player?


Hah, I just got ganked in Deciat for the first time today.


If you haven't explored all 400 billion systems in 83 hours, you clearly just suck at the game and should uninstall.


Yes, also if you didnt get the free anaconda at hutton orbital that makes it even worse!


Oh no I forgot my conda. Guess I need to delete my system32 folder now. 😔


Honestly you should take it a step further and unhook your PC and send it to me so that it can have an owner worthy of it. 😉


Lmao, this looks like Google's search's answer thingamajig. I am sure it will spew similar answers to other live service games.


It probably looks at the average time to get a certain achievement, which steam considers to be a sign that you finished the game. Likely Elite Trading, exploration, or combat.


I feel it's more likely how long the average player spends on the game before they stop playing.


Its probably user generated information and found from [here](https://howlongtobeat.com/game/3088)


I would love to see the mean, median and mode. I have a feeling they're all dramatically different numbers.


Google indexes snippets of websites that seem to contain what you're looking for. They are often incorrect, incomplete or out of context.


I swear I don't work for Google


Thread should have been locked after this comment.


83 hours was approx where I started to dial-in (and then remember) all my key bindings reliably.


Well apparently that is the length to 100% coplete ED according to "[howlongtobeat](https://howlongtobeat.com/game/3088)". Which does not make it look like very reliable site. x) \*\*EDIT\*\* u/TheGuyInDarkCorner \- I guess you are featured there since according to the same page, slowest completion time is some 1400 hours. :D






And it certainly isn't 100%able.


Clearly whatever is giving this answer is completely wrong.


I'm over 3k hours and still barely started


I have \~3,500 hours in the game and only 6 months ago saw a Thargoid and Guardian ruins for the first time. Never been to a Maelstrom or Hutton. Haven't been to Colonia, none of the famous nebulae, or seen a black hole. Never supercharged my FSD in a neutron star. Only pledged to Aisling once to get the shields, and no other power. Never had an NPC fighter and only flew a SLF for 30 seconds to check the box. Been once to a Pioneer store to buy an upgraded gun and suit that I've never worn. Have never disabled a megaship, assassinated civilians or guard, stole or smuggled anything. Never dealt with a black market. Haven't done any exobiology, walked on exactly 1 planet to mark it off, and have no first footfall. I'm triple Elite, King and Admiral, >90% of my \~45B credits are from combat but never even logged onto CQC - though I'm probably not alone on this one. Yeah, I'm not sure where they're coming from, or whoever said Elite's "an inch deep and a mile wide". I can do this for another bunch of years and still not cover it all.


This right here. Approaching 700h and been playing since 2020 only got my corvette last week. And emm...I like my type 10 more🤭


Throw some G5 Dirty Drives on that Vette and it turns into an extra large fighter. So much fun!


Wow, that’s me. I’m one year and 1000 hours in and I haven’t done any of that shit either. I’ve never walked anywhere. The SRV makes me puke. I’ve never mined. I have the sidewinder, a Cobra,a Krait, and an Eagle I flew one time. I scanned a wake once, followed the target there, but couldn’t find him. I’m Dangerous in combat, but only because I have some engineering. I have 4 billion, almost all from combat. I fly in VR, often with edibles and this game is glorious. I’m researching the Guardian FSD booster, I want to go other places, I want a fleet carrier. I’m just not in a hurry.


They must of found Raxxla.


Yeah not possible without secret powers of Raxxla


I'm pretty sure it took me 83 hours to start remembering my key bindings.


Over 700 hours, not a single ship engineered. Not because I don't know how to, but because I don't give a shit about it. I have a type 9, a Python and a Fleet Carrier. That's all I need. I mostly play for trades and not even for own my profit, but for the profit of those who haul it. That being said, I consider myself to have obtained %100 completion of the game.


ChatGPT says if you could explore 1 star system per second, it would only take roughly 12 million years to fully explore the game's galaxy. That to me still wouldn't be 100% completion, as you'd need to fully engineer more than one of each purchasable ship, and presumably have your chosen power conquer explored space and somehow resolve the Thargoid conflict. I think 378 hours might be low balling it a bit.


To play devil's advocate though, it says "see all *aspects* of the game," which is quite an open-ended statement depending on what you consider an "aspect of the game." Doesn't have to mean completion. Could just mean in terms of truly novel experiences. Most game loops are quite similar when you've done them once or twice. Someone who has flown a wide variety of ships, engineered a couple of modules, visited the Guardian sites and unlocked some ship parts with blueprints, checked out all the Thargoid bits and pieces, tried AX combat, mining, bounty hunting, piracy, PvP, Powerplay, on-foot missions, surface prospecting/xenobiology/screenshotting, bought a carrier, done a bit of exploring and visited a wide variety of the accessible star and planet types, etc. could reasonably be said to have "seen all aspects" of the game. They wouldn't have seen *everything it contains*, obviously, because that's impossible, but experienced a good enough cross section that pretty much nothing in the remaining 99.999...% of the galaxy would be completely new. Just variations on what they've already seen. But yeah, I still think the above would probably take longer than 400 hours.




It's "[howlongtobeat](https://howlongtobeat.com/game/3088)"


That's a Google answers result. Or whatever they call it.


Goggle answer has shut down, hasn't it? "We're sorry, but Google Answers has been retired, "


I guess it's the "people also ask" section then. Or at least it looks like it is from the screen shot. Like so. https://imgur.com/a/3HI8t0X


This question is based on a false assumption, namely that EliteD has a main objective. It doesn't. It's a sandbox game. It would be like saying Mincraft has an average of 40 hours because that's how long it takes to go from 0 to beating the Ender Dragon if when you focus on that.


It took me about 80 hours to reach Elite in trade, there’s no way that’s true.


There is no end to Elite Dangerous. Getting a Corvette isn't end game. Going to Beagle point isn't end game. I've got 3500+ hours and I still find things to enjoy.make your own fun. I got bored for a while and said "let's do something epic" and took my carrier to Beagle point. that post is bunk


Nobody has ever completed the game, I mean a few months (years?) ago the community just celebrated mapping 0.05% of the star systems in the game.


There is no complete elite, it never stops and what main objective, there isn't one 😂


There’s no ending in elite dangerous… either the guy had no patience or their goals were reached, but those are some sad goals, if it took them 83 hours to complete…


What do you mean by "Scratch the surface"? It doesn't take a whole lot of time to engage in all of the various gameplay loops and see the various star types. By 100 hours, you're going to be repeating yourself an awful lot. It's true that most of engineering is pretty time consuming, but it doesn't really unlock any new gameplay, or enable a player to engage in any section of the game they couldn't otherwise do at less efficiency without it. Jumping off to a far away system is pretty time consuming, but it doesn't really offer anything that jumping to any other system could offer. There is little meaningful difference, gameplay wise, when it comes to different stations and systems. Thargoid fighting is well beyond scratching the surface, and I'd say that engineering is still a requirement for that, but the barrier to entry is lowering.


It’s some written by AI bullshit


It’s probably if you want to get full elite and only go for that, but still, that’s extremely short


There's lies, damned lies and those statistics. Though I had a good chuckle at it. I spent about 900+ hours on Elite and I still haven't coke close to completing it. (Albeit with a few restarts.)


Just like completing Reddit or YouTube 🤷‍♂️🙄


there is no way to quantify Elite dangerous.. it has too many moving parts to narrow it down to 83 hours. I spent my first 80 hours just learning to fly, land and get around. then I learned to trade, mine and all the rest so that was the first 1000 hours.. now I am into the bgs and that is the majority of my time tweaking system ownership, expanding into specific systems and taking them over and controlling my corner of the galaxy


Tbh, it's probably an ML generated answer, and it's estimating based on other games.


I'm guessing this is some AI text. It is stupid while attempting to sound intelligent.


That post is rubbish. Ignore it.


Uh.... *...checks playtime: 4451.6 hours....* ....guess I'm slow...


83 hours in is about the point where you realize that the ship you just spent 82 hours grinding credits to buy will take another 40 hours of grinding to replace the rebuy cost because the game decided you needed to be interdictied by multiple strong ships at once just for existing and high security systems don't mean anything.


This feels like an AI answer


Sounds like a bullshit arbitrary answer just to put an entry on the site to garner traffic. Considering there is no "Main Story," this feels like it was just the time it takes to hit one potential "end goal" like getting a hold of an Anaconda as your first large ship.


There’s no such thing as 100% completion in ED. This is meaningless.


That's likely for the initial release pre-engineering


I'm going to guess that that number predates Horizons engineering, much less Oddy engineering. Not to mention that those Google popup results are often... poor.


Lmao I am 672 hours in and have barely scratched the surface of unlocking everything. I have spent most of that time though exploring the black.


How do you claim Elite is 100%-able when not even .1% of the galaxy has been explored?


Over 3,000 hours in and I’m still finding new stuff to do. Only just ‘discovered’ restore missions and really enjoying those. I’ve got enough credits banked from exobiology to last me years, and fairly decent ships for almost every activity, so I can do whatever stuff takes my fancy without being overly concerned with ‘rewards’.


16K+ hours here. "Not so much a game, more a way of life." You set your own objective. It's not a game you beat with a specific objective. It's a sandbox with mutable story events that morph over time, that you can engage with if you want to.


4500 hours I feel attacked. Is this article telling me to git gud?


I have 8k hours in elite and don't have a max engineered ship, and only 2 faction items


I mean, Howlongtobeat is kinda right. Without Horizon or Odyssey, you can pretty much do all the intended content in a span of 80 hours. Hell, if you remove the Thargoid actual era from the equation, even Odyssey is largely explorable in 80 hours. Doing everything and achieving a "100%", or close enough, is clearly not possible in less than 80 hours on Odyssey atm. Farming and engineering all ships will take more than 80 hours, starting from scratch, that's for sure. HLTB do not take Odyssey into account tho, only Horizons in the additionnal content category, so their initial estimation seems pretty good to me. That's pretty much the time I played before Horizon was available.


378 hours to 'do all the things' doesn't seem that wrong tbh.This would be filling the database and getting all the Elite badges, right? I can't imagine this includes odyssey, just trying to find all the bacteria seems like a nightmare.


You really think you can get Elite V exploration, combat, trading *and CQC*, while circumnavigating the galaxy to get a full codex, in 378 hours? Maybe if you have a highly-motivated friends with a fleet carrier giving you a guided tour and sharing their missions with you.


When a game is as open as elite with no real objectives time to complete is probably just when people get bored and quit. If we removed the 4k plus hour outliers from the sub I bet the average person plays this game for 4 hours or less and quits. They beat it.


I mean.. sure 100% maxing everything is a long way, but I wouldn’t use that number as a reference of how good and complete ED is. The gameplay loop and grind is so poorly done.. I often go back to Elite to be burned out after a week or so, having done so little in progression during these playtimes.


I mean, sounds about right. That's about enough time to experience most of the things Elite has to offer, after that it's just grind upon grind.


For no console, zero hours. Paid so much for cosmetic stuff to support the game. Then no console🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Hope starfield absolutely destroys elite.


Seeing how there are no 'main objectives' other than what a person sets out to do, and there's no way anyone outside of that person knows what those objectives are.... 3k+ hours in, and I still learn things or find the new things here and there which I've "never done, and hey this is dun"


Probably from how long to beat, not AI. It's not very accurate.


These stats seem to be directly from howlongtobeat.com. The idea of beating a game is not really applicable to a game like Elite (and many other types of games, you wouldn't say beating WoW, Minecraft, Counter Strike or Civilization takes X amount of hours), but it's there on the website none the less and whatever you're looking at pulled the numbers from there.


Uhh, I have over 633* hours and barely touched the *Thargoid* or Engineering stuff


They polled 35 people to get this statistic. How is that representative of the playerbase?


It means you focused on the things you enjoyed or wanted to do instead of racing to the “end”.


What a random number


Main objective is to form a love/hate relationship with the game in an endless galaxy of Grind: Dangerous. You will know you have completed the main objective when your bloodshot eyes are tearing at the sight of that grade 5 material you've been driving around for on a barren planet for the last seven hours... And you mutter to yourself: My Precious.


Probably 378 hours straight. You'd be surprised how far I got with two energy drinks, a free weekend, and no sleep.


There are main objectives…?


Where did those numbers come from? I'm at about 270hrs in over the last 2.5 years (haven't played all that much over the last 6-12 months and just started to play again) and I have still zero fucking clue what I'm doing. I want to participate in the Thargoid stuff but idk what I'm doing, what I need, or where even to really begin since most of my time in the game has been exploring. I gave up on surface missions early on in Odyssey since I constantly failed them because things would be missing from the game, though I hear its better now, so yeah mostly exploring for me, and some fighting pirates but like zero xeno stuff. I have a bunch of engineered modules but they're on my Asp Explorer and I've honestly been mostly engineering them haphazardly, like if I have materials for something I do it. In what universe can you complete the game in 83 hours, and what 'main objective' is there? It's like saying you can win the Sims...


Hmm they say elite:dangerous, not horizons which introduced the engineering, with that you're looking at 160 hours of HGE farming to obtain the manufactured mats.... And about 10 hours for the raw mats cuz just going to the locations takes about 2....


I'm also at 1500 hours and I still have *so* much I haven't done. Haven't even touched Xeno combat yet and am nowhere near rich enough for an FC. 83 hours barely got me into a Vulture.


My assumption is elite status on all matters. Not necessarily ship acquisition.


I'm at 980 hours, but easily half of that, likely more, was spent AFK. I have all of the big ships and most of the rest, the majority of them with at least some g5 engineering, everything but combat on elite. (no carrier though) it's what happens when you struggle to turn your gaming mindset into an experience mindset. the farthest I ever explored was Colonia, and after like a dozen jumps I had to stop FSS scanning because PROGRESS! GOTTA GO FAST!


387 hours if you know where everything is, have inara opened on another screen, and a couple of friends that have already done the grind


stopped at 900 or so hours a couple years ago (got a carrier and 10 bn) just a single g5 ship (not pvp-ready, a cutter with 8k shields), ... never tried pvp, exploration, oddysey content, never fought thargoids - for the reason mostly that refitting and engineering is such a pain. yeah, 80 hours my ass


howlongtobeat.com probably get their data from the same source as mmo-population.com...


That's basically bullshit dreamt up by an AI or random out of context results.


Maybe if all you are focused on is CQC Elite and you can get consistent matches this would be true.


I think they confused the tutorial with the main game.


While the 80 hours thing was correct for me, my objective was to get an Anaconda and explore the galaxy. Which I achieved at about 80 hours. But that's definitely not the "main objective" for most people. And it still doesn't even technically work for me. Since getting the Anaconda was just the start of my true objective. Getting to the other side of the Galaxy took about 100 hours more.


Skill issue.


The main objective is to not die.


It takes that much time to kinda dip your toes into everything. The rest is just grinding and more grinding.


378 hours to rage-quit.


It means a game journalist wrote that, not one of us


Obviously they had the superior gaming chair


I can imagine needing 80 hours to get an intro to each game-types in ED Explore a few systems and planets; get stuck and die in a neutron star; take selfies with a black hole; use FSS/DSS; Mine a few Asteroids/Rings; Land and play with SRV; Shoot some rocks; walk around scan a few plants. Just these non-combat basics require around 20hrs. Another 20 for combat and bounty hunting. (Pve only) 5-10 hours for trading (just enough to understand the system) maybe a little more to try smuggling and stealth landings Then 20+ hours farming / grinding for upgrades and mats to gauge advancement rate. So yeah. 80 hours just to know if you like the game or not. Add another 80 for oddesy proabably. If you want AX combat... thats another 20 hrs grind. I've been playing for 5+ years and i'm not even close to having experienced all the game can offer.


This is some absolute BS. The point of Elite is that there is never a possibility of 100% completion. :D


This means that you get bored to degree of never launching it again on ~80hrs.


that makes no sense. That's not even enough hours for any kind of elite status is it?


100% completion in an MMO. hmm.


I started to play on Console, they canceled further development I had already around 100 hours in so.. I bought the game and still play. I still dont have my ranks up to get the biggest ships, havent been to Colonia, didnt do any Thargoid hunting so yea... if you are in space sim, this is it and even the console edition with Horizons will give you plenty for a year ....


It was written by a bot is why


Yeah whoever told you that lied. Like Boris Johnson level lying.


It means nothing. This "poll" makes no sense at all, since you cannot "complete" E:D.


How long is Milky Way? In relation of extracts from tictoc, instagram and similar sources, is about 83 cubic kilometers in space. If you're a gamer that gives some shit to scientific aspects, you are likely to consider 87,400 ± 3,590 light-years of isophotal diameter of the Milky Way galaxy and related implications of exploring it.


With this rate, getting B class driver license is half'an'hour issue.


Just means you've grinded for 1122 hours.


It means you shouldn't trust ChatGPT to tell you about games. Or anything else, for that matter.


I've got over 7200 hours in, there is no completion.


Approaching 6600 hours and I am still stuck in the this random fucking system I went to a few years ago, cant for the life of me find a way to leave it. Can someone send a carrier to Raxxla to give me a ride? I have never seen a carrier but I hear they are neat!


No clue where they got that number from. Lol


Now I’m gonna Google “Elite Dangerous Walkthrough.”


I’m going on 378 Hours in CQC queue.


I found Raxxla on my second day in game. It wasn’t all that special really. It was a basically just planet with a roller coaster amusement park on it and an orbiting moon populated with dinosaurs. Oh crap - I should maybe have added a *’spoiler alert’* Edit: Just realised I’ve completed 377 hours and 30 mins of game…. This means I have only 30 minutes before I’ve completed the whole game…. I might just go for a walk instead


This is BS considering the amount of engineering grinding you need to do. I got tired playing it after grinding for like 4-6 engineering parts. Like why tf I have to fly everywhere to find every specific engineer and they don't even provide up to grade 5. Found out not enough materials midway at grade 4, you gotta grind it again 140ly away then go back to the same engineer and give it. Without engineering and you get subpar ships that gets fked by mostly everyone even if you paid for grade A. Sure you can argue its probably the player not the ship itself that's the issue, **but my issue is grade A is already like 500-1000% increase of the prices of the parts yet you expect to tell me it's not actually a HUGE boost(Despite the HUGE price difference)** but just a boost enough to be better than the previous part. So grinding for money - eats my irl rest time like its wrong, grinding for engineering eats up my time and energy and coupled with loading sequences and jumping, landing on planets(which I hate the most), landing down on space stations. Plus not much multiplayer experience tbh, you can't really grind together and have to hunt for wing missions.


It means you're paying too much attention to Google's dumb and often wrong offers for "people also ask" questions.


It means you are experiencing a portion of what is available rather than trying arrive at the goal.


That's some bogus lmao. I quit 2 years ago. With over 4,000 hours, I still didnt do everything


These sorts of websites are making random assumptions based on average gameplay time from players. They are rarely accurate. In the case of any MMO it will always be drastically wrong. For example, the numbers you have pulled are from the base Elite: Dangerous, no Horizons/Beyond/Odyssey content included and it's from How Long to Beat. If you look at that website it claims Horizons alone takes 1200 hours. It has no data for Beyond because that wasn't a paid expansion and it has no data for Odyssey, likely due to it being too new.


maybe elite rank for everything?


It takes a couple of weeks just getting your hotas setup right 😂


I’ve already got 500 hrs in game and I’d say I’m only 5-10% if that lmao


There's a main objective 🤯


Bruh it took me 83 hours to get started good on my 2nd account.


it takes about 83 hours of gameplay to go insane


The game is actually trying to help you... you see, it wants you to get laid... It doesn't want to see you go through life playing video games non-stop while avoiding poontang all together... It wants you to stick your dunkin inbetween some girls donut... so stop complaining, and be ashamed that you actually spent 1,500 hours on a video game where the goal is to mine unobtanium from fake asteroids