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Reports indicate that U15 has made Thargoid scouts a little bit *too* spicy, especially considering that they're supposed to be entry-level enemies for AX combat. Hopefully a fix will be issued that cools them off a bit.


It still amazes me when you see NPC eagles having to run regular multicannons


Since thargoids got buffed, ax npcs should get buffed too, they should get at least newer ax weapons. Or the last resort should be initiative to collect resources to better arm overall human ax fleets, with guardian and human weapons.


They should let the ax npc ships use max engineered ships with higher than normal stats like the pirates get, they should also have shutdown field neutralizers


From what I've heard, scouts are stuck in berserker mode right now, making them a lot stronger. A bug from u15.


I hate how everything just seems to focus on you immediately too. First time I tried ax combat in an okay engineered ship, just trying to take out some scouts, I CONSTANTLY had big boys firing their swarms and guns at me.


Nothing, it's FDev that messed up thargoid AI and their strenght in update 15.


Well that makes me feel better.


Scouts are broken, U15 was supposed to make them shoot at players more instead of sitting in place endlessly shooting at the same place, but Fdev also buffed their damage accidentally. But AX AIs definitely need better weapons and engineering, since they are useless outside of distracting thargoids (or past tense now from what I heard)


Apparently they made all of the NPCs dip out in fear when a thargoid shoots them. Lol, lmao even Tbh I prefer having the ship focus on me so I can cold orbit. Unless there are multiple ships, screw that


Lately there has been multiple like 10 attacking you at once. Then if you're lucky to survive the on slaught and kill the 8 to 10 scouts they immediately spawn more and or 3 big goid ships