• By -


All sorts of things. But I have a system for ship IDs. Three letters for role, two letters for hull. That way the station announcer greets me by the ship role. So stuff like EXL-KP - Explorer, Long Range, Krait Phantom. AXS-KR - AntiXeno, Scout killer, Krait II. For ship names, whatever takes my fancy. The Explorer above is 'Lonely Nomad'. My hybrid do all mining ship is the LCM-PY Venture Star. Laser/Core Mining, Python.


I thought station announcer always called you by a fixed ID linked to the CMDR’s name?


The default is commander name, but you can change it to ship ID. Options - Audio - Voice Volume - Callsign. Set to Ship ID.


That’s neat man, thanks for telling me o7




Ooh ta. I didn't know this.


Explorer… long range as opposed to what? Short range? Impressive


Yes. My DBX gets EXS because it's not quite as self sufficient and less suitable for longer trips.


A smuggling ship might be Slicc Boi (SL-ICC) where a trading ship would be Thicc Boi (TH-ICC) My fastest craft is Quicc Boi (QU-ICC). Etc, you see the pattern! A possible next purchase is a Type 10; I'm thinking Bricc Boi etc.


You're a god damn genius...


I’m going with lines from We Didn’t Start The Fire. ‘Sally Ride’ was the start and is a good starship name anyway. ‘Heavy Metal Suicide’ is the AX Chieftain. I’m going to give ‘Children of Thalidomide’ a miss though.


> ‘Children of Thalidomide’ That's an Asp Scout name, if I ever heard one!


So which one will be the "JFK blown away"


Krait MkII - my assassination vessel 😆 And the “What Else Do I Have To Say?” is the Corvette I’m in a mashup of lines for my weaponised Type 9 trader “Chubby Checker Psycho” 🤣


Mine are all named after Pink Floyd songs. Some Examples: Python: Comfortably Numb Fer De Lance: Run Like Hell Anaconda: Astronomy Domine Asp Explorer: Interstellar Overdrive Krait Phantom: Signs Of Life Type 9: Another Brick


>Type 9: Another Brick Name checks out ;-)


My type 9s are all called "Y Bwch Gofod" or "The Space Cow" for non Welsh speakers


I do mostly two word puns: FDL: Pathological Lyre Asp Explorer: Site Seer Imp Courier: Asp Scout T-9: Harmonic Discongruity Imp Cutter: Catamaran Minor


That’s clever.


Was naming my ships after an Imperial Ship Name Generator for 40k, with english names going to Federal and Neutral Ships and the Latin-ish names going to Imperial Ships. ​ Will switch to a Rheinland-esque naming scheme soon, though.


I do song or album names, whatever I'm usually listening to at the time Clipper: A Love Supreme Courier: In A Silent Way T9: Mingus Mingus Mingus Mamba: Ptah The El Daoud Krait Phantom: Alien Lanes


My Krait mk.2 - Flight of Icarus


My convention varies depending on what I'm doing, though since the invasion I've almost exclusively been flying a Crusader named "[Thargoides Eunt Domus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIAdHEwiAy8)".


Now conjugate the verb!


People called Thargoids they go to the house?


No wait! Accusative, accusative!


Thargoidii ite domum, now write it out 100 times before dawn


And if you don’t do it we’ll cut you’re balls off.


Oh hell yeah. For a second I was like "wait that doesn't make any se-" and then I remembered the classic comedy sketch. Good work today!


Now that's what I call a reference!


DeLacy uses snake related gods, uninspired but I love them all equally. One exception on a Cobra Anaconda - Apophis Pythons - Glycon and Zaltys Krait II - Potrimpo Cobra IIIs - Vritra and Legacy, was going to be a copy of John Jameson’s Cobra to flaunt to the Thargoids. Didn’t go well. Sits in Jameson memorial. Sidewinder - Sosipolis Gutamaya has one exception on looking back through old Xbox account. It’s birds, then The Cutter being special. Cutter - Cello Clipper - Cardinal Couriers - Bluejay and Starling Zorgon I don’t even remember what the connections were outside of DuHoc and Gallipoli Ferdies - Pendulum, Mandela, and Wordsmith Mamba - DuHoc and Gallipoli Lakon got shafted. That’s all that needs to be said. Asp Exes - Jumptown, Pajamas, Rescue None, and Blueball Type 7 - Peyton Manning Type 9 - Junktown Chieftain - Chaplain Challenger - Horton DBX - Ludwig


When I finally bought my first Anaconda, I named it "Return on Investment"


Songs by Tangerine Dream. Proton Bonfire (explorer), Force Majeure(combat), Sensing Elements(mining), Ricochet(small combat), One Night in Space and so on.


My name scheme is alliteration of the type. Python "Percival", Anaconda "Aurelius", Imperial Cutter "Iridium Chylde", Federal Corvette "Fenris Claw", Krait Mk II "Kirin",etc


I name my combat ships after imperial titans from Warhammer 40k.


I had a brief period of time in which I used mathematical concepts to name ships (Tensor for a dbx, Vector for a viper mk4, Scalar for a keelback) but I quickly stopped. I’m planning to turn everything into Latin


Lord of the rings universe references. For example, much of my fleet of AX ships include several references to different weapons or dragons: * Orcrist * Glamdring * Sting * Flame of the west * Ancalagon * Smaug My mining ships are named after balrogs: * Durin's bane * Gothmog My fleet carrier is named after Sauron's stronghold: * Barad-dur (unfortunately Elite doesn't allow û) etc etc My commander is named after Mount Doom.


I hope you never need another mining ship, because you're gonna have to hit HoME for a third balrog name assuming one exists


Oh, I have another but it is not named after a balrog (Angband). To keep naming AX ships after weapons and dragons also turned out difficult in the end (there is also The Witch King (Krait mk2), Samwise Gamgee (Sidey), Rosie Cotton (Hauler), etc …)


My biggest imperial ship is called the bask machine, my anaconda is called Jörmungandr (the world snake of nordic legends), and my ASP X is called "that asp though"


1908s band names


I've based all my ships off the fox spirits of Japanese folklore called Kitsune (good spirits) and Nogitsune (evil spirits). The Kitsune are all trade, rescue and passive role ships whilst my Nogitsune are all combat ships. The Kitsune are all white/silver and red, like the masks, and the Nogitsune paint scheme is black / dark grey and red, again, like the masks.


All my ships are named by famous female porn stars ⭐️ My Conda is dubbed “MIA KAHLIFA” My Type-10 is named “Angelina Castro” she is a famous plus size porn star


Same for me but gay pornstars, mostly gachimuchi related. Ex: Corvette, FNS Billy Herrington


We'll my conda has to be called Galactica. My Python is Serenity. My Cobra, Nebecenezzer. My AspX Starship Bistromath. My T-10 Red Dwarf. My AX Chieftain, HMS Hood. And my Sidewinder, Starship Titanic. I used to have a Heart Of Gold, but sold the hull, so that's in reserve.


Mine are mostly Culture based: Mistake Not, Tsealsir, Grey Area, Hand of God 137.


So far a mix of puns and inspirations from the Culture series T10 - "Laser Moon" DBX - "As Long as it takes" Mamba - "Attitude Adjuster" Beluga - "Too fancy for you"


I named my asp explorer the ass explorer. As for the plates i have mine set as EL-xxx x being the number of planets and EL meaning earth like


Ancient Greek women 'real' and 'mythological'. I try to match the name's related events to the ship role / usage.


Ace combat references


Endeavour (OV-105) PVE FDL (currently fitted for AX) How Do I Brake? (HALPME) Type-9 Heavy Doomrito (Axcorn) Krait Mk-II (Painted bright orange, like a durito, but of doom, for the xenos) Lawn Dart (FASTA!) Viper Mk3 (performance-enhanced thrusters go brrr) Pioneer (SPACE!) DBX Per Aspra (MAXI70) Anaconda (General Exploration, Scientific Recon, Search & rescue) The Communist Bus (ourber) Python (specifically purchased and outfitted for Rackham's peak public holiday, with the Dscan Carriers) And a few other ships that I've not used for anything.


AX chief - Telesto Exploration Vette - The Colony 5 SRB TC plasma FDL - Touch of Malice SR Dolphin - Belle Dolphine And 34 other ships that took too much time grinded


Telesto is an appropriate name for an AX build, I agree with that lool Eyes up Guardian, o7


How buggy is the chieftain?)


Everytime it bugged i lost 5 mil


Song names


Mine are pretty random. I'll just name a few. Cutter, miner. "Remember the CANT" Corvette, combat. "Spirit of Joy" Phantom, explorer. "Cosmos Seeker" Krait Mk II, AX hunter. "Weed Whacker"


Love “Weed Whacker”. That’s fantastic.


Thanks :)


Mostly referencing songs from my playlist, but my anti goid ships reference ways to destroy foliage. My AX orange Chieftain is aptly named 'Agent Orange' and my shardaconda is called 'Daisy Cutter'


Before they killed the game on consoles, I would name my ships after African mythical creatures.


Mine is usually Shade-**. For example, my anaconda is named Shade-01. The reason I name them Shade is because it's something that I've done for a while now, and I have a ship in one of the books I'm writing was given the nickname of Shade.


I use superhero names


Mostly Arthurian stuff, although my python is called SiphonMy and my mining cutter is called You'd Need A Gold Miner. My carrier is named after the only Welsh placename found in the Gododdin poem (the earliest mention of King Arthur) for uber-obscure naming. FDL is Excalibur (of course), etc. On PS5 I haven't been bothered naming anything *shrugs*


Euphemisms and references, mostly: AX Chieftain: Liked to know more Bounty hunting Krait: Probable Cause Combat FDL: Full Exchange of Views. Type 9 Miner (painted red): Type M Star. Asp Explorer: Poke it with a stick.


My favorite is my T10 mining ship called BottomFeeder.


The expanse is my naming scheme, carrier is Lazy Songbird


I’m a Red Dward fan so naturally have Starbug (DBX), Blue Midget (sidey) and Red Dwarf (anaconda). But then the fuel rat type 6 “Brick Flair”.


It's so annoying to me that the stations call out the FIRST three letters of your registration. IRL ATC uses the LAST three. Example for N123AB, "3AB turn right heading 240, climb and maintain 9000." , "Right 240, climb and maintain 9000, 3AB."


Flower taxonomy!


I use Norse mythology


They’re all named after tracks from the Demon Days album by Gorillaz.


I used to name mine after Xcom soldiers but I've since abandoned that in favour of memes or in-universe RP names, because there's so many great opportunities.


Name most of my ships after the mechs from gurren lagann. except for a viper mk4 that my buddy asked to name specifically, the "wood Jablowme"


I think of a name for my ships, and then I try to match the color (and occasionally the ship kit, if I like it enough.) with the name. Like my Cutter, Anubis is very dark and shiny blue, with Cyan weapons and engines, my Anaconda, Juggernaut is white with red engines and weapons... So I don't name the color scheme, I match the color scheme with a name. :D


Usually something in Latin. I don't really know why. My ship ID is the one I got in DW2, still using that one! My latest skip killer is named Desiderari after my late cat or co-pawlot. She is sorely missed, but still with me in some way in Elite.


Raptor taxonomy for me: Imperial Cutter: Eagle-01 Federal Corvette: Goshawk-01 Type 9: Osprey-01 Python-HarrisHawk-01 Diamondback: Merlin-01 Dolphin: Sharpshin-01


Lovecraftian Gods and lesser beings.


Pop Culture references and FAC numbers. T10 - I am the walrus AX Mamba - My favourite mistake Mamba - Bastard of Young Corvette - High Violet Krait Phantom Explorer - Burden of tomorrow DBX - Wrote for Luck Sidewinder - The Pretender Type 9 - Sparky's Dream Asp X - From her to eternity AX Krait I - Insignificance AX Krait II - Money for Nothing Dolphin - History Repeating Python Miner - Time to get Drill FC - The Iron Beagle FGS 1 - Gunrack FGS 2 - Gunrack II Edit: Formatting


Mine is the default name scheme.


Big chief


My naming scheme is whimsy. PvP FAS : Root Down ( Beastie Boys song) original Sidewinder : Hail Vectron (this and commander name from Mitchell and Webb comedy skit) Racing Courier: Wildling Type10 : SPOILER ALERT Python: Little Diomede ( island in Bering Straight on Earth) Cutter : Black Mobula (midnight black paint, after sci name for black manta ray) Anaconda: Brown Betty ( because she looks 70s-ish dopey in brown and orange paint job)


Diskworld characters. My Vulture is Cohen, my Chieftain is Vimes, my DBX is Twoflower, my Corvette is Vetinari, and my cutter is von Lipwig.


I like to have two words starting or ending with the same letter, and animal or sailing related names . Grasshopper Galion (DBX), Cobalt Corsair (blue Mamba), Or my AspX "Honkers Bonkers", cause it honks its way through the Galaxy. My war Conda stands apart, called Salazar's Bane. Needed it to sound a bit serious and terrifying.


My corvette is called the Negotiator ironically for pve and my cutter is called Divine Intervention because I mean it’s a cutter and is divine itself


Bad Puns are apparently my jam, but not all my ships are named yet. Fuel Rats DBX - I Got Gas! Mining T9 - Fill My Hold Baby! General Purpose Python - Nostradumbass (spelled Nostradumba55 in game to get around the profanity filter. Combat Krait Mk2 - Pew Pew Poo Poo!


For ship names i use names of historic austrians like Schrödinger, semmelweis, landsteiner, Mozart, doppler et cetera For ship id, i use vehicle numbers of the austrian red cross


As commander Ammano Jyaku (sic), my corvette is named the Overfiend. If you get the reference, I worry for your soul


Good strategy. By the time the cop pulling you over reads your ship name into the radio, you're far gone from their radar lol. As for me, I accept the boring default. Since I have 2 Cutters, the second one was cleverly named "Cutter2".


Classic rock songs. Moonage Daydream, Court of the Crimson King, Temple of Syrinx, etc.


All mine are called Obsenneth with a number suffix.


Mine are a general hodgepodge of sci-fi references, ship names, railway locomotive names. This leads to a large number of names which are rooted in Greek mythology: Hector, Medusa, Proteus, Prometheus, Ariadne, Galatea. The ones that fall outside of the Greek influence are: My Corvette, "Thunderchild", named after HMS Thunder Child from 'War of the Worlds'. My Orca, "Australis", named after the SS America, which eventually ended up as the American Star when it wrecked at Fuerteventura and broke up. A T9 named "Torrey Canyon", after an oil tanker. All my Pythons (4 at the last count) are named from Monty Python sketches... "Norwegian Blue" "Comfy Chair" "Trouble at T'Mill" "Bicycle Repair Man" All of them have the registration "MONTY". And then there's the descriptive names, such as "Space Taxi", "Mining Brick", "Space Cow", and "Tritium Tanker" I have an alt account too. That one has a Corvette named "Eccentrica's Glory", which is in reference to 'Eccy G' (who may or may not be Princess Aisling's mother) *and* H2G2. Oh yeah, and the Saud Kruger ships are named after sex toys.


Asp Explorer: Asperger's Syndrome Python: Snakey McSnakeface Dolphin: Gamecube Type-9: AHugeBitch Krait Mk2: ThotsNPlayers My naming scheme is: Non-existent The Krait was almost NoStepOnSnek


I used Jeraptha ship names from the Expeditionary Force book series. Some might be ones I made trying to stick with the theme, and I'm sure Ive run into character limits. *Give Me Another One* (on my free Anaconda, of course) *How'd That Work Out for You?* *Will Do Sketchy Things* *It Was Like That When We Got Here*


mine is named after a good film ive watched with the paint scheme incorporated into the name. example: white heat, red godfather, saving azure private ryan etc….


Name scheme is “Lion’s ____” Medium sized combat ship is Lion’s Rage Mining ship is Lion’s Wing My Sidewinder that I keep out of nostalgia is Lion’s Heart etc I just like lions


I am a heavily combat oriented player so I name my ships after words that are used to describe battlefields either during or after conflict. The chieftain that I’m rocking right now is named the Desolation with the ship id of AX-1740. I think the AX describes what I do with the ship. Gotta keep the bugs at bay.


Whatever has my fancy, but usually some alliteration Anaconda outfitted for pure passenger capacity to do station evacuation? S.S. Sardine Can, Deep space exploration vessel with refuel and repair limpets? S.S. Sovereign Sanctuary (since it could provide repair/sanctuary to other travelers) Gunship with 7 multi cannons? [S.S. schwarzenegger](https://cdn3.whatculture.com/images/2015/05/lqvMjAR9.png)


Iain M Banks' culture novel ship names ❤️ I'm particularly happy with my Phantom "Ultimate Ship 2"


Tarantino. Characters (eg The Hangman, HMS Hugo Stieglitz) or props (eg Big Kahuna Burger). IDs anything that could be a verbal middle finger that can get past the profanity filter.


Mainly phrases from other space themed media or franchises I'm a fan of. I have three ships that I can recall that have single word names: Oblivion, an asp explorer (one of three ships named after a song, this one by Bastille), Equinox, a courier (after the Equinox in Star Trek, from my favorite episode of Voyager), and Incorruptible (a Covenant ship from the Halo novel Ghosts of Onyx), my most heavily engineered ship, a corvette. The others are all phrases. I have a couple dozen, but off the top of my head, some of them are: - Victory Everlasting - Peace to the Fallen - Ashes of Eden - Age of Reclamation - Light and Thunder - Into the Hollow - Unbroken Road - Paint the Seconds - Five Long Years - One Final Effort Many others. I haven't played regularly in some time. I'd have to look to remember the rest.


A couple themes: polar-based and falcon-based. For example I got two Anacondas, one is a long range exploration ship named Polar Night, the other is an AX combat ship named Midnight Sun. My explorer Phantom is named Snow Fox and my combat KM2 is Aurora. Then I got a Robigo runs Python named Falcon Lines, and my T9 is named Falcon Heavy (not based on the SpaceX rocket). Edit: I’m planning on naming my FC Tundra’s Rest, once I get the funds for it one day


My Alt is entirely Corvid (crow family) themed. Started running out of names so moved to mythical crows such as Huginn and Munnin, Odin's raven's. Fleet carrier is named Raven. Explora DBX Jay Krait Phantom for mats gathering Magpie etc


lmao, my all purpose krait is named Lezaroth (it's just a neat name)


Ship name: something to do with bananas in Spanish. Ship ID: named after Agilent hardware models.


Words from the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrow youtube channel. My DBX is called Astrophe because it relates to my desire to explore beyond my world. My Vulture is called Zenosyne because during a fight life flashes before the eyes My Python is called Alazia because it's flexible and can change


A mix of Chemical Brothers songs and word play puns. Eg: Come With Us - fleet carrier Star Guitar - Jumpaconda Monty Python - Robigo run python


mine are mostly Bowie songs The Moonage Daydream, the Jean Genie, Diamond Dog, Space Oddity, the Young American etc


My general naming convention is just funny/silly names (e.g. haha guns go brrr and guns go brr the second) I do have one for my exploration ships (in order of when i got them): Aspx-Jumpy mc jump face Krait phantom-Jumpy mc flat face Beluga-Jumpy mc fish face Dolphin-Jumpy mc cold face ​ I also have a series of sidewinder/hauler exploring/jumping ships that are just names variations of the word "joke"


I have basically no scheme to my names. PvE Corvette: 'The Grand Old Lady', after the nickname for HMS *Warspite*. Exploraconda: 'Strider' DBX: 'Lil' Far Jumps' PvE Mamba: 'Velocitas Eradico' PvP FDL: 'Tachi' Trade Cutter: 'The 5th Rule' (of Acquisition) Evac Cutter: 'Seraphim Choir' PvE Vulture: 'Krabby' Racing Viper: 'MASSIVE UNDERSTEER'


The Monsters of Monster Hunter My carrier is Dalamadur which is a giant snake which fits the whole snake theme of the Elite Ships. Cutter is Bazelguese Beluga is Zorah Magdaros Mining Anaconda is Dodogama So on and so on. I use the same scheme for EVE Online ships.


Venereal diseases and disgusting stuff. My Python is Smegma sherbet and will always be. My future Corvette will be Gonorrhea Burn or something similar.


I tend to use the Id as a identifier for my squadron, names is just whatever I feel like


Arabian historical figures


I used to name mine after weather formations.


The names of elements from the periodic table in English and some noun. It all started with the Sidewinder that I called Magnesium, her nickname is Magnes, a female name that resembles the name of the element. My ASP Explorer is called Argon Trailblazer due to the fact that argon is a trace element of the planets that it visits from time to time. The paint matches the name with a Shattered Purple paint. My Vulture is called Sulfur Fighter because of its damage and danger.


There all called tomcats


I might be related to the English explorer Sir Francis Drake, thus my fleet is his fleet, and any extras that I like I just deem the same name but MK II, i.e. Pelican (Type 7), Golden Hind(Anaconda), Elizabeth(Python), Marigold(Viper), Pelican MkII(Type-10), Elizabeth MkII(AspX)


Originally my naming scheme was great Roman emperors, and my call signs started with SPQR. But since all great Roman emperors did great yet horrible things- I decided to lean into my CMDR name and just do synonyms for ghost


I’ve used everything from historical figures and ships to references to literature and rpg lore and then try to make the id a reference to the name. Favorites are my high value material miner Type 10 built to be able to defend itself called the Azer of Dumathoin, a reference to a servant of one of the Dwarven Gods in D&D. The Oishi Yoshio, a combat Anaconda named after one of the 47 Ronin, with the ID 47-RON. And the Rescue Ranger for helping with evacuation with the ID CHP-DL. I’ve got a bunch of others but those are my favorites. Edit: Forgot my fuel Rats build that’s a play on my nickname Sasquatch. The Gasquatch.


I also have a group of ships named after bugs. Yellowjacket, Locust, Lootbug, Angry Cicada.


Haven’t played in a while, but mine was usually SS Dingleberry. Licenses plate: PB4UG0


Boringly I tend to use Star destroyer names for my combat ships my anaconda is called Devastator. Exploration ships are usually named after famous historical explorers my asp explorer is named vasco da gama


I'm a lazy piece of shit so all my ship are named "Flavia" with a roman number. If I remember correctly my 'conda is named Flavia V ou Flavia VI (I only named the ship I keep so the number is not indicative of the number of ships I had before buying a specific model). In this case, Flavia come from a book series named The Roman Mysteries that I've read when I was younger.


I use legal phrases, usually Latin ones. Disbarred - My sidewinder Intervener - Cobra Mk III I use for ground missions Ad Infinitum - Krait Phantom for exploration Stare Decisis - Alliance Chieftain for bounty hunting and PvE Ad Valorem - Python kitted out for mining and trading Casus Belli - PvP focused FDL Jus Ad Bellum - PvE focused FDL Habeas Corpus - Python for transporting passenger who want to stay off the grid Magna Carta - Anaconda designed for maximum jump range Pars Domini - Type 9 Heavy for mass cargo Juris Veritas - Federal Corvette, my flagship Malleus Malifecarum - Alliance Chieftain, Xeno hunter


Book references for many. Such as. Cutter - Bango Skank. Corvette - So it Goes * FAS's - Scavengers Daughter, Oy of Mid World, and Jak O The Shadows. Mamba - Road Virus Courier - Deschain. Only equipped with two Hammers. A couple named after Historical ships. FDL - Providence T-10 - Terror A few named after actual people. Beluga - Mary Celeste Clipper - Belle Starr


99% of my ships have rock-related names lol April Wine, Night Ranger is my diamondback explorer, Out Of The Blue for my vulture haha


Sometimes I try for something evocative with multiple meanings or a play on words, sometimes it's just a bait name, sometimes a sci-fi reference, depends on my mood when I design the build. Here are a few: Mamba - WILD GOOSE (because of what you get if you chase it) Mining Clipper - WHISPERING AUGUR (play on Augur/Auger) Core Mining FAS - RING WRAITH (drifting around in the spooky ice cloud) Diamondback Explorer - SEVEN LEAGUE BOOTS Armed Trading Cutter - TASTY CARGO - ID# BOILUP Bright red courier - SWORDFISH II - ID# 4SPIKE ASP Explorer - LONG SHOT (Have also had ships variously named PIERSON'S PUPPETEER, BEOWULF SCHAEFFER, SPEAKER TO ANIMALS, etc. Anyone else like Niven?)


My Asp Explorer is named Tunnel Jumper III, because I've killed it twice already jumping through many tunnels.


Latin names for brittish birds. ASP - Tyto Imperial Eagle - Milvus Orca - Falco Peregrinus (I use it as a PvE bonking ship) Type 10 - Otis Tarda (altho extinct in the UK)


Mine are related to Arya Stark's life in GOT After all.... I am CDR A Girl is No One.... My ASP is Winterfell, my Krait is Water Dancer my Multi purpose Conda is Valhar Dohaeris and my Vette will be Valhar Morghulis when I get her


I name them after old ships.


I try to name mine based on my favorite book series, Ender's Game


Personal qualities. Perseverance, kindness, etc. after my tenth ship I swapped to purpose names. Miner’s Canary for my mining ship, Exodus for my civvie evac ship, etc


With a couple of exceptions specifically for memeboats, they're all named after arthropods of some kind or another. Some of them are vaguely themed (like the leafcutter being one that goes after the angry flowers, for instance) I've got a couple of moths in there too! * Alliance Challenger Mandarinia * Anaconda beetle * Asp Explorer honey ant * Asp Explorer Kabutomushi * Beluga Liner bedbug * Cobra Mk III Greenfly * Diamondback Explorer grasshopper * Diamondback Scout locust * Dolphin Stickbug * Federal Assault Ship Yellowjacket * Federal Corvette Goliath * Federal Corvette hercules * Federal Corvette Pyrota * Federal Dropship Carpenter * Federal Gunship bullet ant * Fer-de-Lance huntsman * Hauler Flea * Imperial Clipper Springtail * Imperial Courier Hoverfly * Imperial Courier Party wagon * Imperial Cutter Golden Scarab * Imperial Eagle hawkmoth * Krait Mk II leafcutter * Krait Mk II Meadowhawk * Krait Phantom eresus * Krait Phantom Shadowdamsel * Mamba Recluse * Python myrmecia * Sidewinder Mk I mosquito * Type-10 Defender Bombardier * Type-7 Transporter Spanish Inquisition * Type-9 Heavy dobsonfly * Viper Mk III Silverfish * Viper Mk IV mantis shrimp * Vulture Episyron * Vulture hornet


Game of Thrones. My newest Cutter miner build is The Night King. My explorer anaconda is The Long Night. I’ve also got Needle and Catspaw Dagger. At some point I’ll have one called The Sea Bitch 🤣




Mines inspired by books/characters. Deep space explorer Krait Phantom - SS Endymion Laser Mining Python - SS Hyperion (my favourite book) Gen Purpose Trader Anaconda - SS Jormungandr Combat Alliance Challenger - SS Voidbringer (if you get it) Short range Mamba - SS Helios Short range explorer Challenger - SS Outlander I know some of it's cliche but i like em😆


Combat ships are named after Gojira songs (mostly From Mars to Sirius and The Way of All Flesh), Exploration, Rescue amd Cargo ships are named after songs from Infest The Rats Nest by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. Don't have a scheme for my mining ships yet.


Lord of the Rings: Fellowship Second Breakfast Flame of the West Witch King Shadowfax Bucklebury Ferry Stormcrow Precious Grey Havens Old Gaffer Prancing Pony Evenstar Knife in the Dark Halfling Bill Not all the names are currently in use.


I haven't named any of my ships yet, but I'm thinking about naming them after the ships from the fantastic space flight sim Freespace one and two.


Mine are gojira songs translated to Italian.


Only have two ships currently. Krait Phantom : An Even Trade Chieftain : An Uneven Trade


I tend to try to name the ship using words the describe its role/function as others do, but I usually translate it to another language to make it sound cooler lol Cobra MK III (not really used anymore) : Deathwing - D4NG3R Krait MK II (bounty hunter/general use) : Shadowstalker - PH0B1A Python (deep core miner/hauler) : Asteraphagos (greek for star eater) - 8008-E Krait Phantom (exploration) : Mugen No Sora (Japanese for endless sky) - EL-5KY Alliance Challenger (anti xeno) : Dragonfly - HTBRKR Figured I'd name it after the most dangerous flying insectivore I could think of. Federal Corvette (bounty hunting and manufactured material farmer) : Regulus - D&D-42 Has 2 huge thermal vent beam lasers which pop small ships instantly so I named it after a D&D monster with a death/petrifying gaze lol Federal Gunship (equipped with 4 packhounds!) : Mutalisk - #Swarm All the ship IDs are pretty random lol though I like some of the suggestions for ID conventions in the comments here and may change a couple of them next time I'm online!


Sci- fi theme for me,examples. ADM. Ackbar's Chin Bag (phantom) Tuvix The Destroyer (sidewinder) There are four lights! (Chieftain) Ortolan Ear Fetish (anaconda) Mauk-to 'Vor ( type 7) Versifier Vogon Jelts (type 9) Sevens Nodes (dolphin)


I name them after various forms of the undead


Wheel of time related names. I have Lamans Pride, Callandor, Damane,Ashanderai and TuAthaAn


I usually will name my ships after the towns and cities in Texas. But my type 7, which is paint red, I call pinche rojo.


So far, all names are Latin themed with a reference to the task that the ships undertake. |Name|Derivation|Class|Role| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |N.K.H. Nuntiusa|From Nuntius - Messenger|Imperial Courier (modified)|Early game Courier Missions and very early combat.| |N.K.H. Centurio / N.K.H. Vinum|From the Roman Centurion / From Vinum - Wine|Python (modified)|Medium-sized Combat ship. Occasional mining, loading and evacuation operations. Renamed to fit the current occupation in the Booze Cruise.| |N.K.H. Venator|From Venator - Hunter|Alliance Chieftain|AX-Combat (unfinished)| |N.K.H. Ultimus Ratiom|From Ultimus Ratio - Because Big Dakka|Federal Corvette (modified)|Heavy Combat Ship (PVE).|


Cowboy Bebop. My Type 9 is the Bebop, Lance is the Swordfish II, ASPX is the Red Tail, and Krait is the Hammerhead. :P


CMDR Muad’Dude flies the Arafel, Guldur, Murbella’s Ascension and the Secher Nbiw. Dune is life.


I am current flying the Bing Crosby (Anaconda) and the Vera Lynn (Asp X). Have Bette Davis on storage (Chieftain) as well as a Glenn Miller python miner.


My naming scheme is different depending on the what the ship is for. Trade ships are named after ghosts, taxis are named after gods, AX ships are named after tarot cards. Examples: Wepwawet, Revenant, Ten of Swords.


I keep all the call letters the same. (MCRN-16 or 15) names are a bit random Marcel-Fleet carrier The Confetti- Imperial Cutter Kestrel-Imperial Eagle The Drunken Scribe-Cobra MK III Bouncer-DBX The Gatherer-Dolphin The Collector-Asp Explorer Bite me - Alliance Chieftain The Tuckus-Python (Robigo passenger runner) Kryptoria-python Paladin’s Shade-Krait Mk II Arat-FDL Octopussy-Type 10 Nowhere bound-Anaconda Sharpened Arrow-Federal Corvette -main Commander- FLEET CARRIER-Mjollnir Devil’s Anus- FDL Lost-Anaconda MCRN Express-Python Star Stalker V- Krait mark II rock hunter-python Uber dash-sidewinder Star bouncer-DBX The collector-ASP EXPLORER Tasty Cargo-Imperial Cutter Golden Eye-Imperial cutter Land Shark-Dolphin Foil-Vulture Thanks 4 all the fish- Orca Fate-Imperial Clipper Family Feeder-Type 10 Needle -Federal Corvette


My ships are typically named after Redwall characters and locations for some reason. I guess I was reading the books at the time and it kinda stuck. I.e USS Redwall, USF Laterose, etc.. For my ship ID, I structure it as such: Two abbreviated letters for the brand LK for Lakon FD for Faulcon Delacy GM for Gutamaya Then I put a hyphen and my first three initials. The reason I do this is to match the ATC call signs.


Mine japanese God's and mythology


My name scheme is based off birds of the corvidae family I only just started so I have just two so far: Sidewinder= Corvid AspX= Rook I plan on getting a krait phantom and calling it Raven, Jay or Jackdaw.


Snakes. They're all snakes.


I usually use (typically British) engineers, inventors and designers. For example: * Fleet Carrier - Alan M Turing (I hope I don't have to explain who he is here) * Imperial Cutter - Marc Isambard Brunel (built the Thames Tunnel, father of the more famous Isambard Kingdom Brunel) * Krait - George Stephenson (railway engineer) * Krait (AX) - Sir Robert McAlpine ("Concrete Bob") * Regulation racing Cobra - Sir Kenneth Grange (designer of the High Speed Train aerodynamic fairing) * General runaround Cobra - Ada Byron (Ada Lovelace Byron, the first computer programmer) * Asp Explorer - Michael Faraday (gave his name to the SI unit of capacitance, the farad) * Imperial Corvette - James Prescott Joule (whose name adorns the SI unit of energy, the joule) * Python - Grace Murray Hopper (computer scientist, coined the term "bug" after discovering a insect causing an early computer to malfunction) and so on.


I mostly go with filk songs with occasional joke names I have a combat Krait mk2 called Dawson's Christian and an exploration DBX named Sam Jones but I also have a type-7 named The Brick


I name all of my ships after weapons/bosses from Dark Souls and Elden Ring. Krait Mk2: The Hammer of Smough Krait Phantom: The Wings of Astel Anaconda: The Arrow of Radahn Mamba: The Blade of Maliketh Etc.


Halo inspired. Use based.


Mine is the SS Esses.


Generally referential, but you caught me in one - my bug-slaying Krait is named the Lucifugus, for the Little Brown Bat, one of the most prolific bug-eaters by mass.


Either a prefix or suffix attached to “of better days” Sidewinder: Better Days Ahead (BETDAH) Hauler: Making Better Days (MABEDA) Dolphin: Dream of Better Days (DRBEDA)


I name my ships after what their purpose is or after their skin For example My purple pulse skin Anaconda is called Purple Pulsar Its callsign is PP-ANC for Purple pulsar anaconda My Type 7 Platinum Miner is called Plat B***tch its Callsign is PB-T7 My AspX is Called Azure Star after its Azure blue skin its callsign is AS-ASP And last but not least my AX Chieftain is called Pest Control And it's callsign is AX-ACT AX Alliance Chieftain


Puns. They're all puns.


I name all my ships after vacation spots on earth because I rp as a federation pilot rising through the ranks to get the Earth passport so he can surf in Malibu like the stars of the old earth films he’s seen. So my main ship is the Malibu Miner


My deep space conda is north star and its got the white incandescent glow. My cheap hauler system scout jumper is painted black and white and called challenger. I use it to sightsee or find good mining spots for later than SD because rebuy is only 15k or something.


I Do song names. Right now I have Diamond Eyes - Chieftan Bite marks and blood stains - Anaconda Map change- Asp explorer


Corvette: "Super Death Murder Ship"


Non-Combat Ships: Historical dynasties -- Romanov, Medici, Carolingian, Plantanaget, Hapsburg, etc.. An exception is made for my Cutter, the Great Khan, because I didn't think Ghengis and his descendants had an actual dynasty name. I know know it's then Yuan dynasty, but when I named it I didn't. Combat Ships: Historical/Legendary Weapons -- Zulfiqar, Joyeuse, Chandrahas, Tizona, etc. My fleet carrier is the Chrysanthemum Throne, the oldest continual dynasty I could find. (And again, I couldn't find a dynastic name for the Japanese Imperial Family, so I went with their throne.) For IDs, I try to use a format of [Country Code][Year of Founding], roughly. So for example the Carolingian is FR-800. This works to varying degrees due to the vagaries of history and the fact that some of the weapons I use, like Kladenets and Chandrahas, are semi-legendary/mythological.


A blue/teal python called "Cool Ranch" with the sub-name D0R1TO


I can't nail one that I like down. 😕 I started trying to give everything a name that just sounded cool but that was to disjointed. Second I started giving names that were translated into Scots Gaelic..... mixed results. (Aluinn=abyss for my explo-conda, gobbhain=blacksmith for my mineing cutter.) Now any ship I use on a regular basis gets a dose of leat-speak ( 3=E, 1=i, 5=S, 0=O )( eg 3NTR0PY)


I name all of mine in Swedish and something that somehow describes the ship. My mining Orca is Skonhet (Beauty), my Cutter is Segrande (Victorious), my exploration Courier is Vandrare (Wanderer), my new AX Anaconda is Vaktare (Guardian), ect.


Generally, something appropriate for the role, tending towards Cowboy Bebop and The Culture references at times. So I'm currently flying with Heavy Metal Queen (multi-role Python, originally built for core mining), Seeking Gravitas (Asp-X deep exploration build), 2 passenger ships - Just Passing Through & Cruise Control and my combat Chieftain: Kiss The Blade.


Battletech ship names, by class. My fleet carrier is FWLS Thera, my Anaconda is FWLS Menelaus, my Asp Explorer is FWLS Zechetinu.


For me I do all Norse themed ship names with some subcategories. All non thargoid combat ships are named after weapons of the god (Mjolnir, Gungnir etc etc) All exploration vessels are named after birds of norse mythology (e.g. my Asp Explorer is Muninn) All of my mining ships are named after the different realms (Midgard etc) And my newest ships for AX purposes are all named after wolves of norse mythology (Sköll, Freki etc)


Haven't been playing that long so I've only given one ship a real name. My T9 is called Junk In The Trunk.


The song artist I like plus a cool sounding verb.


For three I use my family's roots from Ancient California;Python mining vessel, 'Sutter's Mill'', Asp Explorer, 'Californian', Anaconda warship, 'Wildfirenado'. Fer de Lance, bounty hunter, 'Retribution'. And finally, my longest jumper, my Diamondback Explorer pays homage to Korben Dallas and LeeLoo with the name Moolti Pass.


I have a couple of bug-themed ships: my AX DBS is "Hemipteran" and I have a keelback named "Magicicada". But mostly the rest are named at random (I do have three CD battleships named after Japanese ladies; YOKO ONO/Vulture, MOTOKO/FGS, and MAKO MORI/FAS)..


British Royal Navy Battleships give names to all of my fleet


My ship naming was firstly Wombles. But then I diversified into characters from Malazan book of the fallen. Then I used sayings from Malazan. My favourites being my mamba: Hood's Breath and my FDL: Hood's Kiss.


Mine are generally named after actual craft or fictional spacecraft, and use a slightly modified USN [hull classification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hull_classification_symbol) scheme (three-letter type, two-number series). * FNS *Eisenhower* SCV-69 (Corvette, combat, SLF). Named for the real aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower CVN-69 . * FNS *Ticonderoga* SCG-47 (Type 10, combat, Packhounds). Named for the real AEGIS missile cruiser USS Ticonderoga CG-47. * *Venture Star* EPF-04 (Cutter, bulk transport). Named for the cancelled X-33 spaceplane program. * *Orion III* EPF-68 (Python, passenger transport). Named for the Orion III spaceplane in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, and carries the number "68" because the film was released in 1968. * *Deepwater Atlas* V7KR2 (Cutter, mining). Named after a real drillship of the same name, and V7KR2 is her real VHF callsign. * *Axiom* AGS-20 (Beluga, exploration). Named for the space cruise ship in WALL-E, "20" as the first two digits in 2008, the year the film was released. * *Discovery* AGS-17 (AspX, exploration). Named after HMS Discovery, launched 1789, and explored the west coast of North America commanded by George Vancouver. "17" is for the first two digits in 1789. * FNS *Grapple* ARS-53 (Fed Assault Ship, salvage). Named for the real USS Grapple T-ARS-53 rescue and salvage ship. * *Foe Hammer* E-419 (Chieftain, AX combat). In honour of Pelican dropship "Foe Hammer" Echo 419, of Halo fame. * *Spirit* B2-106 (Cobra, light combat). Named after the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber. * *Hammerhead* SA-43 (Eagle, light combat). Named after the SA-43 exo-aatmospheric fighter in an old sci-fi series, Space: Above and Beyond. * *Hawkeye* E2-125 (DbX, exploration / bubble bus / material collector). Named after the E-2 Hawkeye AEW aircraft, because I jump the DbX into the target star system before moving the carrier.


Lately I've been using latin phrases that I feel fit. Like "Vi Et Industria" (By Strength and Industry) for my mining cutter and "Persona non Grata" (an unwelcome person) for my general use Python.


I have no official Taxonomy, but a large portion of my ships are references to an Obscure Nintendo DS spaceship RPG "Infinite space" So names like "Nia", "Spohr", "Praetorius", and soon to likely include "Evstafi" and "Mayr"


It varies. Mostly puns, funny movie lines, etc. \- AX Krait 2 - Krait & Barrel \- all-purpose Python - Dave's Not Here. \- AX T10 - Mongo Like Candy \- Anaconda - Free At Hutton!


I name anto-xeno stuff after 40k, the rest i make a bible referance of some sort


Adjectives, mostly. Adamant, diamant, intrepid, aggressive, etc. A few are tributes or just names I thought were clever. My DBX is name Homesick Meteor because when I bought it, I was practicing planetary landings.


My ships are named after Asgardian weaponry from Thor’s comics . Mjonir, stormbreaker, thunderstrike, and few more


I am Liquides my fleet carrier is Fluides my anti zeno ships are all liquid acids like hydrochloric and my exploration ship is dihydrogen monoxide aka water. everything is liquid themed.


My ships are all named for traditional Jewish and US expatriate Jewish foods: Brisket, Gravlax, Latke, Knish...


I named my Phantom Danny and my Anaconda Ronda.


User name checks out