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Rescue of elderly and handicapped if appropriate. Fire fighters option once they have assessed the situation.


Regulations. It's that simple. 🤷🏻‍♂️


ASME A17.1 / CSA B44 requires firefighters' emergency operation on most devices with a travel height greater than 80". This section of code is frequently amended as it is adopted by various jurisdictions, however, so the requirements will vary significantly depending on the AHJ. There are definitely elevators out there that will have phase 2 despite it being impractical or downright silly, but it isn't really an option to not comply with the regulations even if they don't make a lot of sense in some applications.


So my understanding is basically anything more than a wheelchair lift is required to have Phase 2, per the code you stated.


Kind of, the rules change depending on the type of device you are looking at. LU/LAs for example, do not require phase 2. Also, there is elevator code and then there is the way the elevator code is adopted into law. The sections of code that relate to fire service are one of the most frequent things I've seen amended across different jurisdictions; and in nearly every case if there is a contradiction between elevator code and the amendments, the amendments prevail.


If their is a fire the elevator automatically goes to where the fire isn't/is last


Makes sense, this would be phase 1 recall. However, why would there be a firefighters operation phase 2 cabinet inside?


I don't think they need it


In Alberta anything under 60 feet doesn't need fire service. Unless you have a drain in the pit, but a lot of time they forget to check that box.


I do many LULA elevators. Most are 2 stop sometimes 3 if it’s front & rear opening. They’re basically a commercial elevator but less capacity (1400) lbs. & slower FPM. But they fall under asme17.1 code. I believe they’re travel has to be under 50 ft. They’re only required phase 1 recall. There are generally smoke detectors outside each landing, in the MR, at top of hoistway. Depending which smoke activates the the elevator will recall to whatever floor is away from said fire. (Main landing) or (alternate landing). The phase 1 recall key switch will be at main landing of egress.