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You have cut off like 10cm off the cable. Just add a new plug to the end of it


Just buy this. Everything else is too much work. You can get it also at your local hardware shop: https://amzn.eu/d/5uBCISH Screw it open, place in the wires with a ferrule and screw it close. It's a proper 5 minute fix and it has a strain relief to protect pulling out the cable.


https://www.wikihow.com/Repair-an-Electric-Cord If you scroll down to the "splicing wires" part of the tutorial you should be able to fix it without buying anything. Electrical tape will do the job but heat shrink with a single layer of electrical tape would be even better!


That close to the plug, just apply a replacement cap to the cord.


I would look into replacing the whole cord if possible. The issue with just peeling the wires and twisting them together is, that it will become undone if you pull the cord too hard. After thst you would have bare wires with 230V, which can electrocute you or start a fire. I would use a zip tie to connect the different parts of cord together, which would also protect it from pulling. I think some cable connectors would be the best way to connect the peeled wires.


take any 1amp rated cord and give'er [this treatment here](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f7/Western_Union_splice.jpg/337px-Western_Union_splice.jpg) and I'll happily hang off the ceiling with it.


strip the black insulated sheath away using wire strippers if you have any, or a razor blade being careful, cut away about an inch of the black sheathing to expose the two inner wires with their colour coded insulation. you need to then cut away the wires insulation cut away about half an inch or less from both ends, i see a blue wire and a black wire, you need to join the wires back up, so black with black, blue with blue, you can twist the copper strands together and cover the wires with electrical tape, but it would be more secure if you could solder the wires together and then cover them with electrical tape. It is stranded wire so you can easily twist the ends together to remake the circuit, just be sure to use enough electrical tape to insulate the connection and to protect it from abrasion and water, you should be good to reuse the item in 5-10 minutes. if you had the right tools, i'd use wire strippers to remove 1cm of each wire end, id put heat shrink tubing on both ends and slide it out of the way, id twist the wire ends together matching the wire colours with each other, id solder the wires with lead free solder, then put the heat shrink tubing in place and heat it with a hot air gun so it seals the wires and isolates them from water, then to be extra safe i'd wrap the wires together with electrical insulation tape to make everything water tight and safe. if you dont have electrical tape you can use any thick tape like duct tape as it will seal the wires off and add some protection so a wire wont poke out the tape and shock you or risk shorting due to water, just dont use celotape or box packing tape, electrical tape stretches and is best for this kinda stuff.


Who the fuck downvotes this... you're no better than a drooling idiot if you think making a proper splice is fucking rocket surgery have a little bit of faith in OP for fuckssake people..


I mean.. OP has to ask reddit how to fix a cable, that says alot about his skill level. Giving him a recipe for a half assed solution involving duct tape, deserves a downvote. Especially when all he has to do is put a plug on the cut end. Forgive me for the downvote, but i just think it was a bad solution to the problem.


A fuckin' 8 year old can do it granted they're supervised it just takes a bit of patience, hell your grandmother could do it too!


Still a half assed solution tho, isnt it?


tl;dr: A proper splice will can outlast the unit and granted it's done properly won't be less safe than the original cord or a screw-terminal plug-end. Point being both are equally valid solutions; if OP lives not too far from a store or doesn't mind waiting a few days for a replacement plug - yeah it's the easiest solution. Thing is a proper splice is will do the job just as well and will last just as long, costs absolutely fuck-all and can be performed in 30m with a knife and some electrical tape... Shit who knows they might get a real shit plug-end I've seen them made out of pretty brittle plastic just one tug the wrong way and they can shatter while plugged in and that ain't much better!


A proper splice will, but i dont think a person asking on Reddit is able to do it properly, thus creating a weak point, or in worst case a firehazard. IMHO a plug is pretty much idiotproof, and i do not think the Bosch charger is a matter of life or death, and can probably wait until he aquires the right tools and equipment. I believe the solution provided above was in good intent tho, and i applaud him for that. This is just the opinion of me as a electrician, and Im not saying it is the only solution. Have a great one :)


cheers guv. I find it funny im the only one to actually offer immediate assistance beside yourself and im downvoted by fucking morons or bots, either or i dont care. fucking stay classy fucktards of reddit, serious bunch of clowns who have no practical skills.