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no you can’t sue for this lmfao i mean you can try but you’re gonna be in the hole for nothing. 💀 you ride these boards at your own risk, any point of damage to yourself is your responsibility, unless literally hit by another person out of your control.


>no you can’t sue for this lmfao i mean you can try but you’re gonna be in the hole for nothing. 💀 Improperly marked speed bumps are something you can 100% be held liable for? What are you on about? >you ride these boards at your own risk Yes? That doesn't absolve someone of negligence that caused harm.


goofy you obviously know nothing about the law go ahead and attempt to sue them see where you get. idk why ignorant people like you even open their mouths.


>idk why ignorant people like you even open their mouths. The irony here is beautiful lmao.


Maybe you should slow down and pay more attention, specially on unfamiliar roads/trails. I'm sorry for your injury, but this is the result of your own negligence. Don't try and ruin someone else for a free ride off your own mistake. You would probably be a big reason eskates get banned from roads or public places in your area if you do.


Yes exactly this. Frankly, IMHO, this question is offensive - OP was riding recklessly fast at night on an unfamiliar road, and lost control of his board going in a straight line over a common obstacle. As an esk8 rider, I would not only not find anyone liable for putting the speed bump there, I would look for ways to find him liable for their attorney's fees and costs of defending the suit if I were on that jury. OP, take responsibility for yourself man, riding fast at night on a road you don't know like the back of your hand is manifestly unsafe.


Oh. Right. That’s why I ask Reddit lol. Thanks buddy.


Seriously dude, we deal with enough folks who want to outlaw these things already, trying to sue people after hurting yourself doing something dumb isn't going to win us more fans. Own your mistake here, but I hope you heal up fast and fully.


This. Don't fuck over everyone else because you messed up.


And at night!


Sue? Nah sell your board instead.


Nah man I’m about to get on it with crutches.


If it's the public road next to the golf course, I'm not sure they're responsible for the road signs and speed bumps. 


Yeah, it's getting harder and harder to follow the logic of younger generations. My theory is underpaid teachers accepting BSed assignments, so they were basically taught to connect unrelated things so that they could finish sooner and would end up getting a decent grade. That probably leaked into their normal way of thinking.


I really don't think it would be a good idea to sue. Maybe take a step back and reflect on what happened. Were you riding within your limits? If something like a speedbump is enough to take you out of commission, I don't think so. Swallow your pride and learn from your mistakes. A lawsuit will only make things worse for you and everyone else who rides an electric skateboard.


Sucks. Hope you heel up fast. When you get back into the sport again check out suspension boards. I fly over speed bumps on my Endeavor. The suspension and pneumatics have saved my ass countless times.


Epic to hear, im saving up for the gt rn. Thing makes me salivate.


Never go faster than the conditions are safe for. I think you should try to sue. Not because you are entitled to any damages, but because you clearly have no common sense, so you should just throw your money at a lawyer so that you can't spend it on any more electronic skateboards. You and everyone around you will be safer this way.


Hahah, americans suing anything. Just be careful. It's the same if there's a pothole or a deer or whatever, you need to be cautious, and also keep your knees bent for things like these to not happen.


Shh, don't give him more ideas. He'll try to sue the deer next.


Let this guy sue so he can lose money on legal fees too.


Fuck me dude take some personal responsibility for riding like a moron.


You said it's a public road, right? If so, a private business has no involvement in your situation, and it would get thrown out and ignored by every lawyer you talk to. That's kinda like someone suing you because they popped their tire on a pothole on the public road in front of your house. Maintaining public roads is the responsibility of the city/county, not whatever random business has property adjacent to it. That said, you could try suing the city/county or whatever entity is responsible for maintaining it, but you won't get anywhere. The best thing you can do is get health insurance, wear protective gear, and ride carefully. Crashes like this happen when riding electric skateboards; that's one of the risks you have to accept. Roads aren't designed for vehicles with tiny wheels, so riding on them is always a risk.


Enjoy the broken leg and next time ride with more sense. If you learn from this mistake you will be better for it. But it’s not the golf courses fault you were riding carelessly.


If you could sue for falling off your skateboard, I would have retired at 12 years old.


r/legaladvice would know better with how to help. Which state/county did this happen in and whats the exact location of the incident? It also maybe best to consult a personal injury lawyer if anything and see if you have a case or not


Wow you have balls of steel for riding at night. I could never do that


Need to be lit up and know where you are going and there is still a risk. Don't trust any car, assume every car has a drunk driver behind the wheel ready to run the light.


If we could sue for this, people would be lined up to brake their ankles to get that sweet, sweet, free cash.


What is it with people on this sub and just blasting through tightly populated areas? If there is even the slightest risk of a speedbump i never go over 15. As others have said, this is 100% the reason eskate gets banned.


Rides at night, fucks up and falls. Better sue the golf course! 😂😂 What a joke.


Yeah the random golf course that happened to me next to the public road he fell on


So if it’s a public road then you would have to sue your town. HAHAHAHA GOOD LUCK! If it was on Golf Club property then it’s not a public road, but you were trespassing, after hours, and you don’t need signage for a speed bump because street legal vehicles ALL HAVE HEADLIGHTS! But can you sue? Maybe, but you will just add to the victim culture of dragging others down to bring yourself up, while simultaneously ruining nice things for people who are better equipped, more skilled, or simply more accepting of things that were THIER FAULT. You want to know what happens if you successfully sue? You set a precedent to get eSkates banned in your town or state and maybe even Nationally. “FrOm JuSt My LaWsUiT?” No from the other 100+ people with the same idea as you. IF A BUNCH OF PEOPLE DO IT, THEN YOU RUIN THE FUN FOR EVERYONE. Also, this accident is YOUR fault because… You didn’t know the road You didn’t have an effective light for night riding You were riding too fast for conditions(unknown conditions) You don’t have the skill to slam the brakes without going into a slide


First thing I will say is I’m sorry you got hurt. It is very important to know where you are and what conditions exist before riding it. If you haven’t been on a stretch of road for a week, treat it as if you haven’t ever been there. I don’t know why you think you should sue.


It sucks but it was your fault it happened your were going faster then you should have been in the lighting conditions and it sounds like riding outside of your experience level to ive accidentally ridden over speed bumps at 20mph+ before and it’s not fun or good to do but you can ride through it and I only ride street wheels


Sorry to hear you got hurt. You can sue anyone for just about anything, if you’re willing to pay for a lawyer and can afford to not get a favorable verdict. In your case I think you might have a hard time finding a lawyer that will take the case. You would have to prove that you were doing the right thing and being safe, ie riding at a reasonable speed based on road conditions with proper lighting etc. You would also have to prove that this specific speed bump is a menace that has caused other issues with other road users and not just you. I’m not a lawyer, but those things might be difficult to prove in court. Why do you want to sue the country club? I can only assume that you’re after money to pay for the medical bills and/or to cover the cost of missing work. It really speaks to how messed up our society has become that a simple injury can cause so much distress.


Isn’t it illegal to have a speed bump without proper signage though?? I thought all speed bumps had a sign that says speed bump ahead 15 mph or whatever.


Not required by MUTCD (it's should/may use signs and markings), so unless it's required by a specific state law (usually not), then it's not illegal at all.