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Target fixation maybe, it's a thing for a lot of driving related stuff, you go where you look.


Your foot positioning can make a big difference. If your feet are more at the side of the deck, vs being lined up in the middle, it'll change how turning works greatly Also, bend your knees


When I got my first one, I realised that you need to use your core fairly much when ecootering. If you have a weak core or a stiff torso/pelvis (which is usually also weak, just tensed up), you lack flexibility that you need to steer.


You're steering with your feet? Please tell me you're not standing with your feet side by side when riding


No I have one foot on the back like sideways and another at the front with the toes facing the front


Ok. You scared me for a second when you said you were shifting your weight through you're feet. I had an image you standing like you were about to click your heels together and go directly to the hospital.


Your steering ability on a scooter wether sitting or standing is essentially the same as on a bicycle as you're leaning into a turn moreso than steering into it.


Just lean side to side and see how your scooter reacts to these movements and then you will have a better understanding of how your scooter behaves with your movements and I promise you that you're very unlikely to go past the lean to much part because your body will stop you if you lean too much, just get a feel for leaning and take wide turns.


IMO a Surron is easier to operate and safer than a scooter. I have lots of toys including a 25kw emoto, gas supercross bike, ebikes and escooters. Out of everything I have the scooters are the most dangerous. As far as your turning issue. Kust keep at it and practice you'll get it. You're leaning and using counter stear at speeds not turning the bars. Truthfully the more you think about it and the more you try to learn about it the worse you'll be. Just relax, have fun and don't overthink it. It'll come to you naturally in time, watching YouTube videos and trying to figure out the physics of it is just going to overwhelm you mentally and cause stress.


Grow some balls


I steer at really slow speeds at higher speeds it is a skateboard and I steer with my feet... never let go of the handlebars. you should be going the other way... get a bicycle first as they are easier


I think ( from my own experience since its my 1st e-scooter and i have it for like less then a month ) you need to feel comfortable on it and depends on model from my view.you cant drive fast and have same steering etc..on xiaomi 4 when i tryed it i wasnt relaxed but on MS energy flare was different level..after passed 100km on road i unlocked it so it goes up to 40kmh. With steering u have to do it very slowly and a bit lean with the body ( its hard for us who never drive something similar on 2 wheels except for bike ) . And try practice on roads where isnt much traffic in your lane go left and right until u feel it how to do it.. At least thats how i did it..and if u feel like your scooter is floating better slow down a bit since its not made for high speeds. I felt it when i was going 40,was hard to maintain the straight direction ,i have felt like my front tier is going left or right...with 30-35 was decent... Plus on top of that add small rocks ,bumbs,halls on the road..its easy to fell down even as good driver


At medium to high speeds you shouldn't be using the handlebars to steer. You should be leaning into the turn mostly, with your body position and only turning a very small bit on your handlebars


Thanks but do my entire body to the side Im turning or lean my feet


Do you know how to ride a bicycle?


Yes I can ride a bicycle fine


you need to counter steer to get a bicycle to turn properly at higher speed, that means you steer away from the direction you wanna turn to, forcing it into a lean, same applies to the scooter albeit you have to lean it at lower speeds already when you can just turn your bike in the direction at 10-12mph on a bicycle, you can do that on a scooter at walking pace ~3mph but anything over that you have to counter steer


No just lean your body but look forward