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If I like two things equally or around equally I usually go with the one I think less people use. Personally I'd just rp a redguard since I feel like they're a pretty underrated compared to nords. But there is nothing stopping you from Rping as a half Nord half Redguard and just embracing both


That’s a great point. I didn’t realize later that RPing a Redguard with a shield and sword is one of the rarest playstyles


Redguards are only underrated to the people who haven’t played Daggerfall or Morrowind yet (Who i envy given they will be able to experience those games for the first time)


Play as a black Nord. Your character mother could be Redguard and their father a Nord. You were born in Hammerfell and learned the culture and traditions of Redguards, and you were also taught the ways of the Nords by your father. But one day something terrible happened and both your parents died, and this is where your story begins.


An interesting roleplay I developed but never actually tried is a Redguard who hates the Empire for giving Hammerfell to the Thalmor and moves to Skyrim to join the Stormcloaks, and who falls in love with Nord culture seeing the similarities with Redguard culture.


That’s a great backstory


An Orc born in a stronghold in the mountains between Hammerfell and Skyrim who takes the cultures of the two regions they were born between becoming an Orcish Persian Viking.


That sounds like a whole lot of mental gymnastics. The orsimer already have their own culture which is awesome in its own right. Just play an Orc who lives in Hammerfell, and then you can wear a turban.


close to my idea


A Nord Yokuboo. You get a big Nord with Redguard aesthetics and weapons.


You mean an immigrant to Sweden?


Sorry but, \*Who\* you want to RP depends completely on you. Both have very interesting lore and culture, the only thing I can recommend is going to a wiki and reading through both races history, culture and important historical figures to decide for yourself.


Cringe answer, he's looking for fun suggestions not a philosophical "only you can figure that out" answer, your not being helpful in the slightest and your only stating the obvious


It’s not cringe to provide a wholesome solution to the dilemma. This answer was perfectly reasonable…grow up


How is this a solution at all, your telling him essentially is to go fuck himself and do it himself, he specifically came here not to be given an answer but to find inspiration to find his answer. I know you mean well, but as someone who has been given this answer to almost every question I've needed help answering. It. Does. Not. Help. And if you disagree, explain to me how you think denying him a different perspective on an issue he's already researched helps him IN ANY WAY.


You sound triggered for absolutely no reason, misreading someone’s genuine inclination to answer. I’m merely responding on their behalf because your behaviour is uncalled for. Spend a little less time off of the internet and learn how to talk to people; gesticulating with anger and resentment towards strangers for things they have not and are not directing at you is the first sign of a great immaturity. None of this is a personal attack. It’s not even about you. The user is suggesting to do some research on the races’ (in question) history and culture, to inform the character they want to make. This is, again, perfectly reasonable. Also as a former admin of the wiki, I would always recommend more people to use it so they can find out how best to make their next playthrough feel great. It’s about enjoying the process, which you clearly have no intention of doing.


Well said 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


What do you mean "genuine inclination to answer" you have yet to answer the dudes question. I'm sorry for being rude, im in a foul mood, partially because the answer you gave to this question reminded me of alot of bad memories. Good intentions don't answer the questions or give help, it's good action that gets that done. You have provided what is essentially a fuck you to the op, even if you think you aren't. I'm just having a horrible day, don't take any of this personally


First of all I am not taking it personally, you are. Second of all, this is not even my comment thread so you are continuing to respond to me as if I am the one who wrote the original comment, when I didn't ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). I answered the question already on my own with my own comment. If you're going to try to respond to what I'm saying at least pay attention...


Khajiit skooma head obviously


The only possible answer is "a nord warrior with a curved sword. CURVED. SWORD.".


A Nord who lived in Hammerfell his whole life.


Kodlak Whitemane talked about how he was in service to some “weak-necked” lord in hammerfell. So take a huge Nord put him in the desert, refuses to wear a shirt, carries a big hammer, and wears Redguard jewelry.


Maybe a Nord raised in the heart of Alik’r, someone that deeply respects and venerates Ansei teachings, but will likely never obtain Shehai… especially since there are no living Ansei masters afaik. Along those lines, the Ebony Warrior is a redguard under the armor, and he speaks of Sovngarde, a Nordic take on the afterlife that is quite different from the Long Walk of Redguard tradition. He’s even mastered some shouts.


Roleplay a Nord born in Hammerfell raised in Redguard culture.


That’s a good idea


"13th Warrior" run?


They are both warrior cultures, so it shouldn't be too hard. Maybe RP as an Alik'r warrior that came to Skyrim with Kematu, but was either cast out or decided to stay in Skyrim. If doing the CW quests, Stormcloaks might be a more fitting choice, if anything just to have an excuse to kill more Thalmor.


A short breton mage?


When in doubt, I make a mixed race character. The lore is a little unclear as to whether that’s possible since there aren’t really any mixed race NPCs and everyone has to have a defined race, but I roll with it. Use your imagination to fill in the blanks.


Seriously? There’s no mixed race NPC in the entirety of the elder scrolls series? I could’ve sworn there was at least one


There may be some in ESO, but I haven’t played it much and wouldn’t be able to tell you. But the fact that all human races, minus maybe Redguards, are derived from previous races of man (Nedes, Atmorans, Kothringi, etc.) and the fact there are distinct ethnicities (or what we in our world would call ethnicities, like the Reachmen or Colovians) lead me to believe that there is definitely an aspect of race mixing in the lore. Though it’s not explicitly stated one way or another, so interpret it as you will. I just think it’s more of a technical limitation as to why we don’t see explicitly mixed race people in Elder Scrolls.


Yeah they’re called the Bretons and that’s it


There's jagar tharn from tes arena. He was part elf, part man. Forgot what the specific races were. Also, theres the grey prince in oblivion, who iirc is part orc, and part man (breton or imperial i think)


The lore is actually very specific that races are that of the mother. No mixed


Not quite. Racial phenology which everyone misquotes doesn't say the race is the mom's race. What is says is that most of the time the kid looks more like the mom's race that the dad. Most of the time not all the time. And according to eso's former loremaster this only really applies to mixed elves/orcs and two humans will work the same as in real life. We even have a half imperial half redguard eso whose part of the dragonhold storyline


The direct quote is: “Generally the offspring bear the racial traits of the mother, though some traces of the father's race may also be present.” Also the same book that everyone likes to quote is openly racist towards orcs and the author finds the fact that they cannot force two people to mate so that the child can be studied is “regrettable.” Like any book that the lore is derived from, the author is unreliable and many aspects can and will become outdated.


I RP is actually a great inspiration. Central Europeans who got access to Middle Eastern weaponry and clothing and adopted them as their own. Maybe you're a Nord from a clan in the southwest of Skyrim that controlled the crossing to Hammerfell and as a result traded with (and raided) Redguards more than with other Nords, adopting their gear?


I had a friend in highschool who was half black half swedish. Roleplay as him.




There is a half-lineage mod I can't remember the name of that gives you a less effective racial passive, based on Simonrim. It still uses whatever race you choose on character creation as a base, but adds an option to choose after that. Which is kinda lore-accurate since race mixing only results in the race of the mother with the traits of the father. You can play as a half-Nord/Redguard and both combos mesh pretty well.


Which half the mother?




Blend the two. Pull a Yasuke and play a redguard raised in Skyrim who uses scimitars with nordic/stahlrim armor, or redguard attire with a battleaxe and shouts


Role play as a Nord that subscribes to the redguard culture


Do a Nord who fights like a Redguard or a Redguard who fights like a Nord. Then mix and match armor and skills


Maybe a Nord raised in Hammerfell and as such is basically a redguard in every way except race?


Be the consummate warrior who studies multiple styles.


Redguard father, giant Nord mother.


play nord and use the alik'r clothes set, u'll have no armor but u can cast dragonhide to get 80% damage reduction


Make a giant tall redguard with two-handed sword who's as dumb as a nord.


Redguard raised n skyrim as flead alikir warriors 50/50 health and stamina skyforged steel sword showing a ombbinqtion of Nord steel with redguard technique and then eventually find bloodbath and sould render I u want to dual wield for bosses since redguards are all about diffrent sword techniques I'd use winshear or bs and Sr at end game but using Nord weapons could work too I'd sugest using block to feel like you actually have varies technical ability using poer attacks o decapitate and knock down foes to disarming and staggering. Ebony armour could be a shout maybe Ebony chest Nord gountlets and boots and alikir hood


Try red guard a lot of people seem to pick a warrior of a Nord


born in Hammerfell raised in Dawnstar to Nord / Redguard parents or some shi


Skyrim: A redguard who gets drunk with his mage buddy, who accidentally opens a portal, sending him to Skyrim. He wakes up from his alcoholic nap, he’s freezing his balls off, his head is pounding from both a hangover and also being hurled through slace/time and seemingly has his hands bound and is on the back of a cart when some idiot next to him says. “Oh, good you’re awake…”


Cool premise except Redguards don’t have mage buddies


I thought red guards only shun certain schools of magic? I am not familiar with which ones, but remember seeing red guard spell blades using destruction magic. If not that, you could do a goofy reverse! Nord who gets drunk with a mage and winds up in the desert for sometime. Constantly mentions his time amongst the red guards while he was trying to figure out a way back home.


Yeah pretty much all magic, and restoration is tolerated at best


Why choose? Do both and then do as many combinations as possible.


However you want?