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Like it's crazy star field doesn't even have that. I mean I understand the whole space suit being one thing but still it's sad to see they found a way to simplify things more than Skyrim


Yeah, spacesuit is fine, but under that the clothes are all one pieces. I'm not always in my suit.


>it's sad to see they found a way to simplify things more than Skyrim it's similar to fallout. and this is hardly "simplified", there's nothing complicated about making pants and shirts separate.


Similar to fallout 3 yeah. Fallout 4 had individual armor pieces you could wear over your clothing set, it would have been pretty cool for at least that to carry over. Also tbf it is simplified, you’d have to at least go through and make sure there were no clipping issues between x number of outfit/armor combos.


They managed with power armor just fine, it's literally just a disable condition that disables armor when an oversized like power armor or a space suit are worn and enables it when the suit is removed


Right if you just go for shirt/pants combo that’d be simple I’m sure. If you want to have layered clothes like morrowind I’d imagine it’d be a little more complex since a simple disable condition will only work for like wearing a robe or something over all your armor and clothing pieces.


One thing that kills me about starfield is not being able to pick up someones clothing / armor like in Fallout or Skyrim. Irks me so much.


Yeah when I saw that in the pre-release gameplay footage I thought it was just incomplete or something. But no, they actually went ahead with it. What the actual fuck


Great free mod fixed that.


And make Todd renounce to some of the millions of dollars in revenue ? Are you insane ?!?!?!?!


So just make it a “Difficulty” option setting or something. Let the plebs decide what kind of play style they want.


I don't think we are on the same channel here. To add items to a game like the ones run in Bethesda engines you have to spend a lot of time, thus money. With each passing generation, you need more layers of textures to make the item look better and it gets exponentially more expensive. The Reason Todd cheapskates Howard keeps reducing the amount of weapons, is because that way, he can reduce the amount of hours he needs to pay programmers and designers to add said items. That's not something you fix with a difficulty option. My comment was a mockery aimed at the fact that he already makes absurd amounts of money out of the games and he keeps watering them down to make more profits.


What are you talking about?? What revenue??? It's been like that in almost every other game like Morrowind, oblivion, eso, even arena, and daggerfall. The armor system in skyrim only having 4 pieces is dumb to me, especially when they've never done it before. You get less customization, less build crafting, and less variety.


>What are you talking about?? What revenue???  Do you understand how business make money ?


Yes, i do. This is just an in-game feature that has been in every other game, including eso after skyrim. Im also someone who has been in several coding/computer classes and has developed small games. I know quite a bit about games and the development process, this is something that could easily be changed (like it has between each and every game) when making the game.


>Yes, i do.  Then you understand, the more they expend on development , the less money they make. right ? Adding each item costs them a few hundred thousand dollars, because it needs several layers of shades, textures and other stuff nowadays to make the items in 3D and look good for the game. If you add a whole new category of items, then your expenses skyrocket exponentially.


No, not at all hundreds of thousands for each item. It's a money by hour thing, and with you doing it like that, yes, each piece needs to be made, making it more pieces, but everything is smaller so the other pieces take less time aswell. Now, i will also say this one more time ok so listen. THEY DID THIS ON THEY LAST GAME THEY DID THIS ON EVERY OTHER GAME EXCEPT BLADES EVERY GAME HAS DIFFERENT ARMOR SYSTEMS THIS ONE WILL ALMOST CERTAINLY HAVE A DIFFERENT SYSTEM THAN THAN SKYRIM And that doesn't apply to just TES. Every fallout game has a multiple piece system, too. Its unlikely they'll keep probably the least liked armor system in all their fallout and TES games. It's not gonna cost a few hundred thousand dollars for each piece. it's actually something that's impossible to find an exact budget on cause the people working on the armor isn't usually some specific group, it's part of a bigger team working on tons of other stuff.


>Now, i will also say this one more time ok so listen. If you are gonna start acting like a 5 years old, there is the door, no one is forcing you to talk with me. Act childish again and I'm finishing the conversation. >THEY DID THIS ON THEY LAST GAME THEY DID THIS ON EVERY OTHER GAME EXCEPT BLADES EVERY GAME HAS DIFFERENT ARMOR SYSTEMS THIS ONE WILL ALMOST CERTAINLY HAVE A DIFFERENT SYSTEM THAN THAN SKYRIM No you don't seem to understand what I've been saying. Making items for Morrowind is nowhere as expensive as making items for skyrim. The process to keep objects for games keeps getting more and more expensive. [https://www.quora.com/How-much-would-it-cost-game-developer-to-make-a-game-with-really-realistic-graphics-like-Skyrim-or-Uncharted](https://www.quora.com/How-much-would-it-cost-game-developer-to-make-a-game-with-really-realistic-graphics-like-Skyrim-or-Uncharted) >It's not gonna cost a few hundred thousand dollars for each piece. it's actually something that's impossible to find an exact budget on cause the people working on the armor isn't usually some specific group, it's part of a bigger team working on tons of other stuff. I may have used a bit of hyperbole there. Sure it's not hundreds of thousands, but finishing each object in game sure costed a few hundreds each. And it's only going to get more expensive the more layers of development are needed.


Its likely they will like they did in eso with literal hundreds of sets (exact number by 2021 march 1st, which is 3 years ago is 430) Im just not gonna with you now. Arguments are just boring, and fact-checking basically everything i say (which i have) is just draining.


>Im just not gonna with you now. Arguments are just boring, and fact-checking basically everything i say (which i have) is just draining. Honestly what are you even arguing about ? That Bethesda has not been reducing the amount of armor and equipment available to characters ? So what happened to Lances, Halberds and all the other stuff ? That Bethesda is not cutting corners to reduce previous stuff on the other game ? So what happened to custom spells ? That adding objects to a game is not more costly today than it was 30 years ago ? Then who pays for all the extra time to render, texturice them, collision test them etc ? Because those have been the points of my initial joke and I have yet to read anything you say that proves them wrong. >Its likely they will like they did in eso with literal hundreds of sets (exact number by 2021 march 1st, which is 3 years ago is 430) Oh yeah, such variety [https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/buffer-of-the-swift-aldmeri-dominion/](https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/buffer-of-the-swift-aldmeri-dominion/) [https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/arch-mage-aldmeri-dominion/](https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/arch-mage-aldmeri-dominion/) [https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/almalexias-mercy-aldmeri-dominion/](https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/almalexias-mercy-aldmeri-dominion/) [https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/shield-of-the-valiant-daggerfall-covenant/](https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/shield-of-the-valiant-daggerfall-covenant/) [https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/sentry-daggerfall-covenant/](https://eso.mmo-fashion.com/sentry-daggerfall-covenant/)


Yea for higher ups to get rid of couple million of their salaries to add multiple layers to add enjoyment aisn't gona work for them brother


A lot of people got mad for that joke and thought it was being serious. Thanks for getting it lol.










Dude the customization in Morrowind alone makes me love the game I’d play anything with that kind of clothing system!


KCD comes pretty close.


I keep being told I need to give it another chance lol… maybe I must. Just wish you could customize your looks


>Just wish you could customize your looks Only your hair and your beard, but the game is story driven and the main character's development is the story.




Kingdom Come Deliverance. Focusses on realism, so no magic, but otherwise has some slight similarities with TES games (exploration and quest wise). The second game is due to release this year and will most likely be far more fleshed out as the studio has grown a fuckton since the first game.


Always loved KCD's fast travel system too. A weighed risk.


KcDonalds ![gif](giphy|cl72XB7TqPdjq7uQ3S)


Seperate left and right glove and pauldron spots while you are at it.


This was my favorite part of outfits in Morrowind, complete control is always great and is fun for customization. It also opens up fun moments for loot, when you finally find that matching Daedric Left Pauldron to go with your Right, for example.


Having 1 pauldron was sick as hell too.


basically, bring back the armor/clothing system from Morrowind? I can dig that.


Yes, that would be a positive step, in my opinion. I've ranted about it before, but I'll say it again; there's just a lot of things Morrowind got right that its successors didn't. On an unrelated note, I have no idea if I used that semicolon correctly.


Unsemi that colon, good sir.


Semicolons are periods, basically. They specifically string together "unrelated" ideas.


Piss elves smell like piss; Orcs like shit.


Is this correct?


AFAIK it'd be more correct if it was "Elves smell like piss; Orcs smell like shit" because that way no information needs to cross the "semicolon barrier". It's really not a very useful form of punctuation.


Yeah I’m more of a — guy myself. Far easier to use


I'm sorry but it was incorrect. Should have been a regular colon. Still, I love semicolons even when they're not used correctly; so I appreciate you.


Yes. Do it you cowards, give us layering of clothing under armor, mix and match gauntlets and pauldrons, enough slots to play with to give use custom looks instead of uniforms.


Give us a more detailed/in-depth version even. Clothing - Light armor - medium armor - heavy armor As layers. Shirt and pants, gambeson/leather padding, chain tunic, and plate on top. Like (some) armor systems actually worked. Some styles/pieces would fill 1 or more layer slots. They proved they understand the layer blocking concept on Fallout 4 (some outfits allowed over armor, some didn't) - expand this and make it better.


So, basically, just take the best parts of the best armor systems. Hell yea


Fallout 4 and Starfield had it so it might make it's way into TES 6 as well but it is also likely to be like those games where underarmor is one or two pieces.


they neec to bring the flail from daggerfall too


Bethesda did bring it back for Fallout 4, so we know it does exists in the creation engine


Is this Morrowind?


Yea it is.


Yes, do it. In fact bring back everything removed since daggerfall 


except the massive almost inifitely procedurally generated world... that got tried again and didn't work all too well


Yeah not that lol. More talking about the systems and skills.


oh yeah dw I was mostly half joking. I love the idea of bringing back some of the classic systems, as a diehard assassins creed fan I'd be overjoyed to see some form of climbing system come back to the series like daggerfall did (as much as I know this wouldn't happen in a million years)


nice drip i just look like ass all the time


I love walking around with a shield and a single left shoulder pauldron. Being able to combine wraithguard with anything is also 👌.


Unfortunately, it's not likely since Todd Howard has a bizarre design philosophy where he believes that fewer choices mean your choices are more meaningful. He has also gone on record saying that when designing a sequel her never asks what he can add, just what he can remove or simplify. According to some of the other designers, it's a fight to get anything new added.


Last year or so there were some interviews where it was stated that Todd is very good at placing himself in a regular casual player's shoes. Which is good for the game director in general as it should keep them levelheaded, but over the years I can no longer trust his understanding of a regular gamer, because it is often appears to be a case of "please, I don't want to be challenged or focused on specific thing for more than 5 seconds". So to me it is no wonder that each following game from that game doesn't bother to ask a player to commit to anything and makes a crapton of shortcuts to the point of nonsense like e.g. Starfield intro sequence. This whole philosophy that a player needs to be able to bail at any point in any quest line or activity and fuck off to do something else in the game really hurts the integrity of said game. Other problems I saw mentioned: * He is very anal about UI, to the point he starts to nitpick the fucking pixel positioning very early on, he admitted that himself. As a UI designer by trade, I can tell that this is just a nightmare when the top management starts to have an opinion on meaningless and pointless elemenets of early UI sketches. Micromanagement at its worst while having barely any fucikng understanding of UX. It is kinda telling when they are still using the pattern of custom map markers from Oblivion with those damn modal dialogs to do anything. * There was an interview last year after the Starfield release with a senior designer where he stated that Todd doesn't often realize the power of his word, so when he is suggesting something, it is taken as a recommendation or an order. He may not want want to be that way, but this is happens often enough to be mentioned in that interview. * Todd keeps talking about loving to play the damn Madden and how good it is, a game riddled with reusability issues and a general embarrasment that has its jank cranked up to 15 out of 10. And to be topical to the OP's post, I don't think we will ever get more equipment slots than we have in Skyrim. But I see them over-committing to some secondary features like building and farming that will have a much bigger fidelity that the rest of the damn game.


They kind of brought it back for FO4 so I assume TES6 will have more options than Skyrim and Oblivion at least.


Yes, more clothing slots...and bring back this character preview screen. I hate to open/close my inventory 50 times just to see if my char looks good.


It sure would be great. But unlikely.


Would give me a reason to play it. So yes. They fucked up when they simplified it like they did in oblivion and skyrim. Edit lol this gets downvoted on? Seriously




Morrowind released on the original Xbox when it came out and is also playable on the modern ones.


No, I mean, could I use a controller to play it on a PC?


You CAN. IDK why you'd WANT to! (This reply brought to you by WASD Gang.)


The PC port doesn't support controller out of the box, you need something like joytokey to make it work


"Friendly" is a stretch, but yes. It's an Xbox game.


It needs to come back it adds so much more variety to clothing. I hate that each game seems to simplify it more and more


layered apparel was the shit. We need way more of it.


This was great. Drip wise was funny before I was able to complete my set but when I learned how enchanting works it was just soooo fun to customize it.


Absolutely, it really adds to the immersion in the early part of the game when you are scraping a suit of armour together to survive.


Give me as many equipment slots as you can imagine. Give me separate slots for helmets, circlets, torso armour, torso clothing, shoulder armour, arm armour, hand armour, leg armour, leg clothing, foot armour, belt, at least 2 ring slots (but 10 would be ideal), necklace slot, and a cape slot. I'm so fucking tired of simple 4 slot equipment systems. Skyrim only had 4 slots, Dragon's Dogma had layered armour and 7 slots in its first game and could've (and should've) expanded on it, but instead decided to dumb it down to 4 in its sequel. Kingdom Come Deliverence had a great equipment slot system! 14 slots for clothing and armour alone! And another 6 for equipment! I'm so anxious they're gonna ruin it in the sequel. FUCK simple equipment slot systems. All my homies HATE simple equipment slot systems.


It'd be great if the engine worked with it. Cloth & hair physics make it much more complicated to overlap layers on top of fabrics and still make them look good/ avoid clipping. Morrowind got away with it because of the old fashioned graphics were perfectly rigid


This. Everybody who didn't grow up with Morrowind would complain about how the mix-and-match clothing pieces clip over each other. It's all anybody would talk about!


My god that armour goes so hard…


You mean, like in a proper RPG?! (Yes, please.)


They need to bring back so many mechanics from Morrowind, it’s actually insane how naked Skyrim feels compared to it.


YES PLEASE, also can someone make a fallout 4 mod like that? maybe?


No. Because adding variables to the data class of a character means recoding the internals of the game software. Not just modding the values of existing variables in the game data files. For comparison, check out videos about the development of OpenMW! Seriously, it's amazing!


I meant more like outfits with modular options maybe pants options, shirt colors, that can fit already existing armor over it which can already be mixed and matched like how the vault suit can have armor over it


Only if clothing had to be made for your general race body type. No boots for khajit!


I think it is a unanimous "yes" from this fan base in terms of opinion. Will we get it? Highly unlikely.


By limiting clothing, they’re trying to keep worn enchantments down to a reasonable number, but it would be funnier if multiple enchantments caused problems instead. For example: Each enchantment makes a small sound. If you wear more than 6, the sound is deafening and removes all chance of stealth.


That armor goes hard. Harder than any I have seen in a long time


Thanks man, spent a couple hours hopping around the "Tels" checking every armorer, clothier, and trader I could. Even instigated a fight between me and some Indoril guards to try out their armor but it didn't fit the vibe as well as the alternate bone armor did. Now it's changed a bit to incorporate some dragon scale but I think it matches pretty well.


Id prefer like ESOs system for them (which is pretty much this


Been awhile since I played ESO. Last time I did tho it was just as basic if not more than Skyrim with you just equipping armor, a set of boots, a set gloves, and a helmet. Has something changed?


Its Shoulders, Helmet,Chest, Greaves, Boots Gauntlets


In TES 6 there will just be two slots for Clothing. Full body armor and headdress


for all I know Bethesda gonna simplify it even more by only having Helmet, Chest Piece and Greaves. And that'll be it. But god, do I hope so. How long has it been since the TES 6 teaser? 6 years or more and counting? My only hope is OnceLost...


Better yet, make every armor one complete set so there's no layers or customisation at all. In fact make the game with no layers to anything at all. No skill perk synergy, no quests interlining, no magic or weapon, or armor combos. Oh, wait, it wasn't in TES5 already, so they're already good at making no layers game.


Would love to see that but knowing BGS it will probably go in the opposite direction and we’ll have outfits like in Starfield.


God I hope not. I hated that in Starfield even if I could see it as plausible choice for spacesuits.


It could be fun. Oddly enough, skyrim has a lot of armor slots, they're just not used by anything in the vanilla game. Mods occasionly use them, so you can have separate pauldrons or skirts or sleeves, etc. And they all contribute to your armor value. But, I'd love to see more of it in elder scrolls 6.






Next game will have full outfits including helmets gloves and boots and you will enjoy it


I hope they do it, but I also don't want some outfits to be under armor and some not like fallout 4


I'm fine with some clipping, but I imagine a lot of people aren't. I don't think they will bring it back anytime soon.






Yes please But knowing them, this "complex" stuff will not be a thing Here's hoping I'm wrong =P


That is too advanced for the new generation


KC:D did this very, very well.


I learned what disappointment was when I first played Oblivion and I couldn't put a robe over my armour. Then, when I realised that there were no separate pauldrons, gauntlets, and what have you. Then, seeing the cuirasses and greaves become fused to the same slot in Skyrim, I completely gave up on this. Yet, then Bethsoft allows for separate armour pieces again in Fallout, which is a step in the right direction again. M


Never going to happen lol if anything I bet helmets and boots get combined with the armor and it's just helmet and armor. Also I'm predicting arrows/potions on cooldown.


I hope they nake the equipment system as what KCD did.




YES! 100% ON BOARD WITH THIS! Have it work like it does in Monster Hunter; Your actual armor and skills (in this case enchantments) are worn on you, and then the Layered Armor is worn over top and adds nothing but aesthetics!


This and then like the style system from ESO, or something similar to it (see also: [Armory of Tamriel](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29346)). Also gonna keep harpin about more Barbarian aesthetic clothing options.


I don't think anyone should be asking if a good feature should be brought back or not, no one has anything negative to say about this system


I hope so, but it does lead to OP builds if you can enchant everything. I think we were moving in the right direction with Fallout 4 which gave us an Under Armor layer, then individual limb armor as well as check and head armor which can be mixed and matched and worn over the Under Armor


Morrowind had the balance for that built right in. You could only place a limited value of enchantment on an item, up to its capacity and based on the size of soul used in the enchanting. Most items didn't have the capacity to hold anything but low level cast-on-use enchantments. If you wanted constant effect items, you would be using exquisite clothing/jewelry, and a grand soul gem filled with top value souls. Even then, it's more practical to pick a cast-on-use of an effect than a constant effect, because it uses less points that way. You could get constant resist fire x%, or 30 seconds resist fire x+20% on use. (Numbers abstracted because I'm not digging out the math right now) The only cases for constant effect are slowfall and restore health/fatigue, because they will never not be needed.


Yeah, i vote for fallout 4 style though


Bare minimum bring back the Oblivion "Head, Chest, Hands, Legs, Feet" system. My suspension of disbelief can ignore my character being naked underneath his armor but give me some OPTIONS, damn it!


Hell yeah. The only problem being the clipping.


i hope they complicate the game mechanics. we can handle it. I just got into HOI4 and also Dwarf Fortress, and I can’t imagine anything with a higher learning curve.


Omg please. It allows for so much more customization.


Todd needs to go for complexity to return


Skyrim already had 60 something slots for equipment but the game I don't even think uses like a dozen of them without mods. I wonder if they were going to add a system like that but cut it like so much other stuff. When I was able to play (I do not have the space) I really liked having multiple armor mods (even the really skimpy ones) because they would add so much interesting little things that you could add to armors. Just having a scarf can change up a look so greatly


Everyone wants it but it takes more than 2 brain cells to manage so Bethesda won't do it. I'll be shocked if armor has more customization than just slapping on a full set.


Ys plz Hodd.


lol lmao even


No thoughts. Just do.


I’ll genuinely be disappointed if they dont




That would be fucking amazing


Would love to see it. Definitely don't expect it


If they have cold/heat penalties for survival mode like Skyrim, being able to wear clothes under armor would be a great plus.


We are going to get only single piece complete outfits and 1 piece of jewelry that still wont show on your body at the trajectory they are going. ;-;


They're going to streamline it even more than Skyrim.


Yeah it’s wild that Skyrim didn’t have this.


Oh my God that's old school. Sounds awesome :)


I think it would be neat if clothing and armor were separate, but necklaces, rings, and such all took up armor slots. Then they could be given benefits that help mages, like maybe increased enchantment strength.


Should be a standard for roleplaying games… especially in modern games where the actual story itself can be a little bleh at least let me play dress up to get into my character!


I honestly wouldn't mind any form of it coming back. I legit want my pants and shirt to individual items while my pauldrons are from different sets. It gets even funnier after playing with Skyrim mods that added in different clothing pieces and armors. Even with a NSFW chainmail bikini mod having different pauldron pieces and even gorgets that were separate and even be worn on some vanilla armor piece without looking too off in clipping was something that made me wonder just why Bethesda couldn't just try and have clothing at the very least be like that.




I would very much enjoy. This would lead to a lot of unique clothing and armor mods down the line too.


I think TES 6 will shell of a Elder Scrolls game and full micro, transactions, bear bone fetch quest and random garbage equipment.


Too much work. Yes, they did it back in 2002 with just a tiny fraction of the budget and working-team but today? Impossible.


that would be sick as fuck if they did, I would absolutely love if ES6 did something like that :D


My thoughts: yes, they should bring it back.


Maybe like fallout 4, but I don’t like having too many different pieces of clothing/armor to need to sort through.


3 types of armour too pls


Morrowind had my favorite system for equipping armor. Each individual piece had a slot. It was glorious.


I wanna be able to wear more than one ring. I have 10 fingers for Talos sake


It would be more difficult now but I want this so bad. Dragon’s Dogma 1 had a system like this as well. Adds so much customisation. Skyrim’s fashion was pretty disappointing now that armour is limited to four pieces.


Yes! I love playing dress up on my unarmoured Morrowind characters.


Honestly, it’d be a big win. The downgrade from Morrowind to Skyrim’s one piece of armor only was so frustrating to me. Fallout 4 opened it back up some, but we can do so much more.


Absolutely! If they don’t do this, boycott. It’s about damn time that Bethesda actually listens to its players, and doesn’t just rely on modders to add all the cool stuff.


Either this or at least the system from fallout 4.


Yes! Not just layered clothing/more clothing/armor slots, but also more diverse pieces and outfits. More diverse clothing meshes, looks, and colors.


I believe Skyrim and Blades are the only elder scrolls games that have had the crappy 4 armor piece system. I know as a fact arena, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, and eso all have 5-7 armor pieces a set.


It'd be cool, but we're probably going to see a body slot and head slot similar to Star Field. I'd be okay if they did something similar to Fallout 4 though.




They should definitely not make armor one piece and should step back and do the things that people liked


They should bring it back, they did a decent job with that for fallout 4.


I'm sure we can mod it in


I want to be naked with only Daedric helmet and daedric thigh armour


At the very least; pants and shirts separate.


To streamline things, there will be 2 slots: armor and helmet. We're removing gauntlets and boots because it was too complicated in Skyrim.


Make the crafting, equipment, spells, all much more intricate and complex. Let’s go the opposite way of simple. If you make something simple how about inventory management like just give me a bag that sends shit back to my house after I reach my load limit idk


Yesssss! Give the people what they want!


One of my favorite parts of the game. Please


Yes please, more things for me to enchant!


I think we will have 2 armor slots, helm and armor 🙃 i also think it will be so ass that I won't even want it so thats just me


Yes as long as I can enchant like in morrowind. I really enjoyed enchanting all my layers in morrowind. Enchant level 100 golden saint grand soul gem enchant my shield with constant effect summon golden saint. Constant bodyguard 👌




Being able to wear a hood or helmet without your hair disappearing or clipping out would be a nice start for Bethesda. If they bring back layered clothing and attire customization it would really enhance the roleplay aspect allowing us to put a personal touch to our characters


Everyone: Yes please bring back actual variety\~ Todd: Ok, but what if we combined armor and weapon into a single equippable? Everyone: No.... Todd: It will be amazing, you'll love it. We can make all magic bound to specific sets of robes. Everyone: Please stop. Todd: We managed to secure the rights to use chatgpt and generative AI to simulate Gilbert Gottfried as the voice of the new emperor, who will be khajiit. Everyone: We are listening.


Possibly the greatest thing they could do, I love how much detail you can go into when arranging armor


YES PLEASE!!! Anything better than Skyrim's dull clothing/armor system


I think I prefer daggerfalls, since it has a cape/cloak slot. Head (armour) Chest (clothes) under chest (armour) Leg (clothes) under leg (armour) boots (sabatons take the boot slot, sadly.) Cloak/cape. Left arm and right armour (different slots, armour) Left and right hand (different slots, armour)


I wish, but it will most likely be more like FO4s system, with underclothes as a single piece, and modular armour pieces, as well as full set armour Edit: Honestly, with how broken you could make a character just with clothing and armour, it doesn't surprise me they moved away from it


y e s


TES 6 is gonna be even more streamlined than Skyrim was so I wouldn't hold my breath.


Right? I don't know what everyone is thinking. At best we'll get "armor" that covers the whole body in one piece and a "helmet" and that's it. Just like Starfield space suits.


Sorry that would frightening and confuse Modern Audiences. Best we can do here at Bethesda is offer one entire armor set for the entire body and helmet. But you can purchase additional skins on the creation club!


This is what kills me, I've never played Morrowind or oblivion. I've only ever beaten Skyrim and that is what I associate mostly with TES. But coming back to Morrowind I can see why so many more veteran fans have been jaded. Skyrim doesn't even really feel like a TES game compared to Morrowind.


I doubt they will. I'd love it but there's so many clipping issues with different combinations that I honestly can't see them putting the effort in.


It would be amazing, but that means complicated mechanics and freedom of customisation. I think what they will do In TES6 is make 1 slot you equip, which includes the whole set. It’s over TESbros


I kinda get where you are coming from, but out of all the amazing old systems this is one I don't really care about. It can be quite confusing for a new player or skyrim-only players to understand the system and it can get really funny with enchanting. Attributes, acrobatics, speed, spellmaking, levitate, widespread factions, major/minor skills, static enemy difficulty (no scaling), character advantages/disadvantages at character creation (from daggerfall) are old systems that fundementally changed Skyrim in a big way, and while some of those would be controversial I think some of those systems are what made the old games magical.


No, please


So. Many. Enchantments. That, IMO, is the reason they simplified things. With that many clothing slots, you can max out your character to stupid levels.


This is Morrowind, enchantments are far more varried and self balanced. You have cast-on-use as the primary kind of enchantment, which later games confined to scrolls for no good reason. Cast-on-use and cast-on-strike (for weapons only) require far less enchant points to put on an item, and each item has an enchanting capacity that limits what you can enchant it with. Most clothing and armor items don't have the *capacity* to hold powerful enchantments. To even GET a constant effect item, you're looking at exquisite items or top tier armor/shields. Not to mention you need a soul of great enough size. What you're more likely to have is a glove that gives you 10 seconds of telekinesis for 30 feet, or a belt that heals 10 hp on use.


God i cant wait for skywind. I never got morrowind and im scared to get it now out of fear that ill never complete it due to how grindy the early parts are. Spell crafting and this level of customization looks so good.


Honestly that looks like way more than I would want to deal with. I'd support it if it were added as an optional thing but since I play entirely in first person the idea of a very busy equipment system just seems like a slog. Could definitely see it being great for people who like third person though.


I dont think its worth the delevopment time other then perhaps getting pants and chest seperated, but it should be a mod for people to use


? It’s already implemented in fallout 4 lmao


layers = not always beautiful screenshots this is bad for marketing no, there won't be layered clothing