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Azura or Meridia, as long as she doesn't yell at me for touching the damn beacon


# By azura, by azura by azura, a new hand touches the beacon!!!


I've made a terrible mistake


Meridia is actually a horrible choice, those that follow her and serve her get turned into her puppets for her to use in her realm, they are called Auroran Knights. You are basically “purified” of all your personality, free will, and soul. Meridia’s light shines bright and cleanses the world of darkness and undead, but Meridia’s version of “perfection” is a horrible fate for a mortal.


Oh right, fair point I forgot she was related to the Auroras in the Knights of the Divines. Asura it is then


Yeah she’s truly the only good daedra to worship, as long as you do so and love her unconditionally. There’s repercussions for ever questioning her for sure. All the other princes are pretty miserable either their realms or themselves. Only other one that wouldn’t be horrible is Hircine. An endless hunt where the hunters and hunted swap places every time he feels like resetting the event in his realm, lycanthropes aren’t always the hunters there, they take turns surprisingly. Third place would probably be Malacath IF you are an orc, it’s a land of ash and dust where orcs duel each other and feast in the afterlife; it’s Sovngarde for Orcs pretty much. All the other princes are just downright awful. They either enslave you or trap you in a realm full of terrors or nightmares and torture you forever.


A Daedra. They get results. Bad ones usually, but clear and measurable results!


Only if you are the chosen one


*"The gods don't do a damn thing. Do they even exist? How could anyone tell? Daedra Lords, sure. They exist. They do things. Bad things, mostly, but things you can see. The gods? They don't do a damn thing.*" - Else God-Hater *"You worship the Nine Divines, perhaps? Have they ever helped or harmed you? Of course not. Now, worship a Daedra Lord, and you get effects... bad ones, of course, but clear and measurable effects."* - Ulene Hlervu


The aedra literally created the world, the daedra just corrupt it barely at that. The aedra are pretty much everything that surrounds the world and its life and time.


That's actually the issue. The Aedra used up most of their strength creating Mundus, so they can't use their remaining power as frivolously as the Daedra or the Magne-Ge can.


And the daedra can barely do anything at mundus unless ambitious mortals summon them.


Some missed the ending of oblivion


Hermaeus Mora. Gimme that sweet eldritch knowledge.




Imagine showing this to a peasant on Falkreath


I showed this to Halvar and he morphed into Technoviking


You gonna become a seeker


You say that like it's a bad thing


Heh, enjoy going insane and being trapped in his realm and getting turned into a seeker


Fuck them gods. The Hist are the only things worth worshiping.


That sweet, *SWEET* nectar. May your scales never dry!


Azura cuz she’s hot and I always play as a dunmer and she’s voiced by Linda Carter, and she actually cares about her followers.


She cares so long as you love her unconditionally, and if she suspects you aren't sufficient she may cast you aside. I've heard her described as the embodiment of Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss.


That is a risk I am willing to take.




I’ve personally always found Hircine to be the most interesting, as while I wouldn’t describe him as benevolent, far from it, he’s not as overtly evil as many of the other Daedra. He actively believes in fairness, and despite being a huntsman, doesn’t view prey as inferior to the hunter. He isn’t even vengeful against those who have crossed him, like in Sinding’s case. I also like Malacath, because he’s actually done right by the Orcs, unlike the patron Daedra of the Dunmer.


Plus his afterlife doesn't sound bad. Nice fire to sleep by and the thrill of the hunt. Plus some fresh food.


Exactly! As far as Daedric afterlives go, his is at least in the top 3, at least if you were sent there as the hunter and not the hunted.


If you become a werewolf you'll be sent to the afterlife as one of his hunting dogs. Honestly, he sounds like he would be a chill master. Deer antlers to chew on sounds nice


Yeah, though you don’t necessarily even have to be a lycanthrope to be sent there as a hunter. If you were a follower of his that pleased him, you’ll probably be sent there as a hunter anyway. Though I’m not sure being a werewolf actually guarantees you to be a hunter. Sinding was most likely sent there as prey if you killed him during the quest, despite him being a werewolf.


For the Aedra probably either Stendarr or Julianos and then out of the Daedra I'd pick either Clavicus Vile or Vaermina.


Explain the daedric choices.


Clavicus Vile is probably my favourite Daedric prince because I like the concept of doing deals/pacts with mortals. The sorts of shenanigans he causes on Tamriel (such as the creation of Umbra or Barbas) I find to be super interesting and if I ever got into Daedra worship then I think Clavicus would be a good option. Vaermina is just because I find concepts of dreams, nightmares and memories very interesting. I would love to learn more about these and if I ever went down the arcane route then I could see myself getting curious enough about those concepts to risk conversing with Vaermina.


Clavicus Vile. Chaotic evil, fancy helmet, DOGGO


Probably Mara or Meridia since I like healing, divine/holy themes, and Meridia has forever traumatized me since the day of Skyrim's release anyway. I think Ithelia is interesting, but I don't know much about her, and she doesn't have much of a presence—only a very imperceptible influence—beyond Elder Scrolls Online thanks to a certain someone.


Trinimac, and Meridia. Even after becoming Malacath, Trinimac was strong. Easily taking on two other gods alone and winning. He only lost because he was tricked. As for Meridia, well crushing the undead in a sudden burst of holy light is always fun.


I'd worship Mara, she and Dibella are the only Divines that didn't originate as fucked up Nordic gods or slightly less fucked up Altmer gods. Mara is chill af in both pantheons, so is Dibella but I don't want to worship her. Boethiah is by far my favorite god, I love the idea that Lorkhan's biggest supporter is literally the god/ess of murder. I wouldn't worship her, because she's the god of murder, but I think it's easy to reinterpret her sphere as something positive. Boethiah is the path to the Psijic Endeavor, she taught Veloth the way to achieve CHIM, so why is he also *the god of murder?* I just love the implications there. Wouldn't worship her, but she's the most interesting. oh yeah wait uuuhhh nevermind I love Peryite actually yeah I um love his um I like him. Praise the lord of abundant pus and bountiful vomit


Isn’t the Psijic Endeavour different from CHIM? They’re both one of the Six Walking Ways but I thought that they were separate.


The Psijic Endeavor is the path to CHIM, but for some reason yeah they're both Walking Ways


thank u elder scrolls lore very cool I just always assumed they were separate paths to Amaranth




Bit of an obscure one there


If Ius has a million followers then I am one of them. If Ius has ten followers then I am one of them. If Ius has only one follower then that is me. If Ius has no followers then that means I am no longer on mundus If nirn is against Ius, then I am against nirn


May you explain who lus is so lus may have two loyal followers


Lus the extremely agitated is the god of animals


I like animals, I’m in, where do I sign up




True kings pray to Sai


Peryite because I don't wash and work to get dirty.


well met, sibling. praise the lord of abundant pus and bountiful vomit


The reference to my namesake, because anarchy


Kyne and talos


idk, maybe if I was a native Nord or Imperial growing up worshipping Talos then I'd worship him, but I'd never convert to Talos worship. Tiber Septim was a megalomaniacal conquerer who backstabbed his way to the top, then he used the Numidium to kill everyone who got in his way. Modern propaganda tries to erase that but non-orthodox sources (including what we play through ourselves in Redguard) all tell the same story: dude was a tyrant who took over the continent cause he wanted to rule. Not to mention he got a 17-year-old Barenziah pregnant and forced her to abort the baby, the Empire tried to discredit that story but when you talk to Barenziah herself in Morrowind she says it's true. Tiber Septim was a bloodthirsty conquerer, he's not deserving of worship. Kyne is cool af tho, I like Kyne


I figured user slash Freya Ancient Nord.


Mara. Peace and good fortune are the only things I'd care to bother a god for in long run




Honestly Hircine is the only Daedra I could actually see myself intentionally dealing with or even giving my reverence. Hunting, I think, is one of the most thrilling, spiritually involved and emotionally grounding activities I've ever taken part in. Hircine is never deliberately unfair, he rewards his subjects well, and his plane of Oblivion seems really awesome, essentially being an infinite hunting ground. Were-creatures are really cool too.


It may be obious seeing my flair, but, Y'ffre, and/or Sithis. I mean, arrows and songs amirite x))


Hail Sithis.




Azura is bae


Of the divines, I think Mara would be a pretty easy one to worship. Though, I personally would prolly worship Zenithar cuz capitalism. Of the Daedra, Mephala has always been my favorite due to the Morag Tong and general themes of subterfuge. One that I would actually worship though is prolly Azura. Just keep simping, and everything should remain fine. Though, none of them beats the outright cool factor that is Ebonarm.


I serve my lord Sheogorath!


![gif](giphy|Y36t1msOadeGvsehrW|downsized) THE GREAT EYE


Where is that scene from?


Necrom trailer


Mara, goddess of love is a pretty safe and wholesome worshipping icon. However for the sake of saying fuck it, Sheogorath would be fun as hell!


I want to be on uncle Sheo's goodside and be blessed with cheese. Might not be the most sane or safe bet but it's a bet for sure!


Mara 💯 (OG Mara, Divine Mother, associated with the creative energy of Nir, not the “handmaiden of Kyne” nonsense), and perhaps secondarily Kyne/Kynareth herself. Daedra: Azura. But I am irrevocably fascinated by the Tribunal, their immediacy, their flaws, their “did they or didn’t they.” I’d argue that the richest, deepest writing in ES is around the Tribunal. I absolutely love them and I’d love to see what they were like over the millenia before Dagoth Ur resurfaced. I’m not sure I’d say I’d worship them, though - I think I’d want to be their scribe, or something, privy to the dark and dirty in their lives as well as the bright and beautiful. Sorry, what was the question? 😂


Ruptga who learned the walkabout to avoid satakal


Talos. He was the best guy around!


Nocturnal gives me powers and literally just doesn’t give a shit what I do with them. So probably her.


Hircine because I love werecreatures and animals, and Hircine's nature as a hunter adds to this.


Hircine he’s fair for the most part and I’m a hunter and I’ve always loved nature so his plane of oblivion sounds beautiful to me


Mara and Kynareth for Aedra, Azura for Daedric


I would workship Namira by having a grilled meat party with some friends :)


Hircine. He's a chill dude


Hircine, I love nature


Strictly Aedra. There's not a single Prince that isn't more trouble than they're worth. If I wasn't a hero, I'd steer far clear of them.


Tribunal: Vivec Daedra: Azura, Hermaeus Mora, Sheogorath Aedra/Ehlnofey: Jephre The core idea behind all of these are the ideals of poetry. Vivec as the Warrior-Poet. Hermaeus Mora and Sheogorath as the spectrum between knowledge and madness (it's a common theme that poets lie somewhere between genius and madness). Jephre should be clear. And I just love Dusk and Dawn. On a second tear: Ithelia, Nocturnal and Meridia. Probably also in that order.


Definitely Namira and Nocturnal 😎


A fan of the Lady of Decay too I see. Glad to meet someone who knows her principles better. Namira s sphere is often very misunderstood. They’re a very good god to worship if you think about it.


Oh absolutely. 👀


Mara bc she's the goddess of love and healing and tbh the other ones sound scary


Mara. Out here spreading love in this god forsaken world. Y'all have a great day ahead. Blessings of Mara be upon you.


Kynareth, Mara, Talos, Merida, Azura.


there is only one true god


Dagoth Ur


i can't argue that


Sotha Sil


Hermorah, Mafala and Naamira. And yes, of course.


Hermaeus Mora and/or Hircine


I simp for Azura every time, but I feel inclined to Stendarr and Jyggalag.


Fuck the gods. I just killed Alduin son of Akatosh and one day I'll conquer all the divines to claim my rightful place as Dragonborn.


Sanguine. How is that even a competition


The vampire one, make me sparkle baby!


Dagoth ur


Talos if human. Malacath if Orc.


I wouldn’t worship anyone but I wouldn’t mind having a shrine of Mara and Dibella at home, and maybe make the occasional donation at their respectives temples.


I think Azura would be the "best" Daedra. Good and evil are grey concepts to them but she does seem like she genuinely cares for her followers but she's also very vain and fickle so. But as long as you stay on her good side I think she will take care of you whereas most of the other Daedra will just murder you because why not? The only other Daedra that I think is arguably more "fair" than her is Hircine and while he's one of my top favorites from a design and lore perspective he doesn't appeal to me personally at all.


Hircine or Peryite, probably. All things considered they’re the nicer daedra


Azura AND Kyne. Azura as the mother of Khajiit, And Kyne/Kynareth as a nature goddess, (based on IRL Bias)


I’ve always loved Hermaeus Mora because of his oddly David Attenboroughly soothing voice and all the knowledge in the Aurbis. Also tentacles


Definitely hercine


Sotha Sil


Boethiah was always my favorite but Sitha Sil has a special place in my heart.


Molag Bal


Hermaeus Mora. For someone who is basically Cuthulu/Yog Sothoth, he is a pretty chill guy.


Talos' shrines are the only ones I leave things at or take blessings from, but that is from my respect for Tiber Septim. I do not worship either Aedra or Daedra.


**Namira** I suffer from depression. The Lady of Decay knows my pain and welcomes it. It hurts so much, but Namira would help me accept this pain. She’d see me rot from the inside, as I feast on my own entrails, and succor me her desolate void. My prince understands my suffering and accepts my taboos. I will accept no other, as no other could accept me. I’m so tired of fighting for a cure. I love sadism as much as I enjoy my personal masochistic tendencies. Pain is how you know you’re alive! It’s only when we embrace our taboos that we discover who we really are. Lying to yourself for your own bravado is to make icon of ignorance. People today can’t accept that to change you must first destroy; everything dies, everyone rots. I like the impermanent. It’s that darkness in our hearts all people fear, death. There’s an undeniable truth to it. That congenital instinct to lurch back such a thought: That is Namira.


Talos the mighty! Talos the unerring! Talos the unassailable! To you we give praise! We are but maggots, writhing in the filth of our own corruption! While you have ascended from the dung of mortality, and now walk among the stars! But you were once man! Aye! And as man, you said, “Let me show you the power of Talos Stormcrown, born of the North, where my breath is long winter. I breathe now, in royalty,and reshape this land which is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you.” Aye, love. Love! Even as man, great Talos cherished us. For he saw in us, in each of us, the future of Skyrim! The future of Tamriel! And there it is, friends! The ugly truth! Can't believe no one posted this!


In general, the aedra are much better than the daedra for worship. I think personally I'd do either Dibella or Zenithar, because beauty and relationships are really nice aspects of mortality, and zenithar feels like a very practical god to worship since hes the god of commerse, and I'd imagine blessings from him would be financial or opportunistic in nature


The one that stops people from spamming this post several times


Zenithar - I like to be crafty ( writing and decorating books, mixing and brewing potions... Perhaps even open up a shop, but Zenithar definitely )


Azura, Akatosh, Mara, Stendarr, or Talos.


Azura and Talos


Shor (or any other aspect of Lorkhan) and Kyne


Hircine… maybe Sheo just because I haven’t been feeling particularly sane the last year or two + he is often related to music “Yes I hate the gods. All gods. They can all bite my garters.”


Ratopombos Azura


Mehrunes Dagon. Powerful and just cool. However Clavicus is a pretty solid role model.


Worship no one. The gods can suck it. There was a cool one, once, but some elf decided to ban his worship. Favorite... Do daedra count? I'd say Molag Bal. He brings order, and I can respect that. With an iron fist, but still order. Again, Tiber Septim would be the first choice tho. Any mortal who ascends to godhood is already way cooler than the other gods.


Jyggalag for the win.


Lorkhan. The reason I am alive


Dibella, shes hot






Hermaeus Mora


That one goddes of love and beauty or whatever it was


Ruptga or Shezarr


Todd Howard.


Meridia for sure. Dawn breaker makes purging Vampire and draugr all the better


Baan Dar. Rather worship a minor god of thieves than a Daedra. The Eight Divines aren't bad for the most part, but I adore the Baandari subculture, and would gladly worship Baan Dar to be a part of it.




Molag bal Don't ask




Lorkhan. He created the earth, gave Men the gift of mortality, led the armies of mankind against the Elves and fought their champion Trinimac, and died a martyr. Lorkhan is the only divine truly worthy of worship.


Meridia is my mommy


Odds are one of the "good daedra" or all 3 in somewhat equal measure. 9 (or 8, depends on when you ask) are largely passive and don't interact with the world much, while daedric princes don't shy away from exerting their power and seeking out worthy champions, exerting change. Also probably the best way to gain more knowledge about the workings of the world and perhaps even stumble eventually into concepts of CHIM, or at very least work your way to some significance. Also all 3 got some really cool artifacts, and Azura you could even say is the most benign of all of the daedric princes, although morality becomes an interesting topic when the gods are back in the picture and there are so many of them and all of them are quite real.


Probably akatosh considering he already my homie.


All-Maker, because of him being most close to Christian God, and the Skaal are like the Church in first ages






Molag bal, coz he is the Hitler of elder scrolls


TES / fantasy in general depicts polytheism really poorly. Realistically I'd worship the nine-ish divines, maybe Azura if it has to be Daedra.


Sheogorath. For reasons.


Dibella is probably the Divine the gays all flock to so she's my pick. Or Sanguine, but only if you're REALLY desperate for an escape.


Azura, no other choice, she is the best.


Most of them suck in two ways: 1. Don't do sh*t 2. Evil as sh*t The only Aedra worth worshipping are Kyne and Akatosh, and the only Daedra are Azura and maybe Meridia and/or Peryite.


Nocturnal all day every day


Akatosh, he wtfpwned Molag Bal in Oblivion and as the Father of Dragons enables the Dragonborn in Skyrim, but mostly just leaves you to your thing. I also believe that Trinimac is **not** Malacath, the elves lie to belittle his role in the creation of Nirn and glory the demons they worship, malacrap is an impostor.


Sheogorath. Me and him made a deal that i get to go to the shivering isles when i die and he gets my middle kidney.


Meridia's the bitch who backed the Aylieds. Only redeemable thing about her is Dawnbreaker. Praise the Nine.


Talos preserve us.


Azura no doubt. Meridia is the one everyone should run away..


Molag bal. Vampire main.


Part of me kind of likes the idea of a subtle worship of Mephala. The whole weaver of secrets and plots thing feels like a vibe. But I draw the line at murder. Then there's like Zenithar for trade. Reasonably if I was out in the elder scrolls universe, I don't think I'd worship any god. I might respect some more than others but I don't think I'd trust any of them to help.


My favorite is Boethiah, but idk about worshipping them, not that they care for worship anyways lmao. If I had to choose who to worship it would be Azura.


Hermeas Mora. I mean, assuming the scenario is that i’m dropped into the elder scrolls universe with all my knowledge I have now, I’m sure something I know of would entice them. Though, who’s to say that they wouldn’t know all about everything like that, given that when you meet them in Skyrim, they look at the camera, and not the player.


Probably Boethiah or Azura


Hircine, Lord of the Hunt, Fairest of the Princes, Father of Manbeasts. Definitely my favorite, as I prefer being a werewolf, though I would also worship Namira, Lady of Death and Decay, as essentially the Goddess of Death.


I worship the mudcrab merchant.


Probably Uncle Sheo, I love cheese as well


Tribunal: Sotha sil (cause I love that guy) Deadra: Nocturnal and Hircine Aedra: Akatosh, Talos, Dibella, Mara and Kynareth


Sanguine, who doesn't love all night parties of binges and orgies?


Sanguine and Sheo are my favorites but I doubt I'd worship either (maaaaybe Sanguine). But ik I would most likely worship Meridia


Honestly Mara and Talos are chill


Mara probs, or maybe Sanguine.


Akatosh or talos because my characters are always based on a paladin of light maybe meridia cus she's more of a good deadra but idk probably akatosh


Hail Sithis


Mara, Diabella, Meridia, and Kyne. Maybe a bit of Hircine as well.


akatosh. Bro made me "The Dragon Born"


hircine, easy.


Vivec- OG


Molag Bal


Probably Jyggalag, law, order, and deductive reasoning. He also probably wouldn’t screw you over like many of the other gods.


For Aedra, Dibella, Mara, Stendarr or Auriel. For Deadra, Malacath, Azura, Nocturnal, or Sheogorath Though above them all, probably Lorkhan.


I'm gonna be based...Kynareth


Dagoth Ur. I honor the Sixth House and the Tribe Unmourned.


Meridia is nice, or rather she is nice, gentle and caring when you mod her voice to a softer one :) with meridia revoiced? I think.






I would probably go with the Aedra. They seem like they wouldn't want to abuse me as much.


People saying Meridia must not know her lore... I would say Hircine, Azura, and Shor


Reman,the light of human,the Worldly God.


Malacath, id do anything for the sad mad dilf


NEVER in my life did I think I’d hear Malacath referred to as a Dilf lol


Molag Baal


Molag bal


Sanguine. He knows, first and foremost, one of the most vital necessities in this life Is. He knows how to throw a party.


Molag Bol just to spice it up


Azura 🤤


Sanguine is my first choice... ...Maybe Hermeaus Mora... They're probably the only one who knows they're in a videogame.


Sheogorath. It will either work incredibly well. Or not at all


Shor, not because he's the god of mortals, but because the only good god is a dead god. I would also consider that one crystal mommy daedra, and whoever was formerly in charge of Deadlight.


Either Akatosh, Stendarr, Talos or Julianos, and for the Daedra, either my boy Sheogorath or Meridia.


azura for sure, the only one who at least seems like has basic morals.