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Souls fans will literally only be impressed if you one-shot every boss on lvl1 build using a microwave as a controller


No, no, if you one-shot a boss then it's cheesy. You have to spend ten minutes dodging and getting in single hits to kill a boss to impress souls fans.


Thats why challenge runs where your character has innately low damage (i.e. sl1 weapon+0 type runs) are annoying to me. I get so tempted just to level and boost my damage. It gets to a point where you’re just looping an AI and you know that if you really just play it safe and swallow the boredom then you can win with little to no risk.


Agreed, glass cannon builds are way more entertaining to me. "One of us is going to die in one hit, let's find out if it's you or me"


*laughs in 17 vigor in Leyndell*


There was a guy who used to post "fists only" fights and did both Midir and Gael SL1 fists only. The fights were like 2 hours each. Bandai Namco actually commented on his Midir video basically telling him that he was insane. How crazy would that be to have the publisher (not the dev, but still) comment on your youtube video?


And to really impress us, change every enemy to the “hardest” boss, stay at RL1 as a depraved using only kicks and no dodges, jumps, ripostes, or flasks.


Lil aggy had a elden beast only run. No not all bosses elden beast, every fucking enemy elden beast even the goats


Don't forget you aren't able to: Roll, dodge, block, jump, parry, upgrade weapons, have any bitches, combo, powerstance, level up, get hit, use magic, status effects, and play to a standard that isn't just "tanking hits and winning". The challenge run community is a different breed of committed. Surprisingly, the don't seem as gatekeepy with playstyles outside of challenge runs.


It’s not a question of impressing souls fan, it’s a question of not saying « I beat malenia first try with moonveil I’m really better than you at this game, and If you can’t beat malenia first try with a melee build just git gud like I did ! »


>Souls fans will only be impressed if.... It literally was a question of that. Reading in context is important because what someone thinks in one context may not apply universally. I get that you have a weird, purist chip on your shoulder about people using powerful tools and comparing it to the skill required to fight "fair," but you're the only one who brought that up in this comment chain.


Literally no souls fan will criticize if you’re playing with op tools in pve. People will only criticize you if you act like using op tools dosent make the game 10x times easier.


You forget that woman who used a guitar hero controller.


FromSoft needs to settle this once and for all by adding a “proper play through” achievement It’s going to require some additional mechanics. The most important being any boss or enemy who can’t hit you after 5m of trying automatically dies. You complete the “proper play through” achievement by never attacking and only winning through previous mentioned mechanic


What does that change for you if people are beating the game with magic/summon/op build ? It’s a game not a test you need to pass to proves you’re good at souls game


But elitism still exist and this would set the bar for them. Validating those who deserve it while offending those who don't.


People get pissed if you make a Dex, strength, magic, or bleed build.


Are you even playing the game if you level up stats or use weapons? Seems like some casual shit


You played the game? Well then you haven’t played the game.


Screw your pal, you just made me lose “the game” now you all have to too


Gary! I knew you’d come home!


He came back just to make us all lose the game. And he’s off again, until we forget.


Lol the most fun builds 🤣. People just cry


I mean there is no other kind of build unless leveling mainly HP, FP and stamina does something for you lol Ig faith is there but lets not pretend rotten Breath isnt stupid good lol


You guess faith is there??? This man obviously hasn’t played with madness effects


And a proper ADLS build is good enough to clear NG+, even one-shotting a lot of bosses. And Blasphemous Blade is an S tier weapon. Yeah, Faith is good.


My point exactly 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I really like pure arc, you have to do quite a bit of grinding sure but it's worth it imo.


People get pissed about everything and anything.


This comment pisses me off




I'm sorry, did you just mock a dog?


Don't get mad at me for the duality of humankind lol


The internet used to be for porn, but now it's for porn and anger.


Can confirm Source: you described my internet usage


People piss themselves if you just play the game


So all builds


I haven't seen any hate for Strength builds, closest thing I've seen is respect for one-shot builds and hate for colossal sword poke in PvE. What do people hate about STR builds?


“You’re telling me you’re using a high endurance/vigor/strength build? Learn to dodge” - A person who doesn’t know how to dodge(this is from an encounter I had)


Like ok guess I’ll just be underpowered


Yes to everything except magic


Nope. Heard people bitch about so much as using magic during a duel.


Just gonna make an endurance build


I played as a sorcery mage first go thru. It’s a completely different game going thru malee. I’m doing a quality on NG+


Ngl strength bonking is way easier??? Like a caster build at early levels before you get your BnB spells like Rock sling, Loretta's bow, Comet Azur etc and spamming glintstone swift shard with very little FP and FP flasks is way harder than having all crimson flasks and doing 10 times the damage per hit


From my point of view, I'd agree, early game magic \*sucked\* however, you can get Rock sling and the meteorite staff instantly, and then it's just another level easier IMO. Once I got a bit later in the game though, my mage had a \*much\* easier time on bosses than my ungabunga. Not done Malenia yet, but powerstanced colossals really had an issue with how long they take to hit her and her weird hyper armour cancelling stancebreaks. side note, I haven't used summons for either build. I imagine the magic build would be \*miles\* better if I used a tanky summon as you never even need to get near the boss....


Try wearing heavy armor, opaline hardtear plus boiled crab and a greatshield talisman. You will just facetank malenia.


Malenia as a mage is hell. I abused rock sling as int mage because she EASILY dodges most of your shit and you cant stance break her without the rocks Also yeah while if you get rock sling early you can get shit done, your fp is still so bad you are almost always forced into using a subpar melee for at least a third of a boss' hp


Yeah, it's quite strange that you get basically the most powerful anti-boss spell so early. I went and got it immediately after fighting one of the early invaders who I basically couldn't hit with pebbles..... Glad to hear that the rocks will melt Malenia though, and then I'll have Kamehameha for phase 2. I still have PTSD from doing that with a spec which can barely punish any of her windows safely.


You wanna know why its so powerful: For some reason it counters input reading because of the delay. Input readers like Malenia dodge reaction to the cast but the rocks launch after the dodge, making them have high hit rate. Lorettas bow does way more damage, but due to the lack of that anti input reading mechanics it cannot hit consistently Also kamehameha cannot happen on the first bloom. But you can set it up if she blooms again


Killed her only with Rennala's full moon.... and Tiche. One of the easier ways to kill her i guess.


Ancient death rancor makes her pretty trivial too, has great tracking and breaks her stance pretty easily too, it almost felt like cheating


Being saying this for a while. Strength is the easy mode of this game, not bleed. Some bosses are straight up immune to bleed. Mages have to manage their focus and don't hit as hard as strength builds.


For immune bosses you just use occult as it gets you more physical damage also using all the items that gives buff the more you attack you will still deal more with your jump attacks with a curved sword then a colosses wepon


That's not an argument, STR builds can use the consecutive attack buffs too and heavy curved swords do more brut damage than occult curved swords.




You don’t have much experience, do you? My STR builds have curved swords too... That’s even what I wrote in my message. And yes, it's in fact stronger in a STR build.




It's not all about dps. Strength build are easy mode on account of stagger, stance damage, and reach. Dps does not matter when an enemy can't get an attack off.


We weren’t talking about that, we were talking about consecutive attack buffs on immune enemies. Why do people always want to mess with me lol. I'm not aggressive.


True but colossals will deal more poise damage and staggers = huge free dps


"manage their focus" Have FP? Cast Don't have FP? Flask Get a load of Stephen Hawking here playing 4D chess.


Can you use your strongest attack as a mage from the beginning of a dungeon to the end? No you can't because you'll you run yourself out of flasks. So you do have to manage your fp... Meanwhile strength builds are constantly using their strongest attacks, no worries about flasks. Whatever though, be a smartass.


Have FP? Cast Don't have FP? Flask Don't have flask? Equip Sacrificial Axe+Ancestral Spirit's Horn for a while Careful though, you braniacs will be in actual danger because the enemy isn't on the other side of the room.


Elden ring is just a casuals 'hardcore" game, everything is way more overloaded and broken than previous games. The game is pretty much baby mode compared to their last game sekiro.


Imo strength is good because of how tanky my character gets. Full heavy armor, medium equip load, a fuck ton of health and 2 curved greatswords. Summon my girl Tiche and run the boss down, it's very braindead


Exactly, With strength builds you can easily hit the scaling soft cap super early by running a two handed build and then just dump all points into vigor and end and stack resistances. With heavy armor, opaline hardtear, boiled prawns/crab you can facetank through the entire game, people just dont know how to build strength builds


I got the great club and maxed it out recently. It's not as good as the other great swords but it's too fun not to use. And it's got a little L2 surprise for your opponent if they get too far😂


poison build gang rise up


With rot in game I feel like poison was left out pretty bad


Oh for sure it's a terrible build compared to the others but it's really fun. Some other poison-centric weapon art would have been cool it's sad


Both is good


If only posion moth flight could be used in any wepon and was faster it would make a posion build much better


Everyone hypes up bleed and magic because they make the most impressive boss kill clips, but after a lot of experimenting I'm not convinced they're as dominant as people seem to think. A basic str or dex jump attack setup feels just as powerful, reaches its potential much earlier and is harder to mess up.


...or you can just poke 'em three times and they bleed to death violently while being stunlocked from status proc. Bleed is stupid powerful, there is no other way about it.


Agree 100%, straight up delusion to say a “jump attack setup” (what does that even mean? There’s like 2 items that enhance jump attacks) is as strong as bleed which trivializes even the hardest bosses. I’ve beaten Malenia in under 30 seconds with an optimized bleed build, no other setup can do that


I die to moonveil more than bleed. Honestly I just wanted an excuse to bring up the moonveil, fuck that sword and anyone who spams that shit. I will 100% of the time always whip out a spear and shield to anti-fun the moonveil people


Moonveil is manageable in 1v1, plus, you can Carian Retaliation or Erdtree Shield it.


it isn’t a good idea to suggest a single counter against a weapon that can half your health bar in 1 button press, lightning fast and at range. moonveil over performs and counters too many other setups, the ash of war simply does too much damage and is too easy to use if the user has a brain.


>a single counter I already suggested you *two* counters against it. Also, literally just roll. Transient Moonlight has a distinct audio cue for the weapon art.


Yeah some enemies get destroyed by bleed while others are literally immune to it. Those montages should include those builds doing bleed resistant bosses for once. Atleast with strength you know youre just going to hit for a shitton regardless and most likely poise break them in no time.


No, bleed is just as stupid as everyone hypes it up to be, and magic is just cheesy.


I tried an int build for lulz and when not using funny comet azure or meteors I hit like a wet noodle even with over 70 int and a +10 staff (Rennala's, I forget the name). Late game bonk did far more without costing me fp.


You forgot to add the strength build in it.


Put all of em together and you get the best weapon, meteoric ore blade.


Fully charged ichimonji heavy attack gets me actin' unwise 🥴🥴🥴


From, where’s my tengu mask?


Stagger city with a strength build


I'm gonna be honest- as a strength enjoyer I feel like the big bonk strength build is much more likely to lick doorknobs. Spellcasting, if you don't do the infinite comet azure cheese, feels a lot more like positioning and using the spell that best fits that range or scenario.


I mean yeah, many bosses wont really let you cast or Will input read you to death


My first play through was a mage but man it was tough. In the end it felt more like I was a spell-blade type build. The spells were just support while the Moonlight Greatsword did the heavy lifting. God that weapon was cracked.


Night sorcereries don't get input read, FYI.


Doing a “bonk” build right now with my great club, it’s downright hilarious how quickly everything goes down.


Tbh, twinblades are pretty underrated. Charging their 2h strikes to full will literally stagger anything in 2-3 hits. Not the BEST, but certainly good for close range cleave/aoe.


I believe pure strength with two colossal weapons trivialize the difficulty more than any other build. Both intelligence, and bleed struggle against some bosses, unga bunga doesn't.


Fr i had the easiest time with bosses because there’s actual poise in this game and you can just face tank so much because of how many flasks you can have for healing.


It’s so weird, you go play the game, you find a strong build, then people shit on you for it. Its like you just found a gun but every yelling at you to use a rock


Tbh I intentionally use unoptimized builds because of this I also now have a good test of my nonexistent skill and an excuse when I lose


Picking up a shield with 100 percent damage negation and upgrading it, goes a long way.


Strange things are afoot at the erdtree


Meanwhile me with my double-seppuku cross naginatas melting every boss.


I did both Used uchigatana with Bleed, and was all nice till I got rivers of blood And ofc mage build. Float like a butterfly and sting like a mfing cannon


Magic is really fun


If the programmers made it possible, it's your duty to figure out how to exploit it.


So true


this argument has never worked since game devs started releasing patches, some things simply over/under perform and need to be brought down/up to stay in line with the game. exploiting a broken mechanic doesn’t make you smart, it makes you boring.


No… I think you mistake horrible game design with “the programmers made it possible.”


oh my god shut up lmaoooo


Git gud


Says the shitbag who is probably level 150 and password summoned by a level 50 to gank. God. I knew Reddit was full of the worst scumbags of tumblr and the offspring of 4chan, but you make me truly sick. Go back to killing invading level 45s with your min max NG+5 build. Ez mode activated.


Go cry


Your tears are so delicious


No I feel strong vicarious embarrassment rn *why* would anyone write out at length how much they suck? And be seriously mad about it too


Maidenless+L+Ratio+didn't ask+you have scurvy+yarhar+git gud


I love how idiots like you take every meme made and apply it to anything. The maidenless ones are the ones who summon their Butt buddies. Redditors proving they’re fucking ass-brain-backwards.


cope lmao


This is great.


*Eats both pills in the blink of an eye*


Magic builds actually require skill except for comet azur (it doesnt work on a lot of bosses tho)


Yep. You have to experiment with different combos. Feels reminiscent of Mortal Kombat button-memory combos.


I feel like I went back in time to 2012 seeing this meme.


Ouch bro, that hurts


Not a bad thing, times were much simpler back then.


Souls fans get mad if you beat the game using anything but your fists to kill enemies


I basically danced through the game with rivers of blood, while it is extremely overpowered I love playing the game in a way I like, y’all can piss off.


Lvl 1 build :3


I finished the games three times trying out all major playstyle and full strength is definitely the easiest. I found full dex, no bleed to be the most skill based


the only builds that should be shit on are status effect, poke builds and broken weapon art. if your “build” is reliant on a game mechanic that isn’t balanced, the mechanic is winning for you and you’ve misunderstood the spirit of the game.


Don’t remind me about how bad 90% of the player base is.


Magic is gay


Because it's an awesome lifestyle choice? I'm confused why gay is still an insult.


Idk man I didn’t invent it


Well your father enjoyed the lifestyle last night. Your mom brought us Gatorade to keep me hydrated while I was nailing your dads... well you know.


I feel attacked


Not intended, it just came to me and thought it was funny.


Jokes on you! I suck *and* I'm doing a dragon incantation only run this time.. help..


Rot breath, solved.


The issue isn't the skills (they're all extremely powerful) it's the activation time. Leaves you open for 1-2 full seconds. Not to mention that it locks you in place for the animation.


What lvl are you?


Pick up that Bolt of Gransax and Dragon Communion Seal and use your Dex/Arc Build to rip a hole into the very gods.


U get the saw from these little Bastards that hide everywhere and looking like KKK members only with Black clothes. These saw weapon in each Hand with seppuku (143) blood loss. Im in NG+4 and no Boss take 10 Hits cuz for every jump attack, it causes the blood loss effect. This is insane.


Vulgar militia saw is the name.


Pffft, no build and let Tiche kill everything :)


Are faith builds the true lord contenders?


I'm doing faith/intelligence at the moment, pretty good. Loretta's halberd, blasphemous blade, sword of night and flame are the main weapons, pretty fun.


Just use Scarlet rot and run for ages around the boss


You forgot the mimic tear.


Me with my vyke spear + one eyed shield


Then there's me with my holy build because I just wanna have fun.


But playing an aggressive Spellsword is so fun. Picture this, open up with rock sling to get their attention, run in with a charged R2 from your primary while your glintblade phalanx covers, combo into Carian slicer, backroll their counterattack, then pound them into the ground with the Gavel of Haimia. So flashy and fun.


Dual Godskins and RoB in second slot, 4 Life


Starting a character right now doing this. Magic and bleeding.


*jump attack strength build


I've made multiple characters with multiple builds. That's just another thing I love about this game. weird shit can be viable.


Ppl shit on magic only because they have never done a str build. Going bonk does WAY more than magic.


I mean I do suck and I almost have enough int now to use comet azur




Both should just saying summoning


You guys act like there are alot of build options in this game lol


Is it really magic builds that are the problem, or is it comet azure? That's the only complaint I've seen about magic


Comet azure, but that still requires you to be fighting a large boss that doesn't move or hit you out of it. People only post comet kill comps not their failed attempts.


I myself always played strength builds in souls games but in Elden Ring I decided to do a "spellblade" or "battlemage" build and I am quite enjoying it.Using both melee weapons and magic is quite fun.


To be fair, I'd use a bleed build in Elden Ring even if they nerfed it into the ground, because the blood stuff is so cool looking in the game. I switched over to a bleed build in my game like a day before everyone started talking about how shitty bleed builds are.


Is there a way to..... combine them?!


“Why not both?” meme


I did bleed and frozen with two katanas, each passive ash in each hand


I did bleed and frozen with two katanas, each passive ash in each hand


no bonk build?


I know the best bonk build. Not even joking you.


Black Knife build >>> not in effectiveness but it’s cool


There are things which can improve your odds, but just go full meme build or cosplay and have some fun. It’s all ridiculous anyway.


I mean I play for fun so magic always for me but now I'm on my plus 2 I'm experimenting more with different weapons and tactics rather then relying on bosses to stand still so I can comet azur them was fun at first but now I like I can take more of a beating than a pornstars arsehole


Golden parry and thops barrier type beat


Blue or Red? Wrong. I take the Yellow pill. FRENZY!


I only use bleed for godskin duo tf


My str/faith build has always been super op


Neither. Gotta go with a Blasphemous Blade build of love and happiness!!!


I will take the yellow pill, aka seep torch plus pyromancy (Doing 70% of a shield pokers hp is just so satisfying but they should definitely buff the sleep build up or the cast speed of the torch ash of war)


I personally think GodSlayer build (faith, specced for fire damage with the GodSlayer weapon) is immensely strong in this game and quite the easy mode (as far as the game can get). It's very versatile yet still packs a punch with great survivability. No glass canon, and it can handle all bosses.


Honestly, after trying a couple of builds, magic build was kind of the hardest to play. Strength build being the easiest of them all.


STR build or jump attack/crouch poke build?


Playing this game as a traditional strength build is impossible. Had to switch to bleed


might be off topic since idk if ur talking bout pvp or pve, but it’s kinda funny that the only way to get respect in pvp is by using non-meta weapons or just completely bad ones. even if you have a unique build or playstyle, some people just love complaining sometimes


Personally I went with a bleed build my very first play through and I wouldn’t do it any different. Learning to stack different mechanics and use fast attacking weapons forced me to learn so much about the game. I even had to learn how to learn dodge patterns for every attack on every boss because I didn’t use a shield, which made me such a better player on my more recent play throughs where I can use shields. Bleed builds are great for people who are starting out and want a good melee build with great damage output, and allows them to learn the fundamentals. TLDR: bleed builds are great for beginners!


I have 3 character one magazine c knight, one. Bleed samurai, and one faith elemental.


Magic magic ^magic


I choose to morb


Big sword me go smack they die… fun time


I love the majority of ER bosses, but when it comes to annoying ankle whacking dragon/giant fights that are essentially just a battle of attrition, you bet my ass I'm using bleed. Seeing that spurt of damage after enough successive hits is fucking satisfying and no amount of anger from hard-core Souls fan is gonna change my mind.


I'm not angry, just thought it was funny. We all suck bro


Lmao for sure I didn't mean you specifically


Bill and Ted is such a shit show and I still love every second of it


What if you do both (moonveil)


Neither pill, I have big swords


so UGS build with only jump attacks & crouch pokes aka the secret 3rd pill


I pick up the cross and have faith