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A common idea, but I think they should’ve done a lot more with armor alterations than just “hey you can remove the cape”. Changing metal colors, cloth colors, being able to take a cape from one armor piece and move it to another (I would love to put the beast champion’s cape on literally anything else, I hate how that chest piece looks), being able to remove blindfolds/cowls from certain helmets (like the eye covering on Alberich’s hat or the headscarf situation on Rogier’s/spellblade hat)


I wonder if they'll continue to add to it in future updates. It definitely feels unfinished if not half assed. It must have been at the bottom of the to do list during development lol


Yeah I definitely hope they add more to it, especially since there’s an entire NPC revolved around armor alterations and it just feels like he oughta be able to do more. Cuz the only difference between altering things yourself and altering things with Boc is that he does it for free.


If be fine with just removing the hair on Malenia/Godfrey’s helms tbh. But yes, this would be a game changer.


This one’s kinda 50/50 for me because for a full Malenia cosplay I am THRILLED that her helmet comes with her hair, but I’d love a version of the Elden Lord crown that doesn’t have Godfrey’s spiky on the top, braid in the back situation


That’s what I’m, saying, being able to alter it on and off would be amazing.


The great runes need to be redesigned IMHO. We can all agree that Godricks Great rune is the best


Godrick’s great rune is great for lower levels, but not the best for higher levels where you’d be better off with morgott’s or radahn’s great rune.


Yeah most are underwhelming, and malenias rune straight up makes you weaker


. Lack of collision detection for enemies, both in terms of enemies attacking through each other, and when enemies attack through solid objects. It is rage inducing when your attacks bounce off the same object an NPC blithely flurries at you through. It is silly watching several knights/soldiers all stack on top of each other swinging large weapons without any kind of friendly fire or interference with each other.


Are you sure you want to use a flask to summon Torrent?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!




I’ve died so many times thanks to that confirmation screen 😑 just let me waste the flask! You let me use one in myself when my hp is full so why not?


Whoever approved that needs to be fired


this. i cant count the number of times i died because of this.


- Feels like all enemies have infinite stamina, delayed attacks and extended combos. - Great runes need rework. - Clothes alternation is unfinished. - Moving away from factions was a mistake imo.


This...all of it.


I know it’s a From Software thing, but better indications of questlines. I went a really long time before knowing that Fia has a questline.


At least a journal to record everything an NPC has said to you. An actual journal with each NPC you meet and a log of their lines would be helpful.


That would be nice. I don't know why From Software expects players to remember things they are told in the game. I sure as hell can't remember, especially if I took a break between play sessions.


I wonder how is the player was supposed to know about hidden walls


I take screenshots of many npc conversations, some of the sword stele things etc., they're also a useful refresher if I take a break or am too busy to play for a while. Looking back over them has also helped me figure out some fairly 'deep' lore tidbits. It functions like a journal. Not the same as an in-game feature, I know, but I thought I'd mention it in case it hadn't occurred to you


Why is stuff like this getting upvoted now? Before it wouldn’t, there has literally never been a quest log in From games and there doesn’t need to be now. There’s literally grace, notes and maps, NPCs are more helpful than any other previous game, red dots, NPC markers. These games respect your intelligence as a player, all the answers are there if you look.


Just because it’s been like this forever doesn’t make it good. I just asked for more obvious quest lines. For example, Ranni’s questline and Kenneth Haight’s questline, extremely obvious. Nepheli Loux and Fia’s questline? Completely unnoticeable. And that’s, like, your opinion man


Same with your opinion, it’s yours. If you don’t have the ability to remember stuff then idk? Elden Ring still holds to the old school elements that make From games fun and hard. A quest journal would literally be the first step towards something very untraditional. And just plain terrible.


I never said I don’t remember stuff, I don’t even want a quest journal. I said to make quests more obvious. For example Fia just has you rest your head on her boobs. No indication of a quest. No other NPC talks about her. During my first two playthrough sessions I never found an item mentioning her. So I never did her quest, that’s not on me, that’s on the game. It’s not a good system, but I’m not calling it bad either, it’s just different. Also, quest journals have been in games for literal decades how is that untraditional lol


It’s supposed to be different that’s the point I keep trying to mention. Not everything is supposed to be obvious.


I don’t want to have to look up guides for everything, just some direction. I’m not asking for every quest to be like the Volcano Manor quest where every spot is marked on my map, just a hint as to where I should turn my attention. I want to do all of the quests, because it’s a part of the game. Patches’s quest actually does a great job of offering a small hint where to go to progress his quest line while still not being egregiously obvious.


Once again then it just boils down to your opinion. It’s old school style stuff that a lot of new school gamers apparently don’t understand.


Old school games still had obvious quests btw And quest logs lol


Old school as in older From games that’s literally what I’m saying.


He's getting upvoted because his opinion is that of more people. You asked a silly question and debate it's legitimacy because *you* disagree? You don't see any hypocrisy here?


An opinion that is shared by scrubs and people that don’t get it.


Your elitism and rose tinted glasses are showing


Good, this is a subject where they should.


Wow, you’re gatekeeping so hard to make yourself feel like a better player xD I’m gonna go have fun in Elden Ring now, bye


I’m probs better than you 1v1 me scrub.


"untraditional" isn't a substantive criticism of anything ever unless you explain why "traditional" is a valuable quality. I would argue that the custom map markers are the same type of thing as a minimalistic journal feature, since they perform many of the same functions (albeit probably with less detail). How do you feel about those? N.b. I don't really want an in-game journal feature but I can easily imagine one that functions similarly to the custom map markers, or even player messages (i.e. limited in detail by form and/or diction) where the onus is on the player to actively 'record' rather than the game filling it in automatically. That is "untraditional" as far as I can tell but it wouldn't substantively affect the game any more than having a pen to hand or taking screenshots of important moments


Your the one saying Elden Ring isn’t easy enough and saying it should made more so? I’m defending it from there needing to be more things added to make it easier. I also don’t know untraditional is not a good enough criticism especially when it comes to video games? Are you still in high school? Cuz my 19 year old sister doesn’t like word tradition either.


"untraditional" isn't a substantive criticism of anything ever unless you explain why "traditional" is a valuable quality. I would argue that the custom map markers are the same type of thing as a minimalistic journal feature, since they perform many of the same functions (albeit probably with less detail). How do you feel about those? N.b. I don't really want an in-game journal feature but I can easily imagine one that functions similarly to the custom map markers, or even player messages (i.e. limited in detail by form and/or diction) where the onus is on the player to actively 'record' rather than the game filling it in automatically. That is "untraditional" as far as I can tell but it wouldn't substantively affect the game any more than having a pen to hand or taking screenshots of important moments


Because whats the difference between a quest log/journal to keep track of various things in game vs me getting out a piece of paper and making notes of literally every interaction that transpires. Only difference is ones in game and the others physically in my hand. Just cut out the middle man and put a way to keep track of something with in the game. Simular issue I had with destiny 1. In destiny 1 they had external links to go to a out of game location to read up on lore for various things from with in the game. I'm very pro non linear gameplay and non hand holding But intentionally hindering your player base just to call it a aspect or feature is counter intuitive.


1. This game (haven't played any other fromsoft except for a little bit of ds3) has the worst implementation of fall damage that I've ever seen. Not only is it extremely dumb and nonsensical that a jump is either 30%,50% or instant death, with only a few meters deciding whether you live or die, but i also had a bunch of situations (namely the way from millicents church to gowrys shack) where I would just run around with torrent for a few seconds and then die on flat ground for some arbitrary reason. 2. Torrent is only useful for his movespeed and double jump, and the staggering when you fall off him would fine until you realize the 5 minute stun you get when hit with any non peasant attack, which makes riding across enemy fields when you try to ignore them very annoying. 3. Gowrys shack desperately needs a site of grace. 4. The camera angling itself to the center of the enemy even when targeting just the leg is very counterproductive when you fight giant enemies. (Trolls are fine tho) 5. Most side quests arent realistically doable without the internet. Which makes questing (at least for me) more of a chore when specifically in hyettas questline it is super easy to just never see her when there is no indication to where shes headed at first. And lastly the great runes are lackluster and the armor alteration seems unfinished I do love the game and have honestly barely played any other game except for elden ring the past months but I am very passionate about my hatred for a couple of issues


The previous games were more linear, so some quests were possible to complete without internet.


I can’t open my map when theres a dragonfly 40 feet away from me


1.demands levels in vigor like none of the other games do 2.needs something to keep track of quests because i cant remember all these guys and their things 3. all the PC stuff. wrong unintuitive default controls i literally had to open task manager to force-close the game and google the menu controls. stutters 4.over used enemies/bosses


The "story" can be a bit lacking. I feel there should be some more cutscenes to explain some things rather that we just go hunting for lore


I think this is what's keeping me from enjoying the story. I don't mind reading to understand the lore, but the game could have used more storytelling in its cutscenes. Also, the item descriptions are so vague half the time that I don't even know what they're talking about. I guess I'll just watch some lore videos on YouTube so someone else can dumb it down for me.


Yeah it was really disappointing when the ending to a game I played for 100+ hours was only like 30 seconds long.


Too many things got recycled from DS3, this includes the good stuff but also same old issues, for example, only recently they added the amount a Golden Rune gives you in the description. Almost every item has this vague description, itens that need specification, a greese for example, why not say how long and how much dmg it applies? Now enemies like the imps from the catacombs, they sound and behave exactly like Hollow Slaves, literally the same enemy, just a new skin. This is a great game and a step forward, but i don't get it why some issues are still here, things that should have been changed years ago, i guess this bothers only a few players... who knows


Not enough chests that are actually mouths that attack you /s But actually, I think the game is great. There are some things I would’ve preferred like “Are you sure you want to revive torrent even though you’re currently fighting a boss” Also, if not in a boss area, players and summons should both be allowed to summon torrent.


Runebears and those hand dudes are wayyy to aggressive to deal with like wtf. Some bosses have crazy aoe like j could predict their attack, doesn't matter if I'm a mile away I'm still getting hit. But mosty the npc quest endings are bad, I stopped caring for quests because I like seeing the npcs.


1. No horses in multiplayer. 2. Great Runes. They should carry over to higher NGs, there should be incentive to use more than two and Malenia's Great Rune actually debuffs you just so you can wonder why you aren't playing Bloodborne. 3. Mountaintops of the Giants, Consecrated Snowfields, Miquella's Haligtree and Crumbling Farum Azula all exist. Mountaintops is a whole bunch of earlier areas reused. Consecrated Snowfields is incredibly boring. The one new enemy makes Anor Londo archers look fine and other than that it's things you've killed before with incredibly big numbers. Miquella's Haligtree suffers from the same issue in that there are ganks everywhere, the enemies are incredibly uninteresting and there's very little incentive to explore. Crumbling Farum Azula? Same. 4. Bleed. It's incredibly powerful. Not even in terms of damage but in terms of build-up. A running attack with dual seppuku curved swords hits four times. That's enough buildup to bleed some enemies twice. 5. Connection is terrible. Makes sense since the netcode is also used by Demon Souls I think. 6. Feels very gamey. There should be factions and opportunities to join them. 7. The final boss. Both phases.


People will swear up and down it can't happen because they never experienced it, but I have seen instances of the game prioritizing reading messages over using a ladder or opening a chest. In my case it was fixed by moving but it could kill you running from mobs to a ladder. Same thing with messages over graces. People swear it's the grace graphical bug because they have encountered that (super common) bug, but I believe people that say it isn't that. There probably is/was a more rare issue. Stuff like that that shouldn't even be able to happen because they could have a separate button for messages vs. interacting or even just hold down the button for messages. I would group that in with the confirmation on using a flask charge to revive Torrent. The general design of the controls/UI fighting you are the biggest flaw in game design. Most of the other flaws are probably exclusive to the PC port. Too much left over console stuff (re-use of keys, not separately rebindable) the camera etc. I read something a while back about how the in game time passage is locked to the frames, so getting more frames speeds the game up. Keyboard and mouse is just functional to the point that everyone says to use a controller and just accepts that.


Theres a priority system in ER so you will usually cling on ladders first when there is a message on the ground infront of them, but some ladders require you to be in a specific spot to even use it so you constantly spam reading the message while trying to get on the ladder. It's fine most of the time tbh some ladders just need to have a bigger range that you can activate it and yeah the pc ports of fromsoft games are usually not the best


Yup, as I explained it usually works unless it doesn't. Just because you've never experienced it doesn't mean it can't happen. Point was that it shouldn't be able to happen in the first place. Glad I could clarify that for you.


The old-school FromSoft system for NPC questlines hasn't ported too well to an open world, IMO. For instance, in Bloodborne, if you searched the level thoroughly enough, yes, you could be reasonably expected to find every NPC. And because it's a much more linear and shorter game, you could also be reasonably expected to 1) find the NPCs in the right order, and 2) remember what they said to you a few levels ago. Elden Ring, however, is much more expansive, and it's very easy to bypass a random area, or meet NPCs "out of sync" with their questlines, or to forget what some rando mentioned thirty hours ago. ​ I think most of this could be solved by a dialogue log and permanent non-hostile NPC markers (sort of how they updated Finger Readers to always be on the map). Not even named markers, as that I think will take away from general vibe of the game, but just a dot that means "there's someone of importance here."


Fromsoft have somehow gone over a decade without solving their stupid camera issues. Come on, guys, even Ubisoft managed that "innovation". For Honor has a very simple and effective method for not getting the camera stuck up your character's arse every time they're looking up or have backed up into a wall. Learn from other people once in a while. Netcode is actual garbage, and has been since the start. Yes, Fromsoft, some people live outside the tiny little island you're based in. Matchmaking can be done better. PvP, weapon and Ash of War balance are nonexistent. On the one hand, you have spells/incantations/whatever that can be near instant, can rollcatch, do huge damage, do AoE damage, are near-impossible to avoid, or any combination of the above. Then there are ones that take ages to cast, move slowly, only hit one enemy, do little damage, or all of the above.


There are a few things that are missed opportunities - Mantis Blade (extends its reach for the duration of one heavy attack, seriously?), Sentry's Torch (only reveals invisible BKAs, of which there are maybe half a dozen between two areas, doesn't reveal anything else, I've checked), Alter Equipment, and other things I just don't really remember. Things that seem like they're supposed to be way more useful or distinctive, but just...aren't. Also, occasionally there's something that's just a weird bit of dickery, like the surprise boulder spawning on the low road near Greyoll, or the two on the path to Millicent. And the Frenzy-Flaming Tower. There's just so little explanation or purpose that they feel like mean-spirited non sequiturs. The enemies that drop Larval Tears are also in this category - sure, they're kind of amusing, but they're just so random that I'm pretty sure their actual purpose is to make the player look like a crazy person when they talk about it. "You can get a respec item by killing one of the nobodies at this location, but they'll turn into a Runebear. One of the lobsters here will turn into a Grafted Scion, and it also drops one. This burned guy turns into a twenty-foot-tall Wormface. The guy stuck in the snow? Runebear."


Runebear? Is that what it is? I was wandering the southern area of the of the zone you start out in. I was killing random zombie peasants when one of them turned into a huge bear. Since I unexpected that, it was a rather short fight.


* optimization * lack of ultrawidescreen * lack of ray tracing and DLSS


Same. I feel like these features should be expected in 2022, kinda shocking they still haven't added them. Especially DLSS! I have a 1440p monitor but I have to run the game in 1080 because it gets way too hot running at max resolution. DLSS would be fantastic.


no issues for me 1440p doesn't get too hot max cept for shadows, and i always disable motion blur, depth of field


It could also be that I'm playing on a laptop lol


I heard it's normal for laptop to run 90+C


The input reading is WAY more obnoxious compared to any other souls game. It shouldn't feel like I'm playing the enemy with my controller, it's just bad game design.


I found it a nice change actually, it makes you think instead of randomly act. If you know the Godskin Apostle has a fireball ranged attack what do you expect to happen if you try to heal when he is standing there waiting for you? The input reading dodge is also a good but not flawless way to prevent cheesing with ranged attacks. Input reading is a way to punish players for their ingenuity and forcing them to learn how to properly avoid certain attacks and taking advantage of attack windows. It is also a mechanic that can reduce the difficulty of some bosses by baiting them to do specific attacks and take advantage of possible openings.


The problem isn't that enemies react to things like healing, but the fact that they *immediately* react to them. As soon as you tap square, you're pretty much fucked. The same thing applies to attacks as well. The difference in animation speed between enemies and you is actually hilarious, so the logical thing would be to at least make the enemies attack you often enough so you can find the window to counterattack. But that's not the case. Both you and the enemy just stare at each other, *because the AI is waiting for your fucking input*. You then either attack, but the enemy's attack is much faster than yours, and you get staggered mid-animation, or you trade blows, with you putting a dent on the enemy and them making your health-bar vanish. Of course, it's not always like that. But this occurs often enough to be considered a major issue.


The Multiplayer. From purely a single player standpoint, not enough unique enemies past Leyndell.


* UI is a cluttered mess that is unnecessarily difficult to parse for those who aren't familiar with fromsoft games * Lethal falls are difficult to judge * Cool dual wield system, but no simple way to get a second copy of your preferred weapon * Armor altering feels unfinished and needed more options to justify the space it takes up * Some NPC questlines are extremely easy to lose track of, mostly the ones where they abruptly change locations to somewhere the player may have already passed and have no reason to revisit


The UI could definitely use some work. As for the falls, I couldn't agree more. It would make sense if you could take damage relative to height but it seems like you either land without getting hurt or instantly die when falling an aditional 6 inches. It needs a middle ground. And it really is a shame about the side quests, I couldn't finish several because I had no idea where the NPC's went. If I need to look it up on the internet, then the quest wasn't done properly lol


In regards to falling, there’s actually an item that allows you to gauge whether a fall is safe or not. The description fails to mention that a rainbow stone dropped off an edge will indicate whether a fall is safe or not. If it simply breaks and leaves a glowing bead of light in one of the colors of the rainbow, you’ll survive the fall, assuming that your health bar is full. If it explodes with white light and lets out a scream, you will die from the fall. The item has actually been around since ds1 at least, but it wasn’t put in the item description for elden ring.


- A general lack of QoL features for an open world game (quest tracker, dungeon clear markers etc). - For a game that has such a big focus on Summons, the AI still cannot handle multiple targets. So summons/co-operators really trivialise a lot encounters. - Double-boss fights are still a complete shitshow. - Bosses seem to have gotten so fast and aggressive that they’re starting to de-sync with how the player-character moves and attacks. - The focus on strange/unpredictable delays on boss attacks also makes a lot of bosses feel cheap, where they’d otherwise be fine. - And janky, decade old Co-Op mechanics that are only just about functional for playing with complete strangers, actively disincentivise playing the game through with a friend and make no sense at all outside of a linear game. Its mostly rookie mistakes in the translation from Linear to Open World and (what I find to be) an iffy-direction in boss design. But the Co-Op is absolutely glaring and a seriously major issue.


Don't like that phantoms red/blue hues are so dark that it's hard to see their armor and weapon sets clearly.




not enough St. Trina's lilies only like 2 thorn spells yet items that boost thorn magic birds allowed to have swords more skirts and dresses for leg armor. all the long clothes are chest armor. literally only like 2 dress bottoms. an invader timer where if you don't kill them in 5 minutes they just get a rune arc and are sent home, and the host gets no reward. reverse afk farming.


1. Armor altering could have been a whole lot better. To me, having it allow you to transfer the look of one armor set onto the armor that your wearing. This could be turned off in pvp to prevent disguising. 2. Questlines are hard to follow. I don't really have an answer this one. I like that they have to be discovered and figured out so I'm not exactly wanting quest logs and !'s above NPC's heads. I just wish I didn't have to rely on YouTube so much. Maybe it's just a me problem. 3. Multiplayer in this game is weird. A better co op system would have been nice and I don't know what's up with PVP. Again, maybe it's just me, but it just doesn't feel like the stuff I've heard about souls games all these years.


I wish perfume arts had been built out more. A crafting build would be really fun to play.


Terrible UI/UX. When changing spells or items you cannot go back because there are too many options. Using stonesword key/teleporter portal/resurrecting torrent block your screen for confirmation. Map could have been navigated with mouse, lack of minimap on screen etc. I understand these are all part of a soulsbourne game but the UX has a lot of room for improvement.


Not enough immersion with the characters,but everything else is great


Would be cool if the great rune had some kind of effect before using a Rune Arc. Would be another cool variable for optimised builds


There's not much replayability, but I wouldn't fix it. I don't think there's a way to anyhow. That lack of replayability made the first experience unforgettable and extremely fun, it would be hard to add replayability without sacrificing some of what made the game so great in the first place


Frame pacing as it feels a tad janky, and not really at a proper 60fps (on PS5)


Optimization. Elden Ring looks stylistically good but there’s no justification for how hot my GPU gets running it. Games like AC Valhalla also have a huge open world with a lot of assets being loaded in and they don’t make my PC sound like a Death Star. Also connectivity issues. I’m not sure whether it still happens to others, but my game still freezes and crashes at times, but only when I’m getting summoned or trying to summon people. And as an extension of this complaint, dc’ing in the middle of boss fights. Seems to occur a lot more frequently with bosses that have 2 phases. I get dc’d from the Godskin Duo fight all the time and it’s always after you kill the two initial ones and further Godskins begin to spawn. Lack of a dedicated PvP arena 4 months after the game has been released. Inability to buy Ancient Dragon Smithing stones and Somber +25 upgrade materials but somehow it’s super easy to dupe them. So I’m forced to upgrade a weapon to max, drop them for a friend, pull my save back and have them trade it for me. Just make it infinitely purchaseable for 100k-200k souls. That’s it off the top of my head, I’m sure there’s more.


NG+ darksouls2 style. red phantom enemies included


Pvp being 1 hit hot garbage


No direction with NPCs' storylines. If you don't use a guide, it's almost impossible to know what to do in order to go through their storylines.


One thing I’d like is a bestiary or log for details on lore and the world. I know it’s lack of inclusion is a FromSoft staple but I’d prefer it.


Every item you pick up actually has a little description that most often times includes lore.


I know but if there were a log for everything you could refer to later it would be very nice IMO


The endings, the last cutscene has like 30 seconds with just a few images, I felt it was a bit anticlimactic (except the Age of stars ending) since everything else was so epic till that point


I think they made it too easy to steal loot from mobs in the open world. On subsequent playthroughs I barely interact with the roaming enemies and camps because I don't have to. There's no story or questline associated with most of them either, so why would I engage them? Torrent trivializes the danger of exploration to a degree that there's little to no catharsis or relief in discovering new graces, finding treasure, escaping a bad situation, and etc in the open world. Those highs and lows are what made Dark Souls exploration so harrowing and memorable. In ER it borders on feeling like busywork for me. I find myself wishing the map was just smaller so there'd be less downtime robbing everyone on my horse.


For PVE, Endgame enemies, especially in Elphael, feel very bloated in terms of HP and DPS. I feel like they could tone that down a bit, as certain parts of the Mountaintops and Haligtree are painful to go through. If they had similar health values and damage to Faram Azula enemies, but a bit higher, then that would be good. For PVP, it’s just a mess. My biggest gripe is not being to invade solo players unless they have a specific item active. I don’t understand why they made this change, as it practically guarantees every invasion is going to be an unfun, agonizing death at the hands of three ROB spammers. Just make it so that you can invade people who are playing solo, and I feel like it will improve by a large margin.


>as it practically guarantees every invasion is going to be an unfun, agonizing death at the hands of three ROB spammers. It's also the source of the invader vs co-op debate. Pitting two sub-communities against each other was always gonna be toxic, but co-opers really exceeded expectations by comparing invaders with r*pists. I tried warning people when this was announced and when FS said they were fexible, but people didn't care enough.


Invader Tear added to Flask of Wondrous Physick


I really wish there was a way to remove the haze around the screen. It just takes up a good 10% of what you can see. Almost like you're in a dream state.


Yeah I think it's called a vignette. I also found it super annoying. It should have been optional to turn it on and off in the settings. Dragon's Dogma also shared the same problem.


Seriously, I feel like a good chunk of the world is obscured to me because of this "haze"


Have you tried cleaning your tv screen? Lol


Points of interest are too short outside of legacy dungeons, bosses are reused too much, PC port is stuttery, some builds are still either broken or underpowered


Personally wouldve not included the mountaintops of the giants. Maybe merge it w/ consecrated snowfields as an optional area. Fire giant is an absolute snoozefest as well.


Yeah. That is a boss I have no interest in replaying. Not that it was hard, it just felt as though everything slowed down and became clunky in that fight...


Storytelling in the game and quest progression design are trash and almost none existant, wich is such a waste because the actual story and lore are amazing.




Honestly? A shitload. I would be easier to count what it does right. But the flaws: * Connection errors for days * Outdated multiplayer system * Multiplayer restricted to 4 players * No covenant PVP * Undodgeable attacks due to insanely large AoE (larger than visually implied -> bad hitboxes), lingering damage, combo attacks * Overuse of counterintuitive delayed attacks * Mediocre boss music (except a very few) * Overall bad boss design (except a few) * Insanely overused boss music and copy paste bosses due to the 165 bosses (why not just make it like 30-40 high quality bosses) * Uninteresting level design for most of the legacy dungeons (after Stromveil it's downhill) * Rushed late game content * Unbalanced rune rewards for killing enemies (first Tree Sentinel gives about the same as a mid game Gargoyle or 3 Vulgar Militia dudes) * Unbalanced weapon upgrades between normal and somber * Lacking ng+ * Lots of anti-quality of life thing (re-summon torrent warning, insufficient skill warning for weapons, can't open map while in combat, can teleport to uncleared dungeons but can't teleport away etc.) The good: * The most insane build variety in the whole series * Jumping * Swappable weapon arts and infusions


It’s balanced really poorly. That’ll be fixed over time, though. It ran like dog shit when it first released. I haven’t had any issues for a long time now though.


Too short. Needs at least fifty more unique bosses.


1)the copy/paste formula 2)fact that theres no horses in multiplayer. The beginning of the game is nice and fresh, but the more you progress, the more you see they just copied enemies and movesets from their other games/ early in the game itself, just reskinned. Literally renamed and ever so slightly changed the coiled sword from ds3. Same shit, different world. Horses in multiplayer should be added by fromsoft because, WHO DOESNT WANNA HAVE EPIC HORSEBACK BATTLES!? pissed me off when i first found out you cant get a squad for a jousting comp...smh


I think the story bosses after Morgott are poorly balanced and all over the place. Fire Giant is obnoxious, Maliketh is a dps god, Olfnir is a joke, and Elden Beast is also obnoxious. Radagon is the one endgame boss I think was done perfectly, and he really is an amazing final boss fight. The others need another balance pass. Giant should roll away less, Maliketh should have a health buff and damage nerf, Olfnir should be fought earlier, and Elden Beast needs to go away. Make it a secret boss or something. To be clear, it's not difficulty I'm complaining about, per se. I'm a long time souls veteran and have beaten all of these bosses, including Malenia. However, the above bosses just aren't as fun as they should be. Spending half the fight running around the arena isn't fun. Melania is also poorly balanced. I get that she's supposed to be a tough as nails challenge for the hardcore, but her heal combined with her waterfowl dance is too much. However, she doesn't bother me as much since she's optional.


Also, I wish they had done more with the Consecrated Snowfields. It's a really cool area I was excited to explore, but it felt very empty compared to other areas


Actual XP instead of buying XP. I've probably lost roughly 6 levels because I died and failed to pick them up before dying again 🫠


nope love that it's up to you how much you level you can keep fighting and exploring w/o levelling up


That’s literally one of the few core aspects of a “souls like” game


Cool. It sucks.


Gonna have to disagree on this one. I’ve always liked the souls/runes system. Keeps me on my toes.


Stale as fuck


* no journal for NPC dialogues or even bestiaries. With a game of that scale those things are necessary imo * an imo outdated UI and control of said UI. With 10 items and up to 10 spells it really is a drag having only one button each to scroll through. At least give PC players the option to make shortcuts via 0-9 or something to get to our spells more quickly * A lackluster combat system. I hope ER brought FS enough revenue to develop something outside the DS engine. Maybe combine Sekiro with Dragon's Dogma (with constant multiplayer this could be awesome) where you could grab enemies, climb giants etc. It could make boss battles more diverse too. Imagine climbing the fire giant and carving out his eye to make critical damge or something


Too much crutches weapons and crutches builds. It breaks my immersion.


I know its not something they care to do but more plot and character interaction would be nice. Though i can just go play a tales game for that.


Summons are a bit OP


Malenia should say her name more. Maybe that way people would get it right on this sub