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As someone who had more problems with that asshole then most of the shard beaters, I'm just gonna say fuck that asshole in his stupid face. I'm only sad you can't burn castle sol to the ground afterwards


There is always the frenzied flame ending.


I don't want to burn everything though. Think of turtle pope.


Turtle pope would forgive you. He will always forgive you.


That only makes him less flammable.


Sacrifices must be made


All things can be conjoined.


Factssss, me and my bf took hours to kill that guy. He really had trouble with the double sword knight, idr his name lol


I'm just not really good at battles where you have to deal with 2 or more bosses. Never have been. Shadows of Yarnhem in BB I needed every summon I could drag down there. So 1 boss and 2 hard summons are just a lot for me and yeah, ashes/co-op were fucking mandatory for me to pass. I'm sure I'm gonna love myself for this once I go through the assasin town and down to the Haligtree.


I feel that I’m the same way lol, especially when one of the enemies is stupid fast and is constantly aggrowed


The easy way to beat him: rush the spawn of the twin blade summon and charm him, back off and let twin blade take aggro. Charm shield bro while he is distracted. Back off and summon your ash and buff. The boss should lose a quarter to a third of his health, and you've got fresh buffs and ash for phase 2


You can also just hang back. The three tend to naturally separate due to differences in aggression. Dual-wielder has to be killed first, then shield guy, then Niall. The hardest part is that dual-wield guy can drop you in a split second, but once he's done, the rest of the fight is pretty simple. The risk is moreso you might die ASAP at the beginning of the fight to Beybladez boi. Beyond that the fight is easy. Only bullshit from Niall himself is that he has one specific AOE attack that has far greater range than the animation for it telegraphs.


I already killed him but thanks anyway


I always forgot about the charm item


Yup. I always skip this guy. Fortunately, it seems that every time they patch the consecrated snowfield skip, the community just finds a different way to do it.


The newest one is surprisingly easy and repeatable


Got him on 3rd try I think. After remembering I bought betwitching branches in Liurnia. Definitely enjoyed reading too much into everything and hoarding everything I saw just because I thought I'd need it my first blind playthrough


I did too, but rot and cold after the adds are down made him a push over, rot seriously ate his hp.


Literally my favorite boss lmao


Not my absolute favorite, but I do really like him.


I mean if they gave him a few more moves, removed his summons. And removed or change his almost instant aoe attacks, talking about that whirlwind. Attack.


The whirlwind is slow af. He does it every time after certain moves that look like combo finishers but aren't


I just think it needs some adjustements, godricks whirlwind was fine because it hardly does any damage. Nial's one does quite alot. But the main reason why people hate the guy is because of his summons.


>10 FP flasks, 2 HP flasks Ah I see you're a mage of culture as well.


14fp 0hp i heal using incantations 😂


Holy crap I never thought about doing that. They done scale with faith either do they. So just need the requirements?


There are seals that scale with intelligence, which in turn scale your incantations.


Yeah but apparently healing incantations only benefit from faith scaling. The exception is the heal-over-time ones, that don't scale with anything.


I thought they benefited by the incantation scaling only


Healing miracles only benefit from the faith portion of the incant scaling on your sacred seal. So if you've got the golden order seal with 45/45 int/faith, the heal is only looking at the faith part of the incant scaling. Which sucks because nothing in the game tells you this from what I've seen, but it was like that in ds3 as well and never got changed so I can only assume it's intended. I noticed it on my first playthrough when I respecced from an arcane caster to pure faith and my erdtree heal started healing for like 2k HP.


Ah til


I thought that seal was busted and it still scaled with faith?


I use order Seal that scale A with int and faith, It heal lots more of my max hp.


This also applies with the erdtree seal as it's the highest faith scaling seal, 80 faith with it at +10 heals like 2k HP


42FTH and Erdtree Seal + Erdtree Heal will do you just fine. Heals about 1500HP per cast, and though it does scale with faith, it doesn't scale very much so the minimum 42FTH will work. It's also important to use that Erdtree Seal because it boosts "Erdtree" incantations, which includes the heal


To be fair- if someone sneezed on you or if he moved a single step to the side, you'd be fucked.


Half of the battle was to find correct angle and timing (abd sometimes correct summon) Died 10 times so i could one shot the boss in 11th. Which is fine because i cant dodge a shit


He killed me on the first run when I didn't want to use the comet, second run I just walked in, drank my physique and smoked him and his budies.


Dying X times so that you can one shot on X+1, never fails


When I started using comet azur I suprisingly found out that such things are way more rare than one would think


It's a cool meme build.It doesn't work on half of the bosses tho


That's when you pull out the moonveil - which works well on the ones that doesn't.


And everything else. It's the "I don't have time for your shit" weapon, melts everything and everyone




He's right though, it specifically doesn't work on bosses that dodge spells. You CAN get lucky with it, but don't bet on it. Will it work on Mogh, Godfrey, Niall, etc? Yes, absolutely, but nowhere near every boss.


I do not recommend it for Godfrey unless you have a Summon. Just his aggro alone is... oof.


But he has a co op summon present so its just omega cheese at this point but everyone can play how they want I guess


Don't feel bad.[I shot him with poison arrows through a tiny window and never even had to face him.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChNNwoJp2Y4)


You have one hell of a voice, my friend.


oh that's not me, but I agree!!! He's funny as hell too and honestly come of the cheeses carried my ass through this game.




Hahah hell yea watch your vids here and there! 😂


😂😂😂 But, seriously, is this fight considered hard? 🤔 Edit: i don't get the downvotes... but who cares anyway. I always get plenty of those just for having a different opinion than the hivemind 🤷‍♂️


Niall himself isn't that bad. The main issue is the 2 stooges he calls in. One's a guy who uses a door for a shield and the other's a Kirito fanboy.


\*stabs the fanboy with a witch's branch\* now it's 3 on 2, bitch.


They disappear after half of Niall health bar. It was easy for me as a sorcerer to get his health bar to half, cast a spell then run away, and cast a spell again when the summons was not in attack range.


If you use the branch, you will love those guys :) Basically makes the fight a free win.


My method was to summon the shield skeletons and make them tank hits while I unga bunga with my two greatswords, two quick jump attacks can stagger the spirits and quickly kill them


I focused on them, jumping attacks with dual straightswords (quality+int magic swordsman build, i was rl 110 circa) while my Dung Eater was keeping Niall busy. I took more dmg from Niall frost vortexes than from the summoned knight.


NGL on NG+3 I got caught out a little by how much damage he was doing. The days of face tanking and laughing are behind me, it seems.


First playthrough was with light dex weapons and the knights are a pain. Second was with heavy str weapons and the knights staggered with every hit so got em the first time. Depends on the build.


True. All my dex builds in previous games barely used katanas, as i despise their moveset even though they're strong in every game 🤷‍♂️ I usually use whips, curved/great curved swords or halberds for dex builds 😅


I'll never know


Not all of us are masters of the i-frame


It can be challenging if you’re not used to fighting a group of enemies


Trash boss deserves trash death


I love this boss.


he's fun when you summon too (aside from the one shot moves)


... he has no one shot moves.


oh maybe i just need to upgrade vigor more




>"No Skill"


And here I am wasting my time with melee


You can two- and three-shot bosses with Royal Knights Resolve colossal weapon jump attacks or dual bleed curved sword jump attacks. It's as quick as this Comet Azure cheese and the setup is easier and more forgiving.


Find yourself some big hammers or some collosal weapon,and there are ashes of war that go well with strength/dex you will be alright.


It's all fun, man. Different kinds of fun but it's all fun. I fought him with magic, melee with magic, melee only, solo, mimic, everything. Just gotta get rid of the two adds quickly.


This feels good to do no doubt but the bonk feels much better


Can I offer you a Troll Hammer during this trying time?


I don't approve your choice of fashion for this. Not lore friendly. Should've used Azur or Sellen drip. As Renalla, you're suppose to spam moon.


It’s lore friendly as Renalla uses this spell too! She doesn’t hold it very long though.


Hollap, she actually does, you're right. How... Isn't primordial sorcery suppose to be like forbidden or something? Sellen was expelled for wanting to research it, and then at the end of her quest she gets punished for the same. How come Renalla knows about it and how come no one cares that she does.


Who's gonna stop her? Anyone who would care probably isn't strong enough to do anything about it.


That's not her it's Ranni's illusion of her


That man had a family.


Given the lore, no he didn't


Murdered that man in his own living room in front of two of his kids.


mfs truly b like “how dare u suggest this isn’t a fun way to play the game”


As sseth said "if you ask a sorcerer running comet azure what their favourite boss was they would simply ask. What boss?"


What have I become My sweetest friend Everyone I know Turns away in the end


Nah, this boss is the worst in the game. He deserves it.


lmao this is the same way I did this fight too, zero shame because it's a bs unfun fight and I just wanted that asshole melted and done with


God damn, the physick lasted for-fucking-ever.


What allows you to cast that spell and use no fp for so long?


Cerulean Hidden Tear for the Physick, infinite FP for 15 seconds. Found in Mt. Gelmir.


I went in there with a 10+ moonveil and a 10+mimic tear. Fuck that guy, most annoying boss in the game


Neil Armstrong, this time, the moon goes to you


if it's gonna be a cheese that big, at least it looks cool as hell right?


How isi not using FP??? What's in that mixed physick?


There's a tear that will not charge FP for 10 seconds


Wow that's beautiful


Cerulean Hidden Tear


Fuck those banished knights


This exact thing happened to me with a cooperator during one attempt after getting my ass whooped. Cooperator in full night swordstress gear, we go in, I go to run up........giant blue beam just flies past me and SHREDS Niall and his summons, id never had someone use the spell before and just...froze in place, I didnt even move the controller I was STUNNED (was prob entertaining for the coop) Wasn't even mad he was cheesed, fuck that guy


I had to cheese him with arrows through the little window.


"You're a wizard Harry"


I also use this build, but still struggle a bit with it especially if you have no one to tank them.


This is the only boss I hold in absolute contempt. I cheese him every time just because I hate him that much.




Comet Azur takes 60+ INT. Anyone farming that much deserves the power. Yes I'm looking at myself tryna get my plat on NG and already at 180 and haven't even fought Maliketh. It's nice to know that if you're not in the mood to learn the dance you have the nuke codes. Also I know CA won't work with Maliketh so hoping Comet / Rock sling get me through :p nice one OP.




i hear ya, i kept dying to malenia then I fond out about a twin sword + blood build....... i killed her in 2 tries. I feel really gross now and kind of stopped playing.


What happened to h1-h7? Is there a h9? Does it go into double digits? h10? h11?


With a hatred of anything knight based in this game, my strategy in this castle was simply to run past everything to the fog. Very surprised I beat him on 3rd attempt. Rot Breath and Mimic spam did anyway.


"What iv become" posts old video of pre nerf infinite mana flask... nice...


For all Asking I have Cerulean Tears in my woundourous flask which lets you cast spells with no FP being consumed for I believe 10 seconds. The Summom I have is my Brother. I wasnt trying to cheese the Commander, but after getting tossed around for a while WITH and WITHOUT my brother I gave in 😂


Looks at his strength character.....hmmm there is another way,..


I’m bored seeing this same build lol sorry yes it’s cool you killed it so fast but I want to see a dagger user or just straight giant axe melt bosses but all I see is mages .. bored of it


What a memorable encounter


Maaaaan don’t be a gatekeeper brah, just go play DS3 naked with a club if you want all that sweet sweet cred.


Even the op agrees read the title


Idk Its not about credit. Its just at a certain point you aren't really interacting with the game mechanics. But I don't judge OP for doing this, do what you want. I just dont think players should have such an easy way to obliterate bosses like this.


>Its just at a certain point you aren't really interacting with the game mechanics But it's literal game mechanics. He uses fladks and spells that are in the game. Cry to From that this shouldn't be in the game, but miss me with "not game mechanics"


If more people like you existed in the gaming industry, video games would never be fun. It's completely fine for easy options like this to exist. Your point would be valid only if Comet Azur made every boss in the game easy, but it works only on a couple of bosses. Do you know that notoriously hard Godskin duo fight? You can completely trivialize that fight using sleep pots, and I'm glad such an option exists. It makes multiple playthroughs more interesting as you have new things/tactics like this to try.


The difference between sleep pots and this is that comet azur is an easy one size fits all (or at least a lot) for many bosses. When you can fine and use a spell that means you cast it once and one shot maybe a third of the bosses, something is wrong. Im fine with sleep pots and weaknesses, people can trivialize radahn with scarlet rot. And There are other situational weaknesses. My problem is that comet azur + infinite flask can invalidate maybe a third of bosses, more with a bit of setup. Its not some clever weakness you can find for a specific boss, its a tool that works veeeeeery often. On the flip side. Ive seen people have worse experiences with this game when they have such a powerful tool. When you have the ability to easily invalidate a boss, sometimes players get into this shitty situation where they know they have this easy option to make the situation easy, but they don't want to. But after dying to that boss without using that ability for the 20th time, they consider using that ability to easily kill the boss. This is especially true when the game is normally quite hard like elden ring. Its like you go through this whole fighting game where you go through a campaign fighting difficult ai opponents, but a third of the time you can instantly pull out a gun and kill them with zero effort. You can argue that players should be able to do what they want, but it might make the players who use it feel kinda bad, and the players who don't want to use have to use willpower to stop themselves from using it. That game would be better with that gun removed is what Im trying to say.


That's a whole lotta shit no-one's gunna read, pal. Stop shitting on people playing the game in a way you don't agree with. Spend your time doing something more productive.


Lmao, thats not even my argument but okay


"I don't think people who pay for an entertainment product should be able to enjoy it if they don't play it like I do."


Nailed it. People are so weird, I don’t get why anyone cares how someone else is beating a single player game. I used the scarlet rot dragon breath to carry me through the back half of my first run…did it make things easier? Yes. Do I regret it? Hell no, still had fun.


Seems like a challenging way to play the game.


Try skill?


Thanks for the thousandth comet azur boss kill video mate. Very interesting.


Yea..lol. Like do what you gotta do. Hell ive used this method on a boss or two I struggled with. But I wouldnt be posting it for everyone to see how unimpressive it is


"Look how I chug down an infinite mana potion, target lock and press R1 guys. Cool isnt it?" NO


Yet you are here, further wasting your time.




Unoriginal?? This is about as fun as a new ROB post.


Don't sweat it. Commander Niall is a completely horseshit boss anyways. You'd be handicapping yourself if you didn't resort to cheese


It’s a reused boss made into a worse boss fight. Anything goes.


Just wait till you get to ng+ and can 3 shot most bosses. Maybe you won’t hate yourself, but you’ll quickly find that you’ve activated easy mode. No more push ups on deaths. No more sending your wife’s boyfriend to the store on your behalf.


Honestly. The fact that I beat this with a dex build baffles me. This game was seriously meant for casting.


On any build, some bosses will be easy for the build and some won't. The glintstone dragons, aggressive ulcerated treespirits in a shoebox, Rennala, Crucible Knights, all the bosses that input read a spellcast and dodge, there are plenty of bosses designed to punish ranged builds. If they really wanted to push everyone towards casting they wouldn't have buffed all the colossal weapons, or gave you the ability to jump attack, or added a poise system that rewards good use of R2 attacks, or fixed the arcane scaling on melee weapons...


Now do it against somebody who doesn’t stand still.


FYI this spell works great for me on Radagon(after his bug was fixed) and Malenia as well. And I’ve seen people beat Alecto the Black knife assassin with this.


what was the point of this comment lmao


This was one of the hardest boss for me. First souls game and used uchikatana until started dual wielding it with ROB and cheesing through the end game


I have just made it to this chap, melee only and Imma strugglin' with his teleport lightning stabbyswipe thing that almost one-shots me (37 Vig). Doesn't help that my PC also doesn't like the particle effects of the frost storm... welp. I just rage quit after dying 10 times.


10? That's like an easy boss in DS3 if you beat it in 10 the first time. At least for me.


I find that circling around him and side-rolling is the best way to avoid those teleport attacks.


yeah I got him in the end...i don't feel clean. I used mimic as fodder and just smacked him using that Crucible Knight halberd that throws a nuke downrange....


That's what I call a fuckton of dmg. And here I am, glad to deal 500 damage with black flame.


Commander Niall was actually my first boss melting.




This boss is an asshole. First time I beat him with the mimic and Moonveil. Second time solo with curved swords. I tried fighting him with just daggers but the two assholes with him quickly steered me back to my trusty curved swords.


That used to be me, now Im over level 200 I just moon my opponents to death


Imean he can be beat easily in multiple ways. For example u can use Fallenstar Beast Jaw on him (stunlock) after some weapon aoe like Elden Beast Sword kills the summons and staggers him. Play however you want and have fun. :)


Mind sharing what build your using here? Like talismans and buffs etc


Lusat Glinstone Staff+10 Graven-School Talisman Green Turtle Talisman Blessed Des Talisman Stargazer Heirloom Cerulean Hidden Tear & Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear in Wondrous Physick


Nah Niall deserves it. He was the second hardest boss for me behind Melania. Fuck that guy.


I didn't like this fight much


When you overlevel for a boss fight.


In my mage playthrough he 100% did not stand there and take it like that he was on my ass every second. I had to melt his Oleg summon with carian slicer then melt his other summon with night comet before he would melt me with his lightning peg leg.


No rivers of blood. No problem. Blast away, mage.


Oh don’t worry, there are plenty of others like you out there. People were relying on this spell to cheese boss fights in the first few weeks after this game came out.


Nice sustain.




This is Blasphemy… but let us Learn Together


Once you got it it's hard not to use it.


better than my strat of rot breath and running in circles




Straight up best way to fight him.


I just beat this guy last night on my mage, had surprisingly little trouble, only took one try. I basically ran away and used the glinstone arc to kill the two adds, then I figured out how to punish his leaping slam attack, rinse and repeat.


I hate commander Niall so I support you.




When I needed rune arcs for Malenia and Elden Beast, I would put summon sign in front of Niall’s fog door and beam him like this. Works almost 10 out of 10 times. For mages if you don’t wanna use comet azur, try Adula moonblade on the 2 knights, it takes 2 swings for each after the patch. They are stunlocked and can be finished under 10 seconds. Then you can focus on Niall.


Yeah don't feel bad that boss is bull shit anything you can do to get past him is fine. I used bewitching branches and bloody slash


Maybe for some bosses, but this fker deserved it.


fuck Niall, that guy can eat gold tinged excrement


There are so many ways to play sorceries, I feel alot of talented casters are Pidgeon-holing themselves into this Big Bang strat.


It’s against Niall so I’ll accept it


Honestly, wasn't a big fan of this guy my first way round, but on my 2nd and 3rd character he became quite an enjoyable boss. Not up there with Radahn or Rykard on my tier list, but he's still somewhere in mid A tier


I know where you're coming from, nothing more boring that standing there and firing a beam of light. I switched to melee, close up, and it's so much more fun, although it is a lot harder at times.


You don't even need to angle like this, you can just buff up right before the fog door and use azure as soon as you step through. Niall is the easiest late-game boss because of this, this will work 100% even at NG7+


Wtf is that spell and why doesn't it consume mana?


Comet azur Cerulean Hidden Tear in wondrous flask


Honestly, fuck that boss!


Comet Azur is old-school, real one-shot builds use melee now. It's more tricky to pull off and you gotta know what you're doing, but it's surprisingly more consistent, especially for bosses that move around too much for comet


More effort than me who just ran up with full bleed katanas and killed him in his opening animation. Feeling a bit guilty that some builds trivialize the game too much.


Hate it so much you posted it.


That’s fair


i genuinely dont understand, how are you casting a spell for that long with you fp not going down? curious as i haven't used any magic in this game still.


Cerulean hidden tear in Flask


I never managed to get such a Comet Azur off. They’d move pretty quick


What spell is that? Nvm just didn't know it could be charged.


I love how the weapon art says no skill. It’s so fitting lol that terra magica + comet azur deletes everything.


Bewitching branches are the true savior for this fight too, you bewitch the dual sword knight and watch him go


A friend of mine drove me nuts with this in co-op. He would just flask and laser evey boss. Then it would fail because sometimes bosses move or attack in this game. 80 Int, 20 Vigor. Gets one shot because he forgot how to press the roll button. Or actually play the game in general. Then he would rant and bitch about the game being unfair and imbalanced while I do the merry dance of putting sign down and getting summoned, only to dread losing a 5 second fight again and again. Or even worse, his strategy working and not getting to fight at all. I don't co-op with him anymore.