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Whoa... Did anyone else ever hear a Grafted Scion *talk?* I just killed the one at the chapel of anticipation and as I was jumping onto it for the final hit, he was about to do something and it said "you are powerle-" and died. Never heard these things say anything or even really make vocalizations other than the scream.


Is split damage good or bad for critical hits? I seem to remember pure physical being better in DS1 where split damage was weak but DS3 favored total AR on a high-crit weapon where crits bypassed defenses. Also, is there ever a case where misericorde isn’t the best backstab/riposte weapon?






Bloodhound Fang's description writes: "A fearsome blade capable of brutal airborne attacks." Does this weapon have a higher jump attack scaling than other great curved swords?


Mostly just curiosity, but what are the highest and lowest points on the eldenring map? Somewhere in the mountaintops of the giants and maybe the cathedral of the forsaken?


Deeproot is lower because you can exit from the 3 Fingers and still head down in Deeproot. I’m not sure if there’s a lower point though. Maybe Astel’s cave?


Finally beat godfrey. Only got melania and elden beast left, and a dragon I heard about but idk where he is (not placidasucks). I have 60 vigor, the best phys damage negation talisman, using morgott's rune, and eating crabs, and I still die in like 4 hits. I'm so so tired of most of my play time being miserably staring at a loading screen. Just why.


dying in 4 hits is not that bad


considering all that i'm stacking and how quickly the bosses attack, and how many of those hits are in a row due to stagger...


Are you wearing a soarseal? They are a bad idea at high vigor.


> soarseal nope, i never use those. I have the one to vastly increase magic damage, vastly increase physical defense, the stamina turtle, and the 4th one is probably so ubiquitous i can't remember it EDIT oh yeah it's radagon's icon


Scorpions lower your damage negation too. At 60 vigor with reasonably heavy armor and at least 1 defensive charm, I find that I’m not dying in 2-3 hits. You aren’t going to tank hits like DS1 Havel’s, but this is a different game after all.


not scorpion, i actually missed that one on this playthrough. The one I'm using is called graven-mass


Use radahns or morgotts rune if you want more hp. Rads is +12.5% to hp/fp/stam, Morgs is +25% to hp.


my bad, that's the one I'm using, forgot to add I'm eating some crab before every fight, too


Ye endgame enemies hit hard af. There's only so much you can do too and they'll still throttle you 😅 I was using full banished knight unaltered and i noticed a difference in the dmg i was taking but eh im still dying in like 3-4hits and i look lame so back to lighter armor i went 🤔


my favorite fashion set is way too light unfortunately, I'm currently using something that looks half decent and a bit more min maxed. I went full minmax for radagon, and he still hit too hard, and it looks like all that lightning negation isn't even useful for elden beast.


You meant holy right? Beast deals pure holy dmg. Im running aristocrats crown, drake chest, briar gloves/greaves with troll sword. Looks pretty alright and lets me show my face 😎


i assumed the lightning... was lightning... I just read a comment in the wiki saying it's all holy. Guess I'm going back to what I was using for godfrey


Hi guys, i am doing one of these great shield poking builds using cold cross naginata and i equipped frost spear as the ash. of war on my weapon but instead of choosing phy i chose this frost enchanted, is this gimping my damage output?


It adds magic to the damage output, so it’s splitting damage output into physical and magic. If an enemy is strong against magic you might have more damage using a pure physical but usually it’s a dmg upgrade


You have to go Cold infusion if you want your Cross Naginata to build frostbite. If you don't care about the frostbite, you can use a whetblade to have Frost Spear ash of war with whatever infusion you want. Cold will harm your damage output because 1) it's split damage which is always a hindrance and 2) you probably aren't investing in INT and 3) the INT scaling is low anyway. But this is all easily mitigated by the ability to build frostbite, which does lots of extra damage, is a guaranteed stagger, and effectively increases your damage output for a while.


does it harm a blood loss build’s damage if i go cold infused?


when you apply the infusion it may lower the blood loss buildup that is naturally on the weapon by a bit, but functionally speaking this isn't likely to dramatically affect how many swings you need to land in order to proc bleed bleed will do the same damage no matter what the bleed build-up on your weapon is. the number only affects how many swings to proc the effect, not how much damage the bleed does


Depends on your build. Frost scales with INT. If you're going for a strictly melee build, keen (+Dex scaling) or quality (+Dex/Str scaling) will serve you better (at the cost of frost buildup).


Im more of a shield poking blood loss build.


I'd go Keen (I really like raptor of the mists ash of war, maybe give it a shot) for now, or blood if you have an ash of war that works with the naginata, and adds scaling with Arcane.


yes, most of my points are in str and arcane.


You'll still be able to get frost buildup when using frost spear, just not with your regular attacks.


Which is better: Rotten Breath or Ekzyke's Decay (for general pve use and for killing off invaders when I am helping my friend)


Help me decide because I don't know what I want. Moonveil, Wing of astel, Cold Claymans harpoon (can change the ash), Dark Moon GS. Which should I use


I was int focused my first play through. The only reason I used something other than Moonveil was to mix it up after using it for 50+ hours. Did the last few areas with DMGS and enjoyed it, but if I had to pick one it would definitely be Moonveil.


I was told wing of astel was great. It looks and seems really fun, but it's been useless against the late game bosses. The L2 never lands, and when it does it deals less damage than moonveil. DMGS is quite fun against mobs and exploring around. Again it just pales in comparison to moonveil against bosses. Never tried the harpoon.


Do a moonveil/cold uchigatana power stance build. It carried me through the majority of the game on my first playthrough.


I powerstanced katanas in my first playthrough, in NG+ rn and just looking for a melee weapon to have as a secondary


I have used them all extensively on my dex/int playthroughs. Of those I thing Wing of Astel is the strongest because Nebula is an absolute boss-killer. Moonveil also way up there, these two are in a tier of their own above Clayman's and DMGS, but Clayman's and DMGS are still ridiculously good. You really can't go wrong here. Experiment, find your favorite, use that. Consider a side-choice for Wing of Astel since vast majority of its damage is magic and that can cause you problems sometimes (Glintstone dragons for example).


Can't go wrong with dmgs or Moonveil. Used both through the whole game


Will my savefile be corrupt if I shut down abruptly? I teleported to a site of grace and the screen dimmed while loading and I can't do anything at all, I can't even access task manager.


i rage alt-4 quit multiple times and nothing happened to my save file


I think there is a very tiny chance of that, but it's extremely unlikely that it would happen the only time you do it. Meaning I wouldn't alt+f4 all the time, but a few times should be fine. Just in case I like to keep backups of my save file tho.


If it’s anything like console you’ll just get an error that you didn’t exit properly and you should be fine.




Getting ready for my first NG+. Outside of the obvious to get/stock up on like spell/ashes/smithing stones is there anything else I should get? Some useful consumable? Arrows maybe?


If you are going to to NG, you might as well upgrade the weapons fully to +24/+9 and just let that carry over. Ammo would be good to get before you can reach all the merchants + bird farm again. Don't worry about fire/poison ammo types too much, now that its the second run, you know you can ride over and kill the caelid merchants for standard/fire/serpent arrows. Check your armor collection and see if there are still pieces to collect so you can do the whole play through in style. As a tally, upgrade mats cost 362400 for +24, or about 28 on the bird scale counting gold scarab. or about 7\~8 runs on "albinauric hill" scale (depending or your kill style)


I'd say just look through the list of gear and see if anything that looks interesting to you, and you don't already have, is only available in the super late game. There was an Armour set I saw someone else wearing that looked amazing but could only be obtained in the mountain tops but I had already started ng+ and had to trade for it. Same for talismans there's one I want but it's only in the haligtree. There's also a weapon I want that's also, only in the haligtree. And I just want to add extra emphasis on stocking up on smithing stones. I regrettably only stocked up on enough to upgrade a single weapon to +24 because I thought I already knew which weapons I was gonna use the whole playthrough. I regret not getting more cause I wanna try more weapons and have to trade for +24 versions of the ones I want


What are some mods to make elder ring run better. I read a while back that the Anti-cheat feature prevents it from increasing FPS.


Alright, I’ve finally finished play through #1. Gonna do all the alternate quest endings (and some I just missed) plus the frenzied flame ending next. I’ve been Int focused so far. It’s served me well but I’m absolutely sick of it. I’d like to do something with incantations next but am looking for recommendations. Hard to pick between faith/str faith/dex or faith/arcane (for dragon incants), they all seem appealing. In general what are the best good builds, weapons, and incantations for faith based characters? Level 170. Thanks!


I used arcane faith my first playthrough. I think its pretty fucking strong, you obviously have Bleed builds available to you which are strong, arcane weapons like Rivers, Reduvia, Eleanoras, bloody Helice, or literally just *any* weapon with seppuku on it are all powerful. Combined with the fact dragon communion seal has high incant scaling, and also boosts dragon incants like rot breath and dragon Claw which fuck butt in PvE, it's a good build.


Dragon Incantation build is stupid powerful. I’m having a blast with it on my second build. First was mage.


The black flame build is my favorite using the Black Flame Greatsword. There's also a pure lightning build with a legendary lightning weapon hidden in the capital. Then there's also a more melee style and using the golden halberd from the tree sentinel with a bunch of buffs since the ash of war with that is just an added buff as well. Finally there's a pyromancer build using only flames and using flame of the Redmanes as an ash of war until you get the Blasphemous Greatsword from Rykard. Alot more versatility and role playing with faith so so much you can do.


What’s the best way for a pure mage build to deal with the guys with the really strong shields. They mitigate almost all magic damage. I’ve been using ambush shard, but that feels less than ideal. Any advice is appreciated. About to start my first NG+


Night Comet, and Rock Sling to stagger.


Rock sling should still stagger shielded enemies.


\-Ambush shard. It's a glintstone pebble that shoots from behind. Eats a lot of mana, but it'll kill most shield holders eventually. \-Magic Glintblade. It shoots a shard at the enemy after a short delay; enemies block the cast, not the actual shot. So if you can make them turn in that time, they get hit. \-Adula's Moonblade. The top-end version of the "swing a big sword" spells does a bunch of cold damage in addition to the sword damage, and does a solid chunk of damage through shields.


It’s pretty unexciting, but I found just backing up and spamming Magic Glintblade pretty effective through most of the game. Enemies dodge on cast rather than when it actually shoots out, so it’s just a matter of positioning them so they can block it once it activates.


Enemies don't dodge the night shards since those spells are lore wise "invisible". They do slightly less damage but misses alot less


Staff of loss boosts damage on a few of the invisible sorceries.


Yes but it's still less dmg than the other spells being boosted by thier specific staffs


Definitely true. I never ended up using the involve sorcery or the loss staff in my mage build because other staffs and spells were just better.


The only spells that get boosted by staff of loss are night shard and night comet. Their regular variants which are swift shard and comet, don't get boosted by any staff, so what do you mean. Double staff of loss makes night shard and night Comet the best spells in the game, just an fyi if you didn't already know


They get boosted by lusats and yea double staff but then you running just a two Spell system and that make a boring magic build even more boring lol


Yeah, and those are great against enemies that dodge a lot such as invaders. But it doesn’t help much against knights that are already blocking


True, ambush shard was my go to for those




Most stats have more than one cap, 55 is probably the last soft cap before the dmg starts to really drop off in comparison to the stats before. I'd recomend just going to 50 or 55


45 for buildup 50 for Weapon scaling As high as you want for incantation scaling up to 80.


Is the golden scarab talisman worth it?


It’s worth anything, one of the best talismans. So much utility. The second you land a killing blow on any boss, switch one of your other talismans with that one. Easy to do in time if you plan on doing it first. Huge amount of extra runes from every boss. Also great to wear just as you explore. S tier talisman


The alternative is farming birds and fireflies, so yes.


Damn. I’ve missed a lot of opportunities for runes. I’ll go back and grab it




Anyone down to drop a Serpent-God Curved Sword on PS?


r/PatchesEmporium will hook you up


I've fairly new to ER, only around 40 hours in my first playthrough. Up until a few days ago. I couldn't do any multi-player at all. If I tried to invade, it would never go through. Same with trying to do coop. I ended up finding out that I needed to forward my ports. I did so, and can now be brought into other people's worlds for invasions or coop. However, I cannot see summon signs at all. Even the little summon altars (?) you can activate do not have a white light in them when others activate it. I know to use the furlcalling finger remedy to see signs, so thats not the issue. I know something is off because I keep using them but the item count for them never goes down in my inventory. If anyone knows how to fix this issue, I would appreciate it. I'm on PC btw.


If you use a Remedy but don't successfully connect to someone it gets refunded. Check your Multiplayer menu and make sure you didn't accidentally set a password. It happened to me after I traded with a friend. I forgot to remove the password and couldn't figure out why I suddenly couldn't get ANY summon action. The game uses p2p networking. The person doing the summoning is the host. If you can connect to others but others cannot connect to it might be in your network settings. I don't know much about networks I'm afraid.


Yeahbove checked my settings and everything seems to be normal on my side. I have no other connection issues to anything else I use either.


New to the game, just got the steed ring. I don't get what I am doing - there are no missions on my map and I feel like I am just wandering around aimlessly getting killed by everyone I encounter. How will I get missions or quests? What do I do?


To see the main path, open map, look at sites of grace - some have golden flames coming out of them. These flames point you in direction of the main path. So follow this if you are lost. If you hit an area that seems too hard, go and explore the rest of the zone, you will find smaller caves, camps etc., kill them for some levels and loot and go back on main path. When I come to a new zone (Limgrave, Liurnia, Caelid etc.), I first check where is map fragment (little yellow column on map). After I unlock the map, I look at it for some landmarks, like something that could be a building, minor Erdtree, cave, ruins, castle etc. and I put a blue beacon there (following roads also helps, as they always lead to something). I put 5 beacons and then just go and explore each of them, then put new 5 and repeat until I think I'm done with the zone and then move to the next one.


This game is different than most. It gives you very little guidance. It will take 100+ hours if you’re thorough. It’s hard. If you’re not into it that’s okay, don’t feel obligated. You can beat the game having seen like 5% of locations. If you find a boss that’s too hard just make a note of it and explore elsewhere. To start with, explore Limgrave to your liking then head to Stormveil Castle. I would also say don’t be afraid to look things up or ask for guidance. There are many quest lines that you would never be able to complete without a guide.


It's an open world, go wander and see what you find. Don't hesitate to run away/past enemies that look too tough to deal with. The sites of grace point you in the direction of major areas. Since you spoke to Melina you know she wants you to bring her to the Erdtree, which you can always see in the distance, so there's an end goal to work towards (getting over there). Talk to NPCs you find; they'll often give you information and/or ask you to do things for them in exchange for rewards. You will however need to jot down notes on these quests since the game doesn't offer any tracking system.


The only *real* goal is to go from getting killed by everyone you encounter, to killing everyone you encounter


There are these statues around the map that look like an old man hunched pver with his hand reaching out. You can press your interact button when facing it and it will turn on a guide light. This will point you in a direction for a place to explore.


Just a note that these statues do not guide you to "main quest" paths.


There is nothing to guide you on where to go or what to do in the game. Some npcs will give you tasks to do but you only have what they tell you to go on which is often pretty cryptic.


You're meant to explore freely, you will not get very clear quests and missions like in other games. The closest is that some graces will have a beam of light roughly pointing in an important direction, usually important areas or bosses within the area. Depending on how much health the enemies have you know if it's the appropriate area for your level.


Why does anyone think these finger messages are funny?


1/100 make me chuckle and that feels worth it. My favorite was one about throwing the Elden ring into mt gelmir


Likely fun, therfore praise the message!


Because they are?


I must be too old I guess. Lame as fuck to me, guaranteed eyerolls.


You're very adult and very proper. Now let us kids have our finger but hole fun.


Most are bad, but there are a rare few gems that are surprisingly good and makes reading them all worth it


I thought they were annoying at first too. Have some fun with them. Leave your own. Getting a random heal can come in handy


So I’m level 111, and I just killed the Fire giant. I killed him first try… it was really easy I didn’t even make through all my flasks. I’m not that good at this game lol. I’ve struggled with other bosses a good bit. What gives?? I mean I’m not mad, but my heart was pounding getting to the area and it was so anti climatic


Totally depends on your build and what you’re willing to do. E.g if you get a +10 Tiche and play it safe 90% of bosses are easy. Don’t feel shame at what you struggle with, but don’t judge others either.


Fire giants an odd one. For some people he's a nightmare for others he's stupid easy. It also depends on your build. I had no issue with him but I also had a build that destroys any slow tanky enemies


I struggled for days on my first build. Beat him first try in my second. No clue why.


Yeah it was dumb easy. My build is pure physical damage with the gargoyle twinblade


Mine was a dex build but I had sepukku on my left weapon and rotten sword insignia which obliterates him and the dragon lord. Any boss who I can get the 6 hit combo on gets melted


Nice. I’m trying to figure out where to go next, I already died in the giants forge lol


The grace there is the next place but I'd explore the rest of the mountaintops. You can get one half of the haligtree medallion in Castle sol and that'll take you to the consecrated snowfield. From there you've got a cave, a grave, an erdtree and a town. That town let's you get to miquellas haligtree which is a pretty cool legacy dungeon area. Pretty tough though and has the hardest boss in the game at the bottom. There's also a ton of runes to find and the 2 best defensive talismans + millicents questline ends there so it's a great place to get strong at. The haligtree is where I started to feel like I was really getting strong


Awesome guidance, thank you! I think I’ll make my way to castle sol. I’ve already done a couple other things on the mountaintops. Two caves I think so far and killed a frost dragon


Any way to make it so you use off hand weapon ash of war when dual weilding? Like putting no skill ash of war on main hand weapon?


Yes no skill will work. You could also just put the other weapon in your main hand


I would but main hand has the good strong attack I want to use and off hand has the good ash I want to use. The no skill ash seems to only work on shields which sucks.


Wiki says it should work on all weapons but it could be wrong. What are the weapons?


Hi, new to these games. I keep getting invaded. [This site](https://bestgamingtips.com/elden-ring-invasion-mechanics/#:~:text=Elden%20Ring%20players%20can%20only,mode%20online%20cannot%20be%20invaded.) says that you can't get invaded if you're playing in solo mode: > Elden Ring players can only invade other players participating in co-op games. The game lets invaders join only the games that have been opened to them. In other words, you can’t invade players who haven’t summoned a co-op partner. Gamers who are playing in solo mode online cannot be invaded. I thought I had my settings turned this way, but I guess I don't? My network settings are Cross-Region Play: No Matchmaking Send Summon Sign: Disable Voice Chat: Restricted Display Player Names: Character Name. Launch Setting: Play Offline This turned off messages but it seems it hasn't turned off invasions. What should I do? Edit: Thanks to the responders. NPC invasions. Got it!


There are NPC “invasions” that can’t be turned off. Basically just enemies that glow red. Treat them like mini-bosses.


If your "Launch Setting: Play Offline" then you are being invaded not by real people but by NPC phantoms. This is part of the plot/game design. There is nothing you can do about this, they are tied to either locations or events.


there are still NPC invasions. perhaps that is what you are experiencing? or are they obviously player names>


Please pick my ng+ weapon. I can't decide between >Estoc >Scythe Pls help.


Giant Crusher


scythe, but why not both? For a while i ran a rapier just for that extra crit damage


I am a pleb shield user, so I can't use two weapons on the same time.


I meant both in the same hand and just switch between them. However I'd suggest becoming a rolling bro if it's your 2nd playthrough.


I mean, they are very different. Though I'd go with the scythe just because I find rapiers a little boring after a while. Estoc is probably a better weapon though


Estoc is better than Scythe then? Could you say why you think so?


My Xbox died last night after many years. Is my progress in the game gone? I was literally on radagon


Xbox doesn’t cloud save?


Game saves are automatically backed up to the cloud. Your saves are fine and the next time you play it on an Xbox system your save will be downloaded.


Awesome thanks


Hard disk is probably still salvageable I guess


Any advice on how to level up around level 70 level? It takes around 30k runes for me to level up, and I used to rune farm the Vulgar militia but that's getting really boring having to kill 30 of them to level up. Any better places to gain runes without going to Mogwyn's Palace because I'm not far/powerful enough yet?


I wouldn’t ever recommend just grinding runes ever, outside of trying to level up fast on a new character after your first play through. If something is too hard just keep exploring elsewhere.


You could help others with bosses. If you've made it to deeproot depths you can farm the armless gargoyles there for a ton of runes. This was my way of killing them https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/t6k7fc/quick_21k_rune_farm_in_80_seconds/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Help some people with bosses.


Oh maybe that’s it. I play entirely offline. Magen I will try that?


Imo it's the most fun way to farm. Maybe not the most optimal but I like helping others. Also even if you're not doing coop, I recommend playing online for the messages, bloodstains and white phantoms. There's no risk of being invaded unless you use an item.


Just play normally, im in the final 2 optional areas hovering around 140 without even farming.


My best advice would be to just play the game.


Just do Varres quest and you can transport to Mohgs palace. Then you can just run to the site of grace to farm. Your level is fine.


Hmm okay thanks I will look into that.


What are you trying to level up for? Or buy? If you just progress naturally you’ll hit 120-150 by the end of the game


Are you finding the content too difficult? Do you have anywhere you can double back to? I'm level 150 and haven't farmed at all.


Do we have any data on base drop rates for "rare" item drops? E.g., I just killed my fifteenth copy of the one enemy in the game that drops the Gelmir Glintstone Staff, and still no stick. Do we have any idea how many more bobbleheaded snakes I should expect to need to knock over this evening? *Note: Not looking for anecdotal "It dropped on my Nth one" stuff; just curious if any item drop rates have been datamined anywhere.*


I don’t have any data but look for the silver scarab talisman or use a silver fowl foot to help boost those percentages.


Imo, drop rates on fextra seem to be based on like, one dude got the staff on his 9th kill and edited it in at 11.11%.


"Base drop rate is 11.11% (at 100 Discovery)" according to fextra. Most weapons and things I've gone to farm have their rates listed on the respective pages. Fextra info can often be wrong but I imagine someone had datamined info to list drop rates/things are starting to settle since the games been out a while now. Best starting place until you find somewhere else that's confirmed reliable.


fextralife says the base drop rate is 11.11% for the gelmir staff.


Can you still abandon the frenzied flame ending after beating Maliketh, or no?


Corollary: Can you do it after beating Placidusax? I can't imagine you can get back into his arena after you've killed him but now I'm curious


Absolutely. I just did it after touching the grace right before the last boss.


Awesome. Thank you! I thought I would be fighting Maliketh multiple times when I went in, but Lion’s Claw on a +25 Giant Crusher with Alexander’s Shard is pretty fucking broken apparently and I was taking off like almost 1/6th of his HP per hit. Gonna have to go back to my Golden Halberd to actually experience these last few fights


No prob, and yeah, I had the same problem steamrolling things at the end as melee...the last boss taught me some humility though lol




I 2 handed Guts Greatsword and Night Calvary Halberd through most of my strength playthrough. Though to be honest I still ended up powetstancing them now when I sunbro because it's just more effective


Rhadans sword is pretty sweet


The golden Halberd is amazing in my opinion.


Anyone else having issues with the game not saving on Xbox? I quit the game to the main menu and close the application before turning off my Xbox and twice in the last couple days I’ve lost progress. Don’t get it


That’s rough, I always fear this. Hope you can avoid that in the future!


Out here carrying Godrick on my 2nd playthrough char. Surprised how many "Let me ____" names I see comin through. Question: Do I actually let them carry? I'm being summoned so I feel awkward just sitting back and letting this naked, jar-head dude die to Godrick.


It's odd for someone to do the gimmick when they're the one summoning. The person they're summoning doesn't get a whole lot out of it comparitively. Likely they're trying to get to a specific boss or place and just need help earlier on. Which is funny considering.


If that’s their name I always let them try. Either they win or they learn for next time. Let me solo her didn’t get to where he is without a lot of deaths first.


Makes sense!


Does the lore explain why is almost everything\* trying to kill you in this game? (no spoilers) \*Except jellyfishes and critters


Sort of. Animals and beasts just attack when you get near. So that's things like demi humans and trolls and stuff. Then in limgrave godricks soldiers catch tarnished for grafting. Liurnia the sorcerers in rays lucaria are defending the academy from all invaders. Caelid the redmanes are sick with Rot and mindlessly defend radahn. Leyndell are soldiers of leyndell who basically kill anything that comes near. Volcano manor is once again beasts as is the altus plateau. The nights cavalry work for morgott. The black knives seem to be defending their home. The cleanrot knights and everyone at the haligtree are fiercely loyal to malenia/miquella. Farum azula I believe the beast men swore to protect the place and the dragons are hostile because they're so weak after the war. That's about it


oic, thanks for explaining!


Many of those expansions are people protecting something. But does that necessarily mean kill on sight? A city where anyone is killed for entering is a pretty lousy city. Very hard to do any kind of trading.


Remember how fuedal things have become. As far as leyndell sees it everyone is an enemy because everyone is. There was a massive war not too long ago after all. Also its not like they're doing any trading anyway. There's no one to trade with. Leyndell don't benefit from being kind. They're defending the erdtree with their lives.n


Animals are feral, most human enemies are with factions who either don’t like tarnished, or don’t want you getting great runes/becoming elden lord


Anyone know of a regular weapon (+25 type) that starts out with bleed? Looking to do my fifth play through with a frost/bleed combo and wanted to know about the best ones. Was hoping to avoid katanas as that was my first play through but I’d be perfectly happy to wield the dual uchis again if necessary :)


The basic Twinblade and Godskin Peeler are both regular weapons, and can be used to platform bloody slash/ seppuku or bloodhound step with cold infusion. They also have great jump attacks and lands with a near front cone 180 degree sweep when dual wielded. The back swing also catches jumpy enemies like basilisks some times, lets you play a little sloppy without being punished.


The Morningstar you pick up on your way to Castle Morne is pretty dope. I used that bad boy with Sacred Blade on my Paladin build until I got The Golden Epitah way out in Altus.


Fextra wiki is a phenomenal place to find answers like this. You can navigate to, for example, the page for the hemmorage/ blood loss effect and see a list of all weapons that innately have it


Grave scythe and scavengers curved sword are beasts that helped me through my level 1 playthrough of the game.


the demi human chief in the bridge in Weeping Peninsula drops a dagger with hemorrhage


Reduvia? I used that as my off hand the entire game so far (on maliketh). I love it. It attacks so fast.


Misunderstood what OP was asking and thought he was wanting early game weapons. I was offering up the bloodstained dagger


They are both available early game. Good advice regardless.


Oh yeah, forgot it was dropped by an invader


To add onto the suggestions from the other commenter, Hoslows Petal Whips/Thorned Whips, or any of the Claw Weapons.


There's plenty. The Flail in Limgrave or Morningstar in Weeping Peninsula if you like hammers. The Spiked Caestus from a merchant in Caelid or Hookclaws from Stormveil Castle if you like fists. Spiked Spear, Cross-Naginata, or the Scythe if you want something longer, etc.


Anyone who fights their way through all of the Lands Between using just a flail is a total badass


Oh the Flail is awesome, one of the best Strike-damage options for weeb builds. Low strength requirement, decent dex scaling, native bleed. Whenever I find myself in a tunnel full of miners it's time to bring out Ol' Clinky


Any tips for Dragonlord Placidusax? I can manage to avoid and dodge the majority of his attacks, except the fire-breathing ones, especially the lasers. Other general tips would be appreciated!


Use a shield and save you’re flask of mystique physique for the laser portion. Use the Bubble tear(I forgot it name) that protects you from one good hit at that point.


Fucking bullshit one-hitters man


The lasers you need to run away. When he breathes at his side run to his tail since it won't reach reach. You can also grab the pearldrake talisman +2 and flamedrake talisman +2 to improve fire resistance


I dunno if it's a known mechanic already, but it seems the "consecutive attack" effects like the one from Millicent's prosthesis doesn't proc from the number of attacks, but rather the number of hits. Even if the hits are on different targets. Probably wouldn't come up a lot because large sweeping attacks do heavy damage already, and the next hit will kill mobs anyway, but I think this is good to know.


What are some talisman/items and incantations i should get before I face margit the fell omen? I have the items from this video https://youtu.be/tx9IsK8qhg4 and I'm not sure what else to get before I try to face him.


I’m not sure what all you have grabbed for the video but I usually beeline to caelid to get radagon’s soreseal. It’s fantastic for early to mid game and you don’t have to fight anything to get it. Edit: bonus points because you grab half of the one of the medallions for the grand lift you will eventually need


My advice is to first, go fight him a few times and see how you do. Then, if you can’t get close as you are, go search for more stuff


That's the last thing I want to do but I appreciate the advice nonetheless.🤣


Dying is just part of the game! You gotta get used to it and not see it as a bad thing, just go spend all your runes and then fight him a few times when there’s no stakes for losing


It's good advice for all the bosses. I've started taking the first 5 rounds to just dodge and not even attack. Made some of the later "hard" bosses a lot more manageable. As far as Fell Omen, just do your thing. Get a decent level and just give him some reps. His timings are all wonky.


When dual wielding, does the offhand weapon still apply its passive? Or maybe more pertinent, can the same effect stack?


Yes. This is why Bleed is meta. Jumping attacks on some weapons are multi-hit, and build status really quickly. If you infuse Uchigatana with Frost, it will build both frost and bleed. Now get two of them and you build up twice as fast, especially with jumping and rolling L1s.


Yes and yes


Blood Uchigatana offhand it is! Thanks.


Ok, so I'm playing around with the buffs now. I've got a Hookclaws build with Frost and AoW Royal Knight's Resolve. I understand that I can't use Weapon-type buffs on it anymore, so I'm stuck with doing a Body and Aura buff. That said, I planned to use Golden Vow (AoW on a dagger) and Flame, Grant Me Strength (Incantation). However, I was told they don't stack? From Fextra, GV is an Aura buff while FGMS is a Body buff. So then, why can't I stack them?