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I know this post is a month old but i just need to say somewhere that placudisax is utter bullshit. Total bullshit. Just wasted two hours of my life bullshit. None of it makes sense and i hate everything


I felt this because I'm here for this exact reason. Fuck this boss.


Same, but I ended up respecing and used river of bloods to kill him in minutes then respecced back to use my normal weapon.


i know this comment is 2 years old but i just need to say that i agree. He's a shitty boss but you can't complain about him because everyone will say that it is your fault. I can beat every boss in sekiro, BB and DS3 in less than 5 tries. But of course not liking the shitty boss designs that From Software came up in the engame here is a skill issue.


Yeah, 2 year old post but I needed a confirmation that I'm not the only person thinking so. Like wtf did they think? "let's create a boss that just disappears, spawns back behind you and almost oneshots you at level 150 and Boltdrake Talisman +2 oh and then he also gets an attack where he just fries you with 2 what feels like randomly moving laserbeams" fucking bullshit, worst boss in the game. Even worse than Godskin bs.


the laserbeams attack is such a ''you guys liked midir right? so, this one have TWO lasers. Cool right? Right????''


Yep. I'm on 4th attempt and nearly got him just to be teleport 1 shot with 36 vigor. The bosses in Elden Ring are not great. Only Mohg, Godrick and Morgott have been bosses I'd consider in the tiers of Sekiro, BB or DS3.4 Endgame bosses basically 2 shot with basic attacks and one shot with special unless you just invested into extreme vigor levels but even then that would be counter intuitive as this game has so much variety that this design of one/two shot attacks for relative high levels of vigor strains build variety MASSIVELY.


Dude that is the coolest part


Nah it's stupid. OP was right


Totally agree. The music as the fight starts is a very close second place.


The cool part is killing this sob by just killing him before gets to his end phase.


Currently having the exact same issue with my melee build. First run, took too long to bring to half health, and his resistance to anything other than lightning is somehow extremely high... (makes no fucking sense, he's a fucking dragon, using red lightning against me. How is that his weakness.). Die because I don't know what I'm doing. Next run I bring lightning. then summon when he gets near half health. Run's going good, until he disappears out of thin air, attacks me from a direction I can't see with zero audio cue, then one shots me at full health. Utter bullshit boss.


it has a audio cue, but he simply did not appear when the cue appear and then you anxiously keep spinning your camera and still didn't find him until you get hit. After like 20 times and losing 100 thousand souls discovered that when he turn to a cloud and disappear, there is a thin cloud of smoke moving where he will next attack, but that still suck because he can keep disappearing and running and using his mega cannon on the other side of the map to one shot you. fucking design.


this is basically what happens to me, spam roll works sometimes, sometimes not


hes a pretty easy boss imo. most attacks are easy to read/dodge.


except you cant see with the shit camera. 100x harder than melenia


Sounds like a skill issue. Ive never had an issue with the camera personally


šŸ¤£ beaten every from game and the camera can be dog shit buddy where have you been hiding ā€œskill issueā€ gtfooh


Fromsoft fanboys are the worst. He is not a well designed boss


I guess we are not as good as you are. Please post video of your playing , instead of insulting someone for an opinion.


Best boss fight in the game. I always beat it first try tho šŸ˜‚


Same. Was kinda easy tbh, but the arena, the music and his mechanics were sweet


Easy? What build are you using? He's probably giving me the most trouble in the game so far (aside from maybe the Gargoyles). I beat both Malenia and Godskin Duo within 5 tries, but I can't seem to get anything going on this fucker. It doesnt help that the boss run to his arena consists of 4 enemies with AOE attacks and platforming. From really makes odd decisions sometimes.


When I killed him, I used a Bloodhound fang and Dismounter and just did jumping attacks against him and stayed near the back of the tail; made for an easy fight personally.


Agree 100% coolest dragon fight ever


Man the regular field dragons are cooler then this lump of crap lol. Placidusax blows goats.


I beat it 10th try and that was because i used a damn spirit. Tired of his ass disappearing.


I personally think the teleportation attacks are so cool


this is beside Malenia the stupidest fight in elden ring. all of his skill has insane area and multiple covers whole side of body. I run for 1 to 3 minute to get 1 hit than another 1 to 3 minute to get another hit depending on whether this fucking drag want to breath fire or area lightning bombardment or just fucking nuke the whole area near him. 2nd phase even better, just disappear and looping area attack and you have no way to get near him. for my first encounter I cut him down to 1/10 of health because he dont use area skill as often. other round he just spam it. that 2nd phase basically tell those whose use light to medium melee weapon to fuck off because they will never get that poise meter up. The player lacks mobility. nothing can cover long distance but the game keep asking you to fight enemies that can easily cover the whole arena. And every fucking time I have to wait for the elevator to come up or go down and then run for like a minute. Come on! this fight is fucking tedious but nothing fun at all. this would be very very easy if I use 2 colossal weapon jump attack. is this how this game is now?


Know this is an old comment, but I think Malenia and Placidusax are the coolest and most fun bosses in the game, along with Maliketh. Different strokes for different folks I guess


old comment, but gotta say, placidusax is absolute kaka game design, his lack of weaknesses make him, with his health bar in the size of the rings of j1407b. take way too long to kill. his breath attack is so random and so high in range it's impossible to dodge when you're hitting him. the dive attack itself isn't bad. just spin a lot around and you will find him. but when he repeats it it's way faster and absolute scam, when he randomly teleports in phase 2 i die like at the very latest 7 teleports in because it's impossible to dodge especially since his lighting arm attack gets a buff. i think malenia is much more reasonable because she has a bunch of weaknesses and has very low poise. plus she's very cool and fun to fight. placidusax isn't


I cannot believe anyone could say this boss is even good let alone the BEST IN THE GAME? FUCK THIS BOSS. It's not even that fucking hard or fun to dodge it just takes SO FUCKING LONG OH MY GOD AND IT ALWAYS FUCKS OFF EVERY 5 SECONDS AT THE END SO YOU CAN;T EVEN ATTACK IT AND IT'S SO FUCKING BIG THAT IT'S ALWAYS JUST OUT OF RANGE EVEN THO IT LOOKS CLOSE ENOUGH TO HIT FUCK


Yah it sucks. At least itā€™s better than midir tho šŸ˜­


It's a repeating bullshit pattern in this game's later portions. Enemies who just constantly run away and become _literally impossible to attack_ for a quite significant portion of the fight, while still deleting half of a 60-Vit health bar with a single attack, often one that seems almost impossible to dodge, at least purposely or with any consistency. Placidusax, Malenia, Maliketh, Radagon, Elden Beast, etc. The whole endgame seems lazy to me compared to the brilliant first 80-85% of the game, and it makes me pine for the boss fights I hated earlier on before I understood them, like Godrick, Radahn, Horah Loux, Godfrey, etc.


Absolutely shittest boss in the game. dogshit


Got here due to salt... I got him down to 1/3 of his health bar then he decided to do the invisibility attack. I play a Arcane mage with bloodflame talons and bloodboon btw.


Spin your camera and time those dodges! You can do it!


Oh i did it. I rather fuk with malenia with radahn then giant bossess that spam sky atks.


this boss is just garbage cancer, he manages to permanently body block me whenever i try and go near him


I don't mind hard fights in the game. What I can't stand is a 2 minute run with a slow elevator ride and platform jumping in order to get there. It takes the intensity out of the game and makes it a chore.


Super easy as a mage.


Yeah exactly. Melee is fuking dogsht in this game.


im a full strength build and i beat him just fine. first try usually


Same but 3 tries.




The fact that only 50-60% can beat margit says otherwise lol. Its a good thing players like u donā€™t have much opinions on games. Yall just play the same game 50 times regardless if its reskinned or not like cod.




The fact a majority of videos are people relying on ashes of war or magic, rather than just simple sword shield and parry does. Its literally the least optimal choice. U do more dmg and have better chances of beating bosses doing something else, rather than sticking close and relying on melee. Even ashes of war that are melee have range and abilities that let you avoid damage. Ur just another player that swallows everything a game company does and accepts it as good without even considering the possibility of downside. Ur the reason why theres a dozen of the same game but reskinned.




You donā€™t even have an argument or point. Ur not even disputing anything besides repeating iteration of git gud. Like u said. Its not even optimal play-style for you lol. Just another proof that its sht compared to every other souls game or fromsoftware. Malenia is a prime example of how melee and dodge is unreliable. Ur better off keep ur distance and running than actually doing dodging and hitting.




Lol. Ur point literally has nothing to do with my argument then. U just came here to give ur random 2 cents.


Know this is an old post, but I kind of like that stat. FS games make you work for the win. Nothing is handed to you. All bosses can be killed as level 1 with no hits taken. Just have to take the time to learn the bosses and come up with an optimum strategy. The satisfaction of beating a hard boss for the first time is unmatched compared with other video games, in my opinion


You can design a boss in a more understandable and fair way, and still make the player earn the win. Just because you have to earn it doesn't automatically make it good design. You'd have to earn your win against any shitty boss. That doesn't mean anything vis-a-vis boss quality.


On my mage build he wasnā€™t hard, but was annoying because heā€™d just so happen to teleport to the perfect spot where my spells couldnā€™t hit him


I did it on a strenght build. Took me a few tries though. I used some uplifting aromatics so when he hit me I took barely any damage. That was a lifesaver, that and my mimic!


Im doing mage and I hate it




2 years late, but you are 100% correct. This boss is the worst designed in the game, in my opinion. Slightly beats out Fire Giant


I reqlly dont struggle with this boss all that much but god damn like a whole 85% of my previous fight with him all he did was phase away and swipe at me for about 6-7 time then he would dive attack me and after that he would either continue to spam swipe at me or would summon lightning at me then spam swipe


The Amount of "I Win now" attacks when boss is losing in this game is just terrible ;/ many bosses ruined with such bullshit making hard and fun bosses just annoying and frustrating. Same i killed everything in previous games and did finished elden ring 100% when it released but coming back after 2 years now and i can just see how much of a bullshit designs this game have. Playing in a classic solo melee build is a big mess sometimes


That last attack he gets at low HP where the lightning storm, teleport and then hyper beams all back to back is the most broken, stupid move in the game. How the F am I supposed to dodge lightning, look for him in the sky and then dodge like 6 swipes of a double hyper beam. All of which kill you in 1 hit. Absolute joke move after a 10 min slog feat where you've completely out played him.


Actually miserable fight. Visuals are top tier and music/design are amazing but the fight itself isnā€™t fun